Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 307 The Resection of Fate 1

At this time, it has entered the evening. As expected, there was a grand banquet in the imperial city, which was attended by some famous families and dignitaries, which was really magnificent. As the most important figure of this dinner, the commander of the Bekas Legion, also attended the dinner.

With Bekas's shrewdness, wouldn't it be dangerous for Elvin and others to appear here? But this dangerous collision did not happen, and Evan and others did not come to participate on the grounds of physical injury. There is nothing suspicious about this, because not only the team of Evan and his team did not come, but also the other three teams were not present, and the top eight teams were only a little more than half.

Let's not talk about the reasons for the reasons. Among the absent teams, there is the main team in the Western Division of the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce. The team in the Eastern Division, which is fighting against Evan today, is the internal candidate for the champion and runner-up of this conference. Now it's good, the team in the Eastern Division is blocked by Elvin. Outside the imperial city.

The main teams in the Western Division, which were originally scheduled to attend this dinner, are believed to have been temporarily called out because of Pratt's emergency meeting.

Unfortunately, in fact, they are not sitting in the luxurious conference hall now, enjoying the wine of today's victory, and then laughing at the allied teams in the Eastern Division. Now they, as well as many of their subordinates, are fighting with a team in the courtyard outside the house where the "Telfi" Chamber of Commerce is having regular meetings.

This is the edge of the city, and there are tall walls around it, so even if there is a fierce battle in the courtyard of this house, outsiders will not know, but they don't know why the two teams will fight here.

Look carefully, there is a female figure in the team fighting against the main team in the western division of the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce. Isn't she the subordinate of Gaia of the Wind, the man who always quarrels with Gaia, Linda? Why did she appear here? And there was also a conflict with the owner here.

As for other people in the same clothes, I believe they are all with her, and the war situation is obviously very unfavorable to them. Linda and her subordinates are struggling to break out of the siege and break out of the courtyard of the house.

After all, they are facing the main team in the western division of the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce, and there are so many other subordinates and guards in the Chamber of Commerce, which are outnumbered. Except for Linda, other people have also fallen down one after another.

Looking at her subordinates who were constantly being poisoned to protect herself, Linda was sad and angry: "Damn it, I didn't expect it to be a trap. Everyone, I hurt you."

The main team of the "Terfi" commercial alliance in the western division: "There is no need to blame yourself. You will see them soon, hahaha."

The injured Linda, who couldn't run fast, was immediately caught up by the people of the "Terfi" business alliance and was immediately surrounded. This time, there was no hope of breaking through.

Linda gave up the breakout and scolded this group of people angrily: "You despicable people, if it's an open and righteous battle, we won't lose to you. Even if you catch me, you won't want to get any news from me. Hahaha, yes, I believe it's us who are laughing now. You have to cry and repent later.

The main team in the western division of the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce: "Bright? It's a joke. This is just an incompetent defense of the loser. They are so overpowerful and secretly follow us all the way. If you do this, you are doomed to the end now. Looking at your poor appearance now, you feel ridiculous, and you still laugh out loud and we will cry. I will make you not even cry later.

Obviously, their group of people also used despicable and shameless means to defeat Linda. According to the dialogue between them, it can be inferred that Linda was following their whereabouts of the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce and was found, and then led to this trap, leading to the current desperate situation. Linda, why did they do this?

The group of people from the "Terfi" business alliance are slowly approaching Linda. Linda knew that she had no hope of escaping, so she pulled out her knife and pointed it at herself.

"I'm sorry, chief, forgive me for not being able to continue to work for you; and Kevin, my sister is no longer with you, and you have to take care of yourself... Gaia... I hate it, how can you still think of him at such a moment, really... Maybe... I hope... he can also live happily in the future. Click here."

Linda has realized that she chose the way of self-termination, hoping not to fall into the hands of the "Terfei" Chamber of Commerce, be tortured and tortured by the other party, and most importantly, don't put others in danger because of herself. Her mind was settled, so Linda raised the knife and stabbed her chest and heart.

