Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 391 Starting

The next morning, after a sleepless night last night, everyone was tired but still did not rest. In the Star Fortress, there was a meeting. In this meeting, there were unprecedentedly many participants. The main cadres of the Star Group and the Lion Heart Group gathered together, as if the content of the meeting. It's not just about discussing a series of events that happened in Hailan City yesterday.

First of all, Grimio made a brief report on yesterday's action of the Star Group in Hailan City, and the Lion Heart Group also summarized the events of these days under the report of Orez, the captain of the Lion Heart Group's Step Brigade. In this way, the intelligence of the two sides converged, and the whole thing was finally Yu figured it out.

Generally speaking, the cause is the lord of Kimberley in the Karad territory. Because he peeped at the adjacent territory of Hailan City and successively caused dissatisfaction disputes among the merchants in Hailan City, he used the evidence that Berinas was connected with the Star Group to protect the interests of the merchants of Hailan City under the banner of Wangdu. By default, he launched a military invasion of Hailan City. On the one, he could seize the rich land of Hailan City, and on the other, he could also take the opportunity to fight against the Star Group to satisfy his belligerent desires. In public and private, these were all provoked by Kimberley's personal desires.

And the Lion Heart Regiment also received relevant information and knew that Kimberly was going to join other nearby lords to occupy the territory of Hailan City, so they set up an ambush on the march of the other party's army and ambushed the other party's coalition. Although Kimberley's army was not defeated, it did not defeat other lords. The army is a great victory.

Finally, Hailan City, together with the Star Group and the Lion Heart Group, finally resolved this crisis. Kimberly also had to retreat to the original territory because of injury, and the troops of Lord Snek of Nibul, who sent troops together, were also retreating back to the original territory after being ambushed by the Lion Heart Regiment.

The above is the cause and effect of these events, but there are still many puzzles that cannot be figured out, and the biggest problem is just beginning, that is, how the future of Hailan City will continue to exist from now on.


Agat patted the table angrily and shouted, "Kimberly? Is this guy indeed a problem figure. In the war of the foreign expedition I participated in, he was wary and bloodthre slaughtering civilians, but he is a notorious figure. Since this time he threatened to wash Hailan in blood, I absolutely believe that he will do it. This kind of cruel thing is right."

Orez has also participated in foreign expeditions, so he also agrees with Agart's statement in this regard and has a lot of bad comments on Kimberly. Although the other party has temporarily retreated now, it seems that Kimberly will definitely come back again in the future, and in a more brutal way.

Aiwen: "Although we have protected Hailan City for a while, we can't continue to protect it like this. At present, we can only let Lord Berinas write letters to explain to the king's side. Although Berinas' guilt cannot be exempted, at least the general people of Hailan City can be spared. ."

Gaia of the Lion Heart Group jumped out and said, "It's a pity that the report just given by my subordinates seems that someone's action has been in front of us. In the troops on the Kimberley side, I saw griffin cavalry flying from there to Wangdu early in the morning. "

Unexpectedly, if you take a step slower, the other party will definitely take the opportunity to exaggerate and frame it. Even if you jump into the water, you can't wash it away. In the face of today's predicament, Elvin and others are really going to be brainstorming.

Awen: "I'm really sorry, Sith, and Uncle Agat, everyone, this decision I made alone has made the situation more dangerous. I really don't know how to apologize."

Sith: "Evan, don't worry, I and everyone firmly believe that you are right to do this. Even if everyone was there at that time, they will definitely support you to do this. Isn't the purpose of our star group not to abandon any companions? This is also where you let me admire." The father of Sith, Matthew, once withdrew from the army in frustration because he was abandoned by the fascist emperor)

Agathe seems to have his own ideas and is lost in thought and silent.

Mikal also took the opportunity to damage the other party and said, "Although I haven't seen that guy's face with my own eyes, I'm sure this kind of perverted psychological guy can't see anywhere."

Evan: "So, can I ask Mr. Levi to answer the next question? Why didn't the Lion Heart Group tell us that Kimberly was going to attack Hailan City before?

This is a very ** problem. Although the Lion Heart Group is the great hero of rescuing Hailan City this time, if the information is shared with Elvin in advance, then the accident can be avoided to the greatest extent.

