Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 79 Star Trial: Black Battle

Evan and Teglas saw the black spider, and the black spider also saw them, but unlike before, the black spider was no longer scared to run away when he saw Teglas, but was very angry. It is no wonder that it can escape and hide outside. Avoid, but now in its view, Evan and Tegras chased the door and bullied him. They couldn't avoid it anymore. The tiger was not powerful. As a sick cat, this black spider, as the owner here, had to clean up these uninvited guests anyway.

The black spider focused on Teglas, who held Peach with the remaining nine red eyes. The persistent revenge is the biggest common point of these spider monsters. It can be imagined that now it is full of incomparable anger against Tiglas and keeps making deafening screams. It seems that the first person to clean up is It's Tiglas.

And Teglas also realized this. In order not to implicate Biqi in his arms, he handed Biqi to Aiwen: "Ewen, I'll deal with this guy. I entrusted Biqi to you. You must safely take her back to the village and promise me, okay?"

"How can this... leave you alone? Isn't it better for the two of us to deal with it together? Moreover, in case something happens to you, I can't face Miss Biqi. Elvin really wants to fight side by side with Teglas.

"Stop talking about it. Anyway, you promise me to protect Biqi. Her life is always more important than me, and... I'm not going to die now." Tegras looked at Aiwen, and in his eyes, Aiwen felt a strong awareness.

"This...all right." Elvin carried Peach on his back.

"Okay, take her away quickly, Silver Teeth, you go and lead the way out for Evan." After saying that, Teglas ran to the other side and lured the black spider out of the entrance.

Silver teeth understood Tegras's intention, so he ran in the opposite direction and opened the way for Evan. Evan had no better way, so he had to follow Becky behind his back.

The black spider really had only Teglas in his eyes, completely ignoring Elvin and rushing straight to Teglas. Tegras retreated and shot arrows at the black spider. The black spider suffered so many losses and learned to be obedient. He no longer bowed his head to face Taglas. Taking advantage of his height, he raised his head and protected his eyes, so that Teglas could shoot arrows without an angle. Although the black spider could not see Teglas in this way, it Relying on his huge size, he kept stretching out his huge long feet to attack randomly.

And Teglas can't think of a solution for the time being. This is different from the previous battle in the forest. There are many trees in the forest as barriers. Teglas can flexibly cross and hide between the trees, and even if the other party raises his head, Teglas can climb on the tree to enter it. Attack, that's it. At that time, Teglas successfully knocked out the seven eyes of the black spider.

But now, there are empty places here, and Teglas's behavior is completely exposed. Even if the other party doesn't need to look at it, he can fully sense the location of Teglas. Even if there are occasional stone pillars nearby to hide, it collapsed without the impact of the black spider. Teglas only He can constantly rely on his agile body and run flexibly to avoid the attack of this black spider.

At this time, Elvin also ran out of the nest of these spider monsters with Biqi and silver teeth on his back. There was a loud noise from behind. Elvin also understood that Tegrath's was in fierce battle and was worried. Just as they had just escaped from the old nest, Biqi seemed to wake up and made a weak voice: "This...he...where is it?"

Iwen was really happy to see Biqi wake up.

"Mr. Elvin... It turns out that it is... you... and... the silver teeth are also... What about Tiglas?"

Ask a question that was difficult to answer, and Elvin didn't know how to answer it.

At this time, there was a huge sound from behind, which seemed to be the sound of the mountain wall being broken. Although Biqi was still semi-conscious, she saw the surrounding environment, the memories of being caught by the spider monster before, and the inseparable silver teeth with Tiglas by her side, she could also understand that it was probably happened. What happened?

Biki asked, "Mr. Evan... Is Teglas... still behind us?"

ai wen knew that he couldn't hide it, so he had to tell the truth.

Biki said excitedly, "Mr. Avan... I beg you... Go back and save Teglas quickly... He will be dangerous alone."

"No, I promised him to take good care of you first and take you back to the village first." Elvin must protect Biggy.

Biki shed tears: "Mr. Elvin... Please don't worry about me... Please go back to help Tegras... I can't be involved with him again because of my own affairs... I've lost his father once before... Now it's me again... Please... I don't want to... Neither I can lose him."

