Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 319 Rescue: Alert

Time to return to Elvin's side, Elvin's first goal turned out to be to sound the alarm. Isn't this the opposite of their secret action? At that time, thousands of guards in their sleep will be awakened. Not to mention saving people, there will be no way to escape.

Teglas had no doubt and continued to crawl with Evan without any doubt. He was convinced that Evan must have his idea in doing this. As a watchman, he just had to protect him well.

After crawling a long distance in the pipe of the vent, I finally arrived at the destination, which is where the brain of the whole "black prison" is located, near the command room.

Because the ventilation pipe is not connected to the command room, the nearest distance is also in the small warehouse near it, and it is also isolated by thick walls. But this is not difficult for Evan. It is the move that broke the door just now. The gem sword opened the way, gradually made it bigger, cut the wall a straight line cut, and then continued to make it in the same way, slowly cut a square hole.

ai wen carefully pushed the stone out of the square hole, then drilled out of the pipe and entered the uninhabited small warehouse. Infiltration is very smooth here. Next, we have to enter the key point. How to suppress the command room guarded by many guards?

Ewen: "According to the memory of the drill I visited last time, the distance from here to the command room is generally guarded by 20 to 40 guards, and we can still suppress this number. It's just that there are at least hundreds of people on the periphery, which are not what we can face. Therefore, what we need to do now is to fight quickly and suppress it as quickly as possible, so that no one can sound the alarm.

Did you come to the general control room first just to prevent the guards from sounding the alarm? If it's just for this purpose, it's really a little risky. First of all, ringing the alarm is not the exclusive right of the command room. There are such alarm devices everywhere in the "black prison", which can't stop the alarm from ringing at all. Moreover, it is also difficult to deal with dozens of guards without sounding the alarm.

Awen: "Tiglas, this time, I have to rely on you."

Teglas: "My archery has been practiced so hard for this purpose. I will do my best to shoot arrows on the chest of every enemy."

Evan: "Okay, we have to take action immediately. Our suppression this time can't be more than ten minutes. Otherwise, once the peripheral guards find it here, it will be dangerous."

It's only ten minutes, isn't it? It's really a problem. Elvin and Teglas changed their military uniforms and put on lightly. Teglas was close to the ground and used his skills to listen to the movement of animals in the forest to explore the location and direction of the guards nearby.

There are about 30 guards ahead, which is similar to Elvin's expectations, and they are waiting for the best time to launch the assault.

It's time for Elvin and Tiglas to rush out of the small warehouse together.

Guard: "Huh? Ah..." The two guards standing on guard immediately fell under the arrow and did not realize what was going on until their death.

Teglas is the first shooter among the watchers. Needless to say, he can count arrows, which is Teglas's proud stunt.

Rush, the two rushed forward desperately. Speed was victory and time was life. The two passed like death and put down all the hindering guards in front of them. Although it was cruel, in order not to let the peripheral soldiers find out, it was necessary.

Along the way, Evan killed him with a gem sword. Teglas attacked the enemy remotely, a perfect combination of near and far, so that the guards could not react in the future and were killed. The two killed more than ten people smoothly and walked to the door of the general control room.

Sure enough, it was an important place. There were 14 guards guarding the gate in two rows, and Teglas' archery also encountered a bottleneck. One four arrow was the limit of Teglas, and there was no way to kill them all in an instant. Even so, there was no time to hesitate, and the two rushed over without hesitation.

Teglas shot and killed four people accurately, but the remaining ten people were worthy of being elite soldiers. One of them, a burly man with the captain's badge, immediately reacted: "Enemy attack, raise the alarm, and array!"

The simple and clear order shows that as the captain guarding here, it is really not simple. And these guards were indeed well-trained. They immediately formed a formation and immediately stood in two rows. The front row pulled out their long swords to attack head-on, and the back row raised a huge shield to cover the personnel in the command room.

Teglas' archery was a shocking skill. He started to draw an arrow, as fast as lightning, and four arrows were shot in an instant. But this time, he did not aim at the most threatening guards. The four arrow shadows penetrated through the cracks in the unformed shield array and directly pierced the guards in the general control room. All the soldiers fell down.

Tegras' calm judgment is correct. The most important purpose is to prevent the alarm from ringing, even if it is about to face the attack and obstruction of the prepared guards.