At this time, Levi showed a sad expression: "Yes, as Mr. Evan said, we did not share the relevant information with you. This time, it is our fault and responsibility. Here, I would like to express my deepest apologies to those who have suffered misfortune in this incident."

"No, don't apologize for yourself. In fact, it was me who proposed this action plan, so the responsibility lies with me, and you didn't want to implement it, Leader Levi. It was under my repeat request that you had to agree." At this time, Captain Edward, who was dragging his injured body, took the initiative to stand up and said something very surprising.

"What the hell is this?" Elvin and the others were very moved by this.

At this time, Orez, an important advisor of the Lion Heart, said: "Let me explain this to you. In fact, some time ago, I received information that Kimberly had some changes and had frequent contact with nearby lords. Not only that, he also went to the capital of Athos in person. Further inquire, it seems that an authorization has been obtained. Combined with all the current information, I preliminarily infer that this Kimberly will have a big action in the near future, and the target will probably be Hailan City.

Finally, it comes to the point. Next, let's see how the Lion Heart Group acts.

Orez: "For this reason, I thought of a plan to use Hailan City as bait this time to ambush the army of these lords and deal heavy damage to them."

Evan: "Take Hailan City as bait... How much harm will this cause to Hailan City and Bellinas."

Levy can only apologize for this.

Orez continued: "In advance, based on the information we received during these times, we also roughly learned about Kimberley's plan and knew that the other party would use the help of local businessmen to forcibly raid and occupy Hailan City, so the casualties would be minimized. Moreover, Captain Edward and others also supported this plan and are willing to risk being arrested.

Aiwen was surprised: "What? Did you agree with Captain Edward?

Orez: "Yes, we also knew and told Captain Edward in advance about Kimberley's plan to arrest Captain Edward. As a result, Captain Edward stepped into this trap so that Kimberly could not be suspicious and was willing to take risks, knowing that it was dangerous."

Edward also admitted, "Yes, this is what I asked for, and my second brother also supported my decision."

Only then did Elvin remember why Edward and Hawk's fleet, who were usually far away from the sea, get so close to Hailan City this time, and when Elvin and the others learned about the accident in Hailan City, Captain Hawk also sent Jack to fight together early in the morning and prepared quite a few in advance. The military uniforms of Kimberley soldiers, and, as Orez said, this time Hyland was occupied by Kimberley. As Kimberly's hostage, Berinas will not be killed, so there is no difficulty in rescuing it, and in the real situation, there are indeed few casualties.

Evan: "But it's still the same problem. Why don't you tell us about it? Isn't it better for us to work together to solve this incident?

ai wen's words talked about the key to the matter. Yes, why didn't he cooperate with the Star Group in such an important action this time?

"I'm sorry, in fact, I asked for it without authorization." Captain Edward knelt down and apologized directly to Bellinas and Elvin.

"Well, Captain Edward, what the hell is this..." Bellinas didn't seem to know what to do, and Elvin was also surprised.

"Actually, this time, out of my selfishness, I have always wanted to confirm once again how you can break through such difficulties in the face of such crises and difficulties." Edward looked at Ewen and said like this. At the same time, it seemed that he also quietly looked at the other person next to him, who seemed to be the person he really wanted to tell his partner, but he didn't seem to feel himself.

Evan: "So that's it. Can I understand that it's a test for me and our star cluster?"

Levy and Edward, both nodded by default.

Aiwen: "Then, this joint training was also planned by you early in the morning, right?"

"Yes, and Agat, who is the commander-in-chief, and Sith, the military division, went together to let you deal with this crisis independently." Orez later joined the explanation.

It turned out that everything was like this, and Elvin suddenly realized it, but there was still a little grudge in Aiwen's heart, so he asked, "If my ability is not enough to solve this crisis, then it's not going to make Hailan City, and Are people in Hailan City in danger..."

Levy: "There is no need to think about it this way. Elvin, you actually have great talent. You have not only formulated such excellent tactics, but also showed excellence in actual command and response, and successfully let Hailan City through this crisis. Moreover, I also understand your concern. In fact, we have also deployed personnel secretly. If there is a crisis, we will come to support you.

