Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 92 After the Duel

Mikal and Shuna managed to squeeze into Elvin from the cheering villagers.

Shuna shouted happily, "That's great, Brother Evan and Brother Ted. Although I don't know anything about martial arts moves, I can see that everyone is very powerful."

Mikal patted Shona's head again and said, "Little Shona, how much can you understand? By the way, Evan, how can you tell the weakness of this 'steel body' Hoffman? Tell us quickly so that everyone can know how powerful you are.

Shouna laughed and said, "What? Brother Mikal, it turns out that you can't understand it, haha."

Mikal was embarrassed: "What are you laughing at? Elvin, just say it quickly."

ai wen looked at Hoffman beside him, because this topic was not easy to say in front of the parties.

However, Hoffman is a bold person and doesn't mind: "A real man is upright and sits straight. There are no secrets that can't be said to outsiders. Haha, I also want to hear it."

ai wen then explained: "In fact, our victory is purely a fluke, because we have never heard of and seen the martial arts of vitality before, and we have no idea about it, so in the face of the strange power of vitality, we suffered a great loss at the beginning and were completely unable to fight and crack it. As the saying goes, if you want to win, you must know your enemy. Through the conversation between the village head of Dane and Grimio, I learned the characteristics of vitality and the form of Hoffman's vitality..."

The villagers around still don't understand how Ivan found Hoffman's weakness. Because of this information, they have known it for a long time, so they are curiously waiting for Elvin to continue to answer.

Evan saw what everyone expected, so he began to say:

"Although we know Hoffman's vitality form and have a big headache about it, as the village head Dane said, nothing is perfect, so I also guess in my heart that maybe Hoffman's vitality protection is also not perfect, and there should still be weaknesses. . But after many punch tests between the two of us, we hardly found any weaker vitality in him that allowed us to attack. Until I noticed two very strange things..."

"The first strange thing is that many people will also feel strange after seeing Hoffman for the first time. Why does he dress like this? Although people in your village are used to it, for us who come here for the first time, they will feel very It's strange."

"At first, we thought that Hoffman's personality was bold, but from the words of village head Dane, I understood that it was to dress like this in order not to let his vitality be hindered by his clothes and flow smoothly. Then, on the other hand, it implies that if something has been hindering it, it is possible that the existence of vitality in that part will be weak, which is one of them; "

"The second strange thing is that Hoffman has never seen him use his legs in the whole duel. He has always attacked and counterattacked by hand. Generally, empty-handed duels often require both hands and feet to attack together. This is very strange, so I first thought that the reason why Hoffman couldn't do anything was probably because he saw the battle between me and the black bull just now, which made him very wary of his feet, so he focused on making the lower plate very stable, so that our down attack could not make him fall to the ground.

"Although these strange places can be explained, it was not until Ted just hugged his leg that it was normal to judge that kicking away with his feet was the most effective way, but Hoffman squatted down to attack Ted, and then slowly Grabbing Ted's body and lifting him up and throwing him out, this method is a very dangerous behavior in the face of two opponents. It is very slow and flawed.

"This strange move was like a key, which solved all the strange questions in my mind, so I guessed that maybe his feet didn't want to use, but didn't dare to use them. Combined with his vitality form to understand, if clothes would hinder his vitality, then he has always been down-to-earth. The vitality on the soles of the feet attached to the ground may not be able to be exerted, and the thickness is almost zero. Following this idea, I planned this method. As a result, the method was very successful. This is where Hoffman's vitality is weak.

Evan said that everything is reasonable. Not only the villagers and Mikal Xiuner, but also Hoffman himself was surprised. He himself did not study it so carefully. He didn't expect that in the short process from meeting to the confrontation, he would be able to see so many details of himself.

"Good boy, that's awesome. I lost convincingly." Hoffman himself is full of praise for Evan.

"Where, we can barely get this victory with one enemy and two enemies. If it were me alone, it would never be possible, and..." Alvin turned his eyes to Grimio outside the field. He was the number one behind-scenes hero who could win, and he was also the first to find these doubts, the most I saw through the other party's weakness.

