Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 106 Before the First Battle

In the evening, Elvin took Sith and the others to the Star Fortress from the Mirror of Transmission. At this time, everyone else also completed their tasks and gathered in the military hall. The representatives of the Warrior Village, Hoffman and Black Bull; the representatives of Xingyin Village, the village head of Dane and Teglas, and Irvan are all waiting here.

After a simple mutual understanding, the meeting began, and everyone reported to everyone on the information collected so far. First of all, our own intelligence:

In terms of combat effectiveness, there are about 200 watchmen in Xingyin Village, and there are about 200 ordinary villagers who can fight. In terms of Warrior Village, because every villager has practiced martial arts since childhood, everyone can participate in the battle, which can be said to be the main combat power of Ivan's side. According to Hoffman's report, it can As many as 600 people participated in the war, and the combat effectiveness is very considerable.

In terms of strategic materials, there is no need to worry about food, but because both villages live in the forest, they are usually self-sufficient and have little contact with the outside world. Even in the warrior village, objects such as iron weapons are extremely limited. Most of the equipment that can be armed are bows and arrows and leather armor, plus a small number of machetes and ordinary farmers. ju.

The intelligence of the other party: From the information learned from Shuna's observation on the mountain in the distance, and the information learned by Sith, the number of the other party's troops is about 4,000. It is not ruled out that they still have follow-up troops, so the number of the other party is tentatively set at about 5,000. It can be seen that this time, the other party can be said to be a department. The team is all out.

The soldiers of these troops are equipped with regularized armor and weapons, and military food is also transported by a considerable number of troops, and as the troops advance, the more villages they pass by, the more military food supplies there are. Although it is called to investigate the cause of the earthquake, in fact, they have been searched all the way, and they have also investigated from the village all the way and know where the source of the earthquake is. They are now coming straight to our side, which is bound to be obtained. According to the speed of propulsion, it is expected to come in less than ten days.

So much information from both sides is known so far. In contrast, the situation is not optimistic. However, almost all the people present are people who have no war experience, so they don't know much about the concept of the gap between the two sides, especially the people in the warrior village.

Black Bull was the first to shout: "No matter how many people come from the other party, the people in our warrior village are not afraid of anything, but afraid of not fighting. We rushed straight over, cut one when we saw one, caught the turtle lord, and then directly twisted his neck.

In this speech of the Black Bull, the villagers of other warrior villages next to him shouted repeatedly, and they couldn't wait to start a war.

Like Black Bull, there is also Mikal, who also advocates front-on fighting, but he is still more objective, because the combat effectiveness of the guards of Warrior Village and Xingyin Village is indeed very high. When they were besieged in the small city of Tyros before, the combat effectiveness of the lords they met was indeed weak. It can't be compared with the five legions of the kingdom. The numerical advantage of the other party alone is not a terrible thing.

Mikal: "That's right. What other strategy is there? Like those lords and soldiers who can only bully ordinary people all day long, they will become cowards who only know how to escape at a dangerous moment. I fully believe that the soldiers of our warrior village and Xingyin Village can be ten. In this way, our present The combat strength of some 1,000 people can be said to have completely surpassed that of the other party.

Black Bull: "Mikal's words are so good that I can cut hundreds of them one by one."

Hoffman: "Although I don't know much about war, everyone in our warrior village is a man and will not be afraid of life and death."

The people of the Warrior Village applauded again.

Teglas: "The guards of Xingyin Village also have the same fighting power as anyone else. This big forest can be said to be our most powerful helper and our natural barrier. No matter how fierce the beasts are, our bows and arrows can accurately pierce their bodies. And we watchmen have sworn to be loyal to the heroes of the stars forever, and we will not be afraid of sacrifice. Please let us play in this battle.

The watchmen were also cheering loudly.

The stage is lively and full of fighting spirit, and everyone seems to feel the joy of victory in advance. Infected by the atmosphere, Elvin's worries also disappeared a lot. In such an atmosphere, only Sith became more and more worried.

Evan: "Sis, what's wrong with you? By the way, as a military division, you haven't put forward your opinion yet?"

Sith: "Is it my turn to speak?" Seeing you so happy, I really don't want to ruin your interest.

Black Bull: "What else do you need to say? Hasn't it been decided? This battle will definitely be won.

Teglas: "Indeed, our momentum is strong now, and we should keep this momentum. Moreover, although Sith is the son of Matthew's army, he is also older than us..." Teglas didn't say, and everyone understood that it was precisely because this Sith was too young.

