Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 441 Battle 3

"Don't be afraid, let's follow me!" Elvin raised his gem sword and took the lead in fighting against the soldiers of the Green Dragon Knights gushing out of the siege tower.

"Young master, I want to go too!" Grimio followed closely.

Now the other side of the main gate in the south is now facing the same crisis. At this time, several siege towers have leaned against the city wall. The strong combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Green Dragon Knights suddenly broke through the step soldiers of the Star Regiment on the wall of the city wall, and fell into chaos.

If it goes on like this, the city wall will be lost, and the other party will not be allowed to invade further like this, so Ai Wen will finally join the battle group in person.

The soldiers of the Green Dragon Knights who rushed in can be said to be desperate and fighting with all their strength. Everyone holds a big sword or a huge axe in their hand, and every move does not take into account defense. Their purpose is to attack with all their strength and then attack again, and keep advancing, so that the comrades behind can continue to rush out one after another. Come on, people with this awareness, their combat effectiveness will become very terrible.

Sure enough, under this deadly charge, the soldiers of the Star Regiment are obviously difficult to stand up, and the defense line has been further broken through. If Elvin and Grimio hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Evan and Grimio rushed to the front and directly fought closely with the soldiers of the Blue Dragon Knights. With the divine edge of the gem sword, the other party did not have a shield to resist. Soon, the two stopped the other's assault and tried to slowly kill back.

Seeing that he was about to rush to the enemy's siege tower, but in the face of opponents like soldiers who are not afraid of death, he really can't be careless. Grimio has always taken care of Erwin's ideas in his heart, and his swordsmanship and speed are mainly, and his strength is not strong. At this time, danger happened.

Grimio's sword stabbed the other party's chest. At this time, the other party could be said to be dead, but the other party had already had the consciousness of dying with the enemy. No matter how the pain on his body increased, with all his strength, Grimio's sword pierced his body, which made Grimimmy Ou didn't expect it, and then the other party hugged Grimio, hugged him to death, and rushed to the wall of the city with one last breath, trying to hug Grimio and fall down the wall together.

This is terrible. At the critical moment, Grimio grabbed the wall next to the city wall and tried his best to resist. At this time, the other party's last breath finally disappeared, and the other party ended his life. Although they are now people fighting for their respective positions, Gremio respects this spirit, and even if the other party's life passes away, his hands still hold Grimio.

Grimio is a powerful man. Every soldier of the Blue Dragon Knights who has seen Grimio's swordsmanship knows that Grimio must not be free. For this reason, another soldier of the Blue Dragon Knights, who was seriously injured and had a mortal belief, charged Gremio.

Grimio shouted in shock: "Ah! Ah!"

But it's really a pity that Grimio still couldn't get rid of the bondage of the dead Blue Dragon Knights soldier, and the tragedy happened. Grimio and the other two soldiers fell from the edge of the city wall together, and below will be the sea of enemy soldiers, and Grimio will fall into the huge irreparable mud.

"Don't be afraid, I'll save you!"

At this time of crisis, Elvin shouted and jumped down from the city wall and grabbed Grimio's hand.

"Young master! How can you do this! In this way, you will..."

After Grimio finished speaking, Evan immediately summoned a long gem whip and tied the wall on the wall, which saved the two of them from falling down. The two did the pendulum movement, and Grimio finally got rid of the shackles of the dead Green Dragon Knights soldier and regained his freedom.

As the pendulum rose to the top of the other end, Elvin immediately released the long whip of the gem, and the two swung to the front of the door panel of the siege tower together with inertia.

"Gri Mio, let's go together!" Elvin summoned two gem hammers and gave one to Grimio.

As has been agreed, the tacit understanding between each other no longer needs to communicate with words to understand each other's intentions. The two immediately waved their hands and hit the door panel with a gem hammer. No matter how hard the iron door panel is, it can't resist the heavy blow of two gem hammers, and then the door panel collapsed. The soldiers of the Blue Dragon Knights who were still preparing to rush in from the siege tower suddenly lost their stepping stones and could not rush to the city wall again.

"It's going to go, Grimio! Remove the remaining enemies from the city wall!" This time, Elvin's summoning has become the gem sword that Grimio is good at.

After a period of fighting, the enemy on this city wall was finally cleared, and the soldiers of the Green Dragon Knights who were planning to set up a new door panel on the siege tower. The soldiers of the Star Regiment also used the same as Agat* to throw it into the siege tower and block the enemy with flames and force them back.

After a short break from the battle, Grimio couldn't bear to blame himself and said to Ai Wen face to face, "Young master, you just did this... Although I am very grateful... How can I put the young master in danger!"

Ewen: "But, Grimio, I can't see that you are in danger and don't go back to help. I believe that if it were you, you would not hesitate to do this."

Grimio: "Well, I will definitely not hesitate to save the young master. It is my duty to protect the young master..."

Grimio must have understood what Elvin meant and found that he couldn't say it, so he turned to him and said, "...Well, young master, we have agreed, young master, next time, we must let me help you."

Hearing this, Elvin didn't know what was wrong, and his heart suddenly felt a strange shock. This feeling made people feel uncomfortable.

Aiwen: "Okay, it seems that an enemy has attacked on the other side, and we have to continue to fight immediately."

Grimio: "Young master, okay, let me go first this time."

The wall of Karad City is very long. In the face of the crisis situation with several siege towers, it is difficult for Erwin and Grimio to take care of them all, but he is not worried about this, because he is not fighting alone, and there are many things that make him very reliable. Companions can rely on.


"Damn, get out of my way! I'm angry!"

The black bull was crazy. The two huge axes kept waving and killing, killing very vigorously, but it was difficult to move forward. The other party desperately did not lose to the black bull at all, and even fell to the ground to hold the heel of the black bull.