At the critical moment, a powerful hand stopped the knife, and a mysterious man appeared beside Linda and was silent. Not only Linda was surprised, but even the group of people surrounded by the "Tfil" business alliance around them were unaware of it. The mysterious man, like a ghost, suddenly came out It's there now.

Mysterious man: "Anyone's life is precious and should not be abandoned arbitrarily. Moreover, didn't you just say that you still have a group of people you cherish waiting for you? So, please don't give up, for yourself and more for the people who care about you."

The mysterious man's words moved Linda. The knife she held tightly also fell to the ground. Linda cried. Even if she was a man, she also had a weak side of a woman.

Myster: "Although I don't know why there is a conflict between you, it's really wrong for so many of you and still use such despicable means to defeat your opponents, so I hope you can let this lady go and repent."

The appearance of the mysterious man was immediately recognized as an enemy by the people of the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce, and he also said such inexplicable words to change their minds, which is really a big joke. Everyone in the main team of the Western Division of the Chamber of Commerce was laughed at by this sentence: "Hahahaha, it's so funny. You are a monk of the church, aren't you? How dare you say such naive words, hahahaha. All right! You dared to come here to interfere in our affairs. This time, you came to die by yourself.

The mysterious man sighed helplessly: "What a pity."

The main team of the Western Division of the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce: "Regret? You should feel honored. We are one of the top eight of this martial arts conference. It's your honor to be defeated by us. Do you see? This is the golden badge that you can freely enter and exit the imperial city. This is something that ordinary people have never had a chance to see in their lives.

Mysterious man: "Top eight! Royal badge! Is this the pass for free access to Huangcheng District? Great, so can you forgive me for one of my ruthless requests? Can you lend me this gold badge for the time being?

The main team of the Western Division of the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce: "What! Are you kidding? You want to borrow such a precious thing from us! Hahaha, unless you knock us down. Well, let's not talk about it. I've said so much to people like you. It's time to get rid of you, and you will resent yourself for finding the wrong opponent.

Mysterious man: "Then I'm very sorry. I must get this golden badge."

The main team of the "Terfi" commercial alliance western division: "You go to die first!"

The six members of the main team in the western division of the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce, and a group of dozens of men attacked the mysterious man and Linda from all sides at the same time. Between the lightning, before this group of people knew what had happened, they all fell down and lost consciousness. It can be seen that the speed and accuracy of the mysterious man's action and strength were a complete overwhelming victory.

The reversal of the war situation, Linda, who was on the verge of death at the previous moment, became the winner inexplicably. Is this the arrangement of fate?

Linda stopped crying and stood up to look at the stunned opponents around her. It was amazing, and then immediately thanked the mysterious person.

Mysterious man: "No need to thank me, I can also see that this group of people is full of darkness, and you have a strong faith. I am also attracted by your heart, and I am more sure that there is nothing wrong with me doing this."

"You are so awesome, sir. I don't know if you can join us? We are famous lions..."

Linda knew the power of this mysterious man and really wanted him to join her camp, but unfortunately, the mysterious man stopped her words: "I'm sorry, in fact, I just passed by this trip. When I encountered injustice, I couldn't sit idly and take action without him. And I still have some important things to do on this trip. Please forgive me for saying goodbye.

Linda did not give up: "This gentleman, you saved me. I should repay your kindness. Sir, what important is there? If you need our help, we will do our best to help you. Please believe in our Lion Heart Group."

Mysterious man: "The lion's heart... seems to be... following the pace of the lion... Is this..."

When the mysterious man heard that Linda claimed to be a member of the Lionheart Group, he seemed to be interested in it. Then, the mysterious man left together with Linda, and all the golden badges of the six main team of the "Terfi" commercial alliance western division were not pulled, and all of them were given by Linda.


At the "Gate of Pandora", there are people surging and cars coming and going, and in such a night, it is not igniting, and it seems that a mysterious project is under way. Everyone is nervous and busy loading certain kinds of goods. Judging from the depth of the wheels of the carriage, this cargo is not light.

