Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 335 Sword God of War 1

On the outskirts of Wangdu, there is an uninhabited wasteland. A man stands here with a knife. In the distance, the dust is flying, and someone is running at a high speed.

With the sound of thunder, a man, holding a rectangular wooden box, stopped behind the man, and the man came in vain and came strongly.

Void ran all the way from the royal prison to here to pursue his goal, an opponent who can let him fight a legendary battle, and the man in front of him, Void can see at a glance that the strength of the other party is a person with absolute weight to become an opponent.

The man turned around. It was really him, the wise sword, the master of Xiao Rang, and also the master-level martial artist in the world, and another master of vitality.

Void: "I believe that you are the warrior who just emitted the powerful martial arts momentum. Your power is the strength I have never seen before. As a warrior, I strongly demand that I can fight with you."

Jianxin: "I'm really sorry. I don't want to fight with anyone, so please forgive me for not being able to agree to your request."

Void: "Why? Why don't you, who have this power, are eager to explore the higher realm of martial arts? Don't you feel the loneliness of Wuzhi Road and long for your opponent? Don't you have the pursuit of a martial artist?"

The tone of Jianxin is flat: "The road of martial arts has countless directions, and the pursuit of each martial artist is different due to personal growth and encounters. What I pursue is to make my heart quiet, and then watch the new generation of children grow up. This is the path I pursue."

Void: "As a teacher, I also have a deep understanding of this, but because of this, I am more demanding to explore a higher realm of martial arts, and then pass all this on to the next generation, so that they can continue to explore until the extreme of martial arts and the peak of martial arts."

Jianxin sighed: "The ultimate of martial arts, the peak of martial arts... This is an endless realm, and this is not the height that people can touch."

Void was very angry: "As a martial artist, he would actually say such a thing. This is a stain on the way of martial arts. The pursuit of martial arts is the greater peak of martial arts. This is the natural mission of a martial artist, which is the right way."

Jianxin: "This pursuit is actually just illusory. Life has been life for hundreds of years, like a dream. Everything is actually nothing. It is too forceful to be illusory, which will make people fall into the way of inextricable desire."

Void: "You mean that what I said is to pursue martial arts, but in fact, I am now influenced by my own desires, right? Hahaha, maybe you're right. Do you know why I gave up the title of the god of martial arts, and why did I give up my real name and change my name to Void? Emptiness, emptiness, emptiness, I have reached this height, I am really empty and lonely, and every day is illusory.

The origin of his name has such a reason. No wonder he doesn't care about the title of the god of martial arts. In fact, this title is a shame for him, which makes him have no goal to pursue, but becomes the goal pursued by others (Sasaki), making him feel empty and lonely.

Jianxin: "For this reason, you should give up this illusory pursuit, grasp your precious life, strengthen yourself with martial arts, and use martial arts ambition."

Void: "Do you hold on to life? For this reason, I should have a fight with you. I want to use my limited life time to explore the higher limit of martial arts... However, I have really reached the limit... My own strength is difficult to break through... Since I saw the ruins of the duel, I have understood that if I want to break through my own limit, I must have a legendary duel with others. Only at the time of life and death can you achieve a breakthrough... For this reason, it is necessary for an opponent who can be as powerful as yourself. Now that such an opponent has appeared, and how can I let myself miss this opportunity that I have been waiting for?"

The sword heart seems to touch the memory in my heart: "Is it a legendary duel... This is not the ideal thing you imagine... I'm still so determined that I don't want to fight with anyone, not to mention that now you have deviated from the road of martial arts pursuit."

Jianxin insisted on not to fight against the void, because doing so would make the void embark on a completely wrong path, and Jianxin turned around and wanted to leave.

Void is very anxious: "Wait a minute, did you lead me here and leave like this after saying such a thing?"

Jianxin: "For opponents without fighting spirit, it will not create what you call a legendary confrontation."

Void still does not choose to give up: "I won't give up an opponent like you... You deliberately sent out the momentum of the warrior to save the so-called star hero and deliberately attracted me. This can't deceive me. I can't let you go back! You must fight against me! Otherwise, I will go back and deal with them.


"I can't let you go back! You must fight against me!"


Jianxin's memory was shocked, and what a similar dialogue appeared in his mind. This scene is like yesterday.

Jianxin sighed, "It turns out how similar it is... Well, let's use this duel to let each other's hearts get real communication."

The sword heart turned around and prepared to fight.

The long-standing wish of the void could finally be realized, which made him excited.

Before the duel, he had to salute his opponent. The sword heart bent down and bowed, and then signaled to the void that he wanted to use weapons to fight: "In the wise sword heart, the martial arts genre, wearing a knife at the waist, a famous blade - Tiancongyun, please give me more advice."

