Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 372 Memories of the Past: Hero's Heart, Lion's Heart 1

In 184, at the entrance ceremony of the Royal Academy of Chivalry.

"Wow, look, there are actually two full-score figures on the list of newly admitted freshmen announced today?"

"Yes, yes, it's really exaggerated. In that rare traditional admission examination, there is such a thing, as if you haven't seen it for decades."

"Yes, it's said that respecting tradition and the admission examination is rare, but it's okay. Anyway, if you have to come in, even if you don't take the exam, you won't still come in. It's just a formality."

"Say, I didn't expect that in this year, I not only saw it, but also saw two at a time."

"Hahaha, what's so strange about this? I had expected a full score earlier, but I didn't expect that there would be two."

"Oh, look, the name above, Ain Elanres, isn't this the eldest son of the leader of the Kulos Legion of the Green Dragon Knights today, the new star of the Kingdom Army known as a genius."

"Ah, it turned out to be him. No wonder it's like this. With him, you still need to predict it there. It's obvious that he must get a full score."

"But, look, the name of another person, Levi Reinhardt, do you know this person?"

"I haven't heard of it. It should not be an aristocrat in the royal capital."

"It must be the children of some unknown nobles in some remote territories outside the capital."

"Anyway, if you graduate from here, outsiders will go back. It's not good for us. Don't care about such a temporary ranking."


Every year, at the admission ceremony of the Royal Academy of Knights, there are always freshmen talking about various things, which is also the favorite idleness of these noble children.

"Congratulations, Mr. Ain, you still entered the college with a full score."

"Thank you." In the face of the congratulations of others who became classmates, Ain politely thanked everyone.

Classmate: "If only our grades could be half of that of Mr. Ain and yours."

Ain: "Everyone doesn't need to care too much about these numbers in front of you. Achievements do not fully represent a person's value level. Just as the same legion gathers the strength of all people to defeat the war. Here, everyone will be the pillar of the future country."

Ain is a noble, sincere and modest person. As the eldest son of the leader of the Kulos Legion, the god of the kingdom, he does not have the superior air of other nobles at all.

Then, looking at the report card, Ai was still very concerned and looked at the name side by side with him.

"Levy Reinhardt..."

Ain silently recorded the name in his heart, and he smiled at the people who had the same evaluation as him.

Ain and Levi, a pair of people who are also known as once-in-a-a-century geniuses, are here, so close to each other, and soon their lines of fate begin to meet each other.


After that, because of the entrance examination, the two people were eye-catching and finally met.

"Hello, my name is Ain Elanres. Nice to meet you." Ai Yin took the initiative to go to the other party who was divided into the same grade and who cared about him very much and greeted him.

"Hello, my name is Levi Reinhardt, and it's nice to meet you, too." At that time, Levi was still a handsome teenager with blue hair, and he was also a kind person, and he also had a very good first impression of Ai Yin.

Heroes cherish heroes, Levi and Ain. They are both people with the same noble character. At first sight, they are attracted by each other's temperament and talent, and appreciate each other very much. In this way, they became classmates and friends, and then soon became learning and progress together. A best friend who encourages each other.


Soon, a year passed, and it was time for a holiday in the college. After a year of study, most of the students returned to their respective homes, and there were many students who chose to stay in the college and wait for the start of the next academic year. Levi is one of them.

"Levy, you are really here." Ain found Levi.

At this time, Levi is now squatting in a small forest in the back mountain of the college, where the brave man's own pen draws a picture of a bird on his notebook. Elsewhere in the picture, there are many small words, which describe the various signs and characteristics of the bird, as well as living habits. Under a closer look, in addition to this page, the whole notebook is full of patterns and records of various flowers, birds and insects. It turns out that Levi is here, making a record of biological investigation.

Levy said with a smile, "Ain, you found me again."

Ain: "Of course I know that you, a man who loves nature and aspires to be a biologist in the future, will stay there now."

Levy: "Yes, it's time for the Xibo birds to migrate back, so I've been staying around here these days to observe their habits."

Ain: "I still really envy you."

Levy: "Ah, by the way, why did you come to the college?"

Ain: "My home is in the capital of Athos. For me, it only takes less than an hour to come here. It is also one of my compulsory tasks to ride horses every day. Therefore, I will also come to the college every day in the future. If I don't exercise and study every day, I will not be used to it. "

It turned out that Ain continued to return to the college and did not lower his exercise. As the son of the commander of the Kuros Legion of the Green Dragon Knights, riding must be a compulsory course. Then, in order to live up to his father's expectations, Ain now exercises and studies hard every day in order to keep up with his father faster. The footsteps.

