Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 100 Battle Chess 2

You can act more than the other party. No matter what kind of chess you play, this is also a great advantage. Elvin and others began to discuss it. If you want to succeed in the surprise attack, the cavalry chess pieces represented by Mikar are the key to the overall situation.

Cavalry, a super-powered arm, has an incomparable movement speed on the flat ground and has a strong breakthrough ability. As a surprise attack arm, it is really the most suitable candidate. At the beginning, Mikal only thought that the cavalry was very handsome to take this position, but now it has become the key to victory or defeat, which is really what Mikal didn't expect.

Throughout the overall situation, the left wing of this array is Ted's spearmen, which is located in an area of a large forest. The front is a flat land, with black bull's shield soldiers and Grimio's archers. The cavalry represented by Mikal is on the right side of this array, separated from this formation by a forest that is difficult for cavalry to cross, while the terrain on the right is It is flat, but unfortunately, there is a wider river ahead as a barrier, and the cavalry can't cross it.

There are two bridges on the river, side by side, from which can cross the river, but as strategic key points, the other side arranged several long gunmen with restrained cavalry early in the morning, blocking the bridge, making it impossible for the cavalry to break through, which is equivalent to saying that Mikal, the cavalry, was isolated and wanted to bypass it. Or it takes precious time to cross the forest to dock with this array.

However, there are also many enemies facing this array. Although there are rivers that separate the positions of the two sides, unlike Mikal, it is a type of stride that can be crossed. Although it will take some time, the two sides can ignore the bridge and cross the river directly, which is more difficult to defend.

The strategic policy of the surprise attack has been determined, but how to achieve it is what Elvin and others plan next. After all, this is the endgame set by Matthew's military division, and the ordinary hard method is definitely to dig his own grave. As time went by, after a brief discussion, everyone finally decided on the preliminary action plan.

It's the other party's turn to act. Of course, the other party is completely on standby. Entering the battle stage, Elvin, they can start moving chess pieces.

The other party explained, "There is a button indicating the direction next to each of your weapons. You can press and move according to your own ideas."

Evin and the others saw the cross button on the weapons of various chess pieces in their hands, which was easy to understand, so Elvin and the others tried to press it down, and something interesting happened. The iron plate fixed under Elvin's feet began to move slowly along the iron track and moved to their designated Place.

So all of Elvin's chess pieces moved towards the local position according to the plan, while Mikal's cavalry pieces began to retreat, trying to bypass the forest to join the formation, but I don't know why. Mikal's moving distance was relatively short, which may be because he was not proficient in operation, so he moved a few grids.

Entering the third round, in the strategic stage, the plan for major aspects has been decided. Evan and others discussed the details, one short, the leader, and gathered everyone's opinions. Evan and the others were quite satisfied with their plan.

In the battle stage, unlike the previous one, the other side began to move, and many pieces of the other party also began to attack the Aiwen side. Both sides concentrated their forces on the river. However, because of the advantage of being able to move one more round and moving forward with all their strength, they were closer to the river, if they didn't know it. With the standby of the other party, Elvin will not be so bold to sprint with all their strength, because how to cross the river is the key to get the opportunity. If there is no accident, you can cross it smoothly, so that there will be a wider place to move later.

The other side also seemed to have responded to this situation. For Elvin's robbery tactics, the other side had to be sent from the long gunmen stationed on the bridge on the right to stop Elvin's army, so that their rear troops could reach It was time to arrive and block Evan and the others on the river.

In the fourth round, Elvin and others still discussed the details and accurately calculated the impact of each step's movement position on the overall formation. Among them, the most important thing to pay attention was the black bull, because he knew nothing about war chess. He was afraid that if he pressed the wrong button and took the wrong step, it was all over.

In the battle stage, Ai Wen and the others finally arrived at the river. At this time, the chess pieces transferred from the right bridge are about to arrive. According to such a situation, Ai Wen and others are likely to be blocked on the bridge. Although they can choose to cross, their mobility is limited, and they will still be blocked on the river beach. A fierce battle is inevitable. Fighting against each other in the terrain of the water, even if the other party is just two pieces, it is enough to block Evan and the others in the river.

War chess is a chess game that can't destroy the opponent immediately by touching it. It also depends on the direction and the relationship of the arms. It often needs to attack two to three times, but Elvin's strength (health value) is on the verge of collapse. If it is defense, it may be able to withstand two or three rounds. But if you fight head-on, you will be directly eliminated.

It is undoubtedly unwise for Elvin and others, who have little time to fight with the enemy's chess pieces, so Elvin and others should avoid conflicts as much as possible.

In the fifth round, this is the beginning of a real head-on confrontation between the two sides. In the battle stage, it was thought that the thrilling drama of beach fighting would be staged on the river, but surprisingly, the two sides did not start fighting. It is understandable that the other side was guarding the bridge, but Elvin did not directly force it at all. Instead, the plan to cross the river was to move to the left along the river and enter the forest area. It seemed that he wanted to bypass the guards on the bridge and cross directly to the side.

However, the other party also seemed to have expected this. The other pieces behind the other party also moved directly to the left and entered the forest area, blocking the left area.

The situation on the chessboard is developing in a very unfavorable direction, but Elvin and the others did not show an embarrassing expression.

