Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 118 The Great Crisis

Lal's sudden appearance and insulted Bart. Bart became angry and handed Shuna to the soldiers beside him. He also pulled out his sword to fight with Lal: "I'll deal with you well and let you know the mistake of insulting the soldiers of the kingdom."

The other soldiers did not follow Bart to deal with Lar, firstly, because they were very confident in their captain, and secondly, Bart, who believed in chivalry, required a fair one-on-one battle.

Bart raised his sword with both hands and slowly approached Lal, pulling his face with a very serious expression, which made his already ugly face more fierce. He wanted to suppress Lal with his momentum. But Lal still stood still and glared at Bart, which made Bart feel uncomfortable. Instead, he was suppressed by the other party's momentum.

Bart approached Lal and saw that Lal was still motionless and refused to give in. Bart: "Now I give you the last chance. As long as you apologize, I will..."

Without Bart's words, Rall kicked over, and Bart immediately fell down.

Bart was protected by armor and did not hurt. Bart was really angry. He immediately stood up and shouted, "Well, this is your own request. You dare to attack the soldiers of the kingdom. You have committed a crime. As the captain of the Hailan City Security Guard, I want to arrest you!" Bart kept emphasizing his identity, and it seemed that he cared about his responsibilities.

Bart raised his sword over his head and cut straight towards Lar. Lar moved two steps to the side. Bart's long sword cut past him and failed.

Lal counterattacked and waved his long sword, like lightning, and cut Bart's unprotected neck. Lar would really kill him.

Bart didn't expect that Lal was so powerful. He felt the murderous intention of the other party, and the approaching wind pressure of the other party's sword came from his neck. Not to mention retreating, Bart even had no time to think about it. Relying on the subconscious conditioned reflex, Bart lowered his head, lowered his neck and used his head. To resist Lal's sword. Fortunately, he wore a steel helmet to resist Lal's attack. Although the pain was inevitable, he at least saved his head.

The other party can really kill people. Bart was just shocked by Lal's sword and broke out in a cold sweat and kept subconsciously touching his neck there. Bart knew that in the confrontation just now, the opponent's swordsmanship was very powerful and his skills were much faster than himself. Bart did not dare to take it lightly. He held a long sword and dared not take the initiative to attack Lar again.

However, this time it was Lar's turn to take the initiative to take action, still aiming at the neck of the long sword sweeping. This time, Bart was on guard and erected the sword. As a fight, just as the two swords were about to confront, Lar's long sword disappeared, and Bart was stunned.

In fact, Lal's sword did not really disappear, but because it was too fast that Bart's eyes could not capture the image of the sword. Bart panicked again, raised his hands and protected his neck with the armor on his arms.

As Lal's figure passed by Bart, Bart only felt severe pain in his right thigh and blood flowed out. Bart's thigh was stabbed by Lal where there was no armor. It was very painful to attack his heart. Bart's right foot was numb and he could not exert his strength. He couldn't balance his body and knelt down on one knee.

The danger has not been relieved. Bart only felt the fierce wind pressure coming from his neck and felt the approach of death. All Bart's nerves were tightened. At this time, Bart could only rely on instinctive reactions to avoid it. Bart's left foot hard I want to roll forward.

But as soon as he started, his back was stabbed by Lal's long sword. The force was so strong that Bart's whole face fell to the ground and ate a mouthful of dirt.

Fortunately, Bart's shift avoided the blow of Lal's must-kill. He only stabbed the armor on his back and saved his life. However, the gap in strength between the two can be seen by even laymen. If he continues to fight, Bart's life will be given by Lal within five moves. It was buried.

Seeing that Captain Bart was defeated by Lal and was in danger of being killed by the other party at any time, he could no longer care about the spirit of chivalry. In order to save his captain, the team of soldiers quickly showed their weapons and rushed over and surrounded Lal.

Soldier A shouted, "Everyone, protect the captain quickly!"

Soldier B also shouted, "Everyone be careful. This guy is very powerful!"

Soldier C shouted, "Hurry up and find more people. There is a very dangerous figure here. For the safety of Hailan City, you must arrest him."