It is reasonable for them to worry. After all, the people of Xingyin Village don't know much about the things outside. They have only heard a little about the deeds of Matthew's military division recently, so they don't respect them very much.

Evan: "Please listen to Sith's advice. He is also one of us."

When Aiwen spoke, the crowd calmed down to see what great advice the young man who was invited by Aiwen as a military sshi would give.

Sith: "I have heard a very positive evaluation of the martial arts of everyone present. I also believe that with your martial arts, there must be no problem to defeat those thousands of miscellaneous soldiers."

Black Bull: "What did you think you would say? I know all about this."

Sith: "But haven't you ever thought about defeating the thousands of troops, what happened after that? Next time, tens of thousands of people will come, how should you deal with it?

tens of thousands of numbers were thrown out, which calmed everyone at the meeting. Everyone looked at each other, but no one could give any answer. The black bull, who was not interested in numbers, was pulled aside by Hoffman before he finished shouting, so that he would not continue to lose face to the people in the Warrior Village.

Evan: "Sis is right. We have ignored this. Even if we win this battle, we will immediately face the next wave of more violent attacks. With our current scale, we can't withstand any subsequent blows."

Sis: "What will happen in the future is a later story. Now we can't face the crisis in front of us with such a smile. The enemy will always be the primary cause of defeat on the battlefield. One thousand elites, one for each person, is used to fight against the other party's 5,000 rabbles, which is a question that can be answered by children who can count. But war is not a simple digital game, and the outcome of the two sides cannot be known by calculation. Blindly hacking each other is completely unwise and foolish behavior.

Sith passed the candle next to him and put it on the map.

Sith: "What's more, what if the other party burns all the places with a torch?"

Mikal: "How is it possible that they will be burned themselves?"

Sith: "All I said that you are too naive. You have to understand that this is the dark and cruel place of war. People's reason and rationality can be said to be almost non-existent on the battlefield. In the eyes of those in power, the lives of others are as light as a feather, and their own existence is more important than everything. People who exchange the sacrifices of others for their own value are everywhere among those in power in today's kingdom.

Mikhalin replied speechlessly. Elvin and the others did not expect and never thought that they would abandon their soldiers in exchange for victory. As Sith said, they were still too naive.

Black Bull: "What are you afraid of? Then we just set a fire to burn those bird bastards clean."

Sith: "Fire attack has never been lacking in the history of human war, and it is also the most effective way to kill the enemy. As long as it is used properly, tens of thousands of enemies can be destroyed in an instant. Any famous legion division in history has their successful fire attack record.

Black Bull: "Look, I'm right!"

Sith: "However, you have to hear it clearly, provided that it is used properly."

Black Bull: "What?"

Sith: "Using fire attack is not only a matter of just a fire, but also an art course in war science. First of all, if we want to make the fire bigger and let the enemy completely surround it with fire before they are alert, we must have enough fuel. This is not available for us now, right?

Yes, as far as this newly established star cluster is concerned, it is really embarrassing.

Sith: "In addition, you have to consider the wind direction and wind speed when you set fire. If you are not careful, you will burn back to yourself at any time, or the wind is too small to spread at all. If you lack anything, you will fail. To this end, there must be people who know about the surrounding climate change to complete it. In this black forest, the climate and wind direction are unpredictable, and it is necessary to accumulate years of experience to master it. This is also something we can't do in such a short time.

Sith said a lot of military theories, which made the black cow's head hurt so much. The black bull said, "Wow, I won't play anymore."

Sith: "So, fire attack is not our first choice in this black forest. Moreover, the fire attack can be used again. After burning, it can't be used again. Every tree in this forest has a history of hundreds of years. It is easy to destroy but it is very difficult to plant again. What if the other party comes again next time? This forest is a gift given to us by gods. We can't destroy the property belonging to our human beings because of our own interests, or leave this gift to our descendants.

Black Bull no longer speaks a word about this.

Sith: "And once the war starts, it is impossible to be without casualties. In contrast, the more people die, the less likely they have to win. That is to say, the smallest sacrifice in exchange for the greatest result is successful; cruelly speaking, how to kill your own kind efficiently! So whether we win or lose, war will never be something we should be happy about.

When it comes to the nature of the war, everyone at the meeting was silent, which even Black Bull can understand. Everyone at the meeting was surprised by Sith's remarks that did not match his age, and all turned their eyes to him.

