Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 413 Master and Apprentice Double Sword

Lal was a bystander just now, so he can see that all of Brut's tricks are played by these thin lines that are difficult to see, and the reason why those knives change the trajectory of action is also changed by these thin lines at the end. As long as you see through this, you can easily deal with it. The flying attack of Brut's knife.

But Renard was more worried about Lal and reminded Lal, "Be careful, he will use highly toxic, and his ring hides poisonous needles. I'll be the main attack, and you can help from the side.

Lal had just arrived and didn't see Brut's highly toxic attack. Renard was thoughtful and meticulous.

Although he joined forces, Larco still did not forgive Renard, so there was no answer. And Lal's character will only choose to fight alone.

Sure enough, Rall still attacked at the first time and won quickly at the speed of the "Star Sword".

Although the "Star Sword" is fast, Brut is also a top master, spiraling around with one hand and then tightening it hard. Lal's "Star Sword" suddenly stopped. At this time, Lal wanted to change his move, but at this time, he couldn't even draw back the long sword.

Lal's sword was fixed by Brute's thin lines. These thin lines are really tough enough. Just now, Lal cut off these thin lines with all his strength, but now it is fixed, with no power distance, and Lal is not outstanding in power. In the face of Brute's attack at any time, La Is she going to give up her sword?

At this time, Leonard acted as a helper in time and launched an offensive against Brut from the side. Raynard learned from the experience of the attack just now. In the face of the invisible thin line, he turned to another method of attack that also makes people confused. The "Sword of Dizzy" was used in Renard's hands, which made people feel dizzy in front of him.

Although Brute's attack mode is varied, his defense is very limited. In the face of Reynolds's sword move, he can only choose to retreat and avoid. In this way, the strength of holding Lal's sword weakened.

Lal took decisive action with the faint changes from the sword and jumped and rotated. This move was the changed "flying sword". With the huge rotation force of the body, the sword was also driven to rotate, and then the thin line that fixed Lar's sword could not withstand the pulling force of rotation and was followed. It rolled up, and then the trunks around them broke and fell down.

It turned out that the thin lines could change vertically and horizontally through the environment of the woods. Now, although these thin lines are tough, the tree trunk can't resist the rotation force of Lal's "flying sword" and break, and then without these thin lines fixed objects, they are easily solved by Lal. Then Lar joined the battle and attacked Brutter.

One-to-two, and they are all first-class swordsmanship masters. No matter how confident Bruter is, he will be forced to retreat repeatedly. In the end, Brute was forced under a big tree, and the back road was blocked and there was no retreat.

Brute fought back with a desperate fight, and his hands kept swinging and swinging. Renard and Lal knew very well that they must have made an attack with those thin lines that are hard to the naked eye.

The opportunity should not be missed. If you don't hit it, it will be difficult to beware of Brut's strange moves next time. In the face of an unknown attack from where, the two did not slow down and accelerated their speed.

Battle experience is a wonderful ability that makes people not need to think too much. It seems that they instinctively understand how to face the immediate crisis and then take action that can be dealt with. Lar is like this. After so many life-and-death battles, she made a reflexive move against the enemy, which was also a trick she often used, that is, to tear off the big cloak on her body and throw it to Brute.

In the face of the battle of such a level of character, the move to hinder the line of sight has little effect. Lal's move has a special purpose. In mid-air, the big cloak was suddenly cut into several sections, which was caused by the thin line manipulated by Brute.

Very good, I saw it. Although it is not the thin line itself, through the cuts on the big cloak, you can see the attack trajectory of these thin lines. The hearts of Leonard and Lal can be seen clearly this time.

Leonard and Lal penetrated through the middle of those thin line tracks. The "Sword of Star Chi" of the two went left and right and stabbed Brute. This time, Brute was going to escape a disaster.

Brute is the director of the Black Dragon Hidden Force Operations Department. How can the so-called genius killer be killed by the target so simply? This is an absolute shame for the killer. Moreover, Brut has not been fully serious.

Brute smiled contemptuously, and suddenly jumped up without warning. No, it was not so much that he jumped, but that he was pulled into the air by something without any take-off action. No wonder it made Leonard and Lal unexpected and the sword stabbing failed.

The two looked up, and something more strange happened. It was surprising that Brut's other guy was magically floating in mid-air, but Leonard and Lal were not puzzled. They had also guessed the answer. The reason why Brut was able to stand in mid-air like this must be because For stepping on that thin line, as long as you know his trick, you won't think how amazing Brut is.

Even so, Brute, who is on high, is condescending and controlling the overall situation, while Renard and Lar can't attack Brut at all. The situation is very unfavorable. What's more terrible is that Bruter's smiling face seems to be more strange.

It turns out that Brut has two types of thin lines, one is a very tough steel line that he has been using before, and the other is a soft line with strong elasticity and stretch that has just been used. It is precisely because of the use of soft lines that he can jump into the bullet into the sky.

Brute's behavior seemed to be a little abnormal, and he said to himself, "What? The enemy troops are coming this way! There is no such accident in the plan. Has he failed?

It seems that someone is sending information to him somewhere. From his words, it seems that his troops are approaching this side. This news makes Renard feel hopeful.

"Well, you can't use up here any more. If you don't complete the task, you will be blamed by that adult. So, let me finish you completely!"

Brute became serious and threatened to kill Reynolds and Lar. Judging from his confident expression, this time, he was going to make some powerful moves.

