Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 14 Wang Du Escape: City Gate

The kingdom where Elvin and they are located is the only official country in this continent. It was finally established 200 years ago under the leadership of the heroes of the stars.

The whole kingdom faces endless oceans in the east and south; in the west is endless mountains and black forests, which are sparsely populated and beasts are frequent, so it has always been a no-man's land; the north is divided into two parts, the central part is an endless grassland, and in addition, all of them are endless mountains. The mountain is steep and difficult for human beings to overcome, and it is a natural barrier to isolate the outer land.

The geographical area is so vast that there is almost no end, but at the same time, the geographical and weather conditions are extremely bad. It has been a nomadic place for the alien peoples to live since ancient times, that is, under such difficult living conditions, it has created the strong physique and strong will of the alien peoples.

The hard living environment has made foreign nations envy the rich and fertile land in the southeast. Unfortunately, because of race, people in the Kingdom discriminate against these foreign nationalities. Therefore, the relationship between the two sides has always been very unfriendly.

It is also this relationship. More than 200 years ago, foreign nations took advantage of the dispute between countries on the mainland at that time to invade the territory of the current kingdom. The strong fighting power of the alien nation instantly completely collapsed the fragile resistance of various countries at that time. In this way, the troops of different ethnic groups swept half of the continent, and various countries dared not resist the different ethnic groups.

However, at this time, the star hero stood up bravely. With the joint efforts of him and his companions, he gathered the scattered forces of all parties, slowly blocked the offensive of the alien nations, reversed the situation and began to counterattack, and finally drove the alien peoples out of their homes.

However, after recovering the lost land, the Star Hero did not continue to go deeper and began to focus on the continuous disputes between forces in various parts of the country. In order to end the years of war, the Star Hero worked hard with his companions and finally unified the countries of all parties and built the current kingdom.

Then, the capital of Asos of the kingdom, named after the holy peak of Asos, the highest peak in the kingdom, is the largest city in the kingdom.


Now the first problem that Evin and the others have to face is the gate of Asos.

Now on Elvin's side, the three plan to escape from the capital of Athos, and then go to the city to seek the protection of their brother Ain in the barracks where his father's Green Dragon Knights are stationed on the outskirts of the city.

As the king capital of Athos, the power center of the kingdom, the stability of public security in the royal capital is very important. The city wall, as an important safe building of the city, has been built very high and indestructible towers, as well as a wide moat outside the city wall. It can be said that any city's city's city defense measures have been built.

Then King Athos is divided into several areas, namely, the inner city where the inner city where the powerful and merchants live, and the outer city where other people live.

There are walls separated between the districts, and strict checks are needed to enter and exit, especially the gate of the city outside the capital of Athos. As an important line of defense, there are a considerable number of guards there, and ordinary people, businessmen and travelers must be inspected before they are allowed. Entry and exit.

And the gate checkpoints are divided into ordinary checkpoints for ordinary civilians that need to be checked, and there are also fast checkpoints that do not need to be checked too much due to special status or circumstances. On weekdays, Ai Wen's identity is naturally often in and out of the latter's gate. What's more, it is now a time of competition, so it is natural to choose the latter.

However, things were not as smooth as Elvin and the others thought. When their carriage arrived at the gate, the gatekeeper ordered them to stop and ask for inspection.

This made Aiwen and others puzzled, because on weekdays, as long as they reported their names and showed their family emblems, or the guards recognized people, they could pass directly without being stopped at all. But in this case, Elvin and the others lit up all the things to prove their identity, but the other party still didn't buy it, insisting on asking Elvin to get out of the car for inspection and interrogation.

A man in charge of guarding the door slowly came out again after entering the guard room beside him for a while, followed by a mysterious man who was not dressed as a guard but looked like a soldier. The gatekeeper came over and ordered Ted, who was driving, to put down the reins and get out of the carriage in a tough tone.

Ted didn't dare to make trouble. He obeyed the order and got out of the car and came to the gatekeeper.

