Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 223 Absence 2

It's terrible. The other party is about to leave. At this time, Hoffman understood that it was too late to chase down the stairs. In a moment, Hoffman jumped off the wooden fence.

At such a height, it is fatal to ordinary people, but for martial artists, it is not a problem, and Hoffman is not stupid. He knows that the soles of his feet are the weakness of the vitality armor, so he did not land with his feet, but threw five bodies to the ground in the most stupid way.

In this way, the loud noise of Hoffman's fall to the ground spread all over the hotel.

Hoffman did not suffer any damage under the protection of the vitality armor. In a hurry, Hoffman couldn't care about him and immediately got up and chased Asir. Originally, Hoffman's speed was not very fast, but now he rarely runs so fast that he can barely keep up with Yasser's pace.

In this way, after Jack, even Hoffman is getting farther and farther away from Elvin and the others.


Looking back at Evan and the others, because he heard a loud noise from the back alley of the hotel, he immediately rushed out of his room and guarded the surroundings to protect Sith without martial arts grassroots.

The people in the soldiers village who were eating downstairs were also alerted one after another. After a while, they found that there was no more abnormal noise around them, so they relaxed a little.

The people of the Warrior Village carefully walked slowly towards the back door of the hotel, opened the back door, and probed around to explore the situation around the hotel.

After being nervous for a while, they found that there was no suspicious place around, so the alarm was removed.

Aiwen and others gathered all the people to the canteen on the first floor to gather information. After count the number of people, it was found that Jack and Hoffman were missing?

Aiwen then asked everyone, "Has anyone seen the two of them?"

Everyone looked at me and looked at you, shaking their heads to show that they didn't know.

As Elvin continued to ask, Sith came in from the outside and said to everyone, "I don't know Jack, but I found some traces of Hoffman here."

So, under the leadership of Sith, Evan and the others walked out of the back door and came to the site where Hoffman fell at that time. What a big pit on the ground, and it is obviously in the shape of a person.

"Looking at the size and shape of this pit, in my impression, there is only one person who meets the requirements."

Everyone understood the meaning of the Sith dialect, and this pit must be caused by Hoffman.

Sith still explained, "The sound just now, and the current human-shaped pit, are not difficult to speculate. It seems that it was formed by Hoffman jumping down the roof."

"But why do you have to jump down from such a high place without taking the stairs? Even if Hoffman has vitality and armor to protect him from harm, he is not an unorganized and unstable person? This will only cause trouble to the people around you. Elvin knows Hoffman, that's why he said so.

"Good question, why did Hoffman do this? I want to practice exercise, but now it's near the game. Hoffman won't be so stupid. Therefore, there is only one answer, which is to have to do so. Sith immediately guessed the answer.

"Do you have to do this? But is there such a thing? Sith, you see, this position corresponds to the guardrail above is not damaged, which shows that Hoffman may not be pushed down by anyone. Moreover, if someone is going to cause trouble, why didn't Hoffman call us? Is it... he jumped down by himself?"

To Evan's words, Sith affirmed: "Well, what do I think? It must be because of something that Hoffman would do this."

"So, Jack's disappearance is also because something happened. Someone wants to deal with us. Is it... the people of the kingdom? But logical, their goal should be me. Why are they Jack and Hoffman? Well, is it because of our next game?

"It's probably true. We have also heard from Mikal for a long time. In this martial arts conference, there is a mysterious behind-the-scenes organization secretly manipulating. In this way, everything is reasonable. I believe that the other party secretly took action to destroy it because he learned our strength and thought we were a threat in the previous games.

"Damn, it's so despicable." Elvin is angry, and it seems that this time their rescue plan will add a huge obstacle.

Sith then comforted everyone and said, "Don't worry too much. Things haven't gone out of control yet. We still have hope."

"Don't worry, Sith, I won't give up so easily. The most urgent thing is that we still need to find Jack and Hoffman as soon as possible. Judging from the sound just now, it hasn't been long since this happened, and Hoffman must not have been far away from us."

ai wen put forward a proposal, but in response, Sith made another proposal: "No, we are not allowed to do this now. The other party's purpose is to destroy our continuation of the game, so we use such a means. If we can't participate in time to find the two of them Sai, that's just like the other party's wishes. Therefore, we must participate in this third game.

"But isn't Jack and Hoffman in danger in this way? If you put them in danger for this, I will feel guilty."

ai wen is still so worried about his companions and will not abandon any of them.

"I also understand that it will make you feel sad not to look for them like this, but now we have no clue about the whereabouts of Jack and Hoffman, and there is no way to find them at all. Instead of blindly looking around, it's better to go the opposite. Let's go to the competition, know each other's identity, and then think It is more efficient to find clues and information from the other party.

After thinking about Sith's proposal for a while, Elvin didn't seem to have a better way: "I understand. I have to do this at present, but I still can't do it to completely ignore the two of them. Now there is still a team without a game, and we can All methods are carried out at the same time.

Evan refers to one of the team members of the warrior village who were eliminated in the first round. They did not have the task of the game. The current task is to pick up Grimio and others who are ready to arrive. However, now that such an incident has its own priorities, or Jack and Hoffman should be rescued first.

Sith analyzed: "This is also difficult. If you search separately, then such an event will be staged again. It will be easier to fall into the trap of the other party alone, but the efficiency is limited to focus on finding together."

"Opportunity is slim, but it does not mean despair. We can't be unwilling to do it because things are difficult to succeed. For the sake of our companions, we should also move forward in difficult things. Isn't this the reason why we came to save my brother this time? I believe everyone will support my decision like this.

Sis applauded and agreed with Elvin's words: "Indeed, from the perspective of military division, I just give my best advice, but from the perspective of friends, I agree with you very much with Elvin."

"Then it's decided that things on both sides will proceed at the same time. We will go to the competition, and the others will look for the two of them and look for them along the traces on the road. But you should be as careful as possible.

There is no objection to Elvin's resolution.

Just as everyone was ready to start acting, Shuna ran over from Amy's entanglement and said to everyone, "Everyone, this... Maybe I can find the two of them."