Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 346 Ambush: Mist

A disaster fell from the sky, and huge rocks rolled down from the mountain wall beside them, which shocked Defrith and the others. This is definitely not a natural landslide, because not only in front of Frith and the others, but also behind them, there are huge rocks falling down at every distance. Frith's troops, Faced with great danger.

The reason why the mountain wall is like this is naturally done by Aiwen. Nearly a thousand people, under the leadership of the four brothers in the mine, are responsible for the destruction of the boulder. Under the command of the four mine brothers who are familiar with the boulder breaking point, now they are well-staffed, which can make a large number of rocks collapse with boulders. Attack the opposing forces.

Of course, Elvin and others are not only this hand. After the boulder, there are also random arrows and arrows like rain. Under the high shooting, Fries's troops are in a dilemma of being passively beaten and unable to fight back.

"Go into the woods beside you!" Frith loudly commanded the troops to take refuge in the woods.

The lord's army brought by Frith himself into the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment is different from others. It is worthy of the private army he has carefully trained, but it is well trained, and the large army immediately hid in the woods on the side in an orderly manner.

"Be careful, there may be enemy attacks!"

Fris was willing to join the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment. He must have been born and died on the battlefield. He had good command ability and battlefield judgment. As soon as he entered the dark forest, he immediately realized the danger, so he immediately let the scattered teams gather together to form a defensive formation.

Sure enough, another rain of arrows came. This time, the shooters were the watchmen of Xingyin Village. They were powerful in archery, and each arrow was a life-threatening arrow of death.

"Bang Bing..." Most of the arrows were shot on the shields set up by the soldiers, and many arrows were dodged by the soldiers, and the number of soldiers who fell to the ground was small.

As the leader of the Watchers team, Tiglas immediately realized that the opponent this time was not so simple. Teglas made a prompt decision and immediately gave instructions to retreat.

A group of watchmen immediately withdrew their bows, turned around and jumped back on the branches. Teglas's judgment was correct. Frith's soldiers' counterattack followed, and the archers immediately pulled away their long bows and crossbows and fought back with arrows. Fortunately, Teglas retreated quickly and did not form a situation of attacking the other party. Otherwise, there would have been a lot of casualties.

Agat, standing in the distance, looked at the overall situation and conducted the commander-in-chief of the battlefield, while Sith was also beside him. Both of them were making judgments and commands for the war situation that could change at any time.

Sith sighed; "It really deserves to be the regular legion of the kingdom. This time, the opponent is not as simple as the last time he fought with the lords." In fact, the other party is still the lord's army, but Elvin and their information is not yet known)

Agat: "Of course. Never despise your enemies on the battlefield. This battle is full of death. Each of us must be prepared for sacrifice."

Agat's fist clenched, as if there was also a struggle in his heart. For Agat, who had left the cruel battlefield for a long time because of disgust, now, he once again holds his sword and returns to the battlefield, and has to take action against the kingdom army that he has been loyal to. Agat must have a constant contradiction in his heart. .

Agat turned around and began to speak loudly and change his mood: "The regular legion of the kingdom, with strict organization and discipline, obeys the orders of its superiors, but once there is no commander or is killed, the command will be automatically transferred to the next level immediately. Or directly commanded by the small squadron captains of each team. Therefore, it is not feasible to paralyze the whole team by killing the commander.

It seems that the previous method of dealing with the lord's army is no longer useful. If you want to deal with the Kingdom Legion, you can only fight a real battle.

Instead, Sith smiled and said, "Yes, but it was because I saw this that I made this battle plan."


The first round of sneak attack failed, and the battlefield suddenly became quiet. During this period, Frith knew that the terrain of the forest was a very unfavorable combat terrain for cavalry. In addition, the trees in the forest were towering, covering the sky and the sun, and the depths were dark and difficult to see. Naturally, he, who had been born and died in the battlefield, naturally guessed that inside There must be an ambush.

Unable to attack easily, coupled with the limitations of the terrain, Frith had to notify the whole army through the horn and ask the whole army to be on alert. The long snake-shaped team formation lined up in the woods.

After waiting for half a while, there was still no movement. Frith, as a commander, kept thinking about the strategy of the next action in his mind.

The deputy captain made a suggestion: "Lord Fris, do we need to move forward slowly? If we wait in place like this, once the time is consumed at night, we will be very unfavorable.

It was originally planned to rush to the lord's city for a rest at night, but now it seems unlikely to be realized. Fris also understood that the current situation was very unfavorable to them. He really never thought that the other party would take the initiative to welcome him so soon. Moreover, depending on the situation, it must have been ambushed early in the morning. Obviously, the actions of his troops did not even know the lord here. Does the other party have any prediction? Ability? Anyway, we must not fail here, so we adopted the deputy captain's suggestion and let the troops walk slowly along the woods.

was very tacit. Shortly after the forward signal was sent, strange changes came from the woods, and Elvin and the others took the next step.