I believe that the support personnel mentioned by Levy, and I believe that Hawke and Yingwan are the members. As for Elvin's strategic plan this time, I believe that he also told Levi what they knew through Hawke. Then, after knowing that the battle plan implemented by Elvin was so excellent, Levi decided to The task of rescuing Hailan City was given to Avan and others. I believe that Avan's operation this time will certainly be successful, so the focus of the regiment's attention on the ambush of Kimberley's lords troops and other lords troops.

And Levi's trust has also got a good answer. Now the Star Group led by Irwin is indeed an excellent team. Although there are many thrills in the middle, everything is over safely.

Looking at the excellence of Elvin and his companions, Levi said to himself, "I can safely deliver everything in the future."

Deliver everything with confidence? What does Levi's words mean? Anyway, finally, the truth came out, and in this regard, Elvin and others also understood the intention of the Lion Heart Group. It can be said that this was the first formal joint battle between the Star Group and the Lion Heart Group and won the victory.

However, it is far from over.

ai wen raised his concern and said, "What I'm most worried about now is that even if we retreat and leave Hailan City, the other party will still destroy Hailan City and even kill ordinary people wantonly on the grounds that they will borrow troops to clear the rebels in Hailan City... However, we are not yet able to fight each other..."

ai wen's words revealed the most critical point of the problem, and no one could come up with any ideas for the next battle. The Sith has also talked with Evan before that now their strength is not enough to confront the Kingdom Army head-on. Under the extreme imbalance of combat power, Sith also frequently shows an embarrassed expression.

And now the only person who can compete with the strength of the other party is the Lion's Heart Group. Elvin turned his eyes to Levi.

And Levi, who also looked at Elvin expectantly, also asked a strange question: "Elvin, can you answer my question? That is, if it hadn't been for the existence of our regiment and all this was entirely up to you to face alone, would you still choose to face the enemy's army alone?

Levi now asked such a strange question, which made the people on the court dare not make a sound. They looked at Elvin and waited for his answer.

Levy's eyes fell on Evan, and after the accident, he immediately replied without hesitation, "My choice will not change!"

Levy laughed, and the other members of the Lion Heart Group present also laughed, which made the members of the Star Group feel confused.

Levy: "Sure enough, your idea is still so naive."

Evan: "I understand, but..."

Levy said directly, "But it's really worthy of the person I admire. This answer is what I expect to hear."

"Ah?" Elvin was surprised by this.

Levy suddenly stood up and announced: "I am here to announce that our Lion Heart Group will officially launch an uprising from today!"

The people of the Lion Heart Group shouted long live! But the people of the star cluster have not yet reacted.

Evan: "Official uprising? However, the strength of the kingdom is still..."

Levy: "We understand that the strength of the kingdom is still very strong now, but as the hero of the second generation of stars, don't you have such doubts? Why were you selected during such a period of time? Why not in the past or in the future?

Such a question makes people feel the deep meaning in the words like Master Xingzhi.

Elvin himself is constantly reflecting: "Why..."

Levy: "Yes! Why is it in such a period of time? Why is the protective stone slab in the imperial mausoleum of the royal capital broken? Why do the tears of stars reappear? Why does the legendary foreshadow appear? Why did our Lion Heart Group successfully win a huge amount of money? Why do we meet and unite with each other? ...All this actually indicates that it is time to officially resist the power of the kingdom and the rule of Emperor Hiloken.

It's time to start a formal resistance! This sentence made everyone present feel extremely encouraged, as if all previous efforts have been rewarded. Finally, they can walk out of the scenes openly and step up to create a real legend of their own.

Evan: "So, Mr. Levi, you are ready for all this."

Levi: "Our lion heart group, with more than ten years of hard work and struggle, is waiting for this moment. The divine omen (the starry sky mutation) has ignited new hope for the people of the whole country. We should let the people find the road sign that can realize their wishes before this hope is gradually cold. I hope it will be condensed."

The formal uprising means that the world can be announced so that the aspiring people of the whole kingdom can gather under the same flag. Elvin and others also understand the importance of this move, and a large-scale people's resistance broke out not long after the beginning of the omen, which also fully shows that there is Although the previous unorganized resistance was brutally suppressed by the kingdom, the people of the kingdom also saw the essence of the kingdom. What a powerful force it would be if these scattered forces could be integrated into the organization.

Aiwen: "The first generation of star heroes won the victory by gathering the strength of the people when foreign enemies invaded."

