Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 158 Three-person Gamble: The Perfect End 2

When I saw Mikal's appearance, several people suddenly became excited in the crowd: "What, aren't you... just the guard outside the door of the special poker warehouse? Unexpectedly...ah! We were fooled!"

These people were the ones who were fooled by Mikal when they ran to ask for cards, and now they find that they were cheated at that time.

Mikall posed for victory: "Hahaha, so the name of the King of Infernal Affairs is not in vain."

Evan: "Mikal, when did you have such a title as the King of Infernal Affairs?"

Mikal: "Don't ask so many questions about such a trivial matter."

Hawk: "So that's it. I sneaked in and quietly replaced the card."

The Sith began to tell his plan:

"Yes, this is one of my plans to change the cards. Because Captain Hawke is really not a simple person to deal with, I was the first to lose in the frontal battle with you. However, it is because I lost earlier that I can leave the gambling and make more observations on the periphery.

"However, I have been observing you all the time on the periphery, and I really can't find your weakness. My performance in gambling can only be described by the word 'perfect'. Therefore, I thought that if I can't find a chance to win in the gamble, then I can try to find other chances outside the gamble.

"Later, I suddenly saw something of great interest, that is, the stained playing cards in the hands of Lord Berinas in a certain game, but Lord Berinas was not surprised by this, because he gave up immediately. But this suddenly made me feel the previous suspicion and guessed that these cards must have been reused again.

"This made me think of a plan, and then I have been observing and looking at the poker cards waiting for the agent to use. Finally, it made me understand. Although it is normal to gamble and cheat in the casino, I feel strange that there is such a poker card that can be seen secretly, and this game is so important. Why don't you just use it directly from the beginning?

"In the subsequent competition with Captain Hawke, I understand that Captain Hawk is a very arrogant person. Although he attaches great importance to victory, he will not do anything for it. His pleasure is to see through the opponent's psychology and then completely defeat the opponent, and with the strength of Captain Hawk, even if he does not rely on this If you play cards, you can also win. Therefore, I believe that there is not much stock of this kind of poker, and at the beginning of this gamble, he did not expect to use this kind of poker, but the deputy leader over there took it out to use it because he was worried that Captain Hawk would lose.

The leader hurriedly pleaded guilty to Hawke, but in such a peaceful atmosphere, he was not blamed by Hawke.

The Sith continued:

"Later, I have been observing the trends next to me and sending Mikal to investigate, which finally confirmed my conclusion that this kind of poker card only has only 100 pairs. This number may be more than enough in general gambling, but in the face of our continuous giving up, this kind of poker card gradually It's completely not enough. Therefore, those subordinates had to sort out the unsealed poker cards again and quietly brought them to the original room for packaging again.

"As we kept giving up at that time and the speed of the card shuffling and issuing cards, those people gradually became too busy. In a hurry, they simply didn't even sort out the card sequence. Anyway, they thought we would give up directly, so they packaged them directly. That's why I didn't notice the blood stains on it, so I found this key information later and planned all this.

"So I quietly wrote a note and secretly passed it to Mikal, who was among you, asking him to implement the plan, so there was the result of the final game."

Sith said a lot of his actions behind the scenes, which attracted everyone to listen carefully.

And everyone's eyes focused on Mikal.

And Mikal also proudly stood in the middle and said loudly, "Well, that's right. After getting Sith's instructions, I took advantage of the gap of those people to take the cards, sneaked over, cleaned up the guards, and successfully changed the cards."

"How does the change of cards become you! This is my credit. Amy saw that everyone was talking and laughing, so she ran out of the house hidden next to her and directly competed with Mikall.

"Ah! Amy... Why did you come too..." Shuna was surprised to see Amy.

Emmy rushed over and hugged Xiuna regardless of the situation around her and said excitedly, "Stupid Xiuna, isn't it because of you... It always makes me worry about you... However, I'm so happy to see that you're fine now."

"This... makes you and everyone worry. It's really... I'm so sorry. It's all my fault that it's useless." Shuna habitually apologized.

Emmy suddenly changed her face and knocked on Shuna's head with her little fist.

"Oh! It hurts so much. Amy, why did you suddenly hit someone?

Emmy said rudely, "It's not because of you... Originally, I asked you to go out with Brother Evan to exercise and become more like a man, but now you are still so unconfident, which disappoints me! It's time to fight!"

"No...this...this..." Shuner didn't know what to say.

Everyone on the court laughed.

Mikal went to Berinas and joked with him: "Oh, it's really enviable for you two father and son. You were both popular with women when you were so young. It seems that you are now buying one for two. Well, why don't I have such a chance?"

"Yes, from them, it reminds me of the days when I was with Lan Si. During those days, we were so happy." At this time, Bellinas's physical symptoms also improved with his mood.

Xiuna and Amy have been childhood sweethearts since childhood. Now that they have been together for a long time, they naturally have endless words. In the eyes of others, it is like a pair of lovers fighting with each other.

Hawk returned to the theme and said, "The move of changing cards is really smart, but this is not enough to win the final game. There are too many variables. Everything can only be completely good and any step can make you win, and even my every move has been written into your script. Face to face, you are so terrible. Can you continue to explain the next step of your winning script?

Sith: "Since the audience is so looking forward to my next script, I will continue to explain it."