The caster of fantasy

Esfia's decision PART5

Carefully fed the little guy warm water and carefully selected pulp. In less than a few minutes, he saw the little guy flying energetically and spinning around Ellie happily. Finally, he obediently fell on his shoulder and grabbed a few strands of hair. Seeing that Ellie did not refuse, he affectionately rubbed her with her little face. Neck.

After recovering, Ally is going to see how Sherry is doing. If I remember correctly, she seems to have been out for nearly a day and a half. Sherry is probably worried to death. Or has it been chased out?

It's a mistake not to ask Tilar before, but the safety of the little guy is more important. As long as she doesn't go to a strange place, there is absolutely no problem.

However, when the door of Tilar's house was opened (sometimes Allie was so familiar that she didn't need to knock on the door and went directly into other people's houses. The bigger reason was that this was the home of people from the same world...), Ellie felt that she was deeply wrong--

Sheri pressed Aunt Natana to the ground and looked at herself with a panic, so Ellie did what she would do now.

With a smile on her face, "Shirley, why don't you enjoy it? However, doing too much is not good for your health. Young people should learn to be temperd, hahahaha..."

Close the door.

She locked Sesili's desperate sadness behind her. Aili gently stroked the little goblin's head with her index finger and watched her comfortably squint and shake her body with the movements of her fingers. She always felt cured in an instant.

"It's a beautiful day..." Looking at the blue sky with no clouds and no sun, Ellie sighed like a 150-year-old man.

The door was opened again, and Cerri hugged Ellie with a panicked face: "That, that! Little Ellie is not what you think! I just accidentally fell and fell to Aunt Natana! Little Allie's mind is wrong!!!"

"After pressing the hat, Aili turned her head with a serious expression and sincere eyes: "Sherly... Do you think I will believe it?"

After a fight, Ellie sat back into the room and watched helplessly as Seshelie kept poking the goblin's trembling wings with her fingers, and the goblin kept running around on the table but did not fly. Except for occasionally tripping over her hair and standing up again, she just tried to shake her wings.

"Speaking of which, Aunt Natana, why is Tilar so loyal to painting that magnificent overpass?"

Natana still knows something about this problem. She put hot tea in front of Ellie and Sesiri, and Natana put down the tray and also sat on the chair: "Because I designed that overpass~~"


"That's right, because I was very short of money when I first got here, so I asked Tilar to find out what kind of work is suitable for sitting at home. At that time, there happened to be an expansion plan, so I submitted the design drawing of the overpass~~" Natana remembers this kind of thing very well. She I have full self-confidence in my own poems or designs.

Looking at Natana smiling naturally, Ellie can't say anything! Previously, it was poisonous to think that it was designed by a maniacs engaged in performance art, but it was actually the hand of Aunt Natana, who seemed to strictly abide by the rules and etiquette and aristocratic etiquette? This unfolding is too weird!

In fact, you can complain about why you design such a complicated thing. Well, that's it.

'Sould you like me to try?'

"Well... Why did Aunt Natana design such a tedious overpass? In this way, don't people spend more time walking? Ally looks like a curious baby and asks questions, Sethiri! Take good care of your shadow, and it's starting to tease the goblin again!

"Hm~~~ Maybe it's because I want everyone to be more leisurely? If people keep walking on the bridge, they will always meet acquaintances, won't they? And we can talk about it or something. I always feel that it's a good idea!"

You can't complain, you can't complain...

'Why, can't you do it?'

Ah, for this kind of guy who has good intentions from the beginning... I can't!!!

After sitting for about a quarter of an hour, Ellie stood up, and the goblin hurriedly flew to Ellie's thick and smooth hair to hide, but her long white hair was still so conspicuous in the purple jungle.

"Well, I'll leave for the time being. Seshely stayed there. I'll be back in a minute.

"Go well~~"

"Ye! Little Aili should come back early! I will warm up the bed!"

Allie, who has taken a few steps, almost fell to the ground...


What you do after making up your mind is much faster, for example--

"Little goblin, the synchronous invisibility begins." As soon as the words fell, the little guy who had been laughing happily immediately put on a serious expression, from the top of her head to the soles of Ellie's feet, gradually turned into a thin bubble and finally disappeared.