The soldiers here are different from those soldiers they have seen before, such as the small town of Taros and the ribel territory. In the face of opponents who are 100 times stronger than themselves and the danger of death, they are brave. In order to protect Hailan City, they are fearless.

But Lar will not be moved by the bravery of the other party. In her eyes, the other party is just a lackey of those greedy rulers who want to kill them quickly.

Xiu Na felt that the development of things was getting worse and worse. Because of his own troubles, he caused so many things. Some people suffered, some people were injured, and Xiu Na regretted it.

These soldiers knew that Lar was powerful and did not dare to underestimate the enemy. They formed a long gun formation and forced Lar to come in. Although the opponent has many guns and a tight formation, in Lal's eyes, after all, they are just miscellaneous soldiers and will not be Lal's opponent.

Lal's skills and swordsmanship were fearless, and he took the initiative to kill with his sword. It seems that a killing is about to begin.

It seemed that the gods of heaven did not want to see such meaningless killing between the two sides. At this time, Lal suddenly knelt down and trembled all over. His expression was so painful that he could not use his strength. He could only rely on his sword to support his body.

It turned out that the injury on Lal's back had occurred. Due to the lack of medicine, during this period, the injuries on her back have become more and more frequent. Now the recurrence at this "inappropriate" time has made her miserable and difficult to fight again.

Although the soldiers did not know what had happened, the other party's painful appearance was not pretended. The opportunity was rare, so the soldiers launched a charge and stabbed the dense long guns directly at Lar.

At the critical moment of life and death, Lal endured the severe pain and jumped back and escaped the stabbing of the soldiers, but this made the injury worse, but Lal relied on his fighting spirit and did not give up the battle. Now Lal, as Master Jianxin said, is fighting with his life.

It's just how strong Lar is. In such a state, her combat power has been greatly reduced, and her skills are not as fast as before that people can't catch it. Every movement is like a sharp sword piercing her body. Such pain is unimaginable by ordinary people. . In addition, now that Bart has stood up again and joined the regiment, the situation on the field has gradually tilted towards the other side.

The one who gets along with Lal the most is Xiu Na. In fact, Shu Na also vaguely knows that Lal seems to have a very serious injury. Usually, he often hides in the dark of no one's place and silently gritted his teeth to endure it. Because Xiu Na's excellent eyesight, he accidentally saw it. Now I see Lal's painful expression again and know that her injury has broken again, and I am very worried about her.

Seeing that Lal's situation became more and more unfavorable, Xiuner didn't want to look any further and began to struggle desperately to try to break free from the bondage of the soldier who was taking care of him. The soldier hurriedly hugged Xiu Na. Xiu Na really tried his best this time. Usually, under the "teaching" of Micard, he can now show his skills.

Xiu Na opened his mouth and bit the soldier's arm. The bite power of anyone's teeth should not be underremarked. Xiu Na, who is weak, wants to deal with strong soldiers, which can have a miraculous effect. Sure enough, under the pain, the soldier let go of Shuna, who took the opportunity to escape.

Seeing that Shuna escaped, Bart suddenly became very nervous and gave up Lar directly and shouted, "Ah! No, catch that little guy quickly and don't let him run away.

Normally, one is a child who destroys the stalls, and the other is a murderous foreigner. Naturally, it is very clear who is the harm to urban peace and who is more important, but Bart is abnormal. Instead, he is very anxious about Shona and puts Lar in second place.

Shoner doesn't know what's going on. Maybe he has been exposed to the light of Elvin and has become an important wanted criminal in the kingdom, so his identity suddenly became heavier than Lar. Shuna knew that he was weak and couldn't help Lar. Now in this situation, Shuna has come up with a better way, that is, run!

Yes, the farther you run, the better. You can lead the other party's soldiers away, which can help Lal and relieve her. And once she succeeds in escaping, Lal has no reason to fight. I believe that there is no problem for her to escape by herself.

"Sister Lal, Brother Evan, please."

So, Shuna began to run in the opposite direction, trying all his strength, and even he didn't believe that he could run at such a fast speed. In fact, when a person has a person worthy of his protection, he will become stronger, and this is exactly what Master Jianxin wants to tell Lar.