Sith: "Don't look at me like that. These truths are what my father talks about all day long. It's hard for me to remember. However, since this war is inevitable, it is about to begin. Although it is not something to make people happy, everything will be meaningless if you don't win. If you are willing to trust me, listen to me, and entrust your lives to me, I will do my best to save everyone's life. This is what I can do for everyone as a military division and what I must do.

Sith's wonderful speech, everyone at the meeting gave him admiration and warm applause, which has definitely won his respect and trust in the Elvin camp.

Sith: "Well, let's replan the future action plan. First of all, our primary strategic policy is to defeat each other, and we must do it once and for all to avoid the other party's comeback again.

Evan: "So what should we do at this point?"

Sith: "In this regard? First of all, we can never use the name of Star Hero to fight this battle.

Mikal: "Wow, we finally became the hero of the stars, but now we have to hide. How can we develop and grow in the future?"

Sith: "We are still in our infancy, and keeping a low profile is a necessary way to survive. At present, I have an idea, but I don't know enough information, and I need you to make some preparations.

Ewen: "No problem, Sith, just let us do it well."


A week later, the troops led by the acting lord Farnos were about to approach Elvin's star fortress, and a large force of more than 4,000 people marched between the forests.

The acting lord Farnos is slowly walking in the middle of this team on a famous stallion, surrounded by a group of officials-like people, talking and laughing along the way. What he is talking about is elegant. This is not like going to fight at all, but more like going to a picnic in the countryside.

One of the officials approached Farnos and said to him flatteringly, "Lord Farnos, I didn't expect that there were so many good things hidden in these villages. Now we have really gained a lot along the way. Even the transport team has been transferred back to three batches. I believe that at this year's celebration of the founding of the kingdom, our achievements must be among the best.

Fanos: "Hahaha, half a year later, the celebration of the founding of the kingdom, coupled with the holding of the four-year event, the lords of all parties will gather in the royal capital. We must not lose to other lords. Now the leader of the Bekas Legion, who is popular in the kingdom, is very optimistic about us. In short, what will the official fortune in the future? Look at it this time."

Official: "Lord Farnos, please remember to help your subordinates more at that time!"

Fanos: "Hahaha, I have always seen you work so hard to do things for me. Of course, I can't bear to part with such a capable assistant. If you can really catch that star hero in today's operation, you will be the most credited.

Official: "I dare not do it. My subordinates are just doing a little for Lord Farnos. If you want to make credit, it's better for you to be the first."

Farnos: "I dare to make a conclusion on your proposal this time. You're right. The abnormal glow of the stars that night must be the legendary signs, and just before this celestial event, the beam ejected from near the mountains in front of it and the epicenter of the ensuing earthquake are the same. It comes from this place. This series of things is so suspicious that it must be related to the Star Hero.

Official: "In addition, my subordinates also learned more interesting information, that the kingdom rewarded the wanted fugitives of treason some time ago and fled to the Black Forest. I heard that His Majesty Heroken seemed to be very nervous about these fugitives, and he also sent the Kuros army. The two big men, the regimental commander and the commander of the Becas Legion, came to chase in person, which made a lot of noise throughout the country, which also made me care. With so many events combined, this is not a coincidence at all. I boldly guess that this matter is also related to the legend of the hero of the star.

Farnos: "That's really good. This is a good opportunity given to me by God. Anyway, we can still let those lowly fools collect the taxes that they have been unwilling to pay honestly all at once. If we can really catch the so-called star hero, it's really kills two birds with one stone. The way to get it, hahaha."

At this time, in front of the leading force of the Fanos army, a mysterious man wearing a ferocious mask, strange clothes and full of bird and animal feathers and scales stopped in front of the team, constantly saying some incomprehensible words.

The appearance of this mysterious man immediately aroused the vigilance of the soldiers. He immediately raised his long gun and sharp sword in his hand, pointed at the mysterious man, surrounded him, and was ready to attack at any time.

A man riding a war horse, who seemed to be the captain of the team, came out and shouted at the mysterious man, "Who are you? How dare you stop in front? It's so suspicious. Come on, arrest me first."

After hearing the order, the soldiers immediately rushed over. Seeing that the mysterious man was about to be surrounded, the mysterious man did not show panic, but made strange movements and didn't know what kind of dance he was doing in the same place.

This confused the soldiers and looked curiously there.

The mysterious man later said in a strange tone: "Your ignorant mortals dare to invade this sacred land and disturb the sleep of the god of the abyss. You will leave quickly, otherwise the god of the abyss will ruthlessly devour you."