Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 354 Dive into 1

On April 15, 200, the time passed another ten days. Yes, it was another quiet ten days. Forty-five days have passed since the last battle, and nothing seems to have changed. Almost all the wounded soldiers of Avan and others have almost recovered under the healing aura of the tears of Stardust, but In order to restore the level of combat strength before the war.

In the military chamber, Evan and Sith summoned Mikal and Ted to attend a secret meeting.

At the meeting, Aiwen first proposed, "Mikal and Ted, I asked you two to come today to discuss something with you."

Mikal: "Well, if there is anything, just let us do it. There is no need to discuss it like this."

Ted: "Yes, I'm the same."

ai wen said very seriously, "No, this kind of thing still needs your consent."

It seems to be a big deal, so Mikal also became serious.

"Okay, let me explain it to you now." Sith said, "Everyone knows that since the main force of the Red Dragon Reloading Regiment entered this Libel territory, there has been no major movement. Every day is nothing more than routine reconnaissance in the Black Forest."

Mikal said casually, "We also know this. This news comes every day. At first, it did make us worry a lot, but now even the people who come to report the information feel that there is nothing to say, so they go back safely."

Ted: "Be careful in everything."

Mikall complained: "Be careful, but the current situation is not only me. Most people outside have the same idea. The other party will not call. Black Bull is shouting there every day. When can he go out to fight or something? If he stands next to him, I'm really afraid that he will be I'm deaf."

Sis shook his head and sighed, "Well, it seems that the problem I'm worried about is still coming."

Mikal asked puzzledly, "Ah? What's the problem?"

Sith: "Maybe this is one of the other party's strategies. First of all, there is nothing wrong with not taking risks into the Black Forest. However, the other party has not taken any action at all, and it has been so long. This is absolutely strange. Now it seems that the other party's strategy has been successful. The high morale we have gained through the victory of the last battle has now been completely disappeared, and our vigilance has also been reduced to the lowest. I am afraid that once there is an emergency, our combat strength will not be as good as the last battle. ."

Only then did Mikal and Ted realize the seriousness of the matter and listened patiently to Sith.

Sith: "What we lack most now is intelligence. I believe that the other party has done the same, so we have not done anything. However, we can't continue to consume like the other party, which is very unfavorable to our development. Therefore, after discussing with Elvin, we decided that we need to send people. Go to the other party's camp to find out and get as much information as possible.

Mikal suddenly flashed and understood: "Ah, I understand, that's why we are here. No problem, we will definitely agree."

Sith: "Don't be in a hurry to agree. You should know that this trip is very dangerous."

Aiwen also reminded: "Yes, sneaking into the other party's barracks is undoubtedly an act of throwing himself into the net. Once exposed, you can't escape at all... This time, there is indeed no good way to think of, which is the dangerous strategy, because almost all the people in our camp are civilians. The people were born and have rarely come into contact with the Kingdom Legion. It is very difficult to find other people to sneak in. At present, there are only three of us, Agat and Grimio, who have joined the army, so..."

Mikal: " Needless to say, we understand that it is really unrealistic to let other people sneak into the barracks. I'm afraid that they don't even know the most common sense of the military rank of the army. If they encounter the officer's disrespect, it will be revealed immediately. This task is the most appropriate candidate for us.

Ted: "Evan, you and Agat, as important people, can't leave the Star Fortress. Gremio has left the army for more than ten years. Only the two of us can take on this task."

Sith: "It's great that you can understand that. That's why you two are only secretly called here. Therefore, I want you to seriously consider the danger of this action again. Don't answer so quickly, think about the way to sneak in and the way to retreat. After everything is safe. , can I answer. After all, this is a very dangerous task.

Mikal heard Sith say to them so seriously that he was going to open his mouth and agree again immediately, but now he had to swallow it back, and Ted really thought deeply and thought about the detailed plan.

Finally, after some discussion with each other, we finally came up with a feasible plan.

Before leaving, Elvin couldn't help worrying about Mikal and Ted: "Don't force yourself. You two must come back safely and promise me, okay?"

Mikal and Ted responded with one voice: "No problem, we will be careful."

It seemed that at this time, there was a strange noise outside the door. It seemed that someone was eavesdropping outside the door, and someone began to hear someone talking.

Boy: "Don't do this. We can't do it like this."

Female voice: "Shh! Don't make a sound."

The voice of this man and woman, everyone present could tell who it was, and then everyone smiled heartily.