This side is busy. On the other side, although there is no one doing anything, he is also anxious. He is Gaia. At this time, he was looking at the direction of King Athos, walking back and forth there, worried, as if he was worried about something.

aside, Zig flew over and talked to him: "Oh, it's so late and I haven't come back yet. I hope nothing will happen."

Gaia immediately retorted without thinking: "No, she's just going to monitor, not to fight with anyone. How can something happen? Never, and never... Ah! Why should I answer your question? Really, you are there to trap me.

Zigfei: "That's what you really think. Are you still worried about her?"

Gaia still has audacity not to admit it: "Worried about her? This man's mother-in-law is so bad-tempered and loves murderers. As a barbarian, I will suffer more from her. Other people will definitely not be able to stand it. I won't worry about it.

Zigfei smiled and turned away.

Gaia still cares: "Hee hee, what are you laughing at! As I said, I'm not thinking about this kind of thing! You're still laughing!"

At this time, a tall man came to report: "Report to the two officers, the work is progressing slower than expected, and half of it has not been completed so far, but now there is not much left from the scheduled time."

The person in this report turned out to be Kim. He didn't go to the competition. It turned out that he came here.

Zigfei quickly stepped forward and clenched his hands with Jin and said gratefully, "Jin, don't worry. This time, we have actually completed the predetermined goal, and you don't need to mind if we haven't completed all of them. Most importantly, this time it's really thanks to you. It's really hard for you to sneak into the other party's camp.

Kim is mixed into the "Terfi" business alliance as an insider. No wonder an upright person like him will walk with that group of people, all of which have been arranged.

Gaia is now worried, and naturally complains: "Yes, yes, I really didn't expect that this group of insatiable guys have so much wealth that we can't pretend to finish it. It's really angry at the thought of it. Now we will be kind and help them use it in a good place."

Jin: "I am very honored to get such an important task, and thanks to the trust of the leader."

Zigfei: "Only you are the most suitable person for this mission, and only your super hearing can hear the rotation order of those organs and open the door of the last vault."

When it comes to the gate of the treasury, this place, the wealth carried on the carriage, there is no need to explain what the mystery is. The "Gate of Pandora", which symbolizes disaster, must be a disaster that has brought to the "Terfi" commercial alliance now.

At this time, another department came down to report: "No, there is a sound from the gate of the organ inside that someone is coming in."

There was a sound from the gate, indicating that someone was preparing to enter the big vault from there. The only people of the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce and their representatives were able to open the door of that organ. Unexpectedly, they arrived so soon. They were still holding an emergency meeting. ?

Zigfei made a immediate decision: "evacuate immediately, and now we should make every effort to protect the safety of existing materials."

Gaia reacted a lot when he heard it: "What! Just give up like this? What a pity. There are so many more. It's not easy for us to achieve this result. How can you give up if you give up!"

"The leader said that everything is based on people's safety, not to mention that this time, we have completed and exceeded the predetermined goal. Moreover, the carrying capacity of your troops is almost to the limit. We can't be too greedy and put the overall situation first.

Zigfei's judgment is indeed the most correct in terms of the intelligence of the previous stage, which means that the seven people of the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce and their representatives are about to appear. Their representatives are all very powerful. Once they fight, it will definitely affect the overall situation. If they become poor, it will really outweigh the gains (at this time, Linda, who is responsible for monitoring the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce, did not send back the information, so Zigfei did not know the news of the destruction of the whole team of Shavitto today) .

After moving out the name of the leader, Gaia also shut up obediently: "Okay, okay, this time you are the commander-in-chief, just listen to you, but..."

"It doesn't matter. I'm here. Go find her." Zigfei knew what Gaia was worried about.

"I really can't stand your personality of always making such decisions for others, but this time I won't care about you." After saying that, Gaia immediately ran away.

In this way, the mysterious team quickly disappeared into the dark night, and everything calmed down.