Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 302 Five Returns: Lullaby of Silence 6

off the court, Jack and Black Bull hurried back, wanting to continue watching the battle and cheering for everyone, but looking at their anxious and absent-minded appearance, it was as if they had just come back from a thief.

Evan then asked, "Are you two all right? Why is it not good to stay in the infirmary and have a good rest for treatment?

Jack immediately changed the topic: "Don't talk about us. We're fine. What's wrong with Hoffman on the court now?"

ai wen sighed and said, "It's very dangerous. The other party is using invisible hypnotic poison gas, which makes people sleepy. Hoffman is now fighting hard, and everyone feels it? It seems that the other party's murderous gas is not just a simple thing this time."

Jack and Black Bull have a deep understanding of each other's tricks. They are not surprised, but only more angry. Now the situation on the field has entered the stage of decisive battle, and the two can't help worrying about Hoffman in the bottom of their hearts.

Seeing Hoffman's unbearable appearance on the court, Jack shouted to Hoffman: "Hoffman, don't give up. As I just said, you can definitely create infinite possibilities today. Don't lose to this guy and punch him down.

Hoffman was inspired and inspired by Jack's encouragement, and he went into thinking: (Do you want to make another breakthrough and create infinite possibilities? After the " vitality and shock", what kind of breakthrough can you make? I have no moves except for vitality armor, vitality entanglement and vitality shield. Do you want to create? But how to create it?)

Hoffman is not as smart as a black bull. Hoffman seems to have thought of something and got new ideas. This time, it's time to go to Hoffman to fight back,

At this time, there was a disturbance in the VIP seat, and there was chaotic news from the staff that President Quincy had been attacked and was now being escorted to the hospital and could not come back to watch the game.

For the murderer of the attack, the guards guarding outside the toilet door did not see anyone at that time, but were almost beaten down by someone in an instant. When President Quincy was in a coma, he vaguely said two words: "Hedgehog...Black Bear..." and then fainted completely. Other people guessed that it was probably a clue related to the prisoner why President Quincy said these two animals, but it was really puzzled.

off the scene, Jack and Black Bull, who heard the news, smiled quietly. In the corridor, Nana was also smiling secretly. She changed into a maid's dress and put a medicine bottle with the words "strong laxative" in her pocket, which seemed to be very similar to the bottle that was missing in the medical room.

The chaos outside the field did not affect the confrontation between the two on the court. Hoffman and Yasser looked serious and were ready to win or lose the next move.

It's amazing to see Yasir's hair slowly change color. It must have replaced the hypnotic poison gas with a deadly poison gas. Unlike the hypnotic poison gas, this time, Hoffman has no drug resistance to it at all. Even if it is inhaled or touched by his body, it is enough to be fatal.

Hoffman's side, he is constantly rubbing with his hands. I don't know what he is doing, but the little one under the field can feel it. This is vitality. Hoffman concentrated a lot of vitality on his whole body on his hands, leaving a little in his chest.

The two took action at the same time. Yasser already had the upper hand and had an obvious advantage, and Hoffman's speed was not so easy to compete with Yasser. Yasser has been blocking Hoffman's path, watching Hoffman fight hopelessly, and the distance between the two is gradually getting closer.

Yasir's death gas is about to hit. In the oncoming murderous wind, Hoffman felt an ominous feeling. In desperation, Hoffman was forced to exert the " vitality shock" again, and then developed the same as the previous one.

Yasir's death gas is very strong. Even if he has drug resistance, he has an upper limit of load and dares not emit too much, so he needs to be used at close range. That was just a very small amount of death gas, in order to make Hoffman waste the " vitality shock". Now his plan has been successful. Immediately get close to Hoffman and release the deadly gas immediately.

Do you want to repeat the previous clip again? The answer is no. Hoffman unexpectedly did not avoid it, but met him. Didn't he take the initiative to jump into the death trap? Even if Hoffman wanted to fight with Asir with his fist, he lost a lot.

Is Hoffman crazy? No, on the contrary, this is the wise move. This is the best time to win while Yasser's death gas is not fully emitted.

Hoffman did not punch, but put his hands close to Asir's head, clamped left and right, and did not touch Asir. What on earth is this?

Yasir suddenly felt something was wrong. The death gas did not emit, but accumulated around his head and became stronger and stronger. Although Yasir's body is resistant, he really can't resist the continuous attack of such a strong death gas, and what's worse, his breathing is getting more and more difficult. It's air! The surrounding air is getting thinner and thinner.

Yasir was shocked and hurriedly retreated, but strangely, his head seemed to be fixed by some foreign body. He couldn't get out of it. Yasir hurried to break free with his hand and touched an invisible foreign body in the air.

Now Yasir is really panicked. There is an invisible gas wall on his head that traps his head. The air can't enter and the poison gas can't dissipate. That's why the death gas is getting thicker and thicker.

If it goes on like this, he will be poisoned to death by his own death gas. This is tragic. Asir felt that his life was threatened and began to instinctively go crazy and struggle desperately, but no matter what, he could not break free from Hoffman's hand.

Hoffman was so amazing this time. It turned out that the "vib energy shock" just now was just a small part of the vitality left on his chest to deceive Yasser. The real main attack was in his hand. Hoffman did not think of how to create new moves, but he could try to change the original moves and combine them together. By concentrating the "Yuanqi · Shield" in both hands and connecting by the "Yuanqi · Entanglement" to form a round and hard closed space of vitality, sealing Yasir's head in it, and sealing his death poison gas in the closed space, so that it cannot invade Hoffman. The new move of this combination is called "Yuanqi·Seal".

Death is approaching, and Yasir only has one last move: begging for mercy!

Yasir completely lost his previous arrogance and begged for mercy in front of Hoffman and let him go.

Hoffman is a warrior. No matter how much he hates the person in front of him, he will never kill him in this sacred martial arts competition. Hoffman lifted his vitality and sealed it, so that Alsir escaped from death.

Death crimes are unavoidable, and living crimes are unforgivable! Waiting for Yasser was Hoffman's iron fist of justice, infused with Hoffman's unprecedented anger and hit Yasser's unprepared body.

After this punch, Yasir, who was already on the verge of collapse, really turned into a pool of mud and fell to the ground without any response.

Hoffman won, and without President Quincy's obstruction there, this victory is indisputable. Host Sisi directly announced Hoffman's victory and a precious victory. As a result, with a record of two wins and two defeats, Elvin and others finally have a turning point and hope.

At the VIP table, Enwei's angry expression appeared for the third time today, which can no longer be described as a disgrace to his current appearance. Pratt, who had always been arrogant and confident, also showed an unhappy face for the first time. The development of the situation was not as smooth as he planned at the beginning, and a hint of ominous foreboding came to his mind. But then he immediately recovered, because after that, he played, but his proudest love is Shaveto. Unlike Envi's group of wastes, Shaveto will never lose. In Pratt's cognitive category, it is absolutely impossible to happen and it is hard to believe what will happen. The same is true of Heinrich, who is in charge of leading the team, because Shaveto is his proudest and most satisfying masterpiece, no, it is a masterpiece.

And the last decisive battle that determines the victory or defeat of the two sides was fought between Jean and Shaveto. I believe this is also the most intense game.