Then, another very harsh voice shouted, "You two, what are you doing here!"

Female voice: "Ah! It's terrible."

"Dong Dong!" Two little guys stumbled in from the door, Shona and Amy.

Emmy: "Oh, it really hurts. You are too clumsy."

Shuna: "Amy, you didn't say a word when you got up."

Outside the door, the person who stopped the two of them just now also appeared, who were Teglas and Silver Teeth, who were in charge of the patrol.

Teglas first apologized for his dereliction of duty: "I'm really sorry, everyone. I know that you have a secret meeting to hold, and I was careless to let others break in."

Aven smiled and said, "Teiglas, don't mind. Shona and Amy are also their own people."

Mikal was not as talkative as Evan, so he stepped forward: "You two little guys, are too idle to do? You came here to learn to eavesdrop." Mikal knocked on each of them on the head, which was a punishment.

Emmy: "It hurts so much. I'm against treating a lady so violently."

Mikal: "Dizzy, you're a lady... Even if I'm not Jack, I don't like you."

Shuna: "Okay, Amy, stop talking. I'm sorry, everyone. We're leaving now."

Emmy: "What, you just said that there is nothing to do these days. Now I'm kind to find something for you to do."

Shuna: "However, you didn't say you came to eavesdrop at the beginning."

Emmy: "Well, you man, don't care about these little things. Anyway, there is something to do, isn't there?"

Shoner can't laugh or cry.

It seemed that the trouble was going to be entangled. Mikal immediately pointed out, "Hey, you two little guys, what are you doing? We didn't say we would bring you. Don't expect to follow."

Emmy acted coquettishly at this time: "Brother Mikal, and everyone, let us help. Anyway, our two skills can also help."

Mikal felt nothing about it except that he was dumbfounded.

At this time, Aiwen stood up and told the two in a good voice: "I'm really sorry, Amy, and Shuna. This time Mikael and Ted are going to carry out a mission in the barracks. Your words are really too dangerous. You'd better stay at ease."

Mikal also immediately added: "Yes, yes, the little guy is prohibited from entering the barracks, and it will be exposed at once."

Shuna: "Emmy, let's listen to what Brother Evan said. Don't disturb everyone's meeting anymore and cause trouble to everyone."

Emmy: "No, no, even if you can't go to the barracks, it's the best in the city. I heard that the other party's barracks is on the edge of Libel City, where there is always a chance to find some other information, so that there is finally something to do, otherwise it will be boring."

It seems that now, as Sith is worried, now everyone's hearts are relaxed and their energy is slowly diluted. This is really a bad situation. Now it is necessary to urgently find a feasible way to fight against the army of the Red Dragon Reloading Regiment hovering at home.

Awen: "No, even in the city, it's very dangerous for you two to go."

Emmy's expression was extremely lost.

Sith: "Ivan, maybe let them go. They are children. There should be no danger when they enter the city."

Evan: "Since that's the case, it still needs someone to come and go together."

Emmy: "Hee, in this case, there is exactly one of the most suitable candidates here."

Emmy quietly pointed to the serious-faced Teglas next to her. As an escort, she really couldn't find a more reliable person than him.

Teglas was obviously absent-minded and did not notice Amy's words.

It was rare to see Teglas like this, so Elvin came forward to ask.

Tiglas replied, "Ah? Is it calling me? But at this point, I still have the task of patrolling around.

Mikal: "Well, it's calm outside now. You don't need to patrol all the time. It's better to promise Elvin to be the nanny and bodyguard of these two little guys."

"But..." Teglas seems to have an unspeakable secret: "However, since our last victory, we always feel that there is something wrong around us."

Mikal: "It's really wrong. It's too quiet, isn't it? Now everyone has become a little strange. The initial worry has become the current reassurance, and the change of mentality really can't keep up with the rapid changes in the environment."

Teglas hesitated for a moment and finally agreed: "Maybe I'm really too nervous. Well, maybe going out once is much more rewarding than staying here."

In this way, Mikael and Ted, Teglas, Amy and Shuna went out to find out for information.

Come out of the transmission mirror closest to Libel City, and the two groups of people set out for their respective goals. First, Teglas, the trio, pretended to be uncles and nephews, mixed into the city.

The investigation of the guards outside the city gate is really lax. Maybe it is really the same as the lord's character. They are timid and have to live by. After all, there is nothing to investigate in this small border territory.

The first place to visit is the market, which is the most crowded place. If there is any news, it is also the fastest place to come.