The gatekeeper then checked with Ted, but the content was nothing special. They were just routine questions that usually entered and exited the city gate. However, the gatekeeper's inspection was careless and slow to speak, which obviously gave people a feeling of delaying time.

This is very anxious for Evan and the others. Although they know that the other party is taking special care of them, in order not to have any more extra things to happen, no matter how anxious they are, they have to bear it slowly.

However, the situation is not bad, because this fast level is usually passed by people with special identities and status, and some of them are not provoked, so the gatekeepers here are habitually not to interrogate much. It is a good job to do things here, which is both easy and There is a chance to be a big shot.

Perhaps because he was used to being lazy, the gatekeeper began to speak and began to speak poorly. He completely used up all the inspection questions that could come to his mind. The poor gatekeeper could not ask questions for a moment, because the other party's identity was also the family of the commander of the Kulos Legion, and there were With the official military status of the Blue Dragon Knights, he was just the head of the doorman. The official was killed by a higher level, not to mention that he was many levels worse. Then, he could only look at Ted dumbly there.

If the interrogation is over, there is no reason not to let it go. The gatekeeper, who didn't know what to do, looked back at the mysterious man who had just followed him and wanted to wait for the man's next instructions.

The strange behavior of the gatekeeper's strange behavior aroused the vigilance of Evan and the others. The other party ** was procrastinating there. Looking at the ridiculous expression of the gatekeeper's face being sandwiched in the middle and embarrassed, it seems that the behind-the-scenes man must also be a member of the military department in the kingdom, and he is also a very good person in a key position. Things.

Evan and others have felt a very ominous shadow about to cover them, and time can no longer be wasted.

Ted saw the opportunity of the gatekeeper's hesitation and shouted at him angrily, "Well, let me go quickly. We are going to carry out emergency military affairs. If you get in the way here again, if you miss the military plane, you will be dealt with by the military law.

This thunderous angry shout completely shocked the gatekeeper who usually bent his knees and shook his tail to the past dignitaries. He reflexively said the two words he most often said: "Let go."

As soon as the gatekeeper opened his mouth, Ted saw the opportunity and immediately jumped into the driver's seat and galloped.

The mysterious man who had just followed the gatekeeper shouted in his heart and didn't have time to give instructions to the gatekeeper. He immediately rushed over, grabbed the long gun held by the guard next to him, and quickly inserted the long gun into the gap between the wheels of the carriage. The whole action came down in one breath. Cheng, very neat, these two subordinates can fully see that the other party has been strictly trained.

Because the wheels were stuck by a long gun, the carriage had to stop.

It seems that the article is not good. Now it's time to start to use force. The mysterious man shouted to the guards: "You all obey my orders. Now arrest the three people immediately. You can't let them go."

The gatekeeper also loudly echoed the mysterious man's order, so the guards at the gate immediately surrounded Evan's carriage fully armed.

It seems that this situation cannot be solved peacefully, and Elvin and others also understand this. They will not be obedient and let the conspiracy of the mastermind behind the matter succeed. Elvin and the others got out of the carriage and prepared for the hard battle.

Ted apologized, "I'm sorry, if I had moved faster just now, the carriage would not have been stuck by the other party."

Mikal didn't care about it at all: "Don't mind too much. In fact, the other party would not have given us this gate so easily."

"I'm sorry, but now you have to be implicated in for my sake." Elvin felt that he had been involved with the two people.

Mikal waved his hand and said, "Don't be so out of the way. Your business is our business. And looking at their sinister and hateful faces, I know that they are malicious guys. I have wanted to teach them a lesson for a long time."

Ted also joined in and said, "Yes, no matter what happens, we will always follow you, but now we have to think about how to solve the problems here."

Mikal showed his fist: "How can it be solved? Anyway, this fight is definitely inevitable."

That's the only thing that can do, and Elvin said, "Ted, you can pull out the long gun now and drive. Let's get out of the way."