Levy: "Yes, and once we formally revolt, it will be a beacon in the dark, so that those trapped in the dark can find the right direction. Moreover, we now have enough funds to organize a rebel army enough to compete with the kingdom after waiting for that huge wealth during the previous celebration of the founding of the country.

Indeed, what an amazing wealth it is. It can form a huge army. As the most fundamental foundation of the war, people and resources have been imagined. Moreover, the Lion Heart Group has been operating painstakingly for more than ten years, with strong strength development and talents. It has become a strong resistance force, and it is time to show its faith in front of the stage of history.

Levy: "Overthrow the brutal rule of the kingdom and let people live a happy life. This cause cannot always stay in the theoretical stage. We are not ideal empty talkers. We must use actions to prove our determination!"

Other cadres of the Lion Heart Group also echoed: "For this reason, our Lion Heart Group can be said to have worked hard for more than ten years. It is time to give a counterattack to the rulers who enjoy the people's blood and sweat in Wangdu."

Levi's speech completely touched everyone in the star cluster, and everyone's heart ignited a hot flame and saw hope.

Mikal's first statement on behalf of the Star Group: "That's great! Let's let it go! Finally, it's time to wait!"

Ted has no objection to Mikal's words this time, and he is also looking forward to this moment.

ai wen looked at Sith and Agart. From the eyes of both of them, Elvin saw support and understanding, and it was indeed the best thing to be able to fight side by side with the Lion Heart.

Ewen: "Okay, since Mr. Levi has made up your mind, we have also shown our determination and awareness. This time, we will advance and retreat together with the Lion Heart Group."

There was warm applause on the field.

Sith: "So, may I ask, Mr. Levi, since you have had the idea of a formal uprising early in the morning, I believe you must also have a corresponding plan. Can you announce it here and let us cooperate with your actions?"

Levy: "Yes, about this, as I conveyed to you through Yingwan before, 'This is not the end, this is just the beginning'. This incident in Hailan City is actually our starting point."

At this time, Orez submitted a proposal to Evan for him to read.

Aiwen: "Ah! it is."

"Show us, too, what exactly is written on it?" Mikal's curiosity rose again, ran over and took a peek, and then was shocked by the above content.

ai wen: "It turns out that you have chosen Hailan City as the starting point of the uprising early in the morning."

Levy: "Yes, this is our ideal place for the uprising."

In this plan of the Lion Heart Group, all matters about the uprising are listed in detail. Among them, the explanation about Hailan City is:

From the perspective of time, in the past six months, there have been many strange rumors about Emperor Hiloken. It is rumored that Emperor Hiloken seems to be carrying out a mysterious activity, which has rarely appeared in front of everyone, and the government has rarely participated in it. Many of them are handed over to the ministries to deal with their own responsibility, so the intrigues in the court are fierce and problems occur frequently, so that various affairs in Wangdu have also fallen into a stage of slow response. At this time, it was difficult for Wangdu to organize effective countermeasures against the uprising, which was the best time.

From a geographical point of view, it is located in the southwest of the kingdom, far away from the royal capital, and Hailan City is a free commercial port, advocating the wind of freedom, and the power rule of the kingdom is the least influential here.

In addition, according to intelligence, the most important thing is that Lord Berinas, who is the master, is an enlightened and kind man. He has the same wish for the future as the Lion Heart and the Star Group, all in order to make people live a happy life. And Edward and Hawke have also been operating here for most of their lives.

The right time, place and people are all available, so Hailan City is the most suitable place as the starting point of the uprising.

However, unlike the way Lion Heart Group has been using secret activities in villages and towns, in order to win the trust and support of Hailan City and even the whole country, and join the ranks against the rule of the kingdom, we must let the people see hope and strengthen their determination to resist the kingdom. For this reason, this took advantage of Kimberley's desire to occupy Hailan City to let the people of Hailan see the ambitions of the major rulers of the kingdom and let them see that in such a dark world, these weak people can only become powerful toys and must stand up and resist.

Evan: "It turns out that the significance of this event is so far-reaching."

Levy also sighed, "Yes, this is also the first step we have to choose."

Evan: "First step?"

Levy: "Yes, as I said before, all this is not the end, but the beginning, and our next action is the three-city strategy."