Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 382 Rescue Plan

"It's so annoying that I just want to fight! We are not afraid of this fight. The black bull was so angry that he smashed the table in front of him.

The reason why Black Bull was so angry was that Evan and others received the news that Hailan City was occupied by Kimberly. For this emergency that quickly spread all over the city, Aiwen and others were not aware of it at all beforehand, and now it happened so suddenly that Elvin lost the mirror of transmission at the port of Hailan City without any reaction measures. This time, it was too late to rescue immediately. A meeting was held immediately to discuss how to deal with this crisis.

Because the time was too hurried, all the representatives attending the meeting were not all together. In terms of the combat commanders, only Elvin and the blood-colored rose regiments of Grimio, Mikael, Ted and Lucia in the Star Fortress, among which Agart and others were still conducting military drills. The leader went out, together with Teglas' bow and arrow regiment, and the Sith had also left. It can be said that most of the combat power of the Star Regiment could not come back in time.

Mikal, who was at the table, also raised his hands and agreed: "This time, the Black Bull is too right. The other party is really bullying, and I am absolutely in favor of fighting with them."

Ted: "Shh, Mikal, you are too loud to be heard by him."

Mikal was very obedient this time, and as Ted said, he did not tell him about this incident. After all, what happened now, but his father didn't want to worry too much about the child.

Everyone then looked at Ai Wen and waited for his decision. Everyone knew that in fact, what they would do this time was not only save people. What they are facing now, but the great lord of the dominant side, standing against him means that this peaceful day is finally coming to an end. .

At this time, Evan did not have Sith to give advice this time, that is to say, he had to make a decision entirely by himself. In this regard, Evan did not show panic and helplessness. He calmly analyzed and thought there, and there was quite a talent of a general commander. It seems that since he wore the star wrist wheel until now, this looks It seems that in more than a year, he has matured and become a qualified leader of the army.

ai wen first calmly analyzed, "At present, the most important thing is to analyze the current situation. Gremio, have you sorted out the information?"

Grmio has been by Elvin's side to help him do various things, and just now he has been collecting and summarizing information from all aspects.

Grimio's positive report said, "Young master, I have finished sorting it out, so let me explain to you: First of all, the time the sudden attack on Hyland City by the troops of Lord Kimberley from Calade began at 9 o'clock this morning, that is, 4 hours ago. Now, Hailan City has been completely controlled by the other party. The other party closed all six gates in Hailan City and blocked the port for no one to enter or leave.

Mikall had a headache: "The other party is really amazing. He launched such a large-scale operation without even not even us realising it, and it took only took us 4 hours to occupy a city."

Gri Mio continued to report: "Now the situation in Hailan City is actually that our personnel in Hailan City tried to send it out when the other party had not fully controlled the gate of Hailan City. After collecting and summarizing, we learned the general situation of the other party suppressing Hailan. First of all, the lord of the other party, Kimberly himself, brought hundreds of soldiers for the reason of his visit, and suddenly attacked the castle of Hailan City and suppressed it. At present, Lord Berinas is imprisoned in the castle without any harm. Moreover, the other party united with some merchants in Hailan City beforehand, mixed a large number of troops into the city, and then attacked the guards of the city defense and occupied the gate of Hailan City. Finally, the other party ambushed thousands of cavalry outside the city in advance and took the opportunity to rush into the city. So far, the whole Hailan City was completely suppressed. Come down."

When it comes to the thousands of cavalry that have been ambushed, they have lurked in the nearby mountains and forests. In fact, the previous large-scale robbery of the caravans in the territory of Hailan City were also the work of these cavalry who took off their regular military uniforms. Now it can be said that there is an open attack on Hailan City. It's a trick of killing two birds with one stone.

Mikal shouted angrily, "This is really a premeditated action. Hailan City is really too weak. There are only thousands of people on the other side, and they are immediately suppressed by others."

Grmio sighed, "There is nothing we can do. The defense force of Hailan City has always been very weak, and there are only about 600 or 700 guards in the main city, and they are only responsible for maintaining public security in the city, not soldiers who really go out of the battlefield. Hailan City and the Chamber of Commerce have always been jointly responsible for the order of Hailan City. Now, in the case of some merchants defect, it is no wonder that Bart, the captain of Hailan City, can't stand it.