Brute's hands kept dancing, and his movements were fast and dazzling. Leonard and Lal understood that they were fully engaged in the alert and calmly paying attention to the movement around them.

In the dark forest, suddenly another abnormal sound echoed, "buzzing" and getting closer. In the direction of capturing the sound, Renard and Lar looked up at the same time. It was amazing. Above them, a large number of knives spiraled down. These sounds were because of the rapid The rotation makes people feel uncomfortable.

So many knives were obviously arranged by Brut in advance, and what is more frightening is that a trace of green light can be seen on the edge of the blade of these rotating knives. It's highly poisonous! Brute broke his promise and used poison to deal with Leonard and Lal.

In fact, Leonard didn't expect that a dark and ugly killer would really talk to you about naive things such as promises, but now he really faces this very deadly and poisonous attack directly. After a long-term battlefield, he also feels a lot of pressure.

"Never let these knives get hurt!" Leonard shouted a warning to Lar.

These flying knives seem to be fixed by the soft line that was twisted from the beginning. Now they have been untied. Driven by the rotation of the soft line tied to the tail end, they can quickly spiral around, which can turn these knives into more lethal round blades.

More than that, due to the characteristics of the soft line, it is easy to change the trajectory of movement due to external influence. In this way, the attacks of these flying knives become disorderly and difficult to capture the trajectory. Coupled with Brute's manipulation, it quickly surrounded Reynolds and Lar from all directions.

Raenard and Lal have not exchanged any countermeasures with each other. They have a tacit understanding, facing each other and handing over their own backs to each other, which is a complete trust in each other.

Both of them used the "Circular Sword" and tried their best to draw a circle with the sword as a shield to fight against the invasion of the constantly attacking flying knives.

Although there are many flying knives, they are also very poisonous and seem very terrible, but compared with the flying knife attack just now, there is no greater threat, not to mention that there are people who have trust who can fight side by side now. As time went by, there were fewer and fewer flying knives, but they could not break through the two people's tight sword net defenses at all.

On the contrary, Leonard began to feel something wrong at this time. It was really too easy. Brut would not only have this method, so he whispered to Lar, "Lal, be careful. This man's words and deeds are different. These knives are by no means real killing moves. He always emphasizes the power of his knives and poison. But in fact, every real threat comes from his invisible thin line.

Lal did not respond, and I believe she also knew that she had been focused on resisting the attack of flying knives and observing everything around her.

And Brut, as Leonard said, he put his hand behind his back and quietly made small movements, which seemed to start something. At this time, an invisible death threat began to attack the two people at the speed of thunder.

"Papa", a few weak voices, which could not escape the ears of Leonard and Lal, who were on full alert. Their eyes followed, and what came into their eyes were several broken leaves. The faint sound just now was caused by the fracture of these fallen leaves. How could these fallen leaves break in half by themselves, and the broken place is so flat. Leonard and Lal immediately woke up and realized Brute's real killing trick.

It's not good. It turned out that this is still one of the organs arranged by Brute in advance, fixing the soft line in advance, and then constantly stretching it, so that the extremely elastic soft line is close to his elastic limit. This situation, like the archer pulling the string with a bow, has a very powerful impact.

Nowadays, this soft line is the same. Once released, the tight soft line immediately becomes sharper than the blade and faster than an arrow. The invisible death blade that cuts everything is Brutter's proud work, "the blade of the death line", and from the direction of attack, the first goal is straight It hit Lar.

In the face of this incredibly fast "death blade", it can be said that it is at a speed that can't be compared with the blink of an eye. In this case, it is impossible to avoid anything at all. Lar's speed was full, and he could only barely raise his sword, using the defensive sword move "Eternal Sword" to resist this fatal blow.

This "line blade" was carefully arranged by Brute and powerful. Although Lal's sword move was strong, it was immediately broken, and the long sword in Lal's hand was cut off by the "line blade".

The sword in Lal's hand can't be as invincible as Evan's gem weapon. It is just the most common general sword in the hands of ordinary soldiers, and these thin lines are obviously more than one. The tenacity of several thin lines is no wonder that Lal's sword is completely invincible.

Seeing that this "death blade" is about to attack Lal. With his flesh and blood, Lal will definitely become the same result as the sword. At the time of crisis, a long sword, the same "eternal sword", was set in front of Lar. It was Leonard. He had a sword. He could have escaped, but he chose to protect him.

Enard deserves to be a general under Kimberley's command. The long sword in his hand is not extraordinary. The "Eternal Sword" sword has amazing defense. In the face of the powerful "death blade", Renard can resist it. The motionless "Eternal Sword" stopped the "Death Line Blade".

It was in the battlefield where the "Eternal Sword" and the "Line Blade of Death" fought against each other. It was in Renard's hands that two huge forces collided. This huge impact broke out between Renard's arms, which suddenly caused a lot of blood from Renard's hands, his muscles collapsed and his blood vessels burst.

Lal, who was protected, looked at Renard's blood-stained hands. She, who had this experience, and the same swordsman, knew very well that these arms could no longer hold the sword and anything. Losing hands means the destruction of life for a swordsman.

The crisis has not been completely resolved. At this time, Lal did not hesitate. He took Leonard's sword in one hand, took Leonard in the other hand, and killed the remaining small number of flying knives, finally ending this crisis.