Starting the constant flight technique on the clothes, Ellie flexibly turned an arc in the air and flew up to the association station. This time, she had to directly press them to the ground and get up again!

Taley has never doubted his duty as a guard, such as a neat and straight uniform, a bright fire stick at his waist, a cap on his head, and most importantly, a scarf that can be seen in order with every wrinkle on his chest. Whenever and wherever, this is the most glorious part.

In his mind, this glorious small foreign building behind him is his support to maintain the harmony of the imprint city, the full name of truth and harmony... Well, the full name and the organization of the association.

When Allie walked over slowly, she saw a guard who stood on guard and was almost asleep. Anyway, it was harmonious enough that no one would harass her. It was no problem to be distracted and make up for sleep.

So Alice Shiran passed through the two guards and entered the foreign building, which she privately called 'Truth and Harmony (after infection)'.

Walking directly into the director-level office, a middle-aged woman pushed her glasses and asked doubtfully, "Are you?"

Allie answered bluntly, "It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you have recently found a floating city, right?"

The middle-aged woman took off her glasses and wiped them carefully. Her voice was very flat and there was no panic after being found secret: "That is to say, you also came for that floating city? But I'm very sorry that this floating city was the first discovered by us and the association, so please go back, even if you are a rare caster.

"What should you do if I say that thing is mine?"

A middle-aged woman suddenly raised her head and looked at the little girl in front of her who was not 1.5 meters tall and absolutely violated the law. She didn't believe that she was a legendary caster.

"I know you have a problem with my appearance, but I'm indeed a legendary caster - well, about the kind that is famous in one place, so now--"

Aili leaned over, took off her hat and gave a perfect mage salute. The little goblin on her shoulder also bowed her head seriously and saluted.

"Can you delete these current plans for floating cities? Although I'm still very afraid of the suffering lady, please don't underestimate us. I'm not the kind of evil caster who can... well, can freely drive the floating city to carry out wide-area bombing?

Falling about the word 'we' in Ally's mouth, the middle-aged woman nodded gently: "It's not a problem. I'll write a report to the upper class now... But do you really have a floating city of your own?"

Allie almost wants to give her a golden fist with Bigby's. Isn't that nonsense? Can't it say that you can silently walk here and treat the massive magic traps around you with triggering alarms and triggering physical traps against the enemy? It seems to be almost the same as within the association...

The conversation ended in a very pleasant atmosphere - this is just a one-sided idea of Allie. She is unwilling to face this place where although it is full of order on the surface, the seeds of chaos have long been rotten and hidden inside have begun to take root and sprout. Maybe when the dispute suddenly breaks out will affect her What about yourself!

At that time, you can come with a yang explosion to kill everyone.

'Then I was wanted by the Seal City? You're kidding!'

It's not bad. Why don't you just take the portal and run back after you kill them? At worst, just never come here again.

'That doesn't work either! Imprint City is a good place anyway, which may affect the operation of the whole multiverse. In addition, you should have a respectful attitude towards the gods, even if you don't believe in them...'

Ah, ah, ah, ah!! Don't nag in my ear, stop talking!!

'Ouch? Well, I'll have a three-hour surprise make-up class, and I'll help you supplement things like knowledge about gods balabalabala...'

It was not until she stepped into Tilar's house that Ally stopped the fatigue language bombing of MK2 in her brain and just damaged him a few minutes ago - ut, it's really useless. If it were Cergley, she could last for four hours!

"Welcome back, little Ellie~~~"

Miss Ally is back. Do you want to have dinner together? Tilar also came back~"

The energetic Sethrie jumped up when she saw Ellie, quickly took away the little goblin on Ellie's shoulder and cheered and ran back to start teasing the little guy, and the little goblin also learned to fight back for the first time - she took a toothpick on the table and flashed to compete with Seherlie's chopsticks.

Sure enough, people need to have a home to feel at ease... No matter how dilapidated that family is, as long as there is a family, it is the best thing... This is the same for human beings and everything else.