Emmy and Shona used to go to the market when they were in the small town of Tairos, so even if the places are different, they are probably not much worse. On the contrary, Tiglas is nominally a guardian, but he rarely leaves the Black Forest and has less contact with the outside world. This time, it is still such a crowded place, and who cares who really turns upside down.

"You guys, wait for me." Sure enough, Tegras, who left the forest and entered the town, became less sensitive, but was dropped by two small ones.

Emmy, who walked at the front, said, "Don't you hear it? Someone at the market just said that they saw a lot of soldiers stationed in the camp outside. Today, they came into the city and wandered outside the lord's castle. I don't know what happened. We have to go there to see the fun.

Although the soldiers of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment have entered this territory, they have rarely left the station, let alone troops entering the main city, because this will become more nervous about the situation in the city, which is already worried about, and fear that there will be a war in the main city.

In fact, there were not many soldiers entering the city this time. There were only a few hundred people, and they all dragged the carriage, as if they were carrying some goods. They were carrying large and small bags of goods from the lord's warehouse into the carriage.

Xiuner's eyes can be used, and everything can be seen clearly in the distance: "Well, these soldiers are transporting food to the car."

Food? That's all? It's really not interesting." Amy is not interested in this information.

Shuna: "Well, over there, it seems that in the group of soldiers, a man who is an officer came out, with a * bag, took out a piece of paper from it, and was looking for the lord's official to sign it."

Emmy: "Well, do you see what's written on it?"

"No, I can't see the angle." Although Shuna's eyes are good, he still can't see what he can't see if he doesn't use his "spiritual vision".

Emmy feels sorry.

Teglas: "Well, it seems that there is nothing good here. Let's go somewhere else to continue to explore."

Shuna also agrees that the farther away from the other soldier, the safer it is, and only Amy is reluctant to give up on this matter.

Emmy suddenly noticed something and shouted there, "Well, Shuna, is that officer going to leave?"

Hoona: "Yes, he got on the horse and seemed to be ready to leave."

"That's great. I finally didn't come back empty-handed." Amy seemed to laugh evilly.

Shuna suddenly felt a little ominous.

As Shona predicted, the officer rode on the road and ran in the direction of the barracks. Just as he was about to turn, the horses shouted for no reason, and then fell to the ground. The officer fell to the ground, rolled several laps and fell into the crowd next to him. Among them, several passers-by were knocked down.

Finally, it was not easy to stand up again. The officer saw the passers-by who was knocked down by him and knew that he was wrong first, so he hurriedly helped him up and apologized repeatedly. When those passers-by saw that the other party was a soldier, they didn't seem to want to cause trouble. Even if they were injured, they did not dare to pursue it any more. They all left.

The matter finally calmed down. The soldier looked at his horse and couldn't find any reason, and then inexplicably got on the horseback again. After that, the officer seemed to remember something and hurriedly touched his chest. The * bag that was originally in his arms was still there, so he rode away again.

Of course, nothing happened. From the group of knocked-down passers-by, a little girl came out with a piece of letter paper in her hand.

"Emmy, are you all right?" Shuna asked anxiously.

Emmy: "How can I have something to do? On the contrary, Teglas, you are really good. You can really let the other party fall to the right place.

At this time, Teglas, with a small crossbow installed on his wrist, is very light and dexterous, and easy to hide. This small *, but another invention of Domingo and his two elders, is now in handy. Just now, he used a small arrow without arrow without arrow tip, with Teglas's's archery. It is not difficult to aim at the balance point when the horse is running.

"It's nothing. How about it? Have you got that document?" After doing so many things just now, Tiglas is very concerned about whether the plan is successful or not.

"Dangdang, you see, it's in my hand, isn't it? That bold man doesn't know yet that his * bag has been opened by me and stole the documents from it."

Emmy always has a small blade in her hand, which is a necessary object for stealing, and Amy's dexterous hands make the other party feel completely.

"Let me see what's on it first."

So the three got together and read the above content carefully.

After reading it, Teglas said happily, "This is really great. This is information that may be helpful to Sith. Let's take this document back quickly."

Emmy and Shuna also nodded and agreed, and the three immediately rushed back to the Star Fortress.

What exactly is the content of the file? It turned out that this was a request for military food support from the lord of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment. It was forced to ask for help from the lord of Libel because there was no response to the request to Wang Du. It seems that their military food and materials of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment are really about to reach the limit.