Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 339 Undercurrent: Black Tide 1

"Lord Becas, why? Why should we give such an order? Obviously, we have prepared everything. We must be able to capture the wanted criminal Elvin in one fell swoop this time. Although there was an accident in the middle and people from the Lion Heart Group came to make trouble, we have an absolute advantage in this capital. The other party can never escape. It fell." Carlos looked quite unhappy and lost his temper in front of Becas for the first time.

Becas seemed very insipid about this matter, as if Evan's escape was not a matter of concern to him. To Carlos with a dissatisfied face, Bekas responded with a smile: "That's fine. Don't think too much. Anyway, you don't have any mistakes. This is my temporary decision. It's not your fault."

Carlos realized that he had just lost his words and hurriedly apologized: "I was really rude just now. I'm really sorry that I would question Lord Becas's decision."

It can be said that Carlos still doesn't understand what sudden incident made Bekas temporarily suspend his plan to arrest Elvin and open the door in the air to let them leave safely? Carlos dares not ask about this matter again, because as long as it is Bekas's decision, it will definitely not be wrong.

Bekas was really not worried and was in a good mood: "Well, don't feel sorry for what happened today. Now is the time to celebrate. There are two very happy things today."

Really? Did our plan really work? That's great. Lord Becas's plan is perfect. This is really good news. Carlos immediately changed his expression.

Speaking of which, I have always been curious that in the capital of Athos during this founding celebration, Bekas is really too quiet and incredibly quiet. He is not like Bekas at all. Now that Carlos says so, as expected, in his back, Bekas is quietly carrying out a A shocking conspiracy.


To celebrate this great news, the venue was selected in the base camp of the dark Black Dragon's secret troops. The participants were only Becas and Carlos, as well as the five director. Although this time it was a celebration party, the atmosphere in the venue was still the same as a peace day.

Ethan of the Criminal Division is still expressionless, the Thousand Faces of the Spy Department are still bandages and invisible, the Black Raven of the Investigation Department is still hiding in the dark, Brute of the Action Department still has a strange smiling face, and Nicole of the Strategy Department is still pestering Becas.

Bekas raised his glass and said, "Guys, you have worked hard during this period. Now, let's raise our glasses together to celebrate the great victory of our action this time! Cheers!"

"Cheers!" Everyone congratulated.

Nicole said coquettishly, "Lord Bekas, you have to repay them well. This time, I'm almost bullied."

Bekas: "Nico, I've also heard about what happened to you at that time. I'm sorry. If you had sent more people at that time, you wouldn't be scared."

Nicole: "That's not what I meant. How I wanted to come back to Lord Becas at that time. I didn't want to stay with those men who only smelled of copper... If only I could confuse them all, and I didn't have to spend so much effort. Qi, it's time to carry out this action.

Bekas: "My good Nicole, I know you have been thinking about me, but your magical eyes will not be ideal for those who have strong desires and emotions, such as Pratt and Envi, and the other party also has a woman named Raster."

Nicole's magical eyes, but with many secrets and constraints, are not omnipotent. First of all, ineffectiveness for women is its most fatal shortcoming. Then, there are two different secrets:

One is that this magic eye can invade the other party's male spiritual consciousness, gradually erase the other party's spiritual consciousness, and make it completely become their own slaves. At that time, Hoffman and Jack were hit by the magic eye in such a way and slowly became Nicole's pets. This kind of powerful magic ** still has shortcomings, but because it is too strong, it is easy to make the other party's mental breakdown, gradually lose himself, and eventually become a walking corpse who has no self-thinking and can only kick and move.

Second, there is another way of acting as a magic eye, that is, hypnotic hint. This method is not as strong as the first one. It can be said to be a triggering order that will not force the other party's personality consciousness to collapse, but lurks in the other party's consciousness, and this method is planted in the other party's heart. Once the order meets the conditions and is triggered, it will make the other party unconsciously execute the implied order, which can have a hidden effect on some mentally weak people for more than half a year.

Because this magical eye is a special spiritual force, for those who have a particularly strong or desire in spiritual power, their role will be weakened or even ineffective. At that time, Xiao Rang succeeded in maintaining self-awareness from Nicole's magical eyes.

Of course, not all people who are not afraid of magic eyes will make Nicole feel disgusted and scared. On the contrary, there are also people who fascinate Nicole.

Nico continued to act coquettishly, "And aren't you, Lord Becas, Lord Bekas, your desire is the first man I can't control. Your appearance has fascinated me."

Bekas responded to Nicole with a smile, which showed that their relationship was not as simple as that of superiors and subordinates.

From the dialogue between the two of them, I heard some clues. Is the great victory mentioned by Bekas related to the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce? The answer is yes.

"This time, everyone in the Black Dragon's hidden army has made the highest contribution and everyone's unparallelled cooperation, which made us finally succeed this time. We have seized a huge amount of money from the group of people of the 'Terfi' Chamber of Commerce. I will arrange the corresponding rewards for you and my subordinates." Bekas's conspiracy was finally revealed.

Brute smiled and said, "Money is just an insignificant thing for us. The most important thing is that under your hands, Lord Becas, our desires can be satisfied, which is the most important thing. Hee hee, in retrospect, I haven't had such a pleasure in killing for a long time.