The captain of the guard was not surprised and immediately responded: "Don't be afraid, set up the shield, you, go and sound the alarm!"

A guard next to him was ordered to immediately turn around and run to the location of the alarm organ, and in order to prevent Teglas' bow and arrow offensive, the captain personally raised his shield to join the defense.

Time must be fought every minute. In the face of the five guards who rushed forward, he must make a heavy move. Again, Aiwen rotated and took the opportunity to sweep the five guards with the gem sword in his hand. However, there is still more than one sword between Evan and the five people, and they are all outside the range of the gem sword.

The change cannot be judged by common sense. This is the strength of Elvin. Originally, it was a long sword more than one meter long, but it instantly changed into a three-meter-long epee. How could the guards predict that there would suddenly be such a magical change? In a moment, the three people in front of them were stopped by the gem epee and killed.

The remaining two people who rushed not so fast and saw that the three people in front of them were killed by the wonderful gem epee, they immediately braked. But he still can't escape Evan's next attack. Elvin's rotation was not over yet. As soon as the gem epee over there swept by, it immediately canceled the summoning. Many stars gathered in Evan's left hand, forming a new weapon, a gem knife, and then swept away again.

The heavier weapon of the specific sword can attack the remaining two guards at this distance, and the two guards have seen Elvin's magical moves. When they are alert, they immediately made defensive actions and use their long swords to resist.

The front of the gem weapon could not be resisted by ordinary weapons. As the swords of the guards broke, the two guards also fell under Elvin's gem knife.

From the beginning of this operation, due to his inability to reveal his identity, he could only watch the little one let them fight in the ring under the competition, and he felt blamed himself for being helpless. Now that the situation can finally let go, Elvin can finally show his real strength.

Although Aiwen does not have the martial arts cultivation that can generally reach the peak of martial arts, with his own strength and the power of the artifact, his strength is enough to compete with powerful warriors. Since he mastered the use of the Star Wrist Wheel, he has been constantly exploring and practicing better skills to use this power. And the move just now killed five guards in an instant, which was just an ordinary move in which Evan used the magical power of the star wrist wheel to fight, and there were stronger moves.

ai wen solved five people in an instant, but the remaining four were not easy to do. They set up a shield array, guarded the gate, and blocked all the guards who went to sound the alarm. No matter how powerful Teglas' archery was, he could not let the arrows bypass the shield array to attack the guard.

Captain of the Guard: "We must hold on until the alarm sounds, and never let the prestige of the royal prison be destroyed."

These guards are like a rainbow and are not afraid of death. They are really men. But after all, it was a hostile relationship, and Teglas' arrow still galloped over. The first thing was to destroy the shield array, and Teglas' arrow hit the feet of four people.

"Ah!" Under the severe pain, two people squatted down, and there was a fatal hole in the shield's protection. Although it was only a second or two apart, they could not lift the shield again. Two arrows shot into the head and died.

There was a big gap in the defense line. Teglas seized the opportunity and stopped firing together. He pulled the string and arrow to shoot the fastest arrow at the fastest speed, aiming straight at the running guard.

"As long as I am still there, I will never let you destroy the prestige of the Royal Prison!" The captain of the guard stood up and stretched out his hand to stop him in the middle with his arm. His flesh and blood were immediately penetrated by the flying arrows. The sacrifice of the captain of the guard was absolutely worth it. The arrow was blocked and fell down and could not continue to fly.

His hands and feet were injured by arrows. In this case, he can still stand still like this. The captain of the guard is extremely strong willpower. The captain of the guard, with the determination to die, raised his shield to protect his head and used his body alone to obstruct Teglas' arrow path.

Seeing that the guard was about to sound the alarm, the captain of the guard finally showed the joy of victory. "Ka", the sound of death sounded, and the captain of the guard looked at the shield he was holding. A huge gem spear directly penetrated the strong shield, and also penetrated his body. This is what Evan summoned in the distance and threw it.

The captain of the guard still did not fall, and his life was slowly fading, still standing in front of him, blocking the arrow path of Tiglas. Suddenly, the huge gem long gun disappeared, and then an arrow penetrated through the hole in the captain's wound and shot the foot of the guard behind him.