"Warning! Alert!" The troops lined up again.

Frith was surprised by the strangeness in front of him, because it was not a fierce attack, but a cloud of gray smoke, and from the depths of the forest, there were pieces of fire flashing. Yes, it was a fire attack.

Once he enters the woods, the most commonly used way to attack the enemy is still fire attack, which Frith knew early in his heart. However, the fire looks strange, as if it is not too big, and it is still burning in stages, as if it just wants to cut off this long snake-shaped army.

The fire attack has not yet threatened Frith's large army, but the smoke hit quickly. With the help of the wind, Frith's troops were suddenly covered.

"Cough... No, these are the smoke produced by the burning of wet wood. It's too choking."

This smoke is really not simple. What is mixed with it is a large number of carbon particles that burn incompletely due to the incombust nature of wet wood. These carbon particles are very easy to destroy the human respiratory system, causing breathing difficulties and coughing. Inhaling a large amount will even make people coma fatal.


On the hill in the distance, Agathe looked at Sith and asked, "Do you know that the wind will blow in this direction today?"

Sith smiled and replied, "Observe the changes of the sky every day and record them to speculate that this is also the daily work of a military division."

As a scout and a student, Xiu Na asked humbly, "But, Brother Sith, didn't you say that you wouldn't propose to attack with fire the last time you fought with the lord's troops? Why now?"

Sis replied, "The last time we didn't prepare anything at all. This time it's different. We have military funds. During this period, we have also got a lot of fuel aids to help the fire attack, and we have also prepared these special wet woods. In addition, this is just a small forest. No matter how big the flame is, it will never spread to this Area. Moreover, this so-called fire attack is just a scene. Do you really want to burn the thousands of precious horses below?

xiu na seems to understand: "Huh? I really don't quite understand what kind of tactics you have.

Sith: "Then you'd better take your time to look at it next."

Agat shouted, "Well, it's time to prepare. Next, we're going to start a hard battle."


Scary flames, coupled with choking smog, coughing, and visually limited, a sense of crisis surged into everyone's mind.

Frith gave a command in the face of danger: "Hurry up, pour water into the cloth with your own kettle and seal your mouth and nose!"

This is indeed a better way to deal with this smoke. The soldiers directly tore off the clothes on their arms with their hands, poured water directly on it, and covered their mouths and noses tightly. At this time, the situation of the people has stabilized, but the war horse has not been taken care of in time. They are constantly roaring and struggling there, disrupting the formation of the whole team.

When the soldiers were about to prepare wet clothes for their mounts, the crisis hit, and a large group of masked spearmen suddenly emerged from the smoke, and the frontal battle finally began.

In the smoke, the sound of killing came one after another, and only Frith was still calm, as if it had been forgotten.

Something was wrong, and Frith shouted, "What the hell happened? Where did the enemy attack from?

Deputy captain: "Your Excellency, it seems that the troops in the rear are fighting head-on with the enemy. Under such smoke, it is impossible to know the detailed battle situation such as the number and attack direction of the other side."

Fris: "Damn it, under such smoke, it is too unfavorable for our long snake array, and the transmission of information before and after is prone to breakpoints."

Deputy captain: "Lord Fris, please give instructions quickly."

Fris is also a smart person. He calmly analyzed, "This fire seems to be fake. Well, I understand. I ordered the team to maintain the formation and advance carefully. The other party set fire there just to burn wet wood. The fire will not spread here. In short, give priority to that now. Some fires have been extinguished."

Deputy captain: "Yes, I will order the trumpet immediately to pass the order down."

The trumpet is the signal transmitter in the army and plays a very important role on the battlefield. It can be said to be the role of the left and right battlefield. Each unit has its own unique horn sound mode, in order not to be recognized by the other party and then use false signals to confuse their own team. In order to ensure this, they often believe Only our own people can understand the real information.

As soon as the horn player blew the horn, he immediately screamed, inserted a few arrows on his body and fell to the ground.

Vice captain: "Ah, damn it, where did the archer come from?"

Under such smoke, the vision is limited, and the role of archers is completely limited. Not only Fries's troops, but also Elvin, who exist as enemies, are also unfavorable. Looking at the arrows on the trumpet's body, which were obviously the arrows of the watchmen of Xingyin Village, Teglas quietly turned back to several people and hid in a favorable position on the branches by the smoke, waiting for the opportunity to kill the trumpets who appeared in the smoke.

The horn of the horn of the trumpet exposed his position. Teglas and their arrows heard the sound and immediately chased after the arrows. Although they may be blocked by branches in the middle and can't hit them. Fortunately, several people shoot arrows at the same time in different places, there will always be arrows that can hit the target without hindrance.