Looking at Biqi's tears, Evan was also very sad. In fact, he also wanted to help Tegrath.

At this time, the mountain wall of the spider's nest behind him was smashed into a big hole, and a huge figure came out. Naturally, it was the black spider that could do this with such great power. Through the big hole, Evan saw the situation behind the mountain wall and saw that Teglas fell down. On the ground, not only that, but also by the stone that fell from the mountain wall that had just been broken, he was now moving his body slowly, trying to get rid of the heavy pressure of the boulder.

After seeing this, Biqi was very nervous and hurriedly shouted, "Mr. Evan... go quickly... go and save Teglas!"

Awen also saw that Tiglas's situation was very dangerous. Originally, he wanted to fight with Tiglas. Now this situation, coupled with Biggy's bitter plea, he can't stand it anymore. Elvin put down Biggy in a safer place, while the silver teeth stayed here to protect her. When Elvin was ready, he immediately ran back.

Because the black spider was also very dizzy by this collision, it finally stood up. In addition, it was worried that its eyes would be shot again and did not dare to look down too much. It just nodded its head and probably glanced around, so it did not find the location of Teglas under the stone, so it had to stop. He stepped on his long legs in the stone pile.

Although Teglas is fine for the time being, if he can't get out of the stone quickly, it will be found sooner or later, and there will be no hope at that time.

Teglas was trying his best to push up the stone and pull himself out of the gap little by little, but the black spider was slowly searching and approaching. But the black spider suddenly shouted, and one of the long feet kept kicking there. It turned out that Elvin was attacking its long feet with a gem dagger. Elvin learned from experience and was no longer greedy for knives. He broke away with one blow, stabbed and ran away, and then attacked other long feet.

Evan has been wandering and attacking under the black spider's body. He was so angry that the black spider kept spinning there and kicked everywhere with his long feet, but he couldn't step on the clingy "worm" of Aiwen. Aiwen's move won precious time for Teglas to escape from under the stone. After several efforts, Tiglas finally Freedom has been restored.

Tegras saw that it was Elvin who saved him. He came back. Although Tegras was worried about Biggy's situation, he also believed that Elvin must have temporarily put her in a safe place, and his silver teeth were not here, and he believed that he was also protecting Biggy.

I'm a little worried about putting it down. Now the priority is how to kill the black spider. If you want to deal with the other party, you can only attack its eyes, but it always does not bow its head and has no angle to shoot. Tegras looked around and found that there is a stone platform not far away. If you climbs on it, I could find a suitable angle to shoot, so I picked up the long bow and immediately ran to climb.

ai wen's guerrilla warfare is very smooth, but the effect is limited, because no matter how many times Evan stabs the long leg of the black spider, it is just a needle-like attack for him. Although this is also painful, it can't do any harm to it at all. What's more, he can't be in a position of being beaten forever. The black spider was not stupid and came up with a way to deal with Evan. Suddenly, his eight feet bent outward and his whole body began to press down.

This black spider weighs at least hundreds of tons, and with its hard skin shell, it is not a joke if it is suppressed by it. Elvin shouted in his heart that he didn't want to become a pool of meat sauce. Fortunately, Elvin was near one of his long feet. Elvin jumped and escaped the 100 tons of heavy pressure in time.

But in this way, Elvin really has no way to deal with the black spider, and now the black spider has also found him. The primary venting object, Tegras, had no trace for the time being, and Elvin had to become the venting object of the black spider. The black spider made a loud cry again and suddenly stepped on Elvin with his long feet.

ai wen had to roll left and right desperately to avoid, but under such a super-giant long-foot attack, he had to dodge with all his strength every time, which consumed a lot of physical strength. Evan wanted to pass under the opponent's body again and avoid the pursuit of the black spider, but this idea was completely blocked, and the black spider would not let you again He messed around under it. As soon as he saw you dodge under it, he put a hundred tons of heavy pressure again, and Evan could only continue to run forward.

And Elvin runs a long way forward, and the black spider only needs to take a small step, and the advantages and disadvantages of the size gap are fully shown here. Unfortunately, there are only those ordinary stone pillars and tall boulders around. They don't crash at all. It's even more dangerous to hide behind and worry about being crushed by the falling stones. What's worse, Elvin's speed has slowly decreased. Today's test of the star has really consumed his physical strength all the way.