Levy: "Yes, you are unparalleled in terms of hard work."

Success is equal to 99% of his efforts plus 1% of genius. While he is called a genius by the world, in fact, behind him is the back of countless sweat.

Ain: "Why don't you go back?"

Levy: "Actually, my father wrote that he wanted me to stay, so I didn't go back."

"Does your father want to..." Ain seems to know something inside.

Levy: "Yes, that's exactly."

Ain: "Levy, do you think it's difficult for your father to do this?"

Levy: "I don't know how to do it well about my father. Look, this is a letter my father wrote to me."

Ain Levi is a close friend of each other and has no scheming. They talk about everything, and they don't mind others reading letters, so they know each other so well.

Ain has read the letter, which is written by his father to ask Levy about his recent situation and whether he has found something that can be attached to in the capital of Athos.

Ain and Levi are close friends and don't mind telling each other about their family situation. Speaking of Levi, his family is a local aristocrat who settled in the middle of the kingdom. Although it is not a famous family, it is also a rich party. It governs several villages and towns and owns a lot of land. Because his mother died young, his father has great expectations for his only son and always requires Levi's He must do his best, so Levi grew up under his father's strict education.

Although Levi's father thought for Levi in his way, this is not what Levi wanted at all, but in order not to go against his father's expectations, he has been working hard until now. Like Al Ain, his success is equal to 99% of his efforts and 1% of genius.

Levi's father, who hoped that his son would become a dragon, then sent Levi to the center of the kingdom's power, hoping that Levi could have a chance to contact the powerful people in the capital of Athos and take the opportunity to be reused. With Levi's ability, he will inevitably become a hero in the world and enter this royal horse. At the college, Levy's excellent performance was because he had to comply with his father's wishes and try his best to show himself. Then, it was also for this reason that Levi was not allowed to go back during the holiday and try to perform more in King Athos.

It's just that clinging to the powerful is really not what Levi likes to do. Levi can only live up to his father's expectations.

Ain: "Your father actually cares about you very much, although the method is a little too force-forced."

Levy: "Father has always been very strict with people, not only for me, but also for the people under his jurisdiction, so the people generally don't like him."

Ain knows that as a leader, he must maintain a majestic posture against the people below. Ain's father, Kulos, is such a majestic man even in front of his family.

Levy: "I'm really worried that my father's behavior will one day turn into an irreconcable conflict..."

Levy also loves his father, and Ain, who also respects his father, also understands Levi's dilemma. And Levi is also a serious and responsible person who will work hard to complete it as long as he takes responsibility.

Maybe in the end, Levi must also fulfill his father's wish and try to get involved in the whirlpool of the power struggle in the capital of Athos.

I believe this is where Levi is most distressed now.


"Hip the sword!"

Levy took over the sword that Iin gave him.

Ain: "When you are worried, you should try your best to focus on another thing. You can practice the sword with me for a while."

said that he was accompanying Ai Yin. In fact, it was Ai who was accompanying Levi. Levi knew the kindness of this close friend, so he cheered up and seriously practiced swords with Ai Yin.

The two practice swords with each other, which is what they often do, which can enhance the swordsmanship of both sides. In this pair of practice, he didn't expect that what Levy used was the sword skills of the Elanres family.

Levy: "Ain, isn't it appropriate for you to teach me your sword skills like this?"

Ain: "My father said that our family must dedicate everything for the kingdom, so there is no hidden reason for our own sword skills, because I have always believed in your character. No matter where you go in the future, you will be for the future of this kingdom. I have never given up, and I still hope that you can work together with me for this kingdom in the future.

Ain is the son of the commander of the Kulos Legion of the Blue Dragon Knights. As a military family, he also hopes to contribute all his strength to the kingdom in the army. Of course, he also hopes that talents like Levi can join the army with him and serve the country. Because he selflessly helps the future talents of any kingdom, his nobility is admirable.

However, Levi has made up his wish. He loves peace and likes to live a life without dispute with the world. Because he will not force his best friend. Although people have their own aspirations and will eventually separate one side in the future, their friendship is so sincere and precious now.

Both of them are geniuses, and their sword skills are also quite powerful, so they have been playing with each other and discussing swords for a long time. Ain also got a lot of valuable advice from Levi, and the later "double cross flash" is also the basis for this.

After a fierce fight, the two sweated all over and finally lay on the grass tired. Then, they laughed and forgot all their troubles. In this laughter, their friendship became deeper.

And this strong bond of friendship has undergone a very subtle change due to the appearance of another person. A woman is about to appear between the friendship between the two men, so that their future lives will be completely unimaginable.