The sword heart's knife, the first time I saw it, I didn't expect it to be the first knife in the world - Tian Congyun. This famous blade, the whole body of the sword is white, the blade is as thin as paper, the sword body is very thick, and the hilt is decorated like a fish bone joint. It is said to be owned by the sword saint of the Eastern Kingdom more than ten years ago. Unexpectedly, it now appears in the hands of Jianxin.

Void return, and took out a black object from the box he just brought and put it in his arm: "Yes, the real legendary battle is to do everything I can and do my best. For this, I also took out my treasure. This is my treasure - shaking the sky, also Please give me more advice.

The void he put on his arm is a huge boxing, wrapping the whole right arm, shining black luster, hard and light without conflict, which makes people recognize at a glance that it is not ordinary, but also the best blade in the world.

Boo took out their famous blades, which means that they will start a shocking battle.

The salute ended and the duel began. However, this duel did not have an earth-shaking fierce battle immediately. On the contrary, both of them remained motionless. Because the more powerful the warrior is, the more difficult it is to find flaws. What's more, these two people now represent the strongest power today, and neither of them can find a flaw perfectly.

In the stalemate battlefield, the martial arts of the two were full of the air in the middle of the wilderness, which was so solemn that it was suffocating. As time went by, the accident happened. Jianxin coughed twice, and it turned out that his body had not fully recovered. This change broke the silence between them.

In one stroke, a huge " vitality bullet" was condensed in an instant. Under the force of the void, it flew to the heart of the sword, and then the huge vitality power exploded, and a big hole appeared on the ground.

The void ignored the attack just now, but immediately turned around. This time, two fists came out, and two equally huge "vigor bullets" were projected. What he aimed at in Void is the heart of the sword behind the Void at high speed.

"Fast as the wind", the figure of the sword heart flashed behind the void again and disappeared. The movement of the sword heart is already an unsightly high speed.

Excellent warrior, with clear five senses, can sense things that ordinary people can't, empty eyes, ears, body, fully exert their perception, and try their best to capture the movement of the heart of the sword.

"I caught you!"

He also had the void of extraordinary speed, and he also disappeared, and his figure flashed in front of Jianxin. The gap between the void and the sword heart, such a close distance, is finally going to be a fierce battle between short soldiers.

On the left and right sides of the sword heart, two huge vitality palms appeared respectively, which are coming to the sword heart. It will be bad to be caught. Such a battle will never allow any failure, otherwise it will end directly.

"Do not move as a mountain", the sword heart gave up moving and maintained a firm position to meet the attack of the empty vitality palms. Jianxin still did not choose to draw the knife, but opened the scabbard horizontally and used the handle of the knife and the tail end of the scabbard to support the two huge energetic palms.

The sword heart does not simply use a knife to block this invisible vitality. At this time, the clouds in the sky are covered with a layer of slightly bright air mass, which is the vitality of high essence. The brighter the air mass is, the clearer it is, which shows that the pureer the essence of vitality is.

Sure enough, the confrontation between vitality is even better, and the two huge vitality palms in the void were suddenly eliminated.

The sword heart moves are cleverly broken, but the crisis is still not over. The empty hand grabbed the scabbard of the sword heart full of high essence vitality. This boxing sleeve - shaking the sky, is really amazing, which can protect the arms of the void from the damage of high essence vitality.

Void saw the so-called essence of vitality for the first time, and I was surprised and excited: "What a great form of vitality this is. It is essentially different from the vitality I have learned. You are indeed a great opponent... However, you can avoid it like this. What kind of communication do you have with my heart? You can't beat me if you don't pull out your sword like this!"

The sky clouds are controlled by the void, and the heart of the sword can't get rid of it. Moreover, the surrounding air becomes extremely solemn. A large amount of vitality is condensing from all directions, surrounding the heart of the sword, which is terrible.

"Yuanqi • Dead Realm", with the release of the void, the vitality surrounding the heart of the sword quickly condensed and surrounded the heart of the sword, forming a sphere. Unlike the fierce "Yuanqi • Domain" to protect itself, "Yuanqi • Dead Domain" is a completely opposite trick to surround the opponent. The powerful vitality engulfs and destroys all the tasks surrounding it, which can really be said to be the field of death.

Because of the protection of the sky, his arm could not be hurt, but he did not dare to get any closer. After that, he immediately withdrew his hand and retreated from the area of the slowly growing " vitality and dead field".

The "Yuanqi • Dead Domain" has gradually become larger, forming a sphere more than ten meters wide. The power of the vitality he has learned in the void is directly proportional to its size. It can be seen that this "Yuanqi • Dead Domain" is very dangerous.

The empty eyes were angry and roared: "Explosion!"

The vitality in the "engqi • dead field" suddenly got out of control and exploded, resulting in a shocking explosion. The dust rolled up was 100 meters high, and a huge hole appeared on the ground.

Master Jianxin, can he be safe in such a huge explosion of vitality?