Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 74 The Trial of the Star: Shadow Counterattack

The crisis is slowly approaching silently, not only Elvin, but also the most powerful Gremio is still unaware of it.

With a "rumbling", a huge thing fell heavily behind Elvin and the others. Grimio reacted immediately and turned around to see what had happened.

Another spider appeared. It turned out that it came down from the hanging silk. No wonder there was no sound. However, compared with those killed by Elvin and Grimio before, the one in front of him is really a big guy.

This spider is as tall as four or five meters. Judging from its whole body, it is bigger than the elephants they saw in the juggling performance at the founding celebration of Wangdu. It can be said to be the largest creature that Evin and Grimio have seen so far in their lives. This spider is not a single body, and its body color is slightly different from those smaller gray-black body colors. The body color of the whole body is closer to white, and its mouth is also very large. From time to time, white ** drips from its mouth.

"Young master, it's dangerous!" In the face of this giant spider, Grimio did not consider himself closest to him at the first time, but still put Elvin in the first place. Before Elvin could turn around and react, Grimio pushed him away, but he was still in danger.

The giant white spider made a huge harsh scream. Eight big feet launched at the same time and rushed to Grimio and opened his mouth to bite Grimio.

Although Grimio can't avoid this attack, he can also grab the teeth used for eating on the white spider's mouth with his hands in time and hold it hard, so as not to die in the mouth of the spider.

Fortunately, the spider only had feet and no hands, and the teeth on its mouth were grasped by Grimio. For a while, the "delicious" close to its mouth still could not enter the mouth. In anger, the white spider started again and rushed forward. Gremio was not very powerful and his body was also very light. In the face of this super heavyweight opponent, he had no resistance, and his whole body was pushed away.

Grimio is also trying his best to go backwards and compete with the other party, because once the speed is pressed by it, his whole body will be controlled by the other party and then overwhelmed by it. Fortunately, Gremio still has an advantage in speed, and the white spider's plan failed again.

But this white spider is not that simple. Suddenly, the white spider opened its mouth wide and went straight to Grimio. Before Grimio understood what was going on, milky ** spewed out from both sides of the corners of the white spider's mouth, and these ** were very magical. As soon as they met the air in the air, they immediately adhered to the silk and directly attached to Gremio's body.

Grimio was right in front of the mouth of the white spider. For its disgusting "slip mouth attack", at this distance, in the face of this unimaginable attack method, Grimio was unpreventable and took it all. These sticky filaments wrapped around Grimio's body, which was very sticky and resilient. Grimio's hands and body were entangled and unable to exert force. He fell down and lay on the ground unable to move.

The white spider seemed to be very smart. Knowing that Grimio was difficult to deal with, he deliberately added chips and continued to spit out sticky silk liquid on Grimio's body and fixed Grimio on the ground. In this situation, Grimio also suffered a face-to-face confrontation not long ago. No matter how powerful his opponent is, Grimio is not afraid, but he seems to be unable to fight against this sinister move.

As these spider silks became more and more, Gremio struggled more and was tightly entangled and could not get rid of it at all. Those spider silks also stuck to the ground, locking Grimio like white chains and nailed him to the ground.

The white spider stopped spitting, as if it had temporarily fired the "bullet" and was recovering slightly there. However, looking at Grimio struggling desperately on the ground, the eight eyes of the white spider were staring at him, as if they were admiring the beautiful and delicious work of art he had made, where he proudly swung his body from side to side and kept making strange screams.

The white spider was about to harvest the booty. It opened its huge mouth and lowered its head to Grimio's body. Two teeth kept "touching" on his body. Grimio had no choice but to watch its big mouth approach him inch by inch.

Suddenly, the white spider's mouth screamed in pain, and its body was shaking left and right. It gave up Gremio, turned around, and stared at the rear. At this time, Grimio saw a glittering gem dagger inserted at the end of the abdomen of the white spider.

It turned out that it was Elvin who rescued Grimio from the spider's mouth in time. After Elvin was pushed away by Grimio just now, he rushed over. Although the gem dagger is short and cannot be stabbed for a long distance like a long sword, but as a throwing weapon, it is small and sharp, very practical, and in the face of this huge target, it is impossible to fail, not to mention that it can be thrown out infinitely.

ai wen immediately summoned the gem dagger back, took it in his hand, and threw it directly. Although the white spider is huge, it is very agile. It has suffered a loss in the back just now. How can it be eaten again for nothing? The eight big feet worked together and jumped aside to avoid Evan's attack.

Although Evan's attack failed, his purpose of saving Grimio was also achieved, and this also showed the white spider that to eat Grimio, he had to pass this level first, and it was not so easy to pass this level.

The wound on the abdomen of the white spider kept flowing blood, which made it squeak in its mouth. The revenge of these giant spiders has always been very heavy. It gave up Gremio, who was nailed to the meat cutting board, turned its target directly to Elvin, and then rushed to Elvin's place. Get up.

ai wen threw the gem dagger again, for nothing else, just to slow down and anger the other party. After that, Elvin turned around and ran to the rear, because he didn't want to ignite the war here, fearing that the random attack of the huge white spider would hurt the grimio who could not move, so he had to The battlefield is far away.

And the angry white spider was very "obedient" and chased after avoiding the third gem dagger throw. And Grimio, who was stuck to the ground, would not sit back and wait for death. In the precious time that Elvin worked hard for him, he struggled desperately to get rid of the spider silk entangled around him.

