Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 317 Final Return: Wind 1

I didn't expect to lose the first game immediately, and the plan to come to the Sith immediately faced a huge test. With only three people left, they had to use all three victories to qualify for staying, but is this possible? The other party is the youngest and the least practiced lace, which is already so powerful. The remaining four people, their horror must be far beyond everyone's imagination.

vitality, which I thought was a powerful martial arts that only our side had, but I didn't expect that the other party also mastered it, and both the quantity and the changing skills are very powerful. Does this have anything to do with the sword heart master?

The other party sent another young man to take advantage of the wind. Judging from his confident expression, his strength is better than lace.

Time is not waiting for people, and the second round of the game is about to begin. Without betting, there is not much rest time at all. With the change of the war situation, Sith had to reconsider the new tactical arrangement. Just when the Sith was at a loss about who to send next, Hoffman went straight up.

Sith: "Hoffman, what are you?"

Hoffman: "Don't worry, I will do my best. Anyway, I am also a brave warrior in the warrior village, rushing in front of everyone and creating victory for everyone. This is the mission and honor of a man."

Hoffman changed his previous expression of keen on confrontation. He was very serious, and he just said that he would do his best to fight. He couldn't say anything. He would definitely win, just because this time, he felt that the opponents he faced were all so powerful, and this game was related to them. The key to the success or failure of the sub-action is that the pressure is so great that Hoffman can't and dare not be so hot-blooded.

On the court, I saw my opponent riding the wind and made a victory gesture: "Ah ha ha, I was so lucky that I finally won the grand prize. When I saw you just now, I could see at a glance that you are the most powerful one among you. Hahaha, it's my turn to perform well.

Chengfeng is really unforgiving. Hoffman is only in his thirties, and Chengfeng is also in his early 20s. He actually calls him an uncle. It seems that Chengfeng is really unwilling to admit the fact that he grew up.

Although Hoffman is strong, he dares not think he is the strongest in the team. Why did he say so?

off the court, Xinghe: "He is still too careless. He just looks at things on the surface. He doesn't notice it at all. There is a really terrible opponent in the opponent's team."

Of course, Xinghe refers to Xiao Rang. The restrained Xiao Rang did not notice it after riding the wind. It can be seen that there is a gap in their strength, but on the other hand, Xinghe, who can detect the strength of Xiao Rang, must also be unfathomable.

Riding the wind, he continued to talk: "Do you know why I saw through it? Ha ha, in fact, it really shocked us. I didn't expect that there would be people in this world who understand vitality, which is so difficult to learn martial arts. As soon as we saw you there just now, we immediately sensed it, and everyone was speculating about it. Your vitality form is really strange. It's covered on your body, no, or it grows on your body. It's really surprising that you use your body..."

He said too much by riding the wind. He unconsciously told a lot of information to let people know. First of all, if he can perceive vitality, he must also learn martial arts by riding the wind. In addition, it seems that their vitality is different from that of Hoffman, so he I will be curious.

Riding the wind is like holding the key to victory, and I don't mind saying more: "This uncle, your vitality looks really powerful, but unfortunately, it's not perfect, but with such a big weakness, I can't escape my eyes."

For opponents who also have vitality, Hoffman's only shortcoming in his vitality armor has been completely exposed, which will kill his soles. This has been known in the previous joint battle between A and Ted, but now he is already at a disadvantage before fighting.

Take advantage of the wind and continue: "Uncle, don't worry. I won't do such an ugly way to play. If you want to play, you have to rely on your strength. This is the real ability. Moreover, in my opinion, your vitality protection is nothing. I'm not afraid, and I'm the best at dealing with it. It's terrible, uncle, you are really lucky enough.

The wind is endless there, and he deliberately provokes Hoffman. In response, Hoffman still doesn't say a word. It is rare to see him so calm. How powerful will the wind ride in front of him be?

The game finally began, and Hoffman still adopted the defensive posture he was best at, responding to changes unchanged, first knowing the vitality of the other party, and then making the next plan to deal with it. Unlike Jack in the last game, this time, everyone can feel the vitality of the other party. It can be said that Hoffman still has a chance to win, which is why Hoffman asked to play in the second game.