Lal also saw Xiu Na's behavior. She understood the intention of Xiu Na's move. He acted as bait to save himself, but he had to be rescued to save people. Lal really felt fate.

Bart was really nervous. He dragged his injured right foot and chased after him step by step. Seeing this, the soldiers beside him also followed him, and the number of soldiers who stayed to deal with Lar was reduced by more than half.

Lal knows her state, and it is difficult to catch up with Xiu Na. Although she is unwilling, she can't end here. There are more important things to do. After years of humiliating, she also chose to escape. And those soldiers couldn't help Lar's departure. In this way, a bloody battle ended in a peaceful end with the death of no one.


After that, Evan and the others also knew what happened. Lar ran back to the hotel and escaped in time with Evan before the pursuers came. Now they secretly hide in a small house to discuss what happened afterwards.

Ewen: "Now that we have left the hotel, even if Shuna successfully escaped the pursuit, once he returns to the hotel, he will definitely be caught on the spot."

Sith: "Although it's not a good inference, it seems almost certain that he was caught."

Aiwen: "Then how can we do it? We must save Xiu Na.

Black Bull: "That's not easy to do. Just kill him and save Xiao Xiu Na."

ai wen: "Black Bull, stop messing around. This is also a very dangerous thing for Shuna."

Grimio: "Young master, if it's too late today, we may sneak in at night to save Shuna."

Ewen: "This is a good way. When it gets completely dark, we will set out to the headquarters of the security guard here to rescue Shuna."

Sith: "It's a good idea, but there is one thing I have doubts about."

Evan: "Sis, what's your mind?"

Sith: "According to Lar's previous story, the captain Bart, who led the team at that time, said that he wanted to take Shuna back to the castle, not to capture the headquarters of the security guard."

At this time, Sith was able to calmly catch the keyword eye.

Ewen: "Wh! This is really strange. What on earth is going on?

Sith: "That's... I don't know either. Anyway, I don't know the result if I don't go there."

Time advanced to late at night, and Elvin and the others took advantage of the night to come to the castle of the city owner.

Ewen: "Just now, I did hear Captain Bart dragging his injured body and pressing a child into the castle. It seems that Shuna is right."

Grimio: "Young master, then we have to find a way to sneak in and save Shuna."

Ewen: "Okay, but the whole castle is so big and there are many guards, which is not easy to do!"

Grimio: "Young master, I'm here. At that time, we will catch a few guards to force them to ask where Shuna is locked up. As long as we are careful all the way and not to be found."

Lal: "This time, I'm going too."

Lal took the initiative to participate in Elvin's actions, which surprised everyone, and Lal did not give more explanations.

Evan: "Lal, we are glad that you can help, but your physical condition..."

Lal said in a strong tone, "I'm fine. I have to go."

Lal has just been treated quickly with the medicine he just bought, so it seems to be all right now, but Grimio can also see that her condition has not recovered. However, Lal was very resolute about this operation. Elvin and they both knew that Lal felt guilty because he had not been able to rescue Xiuner before, so he insisted on participating in the rescue operation this time. Elvin was also happy to see the relaxation of Lal's attitude towards Evan, and Lal's skills were also a great help for him, so he agreed.

Black Bull: "I also want to go with my eldest brother."

Evan: "No, Black Bull, this time we are going to sneak in and can't disturb each other. You are too impulsive, so this time we must not let you follow. Just be obedient and stay here and wait for us to come out."

The black bull was once again lived outside the door, and the depressed mood can be imagined, but without the care of the black cow is also a trouble that cannot be ignored.

Sith: "Secretly sneaking into this kind of thing, it seems that I can't help."

Evan: "It's okay. Sis, just pick us up outside."

Sith: "I once said that you will advance and retreat with Elvin. You are in danger inside, and I can wait outside alone. I also want to enter the castle and contribute to you."

Aiwen: "Ah? This... Sith, you don't know martial arts, how can you sneak in with us?"

Sith: "Of course, I'm not as good as you. As long as I walk in openly."

Everyone: "Ah?"