Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 289 Five Battles: Sad Soul 5

Because the "pole seal" is still there, Lar's injured arm can still be used, but with the gradual loss of control of the "pole seal", the pain has slowly emerged, and the power it can exert is also slowly losing.

On the other hand, I suddenly heard Lal say the word "Haran", and his stunned expression was suddenly shocked and looked straight at Lal, as if he had a reaction to it.

And Lal sensed this subtle abnormality and was overjoyed, as if he had seen the flame of hope that had not been extinguished.

"bao shi" came again, and Lal punched the slave's abdomen, but this must have no effect. The slave was stunned for a moment, and then instinctively hit back at the enemy's Lal.

Lal has rich combat experience and has drawn up a battle plan early in the morning. After winning the attack, he will never stop. His body stroked through the arm he hit by the slave's high lift, replaced it with a hand knife to shoot a "wing attack" and cut a blow, and swept across the side of the slave's abdomen, but the result was also ineffective.

Lal did not stop and walked around the slave to get up. The "horns" went straight into the scar behind him. This blow was not half the power of the "flying sword", but it also made the slave feel excited.

Lal continued to walk around the slave and fight, looking at the opportunity gap. His five fingers became hooks, and the "cracked claws" grabbed the abdomen on the other side along the back of the slave, and then "cracked" with a leg move, kicking out the crazy leg attack, and continuously leaving footprints in front of the slave.

At this point, Lal has played all the "Harlan" moves she has learned. Although all of them are powerless and I can't feel any damage, but every move was taught by Cookka in those years, which was deeply engraved in his mind and can't be forgotten.

Lal does not use any words, but constantly hit the door of the locked soul with his own actual actions, so what kind of reaction does the slave have to this? At this time, the slave did not continue to attack Lal, but stared fixedly at Lal, touched the part where he had just been hit, began to shake and tremble all over his body, and vaguely said two vague words from his mouth: "Ha... Lan."

Although these words were said very quietly, they felt very clearly in Lal's ears. The completely closed soul door in my heart was finally opened.

Lal: "Yes, Brother Cookka, this is the 'Haran' that we Ishubarians are proud of. This is the will of the god of Haran (the god of the Ishubars) that every Ishubar people will not forget. This is the honor that exists and in the blood and soul of every Ishubar people. Once believed in Haran the most can you forget it!"

I began to grab my head desperately, as if trying to think about something, and kept shouting in pain there. It seemed that it was painful and difficult to completely open the door of the locked and solid soul.

Lal constantly encourages her big brother Cooka with words. Lal is the first time she has expressed such true feelings in front of Elvin and others. She has been living in killing and hatred, and now she wants to save a person wholeheartedly.

However, the appearance of the dawn of hope was always so short. Heinrich found that something was wrong and shouted: "Sle! What are you still standing there for? Attack quickly!"

Heinrich's voice was deeply imprinted in the slave's mind. His words were like an absolute order that the slave could not resist. The slave in an unstable state finally took action.

The slave shouted wildly and punched hard at Lal, devouring all the fists and attacking Lal.

Lal did not make any moves and dodge, because Lal could no longer do anything. The time limit for Lal's "extreme seal" has arrived. At this time, Lal is at the end of the crossbow. She is exhausted. Now the only strength left is not enough to support her to stand up. . In this way, she can't stand the slave's blow at all.

Lal did not feel sad and sad in the face of the upcoming punch that would bring her a devastating blow. Instead, she smiled, because the fist hit by the slave at this time was "storming". In the depths of his soul, the pride of the Ishubar people will never be forgotten.

Lal smiled and said, "Great, this is the big brother Cookka I know who will never fall and give in."

Lal's smile evoked the memory of the depths of the slave's soul. This smiling face is also an unforgettable picture for him. At this time, his "bao shi" is about to destroy this picture with his own hands. Suddenly, the slave roared and made a move that surprised everyone. The slave changed the direction desperately with his fist.

As a result, "attacked" on the ground next to Lal, and a big hole was broken, and Lal was... safe.

As a result, Lal laughed again, and Heinrich off the court was even more angry and shouted, "You rubbish, you are so bastard that you dare to disobey my orders. Do you think I will punish you later! Hurry up and punch me again and kill this guy completely. This is my order!"

At this time, the essence of the slave's soul has gradually awakened, and his consciousness of not wanting to hurt Lal is also very strong, but Heinrich's order is too strong for the slave. Two huge spiritual ideas full of contradictions are constantly impacting his already destroyed and fragmented mind, which cannot be adjusted. The contradiction and chaos of the peace completely made the slave collapse.

The slave roared loudly: "My head hurts so much! It hurts so much!"

After that, I kept hitting my head with two fists, trying to drive out the pain in my head.

This behavior made Heinrich shout bad. It seemed that even he was surprised by the out-of-control situation and kept calling for the slave to calm down. But unfortunately, under the chaos at this time, no one's voice could be heard anymore. Heinrich's words became the slave's ear for the first time.

With the huge fist and lethality of the slave and iron fist, even the extremely strong body began to flow blood from the ears. It seems that this so-called masterpiece body also has its upper limit.

How can he stop the pain in his head by beating his head crazily, which will make it more painful.

In madness, I chose another more crazy move. I ran desperately and rushed to the outer wall of the strong audience outside the ring, and suddenly hit the wall. The wall was smashed and broken under the continuous impact of the slave, and the slave was under such a constant impact. In the end, the wall collapsed and the slave remained motionless.

Is it...