"Damn! Let go of my feet!"

The violent king of Black Bull kicked vigorously and mercilessly bounced the other party's whole body into mid-air. On the not very spacious city wall walkway, he suddenly hit the other party's group of soldiers. With strong impulse, he hit a group of other's soldiers, and some of them were even hit under the city wall.

It seemed to find that this was quite fun, so the black bull became addicted. He put down the huge axe in his hand, grabbed a soldier of the other party, learned what he had just looked like, and made a fierce shot in front of him again. It was another heavy human missile, which was very effective for those soldiers who charged intensively, and fell a large number of people.

Black Bull laughed: "Hahaha, you still dare to fight with me! Let me lie on the ground."

"Stop playing! You have to deal with the big guy of the other party quickly.

Hoffman appeared on the back of Black Bull. He never liked him in clothes and armor. This time, he was covered with objects. When he looked carefully, it turned out to be *. Then Hoffman shouted, "Black Bull, rush over!"

It was difficult to ask the Black Bull to stay honestly, but it was more active than anyone else to ask him to charge into the battle. Without saying anything, the Black Bull used a "Crazy Bull Collision" and sprinted violently. No matter whether he added a few more scars on his body or not, he broke through the queue of the other soldier and opened a way for Hoffman to move forward.

Hoffman also did not fall behind at all and strode behind the black bull. In this way, the two went all the way to the siege tower. At this time, Hoffman bravely jumped on the door of the siege tower and rushed to the interior of the siege tower without fear. Whether the soldiers of the Blue Dragon Knights are cut or *, they can't stop Hoffman's progress.

Hoffman shouted loudly: "Men will never be afraid!"

"Bum!" There was a loud noise and flame. The top of the whole siege tower was burst open, and the flames devoured everything. The people inside were probably not spared... Hoffman was not the same as the other party, with the determination to die with death. From the sea of fire, a man full of flames strolled out. This amazing scene Even the soldiers of the Green Dragon Knights around the fireman were surprised and panicked.

"Wow!" The fireman jumped into the group of soldiers of the Blue Dragon Knights, roared, and the flames on his body were blown away with a powerful airflow, and this airflow also blew the surrounding groups of Blue Dragon Knights soldiers to fall into pieces, either directly down the wall or hit the wall of the city wall and fainted.

The true face of the fireman is Hoffman. Hoffman, protected by a body of vitality armor, can temporarily resist the attack of flames. This seemingly deadly practice is actually the most efficient way to defeat the enemy and is the nightmare of the other party. After that, Hoffman used "Yuanqi Shock" to remove the vitality armor and break away, burst out a strong attack power, and dispelled the flames and the enemies beside him.

"It's so unfair that you robbed me of my credit. Obviously, I rushed to the front." Black Bull complained.

Hoffman: "Man, you won't mind this kind of thing. For everyone's victory, even if you sacrifice yourself, you will never regret it. This is the young blood of a man."

Black Bull: "Well, what are you talking about? Anyway, I will completely beat you one day."

Hoffman: "It's really a good thing for a man to have goals and ideals."

The soldiers of the Star Regiment next to him urgently reminded: "You two, it's not the time to chat. Now the enemies on that side have been constantly attacking."

Black Bull: "Well, this time, I want to compare with you. Who killed more enemies? The big guy just now is just one."

So, the competition between Black Bull and Hoffman began, and both of them were full of energy and rushed to another siege tower.


At this time, in the face of a large number of approaching siege towers, Teglas, who is busy in the defense tower, is embarking on the next step of response.

Teglas asked, "Are you ready?"

"Well, it's ready to be launched at any time."

Hearing the news from the soldiers of the Star Regiment next to him, Teglas immediately ran to the launch pad of the giant crossbow gun and aimed at it himself. This time, he must hit it accurately.

Teglas's archery is superb. In the same way, the use of its oversized bows and arrows soon became easy to use. Teglas finished aiming and immediately pulled the trigger of the giant crossbow gun. With a "sw" sound, a huge crossbow arrow shot out quickly.

This crossbow quickly hit a siege tower that was about to lean against the city wall, and the blow penetrated into the crack of the iron deck. Teglas' shooting was really exquisite. A crossbow is not enough to destroy such a huge siege tower, but this crossbow is not simple. The front end of the arrow is a huge iron hook, which firmly hooks the inner wall of the siege tower, and the tail end is still connected to a wrist-sized iron chain, and the other end of the chain is still connected to the defense tower.

"Quick! Let it go!" Tiglas shouted.

Listening to Teglas' command, the soldiers of the Star Regiment immediately pulled a mechanism on the defense tower, and then a thousand pounds of boulder was hung on this thick chain, becoming a huge third force to destroy the balance between the siege tower and the defense tower.

The weight of a thousand pounds of boulders is pulled, and the two ends of the force, one is an extremely strong defense tower, and the other is a siege tower that can move freely. It is obvious who will lose in this rally. Sure enough, this side of the siege tower slowly began to tilt, and then completely lost the central balance, "rumbling", and the huge siege tower collapsed into the river of the moat, broken and damaged, and the soldiers inside also suffered great damage.

This is the strategy arranged by the Star Group to deal with the most common siege tower in the siege battle. Although it is very demanding for the launchers of the giant crossbow cannon, the joy of victory suddenly spread throughout the whole city wall, making the stars The soldiers of the regiment were boosted.

However, at this time, another crisis suddenly came. Not only the military buildings around the city wall, but also the residential buildings inside began to hear the sound of huge explosions, as well as the sky-high flames and blazing fires kept attacking the city of Karad.

Aiwen immediately understood and then scolded, "It's so despicable to implicate innocent people!" Canglong Flying Group! No, Bekas!"