Speaking of Bart, Grimio, who had been with the other party, also shook his head. Although his spiritual fighting spirit is commendable, his ability is really not enough to defend Hailan City.

Avan continued to ask more information: "What is the strength and distribution of the other party now?"

"Young master, wait a minute, let me have a look." Grimio tried his best to find information conducive to the status quo and report: "Well, it seems that it is mentioned in the final intelligence that because the other party was a sudden attack this time, there are not many troops. There are hundreds of people brought by Kimberley, and there are generally more than 3,000 cavalry rushing in from the gate, plus an unknown number of mixed in. At present, the number of soldiers in the city can only be estimated to be more than 4,000. Moreover, it is mainly distributed in major traffic roads, among which city gates and ports are the most.

The other party is stationed scattered, which coincides with the strategy Elvin had previously thought of, and can implement various tactics to break through.

Mikal jumped out and asked the question again and said, "What? There are only a few thousand people for this, and they have suppressed a city. Isn't this big city with a population of more than 100,000 in Hailan City? How can no one resist?"

Ted: "Today's citizens dare not resist the oppression of the kingdom."

Mikal was speechless.

Grimio: "In this regard, according to the information finally obtained, it seems that the public claim was due to Lord Berinas's affair with the rebels and repeatedly colluded with the rebels to plunder the caravans, and the other party also claimed to have captured the rebel figures who rob the caravan this time, that is, Captain Edward, the gang boss near Hailan City, so Kimberly got the request of the local caravan and the approval of Wang Du to come to occupy Hailan City, so the people of Hailan City did not show much dissatisfaction.

Mikal: "Damn it, although it has something to do with us, it's really annoying that the looting of caravans has fallen on us."

Although Black Bull didn't understand the deeper meaning, when he saw that Mikal was angry, he also became angry: "Whatever he is, just cut the other party in half."

Summarizing the information obtained so far, Elvin has analyzed the general cause and effect. From this, the other party has already known about the matter between Elvin and Berinas, so he was able to forcibly control Hailan City while others were unprepared, and also caught Mr. Edward. So, it must be this time. The real goal of the other party is actually likely to come to Evan and others, and if you want to add a crime, there is no need to worry. Lord Berinas is just a victim of the other party's plan to stone two birds.

Grimio also mentioned a very critical and serious problem, that is, a piece of information has just been sent back from other transmission mirror personnel. There are several large-scale troops heading towards Hailan City. If you guess correctly, I believe it is from the Karad territory. Lord Kimberley's main force, and there seems to be other lord's troops to reinforce, which is expected to arrive tonight.

Bad news came one after another, and Ai Wen immediately said: "Because we had to raid Hailan City in advance, we couldn't send so many troops to avoid frightening snakes, so the follow-up troops could not arrive immediately. It seems that we have to rescue Bellinas and others before the other party's army enters the city. ."

"Then go and save people immediately and have a good fight with them." Mikal is in the mood:

"Okay, fight! I can't wait." Black Bull is extremely active in fighting.

Although this is the case, it is really an extremely difficult challenge to rescue so many people in the city, such as Berinas, Edward, and a group of guards who support Berinas in the city.

Grimio stopped the two and said, "No, our combat effectiveness is obviously insufficient now. Have you forgotten? The vast majority of our combat troops have been dispatched to participate in training. Although personnel have been sent to inform, in terms of time, there is no way to come back in time. And now there are only less than 1,000 troops left in our Star Fortress.

Now the problem has come again, and the combat effectiveness is insufficient, which once again adds a lot of pressure to the rescue action, which makes Elvin fall into deep thought.

"It seems that you haven't included the people on my side yet. If you want to fight this battle, you have to count us!"

Everyone looked back. The speaker turned out to be Jack. He kept gasping, obviously running desperately all the way.

Jack said very seriously, "This time, my uncle is among the victim. Uncle Hawk and I can't stand it anymore. This time, we also have to fight and cheat. And treat my uncle like this, we won't easily forgive each other."

Edward was invited by Kimberly this morning to talk about the next deal. As a result, a large group of soldiers were waiting for him at the meeting place in Hailan City, and then he was arrested. As soon as Jack received the news, he rushed back directly from Hawke. His very serious expression made up his mind to save his Uncle Edward.