In the sixth round, Evan and others began to cross along the river on the left, and the other side also surrounded them tightly. The guard chess pieces on the bridge also crossed the bridge, intending to attack Evan and others from the side, forming a half-encirclement net. Going on, so many pieces of the other party, as the coach Elvin, and guarded them. Grimio and others will easily be surrounded and annihilated by each other.

However, this is exactly Elvin's plan, because they took the key to Mikal's surprise soldiers all the way, because they planned to use it as bait from the beginning to lure most of the opponent's chess pieces, create opportunities for Mikal's cavalry, and exert the high-speed mobility of the cavalry. , rush across the bridge on the right and surprise the opponent's coach chess pieces.

Of course, this is also very risky. In order to make the illusion that Mikal's cavalry will come back with reinforcements, Mikar must first move backwards, which is undoubtedly a waste of precious time. So Evan and the others are also gambling, betting on whether Mikal rushed to attack the other team's coach first, or Evan and the others were surrounded and hanged first.

What Evan and they need to consider now is how to use the terrain of forests and rivers to form a tight defensive formation to protect the coach of Evin from being defeated and buy more time.

Mikal couldn't live up to everyone's expectations. He took advantage of this precious round and directly and forcibly charged back to the right bridge. In the next round, he could rush across the bridge to the opposite side, but something embarrassed Mikal appeared, because the other party's spearman who had been stationed on the bridge before actually remained. .

In the strategic stage of the sixth round, Elvin and others directly discussed how to take positions and defend, because in the next round, the other party will come and have a head-on confrontation. Although Mikal's side relied on the temptation of Elvin and others to successfully clear almost all the opponent's pieces that blocked him, it was up to him to deal with the only remaining opponent, and he was also a spearman who specialized in restraining his cavalry. There are two bridges leading to the other side. One of the other side can only block one of them, and the other is defenseless.

"Is there a one-half chance? Hahaha." Mikal began to laugh and took out a coin from his pocket.

Mikal shouted loudly, "I don't care how famous Matthew's military division was. Think with your mind that maybe I'm not as good as you. But when my uncle Mikal plays war chess, the first game has always been my strength, not because of anything else, but because I have strengths and good luck that others can't match. There is a saying that people are not as good as God. No matter how powerful you are, you can't even guess the decision that I don't even know. I'll let this coin decide which bridge I choose.

The other party found it very interesting: "If you dare to use luck to fight against my master's plan, well, let's take a look."

In the battle stage, the chess pieces are about to start to move.

Mikal threw the coin in mid-air at this time and announced loudly: "I will choose the one on the front, and the one on the back."

As the coin kept flipping in the air, it finally fell to the ground and slowly stopped after bouncing a few times.

The result came out, which is positive. Without saying a word, Mikal remotely controlled the horses and rushed directly to the bridge on the left. It seemed that Mikal believed in his luck very much.

Will the chess piece of the other spearman on the other side of the bridge move in front of him to stop him? Mikal's eyes stared at the chess piece. Mikal went up to the bridge. At this time, the chess piece of the spearman began to move. If Mikal wanted to say that he was not worried at all, it was fake. His heart was silently praying that the chess piece of the spearman would roll over to another bridge.

Maybe Mikal really has strong luck, or the messy prayer in his heart has taken effect, and the chess piece of the other side's spearman has really moved to another bridge. Mikal crossed the bridge smoothly and left the spearman completely behind. With the mobility of the cavalry, no chess pieces can catch up behind him, and there is no obstacle in front of him. He can take the opponent's coach's chess pieces directly and end this chess game.

Thinking of this, Mikal was so happy that he cheered on this iron horse and put on an expression that he thought was very handsome.

Mikal thought that he would get the admiring eyes cast by Shuna on the court, but when he looked back, Shuna did not focus on Mikal, but looked very anxious and worried.

At this time, Ted's cry came from the other side of the chess game. Ted, who had always endured the pain, would also cry in pain. It can be imagined how much he was hurt.

Mikal looked for a voice. Ted, a long gunman, was covering his arm and looked very painful. Mikal looked at Ted's arm seriously. It was very red and swollen, and he was seriously injured. It turned out that it was shot by the arrow shot by the opponent's archer puppet chess piece.

Although these arrows are not real sharp arrows, and the arrows are very blunt, after all, at such a close distance, and the body is fixed, there is no way to avoid them, and the long gun in his hand can't be used, so Ted has to use his hand as a shield.

Evan asked, "Why did you get hurt? Isn't this just chess!"

The other party responded loudly: "We have said before that this is not an ordinary chess thing. This is also a war. Seeing such a layout, are you so naive to think that we have worked so much and done so many tricks to make this kind of chess piece better. Already?"

"However, such injuries are very dangerous for ordinary people." Elvin still thinks it's too cruel.

Sith beside him said again: "Dangerous? Don't you have your own consciousness? A war is not a dangerous thing that can be said simply. There is no war without bloodshed and sacrifice. Many people like you say that they want to fight for freedom and honor and justice, but how many people can really have a sense of death for this?

Sith said with righteous indignation, as if he had experienced such a thing.

ai wen and others feel ashamed to do so. Obviously, they themselves have felt that such a chess game may be dangerous before the beginning, but as Sith said, they are still not mature enough to regard the matter here and the great cause of their mission as a game. Ai Wen's awareness is indeed not enough. They have not really realized that they are already in this whirlpool of disputes all the time.

Elvin understood, so he said in a firm tone, "Every step in life may become a mistake, but you can't stop taking the next step because of mistakes. Let's continue."