Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 25 True Lies

After the meeting, on the aisle of the imperial hall, Kulos and his party, each of whom had a heavy expression and was sad. After all, so many things happened, and he had to arrest his closest relatives in person. No one must feel good.

Ain wants to break this heavy atmosphere and change the topic: "Legion leader, shall we go back and meet with our mother later? Shall we tell her about yesterday's fire and Elvin's current situation?

"No, now that this kind of thing has happened to Evan, don't tell your mother and don't aggravate her worries. We still need to speed up time to organize troops to carry out a pursuit operation and chase to the west. Kulos is going to hunt down his son himself, so how can he face his wife?

Ain understood his father's suffering and said nothing more. Instead, he whispered, "West... It seems..."

Ain seems to have thought of something.

At this time, someone suddenly called Kulos behind. Kulos looked back and found that it was Xing Zheng who caught up.

Kulos politely asked, "Who are you?" Since Xingzheng didn't have a chance to perform in the hall just now, Kulos didn't recognize Xingzheng at all.

Xing Zheng also introduced himself politely: "The first time we officially met, the leader of the Kulos Legion, I am the current monk of the Star Temple - Xing Zheng."

Klos became puzzled and immediately asked, "As far as I know, isn't the current monk Xingjian Monk Zheng? I met and talked to him some time ago. What happened to him?

"In fact, the former monk Zheng Xingjian has always been weak because of his age, so he passed away soon after the incident that night, and as the heir of Xingjian, I became a new generation of monk Zheng." Xingzheng, a man who lies, does not reveal flaws at all.

Kulos expressed regret for the death of the Xingjian monk, and when Kulos met the Xingjian monk at that time, he also vaguely felt that Xingjian's body seemed a little weak. Sure enough, this incident was too heavy for this elderly man.

"The leader of the legion has a heart, and the star will certainly be gratified to see the spirit of heaven." Xing is continuing to pretend to be a good man.

"Xingzheng Grand Monk Zheng, I'm sorry, we still have something important to do. Please forgive us for leaving immediately." With the new monk, Kulos didn't have much to talk about, so he wanted to say goodbye.

Xing Zheng said directly, "Legion leader, I'm here to tell you something. In fact, your majesty asked you to hunt down your son with your own hands. You don't have to be so sad. Things are not as bad as you think. In fact, this is a better thing for Elvin. "

This really caught the attention of Kulos.

Xing Zheng continued: "In fact, as the current host of the Star Temple, I also have a lot of responsibilities for the matter of your son. As you know, the leader of the Legion, due to the paranoia of some dissidents inside our Star Temple, the noble prince was implicated in it. I can only say sorry here first.

Kulos was puzzled about this and asked, "The monk is too modest. This is not your fault. How can he apologize?"

Xingzheng responded: "Actually, the people in the temple of our star temple are all living servants of the gods of the stars. They have always respected the gods of the stars, but because of this, there are some monks who worship the magic power of the stars too much, so they go astray and try to have the magic power of the gods of the stars, that is, The artifact of the hero of the stars - 'Star Wrist Wheel • Destiny'."

It seems that many stars are providing advice on the lie that Bekas just said in front of Emperor Hiloken, and now Xing is taking advantage of the topic to continue to use this lie further.

Ain, who is beside him, is also listening, so there are also questions to ask: "Xingzheng, we are even more puzzled by what you said. It is reasonable for some people to steal the artifact of the divine power of the star from the imperial mausoleum of the royal capital. However, now it is worn on my wrist by my brother Elvin. It is not clear what the magic power is and how powerful it is. But in this way, won't the person who uses the divine power of this star become Aiwen? My brother is not from the Star Temple, so now that others have this artifact, isn't it exactly the opposite of the original intention of those dissidents?

"The question of Deputy Commander Ain just mentioned the key to the whole incident, which is also the reason why the second son of the commander of the legion was involved." Xingzheng made a sad and regretful expression.

Everyone looked at Xingzheng puzzledly and looked forward to his answer.

Xing began to explain: "I believe everyone should also know the history of the founding of our kingdom. In those years, under the leadership of the heroes of the stars, the kingdom was finally unified and established. But at the same time, there is also a puzzle that later generations can't explain... That is, when the Star Hero was built, he did not logically become the founding emperor, but gave up this position to his friend, the first emperor of the kingdom we are familiar with, and he was alone. From then on, he disappeared from the sight and records of future people.

Ain asked, "Of course we know this history, but what does this explain?"

Xingzheng continues to say: "About why the hero of the star retired and disappeared without a trace, from ancient times to the present, there have been various speculations. One of the most widely circulated and accepted people is that the hero of the star is originally a person who yearns for a stable ordinary life and does not like strife and killing. He is becoming After this legendary story, he could finally let go of the noisy life he didn't like, so he retired and lived the quiet life he yearned for. From then on, he didn't care about the world until he was old, his body turned into dust, and his soul returned to the place of the gods of the stars.

