The caster of fantasy

Esfia's rampage PART6

"The spiritual sucking monster is extremely cunning, don't doubt this! I don't think those people can get any benefits from their inventions - especially when these things are designed for ghosts. There is a human proverb in the philosophy of heart-grabbing magic that reminds people of a human saying: 'Mat a good mouse clip and eat more rats.' Oh, you can change the word mouse to dinner, and you can easily understand what it means.

- Gaspar, Lord Wickman's statement from the current owner of the collection from the underground world.

For individual ghosts, a group of casters are naturally not afraid of them - for a large group, and there may be ghosts in it (they call themselves soul-eating monsters, which is different from brain-eating demons) secretly hiding in it. After all, no one knows who is the real octopus brains in the same gorgeous robe. The elders, except for those two long tentacles... long tentacles?

As Ellie commanded the skeletons to fight against the pile of mindless cannon fodder in a team way, she turned her head and said to the lich, "Do you see the spirit sucking monster with particularly long tentacles? If you see it, deal with it well. I'm not free now!"

But the lich just patted his skull, took over the control of the skeletons and stretched out his right hand, and the group was afraid!

It is worthy of being a legend. While controlling the skeleton and fighting according to the elite soldiers, she used group fear to create chaos against the opposite cannon fodder camp. Allie looked at the lich enviously, and someone around her spared no effort to start her spells.

With the spell and complex gestures, a dark magic ball slowly appeared in the air, and Ellie immediately jumped far away. This thing is not something that can be countered at once. In order not to die too tragically, it is better to stay away.

With the swing, the dark magic ball rushes to the opposite spiritual absorption camp like an ordinary magic missile. Within this distance, there is basically no decent way of fighting between the two sides except for spell bombardment - the distance of psionic power is still limited, but the distance of magic is just right.

After silently neutralizing more than a dozen force field walls and large protective spells with the other party, Ellie also waved her hands. Now it's not the time to be stingy with spells, just smash anything!

"Space lock."

According to the plan, Ally released this spell and obviously saw the crazy transformation of the face network of the soul-eating monster on the opposite side. It must have failed its angry void brain capture spell. Fortunately, it was used early, otherwise it would not be a good experience to be eaten brain.

What no one saw was that Allie gradually disappeared, and even the octopus head with torches on the opposite side did not see En.

The male caster waved the power wand in his hand and spit out a familiar word - "sunburst!"

The huge explosion and flames and the light that can blind all creatures' eyes lit up in the local camp. The flames are estimated to be hallucinations, but the explosions and light made hundreds of guys' eyes burst and deaf, and the venue immediately became chaotic.

A small bronze snake suddenly jumped out of the chaotic monster, suddenly entangled an unlucky spirit monster, and launched the only arcane art in his body - maze before he used his powerful spiritual ability!

More bronze snakes rushed out of the monster pile, but unfortunately they were quickly knocked down and shaken into several sections. Only the unlucky psychic can either walk out of the ether maze or... Just wait for the time to end. Anyway, the battle will be over when it comes out.

It was naturally Ellie who released the snake. Once again quietly walked back to her casting position, and the spirit-absorbing elder on the opposite side also began to throw spells crazily. From low-level lightning beams to the upward thunderstorm and up polar rays, Ellie clearly saw more than a dozen brains suspended beside him.

Well, is this guy an elder who has lived for a long time? How can he collect so many brains!

At this time, Ellie's mind suddenly fainted, and a clear but indistinguishable voice, gender, depth and size sounded in her brain.

"Strangers, why do you invade our territory?"

'I said I don't like you, okay?'

The voice of the main brain was silent, and then sounded again: "The strange caster, in fact, we can talk - for example, now that I have connected to your heart, and you don't know anything about it..."

Indeed, the cat ear decoration on Ellie's head has been completely broken, but what does it matter? Putting on her hat, Ellie gestured to the lich to continue attacking, and she disappeared in front of everyone... just like just now.

'You made a very simple mistake.'

"I don't think I made a mistake, and your heart has been traced by me. If I don't retreat, I will not hesitate to turn you into a mental idiot."

Walking rapidly on the edge of the battlefield, Ally kept approaching the place where the network of mental fluctuations that no one could notice.

"Stranger, stop moving forward, otherwise--" or what? Do you think you can control a sleeper blessed by Cranwo? Too arrogant! If you are an old master, I may think about it, but like now - die!'

The brain that is particularly painful due to the explosion of the mind - no, it is not the brain, but the shaken soul that makes Ellie's footsteps float, but now it is not suitable for casting spells, not suitable at all.

Then, just rush into the salty pool!

With a leap, the huge pain once again hit Allie's thin body, but fortunately, Allie successfully jumped into the bowl-shaped salty pool.

The round-headed and tailless ghost-absorbing tadpoles quickly dispersed to escape the sudden foreign body and surrounded them. They desperately wanted to get into Ellie's nostrils or ears - so that they could get a living body, just like their poor self-consciousness, they are completely unknown. How did this creature Bai jump in?

Allie, who was in the dead state, immediately gave up the release of suppressing negative energy, and the spiritual sucking tadpoles escaped cleanly in an instant. They still completely followed this fear derived from biological instinct.

