Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 416 Sea Chess Battle

The war is imminent, and the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment is quickly sailing to Edward and Hawk's fleet.

Hock: "According to Mr. Zigfei's experience of their troops fighting with the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment many times, we can know all kinds of information about the other's ships. The other side is a large warship or above, with four mast sails, and the number of soldiers is about 100. There are more than a dozen large and small crossbow guns on each side, and there are all kinds of crossbow types. The bow of the ship is equipped with a giant armored crossbow cannon and a huge impact angle. Most importantly, the opponent's crossbow gun is farther away than mine. Not to mention the other party's three warships, all wrapped in iron armor and fearless of any attack..."

Edward: "The key to victory is not to see whose boat is bigger and better. It depends on who can catch the other party's stern first. This is the key to testing who is the real warrior on the sea. Everyone, ready to go to war!"

Edward and Hawke and a group of sailors are also morale, and both sides have a very strong desire to fight and win.


On the flagship of the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment, the soldiers on the watchtower reported the enemy's abnormal movements in front of them. Edward and Hawk's fleet began to divide into two lines and drove around to the right.

Kilrog: "The other party is finally going to take action. Sure enough, he is not an ordinary pirate. He knows how to fight with us."

At this time, as the commander of the army, Diaz, as soon as he entered the state of war, his whole body became different. His expression was serious, his eyes were shining with wisdom, and he entered the spiritual realm of rapid thinking.

Monia was a little fascinated by Diaz and said happily, "The commander of the Legion, he has finally entered the state of commanding the battle."

Kilrog joked next to him, "Be careful, don't be too fascinated and forget your duties."

Monia was worried and became nervous: "Don't... Don't talk nonsense. I'm waiting for the next order of the commander of the legion. You should not forget your duty."

"I won't tell you. I've always been serious about doing serious things. I went to other ships to command." Kilrog then left the flagship and went to other ships in a speedboat. For him, his responsibility was to fight on the front line, and he always relied on Diaz on how to command the fleet to fight, while Minya assisted him beside Diaz.

Diaz began to say to himself, "The wind direction, the north wind is eastward, our side has a downwind, the wind speed, 6 meters per second, the gentle wind, the sea current..." The reason why Diaz said this shows that he was constantly calculating the next steps of the enemy and us, or even dozens of steps in his mind.

Diaz, who was born in a large aristocratic family of the kingdom, has served in the army for generations, and all the people in the family are in important positions in the kingdom army, so Diaz has chosen his life path since he was born.

Martial arts, military science, wisdom, and even all the knowledge related to the army and soldiers are necessary courses to become a general, especially for families like Diaz, which are described as strict and harsh. Elvin and others also grew up in such an environment.

Unfortunately, not all people have the ideal of serving the army and serving the country since childhood, like Elvin and others. Among them, Diaz is a person with different ideas.

Diaz, for him, he hates fighting and war. He is not interested in martial arts at all. In fact, his biggest ideal is to become an ordinary scholar. Since he was a child, he likes to study all kinds of books, especially books in the astronomical geography. His wish is to be able to The continent where the kingdom is located has been explored, and the greatest hope is to reach the other side of the legendary endless sea.

Such a naive idea eventually led to dissatisfaction and spitting on him in the family. Relatives despised him, and even his parents were indifferent to him. In this way, Diaz lived a lonely life.

Later, until he was old enough to enter the Royal Academy of Knights, where he still specialized in books every day and was still so unnoticed until he met a friend who changed his life. He was Elvin's brother, Ain.

Ain has a unique insight and can see Diaz's talent, that is, Diaz is best at thinking. A large amount of intelligence can be processed and calculated in his head, which is a very excellent military divisional talent. But Diaz himself is not aware of this, and with his personality, he likes to think silently, which is not suitable to be a candidate for the position of military division that assists others and dares to speak bluntly.

For this reason, in order to let Diaz find his talent, Ain specially brought Diaz into a special world, that is, the game world of war chess.

Diaz's talent thinking and computing ability. In the world of war chess, it is really like a fish in water. He can calculate dozens of steps, or even hundreds of steps of the actions of the enemy and us. Even Ain gradually can't win Diaz. Soon after, the honor of the first person in chess in the whole kingdom belongs to Diaz. Under the name of.

If there is anything most similar to war chess in reality, it is this endless sea battlefield, which is not as complex and changeable as on land, and requires commanding a large number of soldiers below. The sea is a flat chessboard, where you can see through the two sides at a glance, and the chess pieces are the warships. Everything can be directed to move as you wish. It can be said that Diaz is like playing chess, controlling everything in the whole battlefield.