Someone joined again, and Mikal shouted happily, "That's great. Jack, you came at the right time. You and your uncle's group of sailors are extremely powerful."

For Jack and Hawke's participation in the war, Elvin's strength has been added a lot.

Lucia, who was a left-behind person, also said, "Don't forget that there are still our bloody roses. We won't lose to your men."

Evan: "I understand what you mean, Miss Lucia. I'm counting on you this time."

"That's what I heard." Lucia is very happy to be able to make a planned contribution.

Ewen asked with concern, "So, Gremio, do you have any information about Mr. Edward?"

Grimio replied regretfully, "Young master, it's really a pity. It's not clear where Captain Edward was imprisoned by Kimberley and the others, but it's certain that he is still in Hailan City."

The information sorted out by Grimio has also been almost explained. After that, everyone focused on Evan again, waiting for Evan to make a final decision. How should he act?

Without Sith, there are too many things to consider. The biggest difficulty facing saving people this time is that there are people who support Evan in all parts of Hailan City, in the castle, in the city, and in the port. If you want to secretly rescue them all, and be safe. It was almost impossible to escape from the city of Hyland, which was guarded by Kimberly. This means that the only solution is to launch a battle of the general scale of the war and completely drive Kimberley's troops out of Hailan City.

Saving people is like fighting a fire. Now is the time to fight for every minute. Thinking more will make others more dangerous. This time, it was not only Lord Bellinas who fell into the crisis, but also Captain Edward, who came completely for himself. In this case, escape is not the eternal solution. Since the Elvin Star Group exists to resist the tyrannical rule of the kingdom, in the face of such oppression, How can there be no reason not to resist?

Evan's determination has been made in this battle.

Once the battle starts, it means that after half a year of silence, there will finally be a frontal battle with the kingdom's army again. Although Sith has just mentioned this to Elvin before, the situation is critical now, and there is only one way to fight against it.

Mikal and Black Bull shouted long live, but Ted said calmly, "It's a battle. It's a battle. Manpower and material matching have to be carefully planned in advance. Now we are not ready for anything. How can we start a war?"

ai wen quickly made an action plan: "Because of the lack of combat effectiveness, we should avoid a head-on battle with the enemy. Therefore, the tactic is to use a few people's assault and use the speed of lightning to launch an assault when the other party has just occupied Hailan City and is unstable. According to intelligence, this time, the other party only has thousands of troops and is scattered in all corners of Hailan City. The terrain is unfamiliar, which will be their fatal shortcoming. Disperse attacks, create chaos, make them exhausted in unfamiliar urban areas, and then find ways to break the tactics that create chaos one by one.

ai wen's proposal was immediately approved by everyone.

Evan: "Then in terms of the port, it's up to Jack and your uncle Captain Hawk, and we will invade from other places. The specific battle arrangement is not here now, so it's up to everyone to discuss and decide."

Next, Elvin and others discuss specific implementation strategies and tactics. Everyone sits together and discusses together to gather the wisdom of everyone and the strengths of the people. This is the reason why Elvin and others become powerful.


After that, after discussion by everyone, the battle strategy was formulated this time, and everyone still felt very confident about the strategy jointly developed by everyone. The battle began in the evening, and everyone set out to prepare for action.

But Elvin seemed a little worried again and asked in a low voice, "Grmio, do you think my decision this time is correct? Obviously, we only made a deal with Sith not long ago, and now we don't have the strength to officially fight against the kingdom. I don't know if Sith would make such a decision?

It is true that Elvin knows very well that he has to face several times more enemy troops than his own, and his own commanders are obviously insufficient. What will happen in this battle? And even if he succeeds in rescuing people, Berinas, the lord of Hailan City, will definitely be regarded as a rebel by the kingdom, which means that Elvin's Star Group will lose such an important branch of Hailan City. Such a loss is great for the Star Group. I also have to make Elvin feel sorry.

Grmio can also see the worries in Elvin's heart, but he is more happy to see that Elvin has grown up and can consider decisions alone, so he comforted, "Young master, believe in your determination, and we will continue to believe in you as always."

Evan: "Thank you, Grimio, you are still so thought for others."

Grimio: "Young master, let's get ready quickly. It's less than 5 hours before sunset."

Ewen: "Okay, this time, I will also be a pioneer."