Now, it is to find the brain hidden in the depths of green **. Pressing or crushing it can kill the main brain, and the significance of killing the main brain is very far-reaching - whether it is to prevent the spirit from sucking too many monsters, to get the wealth of the eliminated adventurers, or the reward of the union. Kim.


The green salty pool feels very bad. Not to mention the low visibility, there are so many spirit-sucking tadpoles, but this is nothing compared to the target to be found - it is a brain less than ten feet away, which is rapidly swimming with the spirit-sucking tadpoles and constantly using spiritual shock. Wanting to make Ellie stop the pursuit... But it is obvious that this effect is not very good. The immortal has been able to exempt most mental attacks - except for the soul, although the spiritual absorber never knows what the attack is...

At such a close distance, even the main brain can't stop to release the brain demon statue, which indirectly makes Ally's action easier. As long as it suppresses the shock of her headache, it's only a matter of time to grab the main brain and crush it.

Yes, it's just a matter of time.


I'm exhausted... I don't want to write at all... Release the information of the main brain... The following is from the great... Cough... That's about it... I'm so tired and sleepy............

Main brain

The main brain is located in the center of the spiritual absorption community. It lives at the bottom of the brain pool full of seawater and is a giant brain with no body. The nerve stem of the main brain is composed of the brain tissue of the dead heart-grabbing demon separated from the body. In this way, the main brain can be said to be the consciousness aggregation produced after the fusion and assimilation of the spirit-absorbing will. Every ghost has the right and obligation to become part of the great will of the main brain one day, guiding and ruling the community of past life. Although most psychics believe that their personalities will survive this transformation, in fact, they are just part of the overall will of the main brain to induce those independent self-integrate into their chaotic huge fibrous tissue.

The survival of the main brain is based on the death of its body tissue provider. It strives to maintain itself with profound spiritual cultivation, so that it can continue to exist under the effect of the ubiquitible entropy that promotes the extinction of all things. The salt water soaked in the main brain can act as a preservative to maintain the existence of psionic effect. In addition, the main brain also preys on thousands of spiritual sucking tadpoles that share its nest, relying on sucking the amount of spiritual ability contained in its undeveloped perception as a nutrient to maintain its existence. The only thing left is the flowing salt water and the remnants of the tadpoles eaten by the main brain.

No matter how much tadpole's life force and how many new brains absorb, the diameter of the main brain will not grow to more than 10 feet. Even the brain does not know why the main brain does not expand with the passage of time until it bursts. There are many statements about this detail, but they have never been confirmed by their elders. However, most of the spiritual absorbers believe that the main brain will be a redundant part of the Psionicallymaintainednode that exists in the astral world. The stellar part is integrated with the main brain located in the plane of the main substance and has all the functions of the main brain.

The main brain ruler is a ghost community - although the role of each main brain will be different according to its environment. A few particularly domineering masters strictly monitor any potential changes in the community. However, most of the main brains are more passive; they serve as consultants, instructors, and, most importantly, the biological knowledge base used to store community technology, history and psychic knowledge.

Because the main brain is the knowledge center of all the spirit-absorbing community, the main brain often communicates with the spirit-absorbing "children" through telepathy. Its special structure enables the main brain to talk to up to 10 ghosts at the same time. The questions raised to the main brain involve laws and regulations, tunnel design, spiritual counseling and psionic education - to name. Another function of the main brain is actually equivalent to the "library" in the spiritual community, recording information in the biological nerve lattice in its consciousness. The psychic monster can enter this living library through simple telepathy to access materials.

Depending on its age and size, the telepathy range of the main brain can reach 2-5 miles. In this radius, the main brain can sense the existence of all thought creatures. As long as the enemy tries to invade the main brain, it can quickly detect the position of the intruder and send the spirit to sniper. Within its ability, the main brain can talk to any perceptual creature without being blocked by rocks. The main brain can also function as a spiritual message repeater, so the spiritual absorber can still keep in touch even outside the line of sight.

A sage named Hapworth claimed that the main brain can make a part of itself form a humanoid object by germination and secrete it. The membrane-shaped epidermis protects the brain tissue of this humanoid object**, thus creating something called a brain statue. Hapworth believes that the brain statue was created as the guardian force of his community at the request of the ghosts.

Brain statues may really be excellent fighting machines, but in fact, their real function is the extension of the main brain body. Most of the brain statues created by the main brain are based on special purposes. When they complete the task, they will return to the main brain and return to part of the main brain. In most cases, the spiritual absorbers basically know nothing about the purpose of creating these walking brain buds. All they care about is that the brain statues use as temporary workers before they return to the main brain.

Among the psychic monsters, there is a rare legend about the main brain and their final ending. The legend claims that joining the main brain is not the end of the life of the spirit, all of which is just to achieve a great purpose that will be achieved at the moment of agreement (from the Bible). Proponents of the theory believe that a single main brain is actually equivalent to a nerve cell. When the total number of main brains in all planes reaches an incredible huge number, the sudden flashing psionic light will connect all the main brains through the astral world in an instant, resulting in a great superwill. This powerful existence has unimaginable power, but the question is--how can their gods allow such a guy who is undoubtedly fully capable of challenging him to appear?