With the encouragement of his friends and the request and assistance of his relatives, although Diaz still embarked on the military life that he did not want, and then successfully sat on the throne of the leader of the kingdom, after all, it was not what Diaz wanted, so why did he always look melancholy? The reason for the expression is.


Returning to the battlefield, Diaz did not need anyone else to make advice at all. He could do everything alone. Like a chess piece, he released the actions of this army warship.

Diaz: "Order this legion fleet to be divided into three parts. The right warship changes its direction in place, turns 90 degrees to the right, and then line up to completely intercept the enemy; the left fleet advances at normal speed and goes around the enemy's rear, and the middle warships charge the enemy fleet with this flagship first."

Minia immediately passed Diaz's order to the captain of each warship and put the command of the Diaz army commander in place, which is Minya's job.

As mentioned before, the sea is a flat chessboard. Both sides can see every move clearly. The change in the formation of the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment immediately fell into the eyes of Edward and Hawke.

Hawk's Hawkeye is powerful, and he is also good at the enemy's tactics. He analyzed and said, "The enemy intends to intercept the front road and block the back road, and then rely on the advantage of his three armor flagships without fear of any attack, intending to forcibly collide with their own ships."

Edward: "It seems that the enemy does not want to lose the advantage of occupying the upper hand. Relying on the advantage of the large number of their own warships, they are not afraid to separate the troops. If we really break through the enemy's defense line on the right in order to seize the upper hand, then once we fail, we will definitely be surrounded by the enemy. Sure enough, the commander of the other party is really a very serious and completely ruthless opponent.

Hock: "We don't have to risk fighting with others here."

Edward: "Well, let's play slowly with our opponents as planned."

In this way, Edward and Hawk's fleet began to turn the bow and retreated backwards.


Monia: "Report to the commander of the legion, the enemy began to turn the bow to retreat."

Diaz instructed the next action without thinking: "The retreat of the other party is also being calculated. Notify the left warship, open all the sails, advance at full speed, catch up with the enemy, walk side by side with the enemy, and then keep outside the enemy's range for shelling. The goal is to destroy the enemy's sails."

Menia immediately ordered step by step, and the instructions of the signal soldiers were quickly received by the warships on the left. As a result, these warships suddenly changed greatly, and the sails were suddenly doubled, which looked strange and unprecedented.

Hock: "The enemy's warship has changed."

Edward: "What an exaggerated sail. Such a big sail will make it difficult for the ship to control. If you are not careful, you will be controlled by the wind."

Hawk: "But on the other hand, if we can skillfully master the sailing skills under such a huge sail, then the speed of the warship will soar, and we will be easily caught up, and then our situation will become very dangerous."

Edward talked and laughed: "It was also expected to encounter trouble. It seems that we are too naive to reach a plan without loss. However, we will not admit defeat. In the end, we won't know who will win or lose.

So Edward and Hawke turned the direction of the fleet again and kept working with each other.

On the flagship of the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment, Minia reported all the changes of the other side to Diaz. According to the enemy's actions, Diaz also constantly changed his own actions. In this way, although there was no confrontation between the two sides, the tense and fierce struggle between them never stopped. They are all trying their own level of sailing and constantly maneuvering with each other.

Gradually, the advantages of the battle began to slowly tilt in the direction of the Blue Dragon Sea Battle Group. After all, in terms of available chess pieces, Diaz has much more than Edward and Hawk, and under the artistic command of Diaz, the most In the end, Edward and Hawk fell into the encirclement of the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment and were trapped in the middle. It was impossible to escape without fighting.

For pirates, it is their proudest pride to travel freely in their own seas, but now they are in a difficult situation. Edward has to sigh loudly: "I can only come here, right? I'm really ashamed. I didn't expect that I would fall into such a situation in my home. As the saying goes, the pirate era is really over.

Hacker: "Now it seems that we have to start a formal battle."

The battle at sea is a completely different world from that on land, and the strength of ships has a decisive impact on the battle situation.

On the flagship of the Blue Dragon Sea Battle Group, Diaz finally breathed a sigh of relief: "The dilemma has been completed. Next, we have to slowly close the siege and surround the other party into a dead end."

Diaz completely regarded this battle as a chess game.

Monia: "The commander of the legion is really amazing. It's our honor to see the artistic command of the commander of the legion."

Diaz: "How to get the greatest victory at the least cost is the next key."

Mia: "Our warship has a longer range than the other side's. As long as we slowly attack outside the right distance, victory will only be a matter of time, and we can also ensure that the casualties will be minimized. I believe that Captain Kilrog is also ready for direct combat.