Hoffman suddenly picked up Evan, let him sit on his shoulder, and laughed and said, "I'm so happy today. I just finished a duel, and the blood and sweat representing the glory of a man flowed out. At this time, we should have a good dinner to celebrate and welcome the arrival of the star hero."

After Hoffman, the influential chief warrior in the village, said that Evan's identity as a star hero has been accepted by him, and other villagers in the village believe that they must have the same answer in their hearts.

"It's great to have a dinner party to celebrate, I can have a big meal again, haha."

A rough shout came from outside the crowd, which was really familiar to the villagers of the whole warrior village and Ai Wen. They showed a headache expression one after another. It was already very clear who was speaking.

The black bull woke up. It is estimated that he woke up in a coma under the stimulation of the word "dinner".

"Where is the dinner party? I'm hungry. What are you doing here with so many people?" The black bull pushed the crowd away and appeared in front of Elvin and the others.

ai wen was very worried, for fear that he would fight again because he broke the black cow's axe. It was not just Elvin, but everyone present had the same worry.

"Why is everyone looking at me? My face is long and I don't have any birds. Huh? Where did you come from? I seem to have seen you somewhere, ah... I have a headache." The black bull touched the place on his head that had just been knocked unconscious and shouted for pain. It seemed that this blow made his head temporarily lose his memory.

Asked about himself by the black bull, Evan didn't know how to respond, but smiled awkwardly.

The black bull suddenly became angry: "Ah, I remember that you, the birdman, broke my precious axe. The fight just now is not over yet. Don't run away."

Sure enough, it seems that this short amnesia is really short-lived. After shouting, he raised his fist and hit Evan.

Hoffman blocked with his body, protected Elvin on his shoulder, and took the heavy blow of the black bull with his chest. One was infinite strength, a copper wall and iron wall collided with each other, and there was a loud sound, and both of them were shaken back several steps.

Hoffman shouted: "Black Bull, don't mess around. This is an important guest in our village."

"No matter who this bird man is, it will damage my axe. Even if the emperor comes, I will beat him well." As expected, everything is quite unreasonable.

"What if the star hero comes?"

Being settled by Hoffman's words, Black Bull suddenly became dumbfounded: "Ah... Er... Don't tease me. You always laugh at me for being stupid. I won't be fooled this time."

"Has I ever teased you as a man? Have I ever lied to you? Hoffman is the kind of person who speaks the same thing.

" it...really?" The black bull began to hesitate.

Hoffman nodded.

Black Bull's expression immediately changed and smiled at Evan: "Hahaha, the hero of the stars, that's great. I didn't expect to see the hero of the stars 200 years ago. I'm so happy."

"Ah, this, in fact, I'm not 200 years ago..." Evan still had a headache for the other party's misunderstanding.

The black bull didn't seem to hear it at all. Suddenly, his tone became impatient and kept beating himself: "Oh, I'm such an asshole. I just hurt the hero of the stars. It's all my fault, asshole, asshole."

It seems that Black Bull doesn't like to listen to other people's words, and Elvin feels it again.

ai wen hurriedly stopped the black bull and said, "Come on, everyone just had a duel with each other. It's normal to be injured in the duel. Don't mind too much. Besides, during the duel just now, your precious axe was damaged. I hope you don't mind. This is called not knowing each other. This is also our fate.

"Hahaha, yes, yes, I don't know each other. Speaking of my heart, I only remember that I can beat me. There are also these rotten axes, which are light and blunt. I haven't used them for a long time. If they are broken, they will be broken. Just lose them.

Black Bull's way of thinking is really straightforward and simple, and he is also very emotional. Ivan began to understand the reason why the villagers in the warrior village have headaches.

"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Elvin Elanres. You can just call me Elvin."

Black Bull's self-introduction is very straightforward: "I was born with no father or mother, no name and no surname. I heard from the village head that he picked me up in the black forest and brought me up with one hand, and the people in the village laughed at me for being black and as strong as a cow, so they called me black cow."

Are they also orphans? Mikal and Ted also understand the state of mind of being a fatherless orphan. Although it is also a very happy thing to be the adopted son of the leader of the Kulos Legion, who doesn't want real parents to accompany them to grow up slowly?