The savior arrived, and two arrows quickly shot over. The two more eyes of the black spider were colored, and now its remaining eyes were less than half. The black spider will never forget this pain. This is Teglas's masterpiece. Now he continues to aim at the black spider on a high stone platform on the side of the battlefield. Evan hurriedly hid behind the boulder beside him and covered the night pyroxene on his hat to avoid light. At this time, Elvin suddenly had an idea and seemed to come up with a way.

Seeing Teglas aiming at himself again, the black spider was scared and immediately turned its head so that it would not be hit again by the second wave of arrows. So the black spider no longer raised its head. This time, on the contrary, it lowered its head, turned its back to Teglas, raised its abdomen, in the shape of a shield and a broken hammer.

The opponent in front of him was really difficult to deal with, and Teglas had no angle to shoot arrows again, so he ran to the side to see if he could make some more angles. But the black spider was also as Teglas thought. It was not a fuel-efficient lamp. It raised its abdomen, the "breaking city hammer" high, quickly retreated, and rushed straight into Teglas's place. Just now, the strong mountain wall broke a big hole in the black spider, and now the fate of this small stone platform is not much better.

With a loud rumble, the stone platform was knocked down by the black spider. Fortunately, Teglas grabbed the edge of the collapse in time, so that he would not fall down with the gravel and be buried by the stone again.

Teglas seemed to think of something. Instead of climbing back to the stone platform, he jumped to the bottom by the mountain wall and jumped to the back of the black spider. Now that the opportunity has come, Teglas relies on the agile and vigorous skills honed by running between the forest and quickly running along the back of the black spider, like a flat ground, running directly to its head.

The black spider felt something moving on its back, but by the time it understood, it had already seen an arrow appearing very close to its eyes. Teglas doesn't have to worry about not finding an angle to shoot arrows, and he doesn't have to worry that the other party will avoid it. Now he is standing firmly on the head of the black spider, and all the other party's eyes are at his feet.

However, although the eyes are fragile, at least there is a hard eye mask to protect it. Teglas stepped on it with his foot, and the effect was not ideal, so he took out the bow and arrow he was best at and launched it directly at close range. The arrow smoothly pierced the eye mask and successfully blinded one eye.

Another eye-catching pain made the black spider on the verge of madness. He kept rushing around at full speed to get rid of Taglas on his head, but Tiglas finally reached this best "superior seat". But he would not get off the stage so easily. The eyes of the black spider were covered with Tegras' arrows. Tegras half squatted down, grabbed the arrows with his hand, and still stood firmly on it. Taking advantage of the slight pause after the black spider's random sprint, Teglas pulled out an arrow from behind again and shot another arrow. Another eye of the black spider was reimbursed.

I don't know if the black spider lost too many eyes, or it's really dizzy. No matter how old it is, it hits a mountain wall, and in terms of speed, it really doesn't intend to brake. It seems that he wants to give up a blow to Teglas and hurt himself.

Teglas also found the intention of the black spider at this time, but it was too late. The mountain wall is already close. It is easy to get on the bus and it is difficult to get off the bus. Now it is the most suitable situation at this time. The head of the black spider is more than ten meters high from the ground. Teglas has no time to consider anything else. , jumped directly from the head of the black spider, but the time was too short, and the distance was too close. Under the inertia, Teglas still hit the mountain wall, and then fell down the mountain wall and fell heavily to the ground.

Fortunately, Teglas has a hard-honed strong body. Although this fall did not turn into a serious injury, he could not stand up for a while, and there were many wounds on his body, but something worse happened. From the mountain wall, a piece fell because of this impact. The big stone fell from more than ten meters high. The power can be imagined, and it also hit Teglas' right shoulder, and the sound of bone breaking can be clearly heard.

This accident caused considerable damage to Teglas, who touched his right shoulder and shouted in pain. You can imagine how painful it was. Nowadays, physical trauma is secondary. Now something worse is in front of Teglas. Now the condition of his right hand can't feel anything other than pain, and he can't move at all. It seems that the bone is completely broken and he has lost his right hand. For an archer, On this battlefield, it is very deadly.