Because of his experience of being trapped by mucus, this time Grimio learned the emergency treatment method and poured out the water in the water bag he carried and poured it on these spider silks. This method was really effective. The stickiness of these spider silks was immediately reduced a lot. After a period of effort, Grimi Ou's hand was finally relieved and could pull out the long sword to cut off the spider silk. It seems that it is only a matter of time to get out.

ai wen, who was chased by the white spider, was running desperately. Fortunately, there were many huge stone pillars standing around. Aiwen flexibly walked between the stone pillars and took the huge white spider to "walk the garden" here, so angry that his eight big feet kept chopping the ground there.

On the way, the white spider repeated its old skills, constantly ejecting the sticky spider silk from its mouth and from its tail, trying to fix Elvin. However, Aiwen has already seen the same trick. He has been prepared in his heart and will not easily move. Moreover, those spider silks are not as difficult to deal with as expected. Although they are sticky, they can't make long-range attacks because they are light. As long as they keep a good distance, their threat level will be It will be reduced a lot. And once the white spider was in a jet posture, Elvin immediately rolled over and hid behind the boulder or stone pillar, and could easily avoid its sinister trick.

There is no problem for Elvin to dodge, but there is also nothing to do with the other party. The other party's movements are very agile and powerful. Once they are too close, it is easy to be trapped. Evan has never had experience with enemy monsters, so for caution, Evan can only find a chance to win in wandering and dodge, and the two sides are like this. , continue to play cat-and-mouse games here.

ai wen ran and suddenly came to a huge stone wen seemed to think of a way and turned over and hid behind the stone pillar. The white spider rushed straight over without hesitation. ai wen looked at the right time and slashed it behind the stone pillar. Although the white spider reacted quickly, it was still scratched in the head. The white spider was a little injured again and was very angry and shot spider silk there, but Elvin, who was hiding behind the stone pillar, was naturally safe.

The white spider looked "brained" and soon calmed down, learned to be obedient, and began to walk around from the side, but after all, the monster is just a monster. Even if it is a little bigger, its head may not be bigger than that of human beings. In contrast, Elvin is also very smart. He walks in the opposite direction, still in a straight line of spiders, stone pillars and Irvan. With the natural shield of the stone pillar in front, the white spider did not dare to rush up rashly. The war situation was so deadlocked, which was also what Elvin wanted to see, because the "blood" of the white spider was flowing more and more on the ground.

However, I don't know what happened to the white spider. It suddenly didn't move, but it just kept chopping the ground rhythmically with its feet. This strange move attracted Evan's attention. Evan stared at the white spider attentively, careful not to make any sinister tricks it would do.

After a while, Aiwen suddenly felt a strange noise around, and the sound was getting louder and louder. Aiwen immediately looked around, but he didn't find anything. Elvin also looked up above himself, and nothing fell from the sky like the white spider just now. .

As the sound became closer and louder, Evan felt that the ground began to tremble, and the pebbles near his feet were shaking up and down. The small tremor turned into a major earthquake, and Evan's body also shook. The ground under his feet seemed to have nowhere to exert force. He felt shaking left and right, and his body was shaken so much that he could not stand firmly.

Evan immediately thought that something was going to come out of the ground.

Sure enough, as the ground under Elvin's feet was lifted, a huge object broke out from under the ground. It is another giant spider. Unlike the white spider, this one is yellow in color and has a relatively small size and a slender abdomen, but its head is surprisingly large, and there are several huge and sharp hard crate limbs on it, which seem to be used to dig earth and stone.

It turned out that the white spider just stamped his feet in order to attract reinforcements, and Elvin, who lost his balance, was caught off guard. He was fiercely pushed up by the yellow spider that emerged from the ground, flew up and hit the stone pillar. This time he suffered a lot of injuries. Evin's eyes suddenly darkened, and he felt that there were stars around his head. It seemed that he was a little knocked unconscious.

ai wen tried to wake himself up and stood up. Unfortunately, the sword in his hand was dropped to one side, and now the lack of mind also made it impossible for Evin to concentrate on summoning the gem dagger.

However, the yellow spider did not attack Elvin directly first, but stood still. But Evan immediately realized the more dangerous thing and ran quickly, but he still slowed down. Evan fell down because his foot was wrapped in some white sticky spider silk.

This is the masterpiece of the white spider. Now it is slowly coming to Elvin. It seems that it wants to repay the scars that Elvin just gave him. Under the bag of these two giant spiders, Elvin will face a bigger crisis.


The giant spider that appears in front of them now is also a giant spider, but what is also different is that the spider is green and has a small head, but its abdomen is huge. At its tail end, there is a huge lump with many holes in it.

The previous victory made Mikal overjoyed and was not afraid of the opponent in front of him: "It seems that those small hospitality just now are not enough, and now the host family has come out to greet him in person."

The general spider monsters who surrounded them just now are really average in strength. They are not the opponents of Mikal Ted. They wanted to avenge Mikal, but they died. Now, like Evan and others, there are big guys coming to greet Mikal Ted.

"Be careful, this is not simple." Ted is still very cautious.

"Ha ha, now I'm a master of spider slaughter, and it's very easy to cut." Mikal was still the same. He was in a good mood and became completely proud.

The green spider in front of him seemed to understand Mikal's words and looked very angry, screaming loudly. Those who came were not good and those who were good did not come. This green spider will definitely make Mikal feel the horror of the spider again.