They didn't rush to attack in the wind, but saluted like lace before. This is their tradition as warriors, and Hoffman also saluted.

After the ceremony, riding the wind still first used language to make the first wave of offensive: "Hey, uncle, I forgot to ask you how you got into this vitality form. In my opinion, it's really handsome. It's great to have this kind of protection when you are punished by the masters and brothers. Alas, it's a pity that the master said that the form of vitality comes from the heart and can only change but cannot be changed. Why is mine in this form? It's really disappointing.

Xinghe: "Take advantage of the wind, don't complain, start the game quickly, remember, this is your test, take it seriously."

Riding the wind: "Yes, yes, it's a test. Alas, every day is a test. It's really exhausting. Well, uncle, you have to be careful. I'm going to do it."

Taking advantage of the wind, he stretched out his right hand, his thumb to the sky, and his index finger was aimed at Hoffman, opening one eye and closing the other. His eyes, thumb and Hoffman were in a straight line.

Riding the wind: "I'm ready to come, let everyone take a good look at my 'Yuan Lingwan', ah! It's really sad. I forgot that no one can feel it. Alas, without the audience's performance, there is really no motivation suddenly.

Riding the wind said that there was no motivation. In fact, the vitality had been condensed early in the morning, and the vitality was condensed in front of the wind's index finger, like a small bullet.

took advantage of the wind and shouted: "launch!"

The energetic projectile in front of the wind's index finger immediately shot out. The projectile was as fast as lightning and pointed at Hoffman at a high speed.

Hoffman's speed is the slowest. In the face of this lightning-fast vitality projectile, Hoffman simply used his vitality armor to withstand this blow.

"Bum", there was a sound of foreign body collision in the air. The "Yuanqi · Lingwan" in the wind accurately hit Hoffman's chest. With a touch, the huge vitality and power exploded on Hoffman's body.

The wind shouted happily: "It's great. I hit it with one blow. I said that I have the talent to be a sharpshooter. At this time, the uncle will not be able to stand up without fainting."

As soon as the wind exited, he immediately let him swallow it back. Hoffman did not fall down and stood straight in place without any strangeness. The "Yuanqi Lingwan" just now did not cause any harm.

Riding the wind, I understand everything through perception. Now that Hoffman was hit, the vitality armor has been broken into a big hole, which is caused by the impact of the "Yuan Spirit Pill", but it has not yet broken through the protection of Hoffman's vitality armor. Now it has been gradually repaired by Hoffman's condensed vitality.

Tailed the wind and went crazy: "Ah, it's really shameful that I didn't break through that vitality. No, it must be that the power of the shot just now is too weak. There's nothing I can do. This time, I'm going to work hard. It's small to lose my life, and it's big."

Listening to his words, it seems that he felt embarrassed because he could not break Hoffman's vitality armor, so he planned to work hard. According to the character of Chengfeng, he would do his best if he did it, and this time, he would risk his life to use a powerful trick.

I saw that the wind changed my relaxed expression and became very serious, and I was very attentive to condense my vitality there. An extremely large amount of vitality gathered from the tip of the wind's index finger in all directions and condensed into a small projectile, just like just now. With more and more vitality, the small projectile at the fingertips of the wind is no longer a small projectile. It is getting bigger and bigger and expands, just like a huge ball. Such a large amount of vitality is absolutely terrible.

Hoffman looked at this huge spherical projectile. If he had directly hit his vitality armor, it would not have been the situation just now. He would definitely be unable to resist it, and he would be shaken and injured, or even be defeated. Hoffman is facing a big enemy. At his current speed, it is difficult to take action before the wind is completed, or to dodge at the time of his launch.

Just when Hoffman was unable to make a decision, he suddenly saw that Hoffman felt that the flow of vitality around him had been abnormal, and the source of the abnormality was the spherical vitality projectile that he was condensing in the wind. The round sphere began to distort and then shook violently.

Taking advantage of the wind, his face changed greatly and he shouted, "Ah, ah, ah, when the fire comes, I can't hold on."

Then riding the wind immediately threw away the huge "Yuanqi·Lingwan", and then fell to the ground regardless of the image. The farther away from this out-of-control "Yuan·Lingwan", the better.