Ted said worriedly, "No, I should do such a dangerous thing."

"Don't worry, don't you know my combat ability? It's not too late. Let's do it." Elvin said that he was strong enough to deal with the opponent in front of him.

Ted listened to Evan and immediately went to untie the long gun on the wheel.

The guards began to rush up, but fortunately, these guards are only ordinary soldiers for patrolling. They have not conducted intensive training in martial arts. What's more, they are guarding in this very peaceful and fast level, and you can imagine how high their fighting ability can be.

And when Elvin and Mikal grew up in the family environment of the commander of the Kulos Legion, they have received strict martial arts training since childhood. In addition, they graduated with high scores from the top few in the Royal Academy of Knights. In contrast, you can also imagine how strong their fighting ability is.

When one of the guards came up, one was knocked down, and two of them were put down. Evan and Mikal, the former opened the way in front, and the latter was behind the rear hall. Their superb martial arts made the guards unable to stand up after they were knocked down. Things went smoothly here.

Finally, the mysterious man couldn't stand it anymore and shouted loudly. As soon as the words fell, several people in the same clothes rushed out of the guard room.

It turned out that they were calling for help. The group of mysterious people rushed up together without saying a word. Mikal, who was behind the back hall, was the first to fight, and the two sides directly competed and began to fight.

The skills of this group of mysterious people are obviously not at the same level as those guards. The other party must have received a considerable degree of combat training. The movement is fast, and the moves are vicious, and the moves are aimed at the fragile parts of the human body to attack.

At this time, Mikal can't laugh. It's hard to deal with the other party alone, not to mention several of them together. In a fight that was outnumbered, Mikal finally began to be unable to stand up. He began to be in a hurry and was hit repeatedly. Then, he was accidentally caught by the other party's gap, hit by a hook punch, and then fell to the ground heavily.

It's really a loss to fight in a group empty-handed. After taking this heavy punch, Mikal learned to be obedient and no longer "gentle" with the other party. Mikal stood up, looked around, and then saw the opportunity and grabbed a long gun from the guard on the sidelines.

Mikal has been strictly trained since he was a child. He can use all kinds of weapons. Mikal danced his long gun as smoothly as his arm. With the weapon in his hand, the advantage was pulled back. Mikal's long gun stabbed fiercely piercing one of the opponent's feet so that he could no longer stand up.

But you are smart, and the other party may not be stupid. Those mysterious people also took out weapons, including long guns, thin swords, and a dagger in the rear to take the opportunity to throw knives. Coupled with this riot, many guards in the city and regular troops defending the city wall also came to reinforce, and the sweat on Mikar's forehead became more and more.

Of course, Mikal knew that he was just a palace. It was his task to buy more time to open the way for Evan and Ted, so he was not so stupid to go up and fight with them desperately. Mikal changed the way of fighting, focusing on defense, and kept sweeping left and right with long guns, making it impossible for the opponents to rely on.

The guards on the road of the carriage were finally cleared by Elvin, and it was a chance to escape. Ted spurred the horse and began to accelerate while shouting to the two, "Ode, come up quickly."

Mikael waited for this sentence and waited for the flowers to die. As soon as Ted finished shouting, Mikal swept the other party back a few steps with a long gun. Then he took the opportunity to turn around, then put a long gun against the ground and used a long gun as a fulcrum. After that, he made a pole jump and jumped in the direction of the carriage. A flying leg kicked through the wooden board behind the carriage, and he jumped into the carriage smoothly.

Naturally, the other party would not give up and throw the weapons in his hand to the carriage. Fortunately, Mikal was not bad. He immediately stood up and blocked most of those weapons with a long gun in the back.

And Elvin, who was in front of the carriage, jumped into the driving seat of the carriage with a leap. Ted's timing was also very good. As soon as Mikal and Elvin came up, the carriage just started to complete. The speed was raised and he suddenly left the other party behind. In this way, Evan and the others finally had He passed through the gate without danger.