The captain of the guard couldn't believe what he saw: "There is such a thing... Who are we facing..." He finally fell down.

Now there is only the injured guard in the general control room, and another guard with a shield who is also injured.

Aiwen: "We don't mean to kill them all. Give up resistance."

The overall situation was in hand, and the injured two were powerless to resist and collapsed on the ground one after another.

ai wen went over and stunned the two of them, and then had to deal with the most important problem. He took a huge risk to suppress his intention here. Is it really just to sound the alarm? Before that, they worked hard to prevent the guards from sounding the alarm. What was the purpose?

Teglas did not ask questions, but looked at Elvin and waited for his action.

And Ai Wen, he desperately recalled the situation when he visited this place. Elvin: "I remember that there are five levels of alarms here, and each level corresponds to a way to deal with it."

However, there are only four alarm organs displayed in front of Elvin. Where is another one? Elvin looked at a steel box embedded in the wall next to him.

Avan: "The last and most important alarm mechanism is locked in it."

What kind of alarm agency is it? It is tightly blocked, but it can be imagined that this is definitely an alarm organ that will not be allowed to be opened as a last resort.

Aiwen: "This is the proudest and proudest ultimate defense organ in the royal prison. When I visited here for rehearsal, I didn't show this alarm organ, but I just heard about its introduction. Now, let me do a real use."

What is special about this alarm agency? The general guarding the iron was also opened by Elvin in the previous method. In the steel box, a red alarm mechanism appeared in front of Elvin. Elvin pressed it without hesitation, and then the alarm bell rang throughout the prison.

Then, the heavy iron gate of the general control room began to slowly descend to completely block this place. Elvin and Teglas immediately rushed out.

Aiwen: "Very good, let's continue along the original road and continue through the ventilation pipe."

What is the purpose of Elvin ringing this alarm? At this time, several exit gates of the "Black Prison", ten meters thick and 10,000 pounds of large iron gates slowly fell down. In this way, the whole "Black Prison" will be completely locked, forming a real doorless cage.

Although this cage can't get out, it is by no means so simple for people outside to want to come in. Since it's only a matter of time before they are found, it's better to let them find out. That's exactly what Elvin intended.

And this final alarm is the last line of defense of the "black prison". The key is to completely close the door of the "black prison", which also blocks all entrances and exits, and it is no longer possible to open it in a mechanism. It can only take countless manpower and hours to open it, in order to completely cut off any possibility of escape from the prisoners inside. During this period, it was enough to gather thousands of soldiers outside. In the face of this ocean-like group of soldiers, no matter how powerful the prisoners are, after escaping hopelessly and after the gate is destroyed, they can only obediently be captured in this "black prison".

And the guards who were also locked inside, although they had doubts about the alarm, they concentrated in the basement according to their usual training and lowered the gate. This is specially designed to protect the guards inside in the chaos of prison prisoners, to prevent prisoners from invading and protect the lives of the guards.

Although in this way, Elvin will be in a situation where they can no longer escape from the original way, but also because of this final alarm, the "black prison" can be said to be defenseless, and the guards outside can't get in immediately, which can give Elvin and the others a precious few hours. That is to say, Elvin will have to complete these two things to save and escape in the next few hours.

At this time, at the bottom of the "Black Prison", in a prison room, a man stood up after hearing the alarm, looked at the closed iron door, and touched his chest with his hand. His expression was sad, with a little joy of expectation.

"When you touch your chest like this, do you feel that your blood relatives have come?" A burly figure came to the door of the cell. The person who came was the administrator of the royal prison, the warden Magellan, and the only prisoner who could let him come to meet in person was the only one who could have such a qualification. He was Ain.

Magellan: "Although I don't know why he wanted to sound the final alarm and try his best to enter this place, in this way, no matter what, he and you can't escape. On the periphery, they are already completely surrounded by the troops."

Ain was silent about Magellan's question.

Magellan: "It's really enviable that family relationship between you... But I have also said that I will never allow anyone to destroy the order here."

What an ironic fate. Originally, I was going to block the guards, but now I have locked up the warden Magellan who came here to inspect. Magellan then turned away and walked up with the guards who followed him. He would use his body as a huge obstacle in front of Evan and the others.