As the huge "Yuanqi·Lingwan" touched the ground, the huge sound, the crazy airflow, and the broken masonry, like a huge thunder fell to the ground, breaking a large hole several meters wide in the ring, and as the author of this big hole itself, he was produced by the blasting. The airflow rushed away, rolled on the ground a few times, rolled more than ten meters away, and then stopped. It looked really ridiculous. It can be guessed that he is not only losing his current mood, but also almost losing his life. What's worse, he is going to lose a lot of shame.

The audience around saw this situation in confusion, and Hoffman's people who could feel their vitality were completely speechless. As the two first apprentices who took care of him on behalf of him like teachers, they also felt ashamed. The void of the god of martial arts now has a laughing stock for entertainment. Appeared.

He stumbled in the wind and barely got up. His awkward appearance was worse than being punched a few times, which showed the horror of the power of this huge "Yuanqi Lingwan".

Riding the wind: "Oh, it really hurts. It hurts more than being punished by the master. Sure enough, I still can't force myself. I set myself on fire. Fortunately, the most powerful thing for me is to be beaten. I was usually punished and trained by the masters and brothers. Ouch..."

off the court, everyone in the "Martial Arts Team" doesn't want to see him anymore, so as not to be involved in his humiliation.

Take advantage of the wind to cheer up again and cheer up: "Okay, this time, it's better to be serious and use the usual method."

The practice of taking advantage of the wind and his huge "Yuanqi·Lingwan" has not been completed. Just now, he forced to use it, which led to the collapse of the huge "Yuanqi·Lingwan" halfway. It seems that the problem of riding the wind is not only a lot, but also likes to do things messy.

Riding the wind: "It's a pity that I can't use my big trick at the bottom of the box to break your vitality, but don't worry, I still have a way. Since I can't win by quality, I can only win by quantity.

After saying that, the vitality condensed by the wind began to change strangely. In addition to the one at the tip of his index finger, there were four other "Yuanqi·Spirit Pills" on his wrist, which were rotating circularly around his wrist.

Riding the wind: "I don't believe that the repair speed of your vitality will be faster than mine, and aim at you at the same time. This time, I will see if you can't break it."

Riding the wind is the type of action faction. As soon as the words fell, he immediately shot out a "Yuanqi · Lingwan". This is miserable. Hoffman is about to face the continuous attack of "Yuanqi · Lingwan". If he does not dodge, even the vitality armor can't resist two attacks in a row.

Hoffman tried his best to dodge. With his first experience, he saw the movement trajectory of the first "Yuanqi · Lingwan" and moved side with all his strength. Only then did he barely pass by the first "Yuanqi · Lingwan" without being hurt.

The crisis has not been resolved, and the next is the real test. The second and third "Yuanqi · Lingwan" followed, and Hoffman's speed disadvantage made him really unable to completely dodge again. Hoffman avoided the heavy and chose to let his shoulders bear one of the "Yuanqi·Spirit Pills" to avoid the other key attack. As a result, the vitality armor on Hoffman's shoulder was immediately broken, and his whole body was shocked to take a few steps back.

Just as Hoffman wanted to condense the vitality immediately for repair, the fourth and fifth "Yuanqi Ling Wan" came at a faster speed, one of which was aimed at Hoffman's shoulder, and the other "Yuanqi Ling Wan" followed the one in front of him. It's a plan. Even if Hoffman avoided the gap in the vitality armor on his shoulder and used other parts of his body to bear it, he could not cope with the attack that followed him in such a short time. It can be said that he made a double bet. If he didn't believe it, he couldn't buy it this time.

On the contrary, Hoffman has not yet set up his posture, and it is impossible to avoid it at this time. If he is hit directly on his body directly from the gap of the vitality armor, he will definitely not be able to bear it, not to mention the next one that follows.

In the face of the two "Yuanqi Lingwan" that came into a straight line, Hoffman had to raise his arm to resist. The fourth "Yuanqi Lingwan" accurately hit the arm, and the fifth one was about to hit.

Riding the wind: "This time, let's see how you can stop it."