Although it is not yet the focus of the topic, Kulos Ain and others quietly continue to listen to Xing Zheng tell this legendary story.

"But, in fact, will this really be the case? As a servant of the star gods and as a witness of history, one of the duties of each generation of monks is to completely record everything that has happened in history and leave him as a legacy to future generations. However, in the text of the history recorded by the great monks of the past dynasties, a completely different content is recorded. In view of the seriousness of this content, this should not have been known to the world, because it will make the star hero achieve a great legend in his life, leaving an imperfect end: in fact, the hero of the star I gave up my seat to others because I knew that I would die soon. Xingzheng became more and more excited.

Everyone on the field was surprised, and everyone was anxious to know how things would develop next: "The text of history? Is that what happened? What does that have to do with Elvin?

Xing is saying sadly, "The leader of the legion also knows that the artifact of the hero of the star is now worn by your son Elvin, just like the hero of the star in those years. This artifact gave the heroes of the stars powerfully and achieved a great legend. However, everything is beneficial and harmful. The powerful power of the artifact is not easily controlled by mortals. Therefore, this divine power also causes irreparable damage to the star hero, so that he will eventually die young.

This fact shocked the three of Kuros, because they also knew that Elvin was also unconscious because he wore this artifact. If what Xing Zheng said is true, then this artifact is indeed infringing on Elvin's body. If he doesn't let Elvin free the artifact quickly, then Elvin's body will... ... Kulos and the others dared not think further.

"Seeing your expressions, it seems that you also understand that what I said is indeed credible. Yes, that's why those dissidents have concerns and dare not use the power in this artifact, so they deceive Wu with false lies as the guide of the star god. Knowing others came as their own stand-in puppets and manipulated everything behind their backs, and it was because of this that the noble son was implicated and became a victim of the whole incident. Xing Zheng finally finished his words.

Only then did Kulos figure out the whole context of the matter. Indeed, Evan and others have always admired the heroes of the stars and want to be as great as him, and they have always stayed in the capital and have never seen the outside world, so their ideas have always been relatively heavenly. Really, it is not impossible to be deceived by people with ulterior motives this time.

Thinking of this, Kulos knew that he could not let Aiwen make mistakes like this. He had to wake up Aiwen from the heroic dream full of lies and dangers, so he hurriedly thanked Xing Zheng: "Thank you for your advice. I am very grateful. Now time is running out. I'm sorry that we have to leave first. . We will not forget your help. If we need help in the future, we will do our best to help in return.

After saying that, Kulos and his party quickly left. Looking at the distant back of Kulos and his party, Xing was laughing secretly.

At this time, Becas clapped his hands and came out from the side: "What a wonderful statement. I wonder why I didn't see you as soon as I came out. It turned out that I made a special trip here. Be careful, if you step on two boats, you will fall into the water and get wet.

Xing Zheng didn't agree with Bekas's sarcas, and replied with a smile, "You are too worried. Looking at the commander of the Kulos Legion, they are sad and worried that this will affect their determination to pursue each other, so he kindly made good advice to make them more motivated to arrest each other and complete this as soon as possible. A task, we can also calm down as soon as possible. What do you think, Commander Bekas?"

"I know you are very good at it and admire you very much. You actually processed a lot of the story that I worked so hard and carefully compiled just now, and said something wrong, just to tell you, the dissident leader, which makes me very curious. Come on, is what you just said really true? Bekas actually had a greed for the artifact, so he quietly spoke to Xingzheng.

"Ha ha, or, who knows, those who really know the answer are now sleeping under the ground." Xing Zheng really didn't come out with words so easily.

"No matter what you do, as long as you don't conflict with me, we are still in a cooperative relationship. I will help you strive for more opportunities to perform in front of your majesty, and I will help you become a celebrity around your majesty. However, in contrast, you have to pay back for the cooperation between the two sides. Bekas once again gave Xing Zheng a clear hint.

"You and I are all the same kind of people. As long as everyone's interests do not conflict, cooperation is a mutually beneficial and win-win thing. The leader of the legion is keen on power and wealth, but I am not interested in it. My purpose is to become the guide of this era. I want to prove that the old man's original choice was wrong. I want to praise and praise my name in the history of future generations, and I want to create a greater legend than the heroes of the stars!" Xing Zheng is also very smart and knows what he should do.

"To be honest, that's good. Everyone has shown the purposes and interests of both sides, and everyone will continue to maintain this cooperative alliance relationship in the future." Bekas stretched out his hand.

"Today's era has begun to be in the trend of change. These are all unstoppable and inevitable facts. Whether to be swallowed up by this trend or dominate this trend depends on our future performances." Xing Zheng also stretched out his hand. The cooperation between the two treacherous heroes will definitely bring unimaginable clouds to this kingdom and even the world.