Other trumpets chose to play the trumpet and drive their horses to avoid the threat of arrows.

This move may be useful on the vast plain, but unfortunately, in the wooded woods, coupled with the smoke permeating the field of vision and limited speed, it is really impossible to avoid the sharp arrows of the guards of Tegras.

The inability to send the signal made DeFris sweat profusely. Except for the fighting in the sky, he had no idea what was going on with the troops behind him? Moreover, if his rash leader goes forward, he is afraid of being ambushed by the ambush.

The battle lasted for more than ten minutes under such an unclear situation. Frith's worry seems to be a little too much. Elvin's assault did not cause much damage to his troops. After all, on the one hand, there are new soldiers who have only been in the army for less than half a year, and on the other hand, they are veterans under the strict training of the kingdom. The power contrast is very different. Even if the mount becomes out of control because of the smoke, the battle situation will not be tilted one-sidedly. On the contrary, once the role of the raid passed, the soldiers of Frith's private troops gradually returned the advantage.

Awen's assault troops began to be forced to retreat without unnecessary sacrifices.

"Follow it! Take the opportunity to annihilate the other party!"

"We are awesome. There is nothing we will fear and invincible!"

"The other party is very weak, don't be afraid!"

"There is no smoke when rushing over, and the other party has no place to hide!"


Such shouts kept spreading among the team of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment, and then many troops really began to pursue Elvin's troops.

In the case of a good situation, and without the command of Commander Frith, the chain effect occurred. More and more troops, under the captain's own judgment, decisively took the decision to pursue, and this is what Sith called the strategy

On the contrary, it is more difficult for cavalry to move in such a smoke forest. For this reason, some soldiers directly disembeded from the horse and chased directly with their feet. In addition, there are constantly such shouts in the forest. Similarly, more and more troops have joined the ranks of step-by-step warfare. After all, their legion is the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment, which is famous for step-by-step warfare. If this legion can be transferred, the step-by-by-step ability of this cavalry force must be very powerful.

The Sith on the distant mountain is very satisfied with the result: "Well, although it is impossible to completely destroy the command system of the Kingdom Legion, as long as we cut off the contact between the departments and the commander-in-chief, it will be much easier for us to 'order' the next commanders to act."

The news that the rear troops began to take the initiative to pursue the enemy finally reached Fries's ears. He was also in conflict, and as far as the current situation is concerned, the front and back are blocked. The situation is still serious. Although this fire is not big, it will burn down and will burn to this side sooner or later. Of. And the pursuit is indeed a good strategy, but there is always a trace of crisis in his heart, and he has been worried all the time. Will the other party really be so easy to deal with?

Since the large army has begun to pursue, the side can't be left behind. Frith also took the ranks of joining the pursuit team, directly in the direction of the smoke, carefully rushing the horse over, and giving priority to solving the problem of smoke and fire.

This section of the forest is not far away. It ran wildly and soon came to the exit. It was a flat grassland. Not far away, there was a hill, and there was the hill where Agat and Sith were located, which meant that the decisive battle was about to begin here.

The edge of the forest, because of the flat ground, the huge wind can blow into the forest without hindrance, which is why the smoke in the forest is so heavy.

not far from the edge of the woods, in the smoke, countless people ran out. It was Elvin's assault force. They were fleeing desperately, and what was chasing was the kingdom army with countless armor. The soldiers of these lord's troops seemed to be a real battle that had fought blood on the battlefield. Shi, the murderous man also rushed out.

In the direction of the escape of the assault troops, there are dense rows of figures in front of them, posing a formation. Half of them, strong muscles and huge fists are enough to show that they are the pride of the warrior village, while in the back row, one by one, holding long bows, needless to say, most of them are watchmen. .

Evin's main force finally appeared, which means that this small grass is the stage of the decisive battle, and Elvin's main actors also appeared here: Grimio, Micard, Ted, Hoffman, Black Bull and other fighters. Members, lead the team separately and prepare to fight.

Among the many familiar figures, there is a person who should not have appeared on the front line, that is, Irwin, as a leader. As his father Matthew was disgusted by the Sith, those who hide in a safe place and enjoy safety alone are the most shameless. As a hero of the star, he can't look directly at his companions who believe in him and follow him and send them to the battlefield to fight for himself. Evan wants to express his faith and determination to all those who follow him with practical actions. Everyone is equal and in pursuit of good happiness together. , and the companions standing on the united front.

ai wen boosted morale before the war: "Come on, gentlemen, let's fight side by side and shout the first roar of resistance to overthrow this dark and wrong world!"

Awen's roar resounded all over the mountains.