The warship of the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment is larger than Edward and Hawk, so the hull is naturally one head higher, and it is very confident that it will not lose to any enemy's crossbow guns, because the higher the height on the same level, the range will be relatively long. This common sense is known by any sailor, so the Blue Dragon naval battle group has never lost in the crossbow shooting.

"Start to encircle!"

Under Diaz's order, the fleet of warships surrounding Edward and Hawk began to spiral slowly. The crossbow guns on the side of the ship aimed at Edward and Hawk. You can want that if ten thousand arrows are fired, the fleet surrounded by Edward and Hawk in the middle will become a dead hedgehog. The end of the game. And this is the most proud tactics of the Blue Dragon Sea Corps. Countless enemies have been completely defeated under such tactics. On the one hand, it can also be seen that Diaz's command ability is terrible.

The chance of victory was in hand. At this time, Diaz always felt a trace of uneasiness in his heart, but he always looked melancholy. Minya could not see it, and Diaz was also immersed in his own thoughts.

The battle really started, and Minya came to report: "Report the commander of the legion, the enemy has released the Clippers."

Edward and Hawke's actions can be known from the flagship watchtower, and more than a dozen assault ships were lowered from their ships. The sailors on the assault ship were rowing their oars with all their strength, charging the warships of the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment at the upper wind at full speed, and soon rushed into the range of the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment.

Even in the wind, man-powered ships can not be affected by the wind, and these fast ships seem to contain things and are protected by boards. It must be a "surprise gift" to the Blue Dragon Sea Corps.

"The crossbow attack!"

As Diaz's order was conveyed, the warships began to line up and point the crossbow guns at the small fast ships.

Edward and Hawke's sailors were also experienced people. They immediately formed a long snake to reduce the area relative to the other side of the ship and try to avoid the threat of a large number of crossbow positions on the side of the ship.

On the battleship on the front line of the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment, Kilrog appeared in the bow and shouted, "If you ask me to command these warships or something, I admit that I am completely inferior to the commander of the Legion, but when it comes to facing the battle, I don't think I will lose to others! Hurry up! Shoot me!"

"Bong Bang..." Several loud noises, a large number of crossbow guns were fired in unison on this front-line warship. How spectacular it is.

The huge crossbow gun is not comparable to the bow and arrows used by ordinary archers. The power of the crossbow arrows is huge, especially the armored crossbows specially designed to deal with warships. Once the warship is hit, it will be broken through the hole immediately. It can be said that it is the death hunter of the warship. However, to deal with small assault ships, there are some huge cannons hitting mosquitoes, and the disadvantage of not finding the right head is that. Sure enough, a large number of crossbows have limited accuracy, and it is difficult to hit such a fast ship.

This defect naturally does not defeat the strongest power in the sea of the kingdom. The equipped crossbows are more than armor-breaking crossbows. Kilrog shouted with a smile, "Ha ha, don't I know the tricks used to be a pirate? Change the crossbow for me!"

"Bum bang...", there were several loud noises, and the crossbow gun was fired again, but this time, it was a little special. The front end of the crossbow had a big bag.

The bags at the front end of these crossbows suddenly dispersed and turned into huge wire networks and projected down. This large-scale attack made up for the shortcomings of the lack of accuracy of the crossbow guns. Those assault ships could not escape the clutches of these huge nets. Most of them were immediately caught, and the sailors on the assault ship became difficult to travel. Moved, the Clippers' offensive was stopped. There was nothing they could do. These sailors could only abandon the ship one after another and swim back to the ship.

Kilrog laughed and said, "Hahaha, let's see what else you have in advance."

Although it has been delayed by these assault ships for some time, the encirclement situation of the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment will not change.

On the sea, Edward and Hawk's fleet suddenly began to change the direction of the bow and sailed at full speed in the direction of Kilrog.

Killrog: "Hahaha, I know that the small boat's offensive is useless. This time, I'm really anxious to jump over the wall. You are in the wind. You can't rush at this speed at all. Moreover, even if it's aboard battle, it's my intention. When your ship is stopped, it will become a live target for other warships on our side. ."

Just like Kilrog, Edward and Hawke, what do they want to do like this? At this time, Edward and Hawk said with a smile and said to each other, "It seems that time has been delayed enough. Next, we will start a formal counterattack."

On the flagship of the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment, Diaz is still thinking alone, as if he is still thinking about something. From time to time, he looks at the sky with a little worried expression. When Minia saw that the overall situation had been decided, she did not disturb Diaz's thinking, but looked at Diaz fixedly.

Suddenly, Diaz shouted: "No, it's so. Hurry up! Order the warship to change to a defensive formation! It's not a big deal!"