"How can I call you a hero by your name? I will recognize you as my eldest brother in the future. In the future, I will listen to you. Even if you want my head, I won't frown. Brother, just take it away."

Black Bull is really a temperamental person, with a straight personality and no taboos in speaking. Aiwen is really uncomfortable. Aiwen is obviously much younger than him, but when he is called the eldest brother like this, Aiwen has to respond with an awkward smile.

At this time, Village Chief Dane and Grimio came over, gave a small bottle to Elvin and the others, and said, "This is a secret wound medicine inherited from all generations in our warrior village. It can be applied on the outside and inside, and it is very effective. Duels and so on are common in our village. The people in the village can be so lively every day by relying on this medicine. You can use it quickly.

After Elvin's right hand was applied with this secret wound medicine, bursts of heat came from his arm, and the pain gradually subsided. It was amazing that he could move a little. Ted also felt that the effect was super good.

"Thank you, Village Chief Dane, for the wound medicine. It's really amazing."

Village head Dain: "There is no need to thank you for this little thing. On the contrary, it's me, and I still want to thank you first."

Aiwen asked curiously, "I don't know what the village head of Dane thanked us?"

Village Chief Dane: "Ha ha, haven't you seen the eyes of the young people in our village around you? Everyone is full of expectations. It's good to be young. You can go out and fight for your dreams, shed your blood and sweat, and fight your own wonderful things.

Is the meaning of the village head Dane already... From the expressions of the young people in the warrior village, it can be seen that their answers have been written on their faces. Now in such a scene, Ai Wen and others have seen hope.

Hoffman first said: "That's right, a man should have a man's way of living, and there is no better way of living than following the star hero to fight in the world. The people of our warrior village should show our skills to the world and let our names be recorded in history. "

Black Bull is not willing to lag behind: "I'm the first to follow the eldest brother. Who dares to come and grab my position? I will be the first to fight with him."

The villagers around laughed, while Mikal and others sweated profusely. It seemed that someone would compete for the first position to follow Evan in the future.

Elvin was very happy and satisfied with this result, and three more gems on the star wrist wheel on his wrist were lit up. ( Sky Retiring Star: Village Chief Dane, Sky Damage Star: Hoffman, Sky Killing Star: Black Bull)

After the good ending, the village head of Dane then announced: "It seems that the result is very clear. After that, Hoffman has come to organize it. The young people's affairs are still left to the young people themselves. I still went to organize the dinner. Our warrior village has not been so lively today for a long time."

Hearing the word dinner, of course, the happiest thing was the black bull, and he roared in ecstasy at the first time. It seems that the food at today's dinner can't escape.

"That's right, village head Daen, you just promised to let us see the vitality of martial arts after the duel. As a martial artist, you can learn a smarter martial arts. This excitement really makes me unbearable." The heart of Grimio has now been rekindled, so I really hope that I can go further.

The village head of Dane nodded in favor: "That's right. Since the dinner also needs time to be prepared, let's let someone take you to see the master. It was the master who passed on his vitality to the people of our village."

Master? Unexpectedly, there are people who make such an old Dane village respected as a master. It's really hard to imagine each other's age, but in view of the magic of vitality and martial arts, it is impossible to be 100 years old.

Black Bull was the first to shout: "I'll bring it, I'll do it. I know the way of the master's house. I can finally help my eldest brother do something. Don't rob me."

Grimio asked curiously, "Dane village chief, your master? Isn't this martial arts inherited from the warrior village? Don't you and Hoffman be the most powerful people in this warrior village?

The village head Dane waved his hand and said, "You misunderstood. I didn't say that the martial arts of vitality has been handed down in our village, and I only said that Hoffman is the chief warrior in this village, but I didn't say that he is the most powerful martial artist. It was exactly 14 years ago that he came to our village to live in seclusion, and The master of our whole village who brought vitality to learn martial arts. You should really go and have a face with the master, and I believe he will help you.


After Aiwen and the others left, the village head of Dain was extremely angry: "Who on earth cut the ancient pine I worked hard to cultivate in half? I must punish him well!"

The villagers kept praying and silent for the black bull in their hearts.