In fact, the director of the Black Dragon Hidden Force are not driven by money. They are just for their special desires and are willing to follow Becas. Nicole is extremely infatuated with Becas. Brut is to satisfy his bloody desire, and other directors are also like this.

This time, Bekas and others, who have been calm, secretly stretched out their magic palms. However, this time, the goal did not mainly point to Elvin and others, but to the so-called closest "ally" of their own party. The gold-grabbing operation is not only the plan of the Lion Heart Group's family. Perhaps it should be said that Becas and others are the biggest winners in the end. In the whole gold-grabbing operation, 35 million gold coins have far exceeded the Lion Heart Group's gains.


The truth behind all this has to start from more than half a year before the founding of the founding of China celebration. At that time, the lions worked hard to get the design drawings of the big vault. In fact, it was Beckas who carefully designed and "sent" them to the door, thus opening two hostile camps. The prelude to a "joint action" of cooperating with each other to obtain the money of the group of big businessmen "Terfi" commercial alliance.

The Lion Heart Group that got the drawings, as well as Bekas thought, carefully planned the gold-winning operation of this founding celebration, and Bekas also knew the plan of the Lion Heart Group, because in the Lion Heart Group, there were people loyal to him.

After that, the Lion Heart Regiment took advantage of the beginning of the prediction of the starry sky and exposed its national rebellion. As three of the main legions of the kingdom, the Blue Dragon Knights, the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment and the Blue Dragon Sea Battle Regiment were transferred away from the king's capital to calm the chaos, so that the king's unprecedented defense of emptiness and created their actions. A great opportunity.

On the other hand, the left-bekas can pave the way for the Lion Heart Group to participate in the performance on the stage of his own monologue, and even directly leak the information of the army to the Lion Heart Group, pretending to be unintentionally, so that they can "sway" to enter. Within the capital, you can act as you like.

The group of people of the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce are not so easy to be slaughtered. Although the lion's heart group's plan seems perfect, in fact, there are still many loopholes. At this time, Becas acted as a good helper "unknown" behind his back.


In the process of selecting the representative of Sloss, there was a person who played a decisive role. He was not Jin, who won the representative position by defeating a group of warriors with his bravery. Of course, he was not the lazy ghost Sloss who did not want to take care of everything. Instead, he was an unknown figure, one who disappeared later. Character, he is the deputy stew manager of Sloss.

It was the beginning of all this matter that Jin was able to steal the password of the big vault. It was this deputy who played the role of threading needles and arranging everything:

It was he who proposed to select warriors to fill the vacancy of the representative; in the opponent fought against Kim, there were no powerful figures in it; in the end, Sloss's clapping was actually his constant good words beside him... This kind of thing is actually not as simple as accepting bribes, because at that time The deputy stewmer of Sloss has actually turned into a rotting corpse and buried under the loess.

And what happened to the deputy stewmer of Sloss who appeared at that time? Just after Kim was elected as a representative, Sloss went back to his room to continue his dream, and the deputy stewmer, he quietly came to a dark corner. He rubbed his face with his hand, and one * was taken down by him. It was clear who his real identity was. He was the spy of the Black Dragon's secret force. The director of the department, Qianmian.


On the fourth day of the founding celebration, Nicole came to help "Terfi" with the "Terfi" business alliance as the order of Becas. On that day, the seven people of the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce, who didn't even trust their allies, naturally did not need Nicole's "help" and were left idle. In the end, they could only act as thres and find trouble between Hoffman and Jack with Asir.

Of course, this is exactly what Bekas expected. In fact, he asked Nicole to deliberately approach Yasser in order to help the Lionheart Group and prevent their plans from loopholes.

After successfully completing the action of tempting Hoffman and Jack to prevent them from participating in the competition, in the face of the angry Asir, if she was worried that Asir's will was too strong and afraid that the demon eye would not meet the ideal requirements, then this is the best time for Nicole to act.

"You are now my slave. You have to do the following for me." Nicole's magical eyes puzzled Asir.

"Yes...Lord Nicole, I'll follow your orders." Yasir, who was in a bad state, was really tricked.

Nicole ordered: "In the next days, you will ignore the abnormal smell and other abnormal things you smell in the vault."

"I understand, ignoring the abnormal smell smelled in the vault and other abnormal things..." Yasser would agree to whatever he said when he had no self-consciousness.

One of the ways the powerful hypnosis of Nicole's magical eye is hypnosis, which is hypnotic hints. Although Asir, who was planted with hints, usually looks the same as normal, but when it really reaches specific conditions, this hint is exerted makes Asir inescapable to be controlled.

This is another "assistance" for the Lion Heart Group. Yasil's mysterious ability lies in his ability to manipulate poison gas to defeat the enemy. Little is known about this matter. The Lion Heart Group is careless this time. Because it can manipulate gases that ordinary people can't smell, it also requires Yasser himself to have a sense of smell beyond ordinary people. Therefore, the plan to use three million gold coins to emit a special smell to find out where Pandora's Gate is located is doomed to fail without the secret help of Bekas.

Yasir, unconsciously, under Nicole's strong hint, really ignored the abnormal smell in the big vault, and there was nothing unexpected about what happened afterwards, so it continued smoothly.
