Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 446 The Fall of the Wall 3

"How is this possible! What the hell is going on?" Grimio, who led the team to support, just rushed to the west wall, and happened to be near the explosion. The shock he felt was also the strongest.

Grimio quickly pulled back to reality with a sense of crisis, and a large piece of dark shadow in front of him quickly approached.

"Be careful, everyone! It's a falling stone!"

After the blown wall was broken into several large pieces, part of it was shaken into the air by the impulse, and then it hit Grimio's position impartially.

Such a huge stone, and compared with the city wall walkway, there is no room for Grimio to hide. If he wants not to be smashed into meat sauce, the only choice is to jump off the city wall. On one side is the battlefield where the soldiers of the Blue Dragon Knights are located, and on the other side is the inner side of the city wall. There is no hesitation, Grimio immediately pulls out. He took out his long sword and stroked the wall of the inner city wall with his sword, and his body slipped down.

No matter how good he was, he fell from such a high city wall without protection. It was impossible to think that nothing was going on. Grimio's body was rubbed and scratched by the wall, and blood suddenly flowed out. And the worst thing is that the falling speed can't be too slow. At this moment, the falling boulder hit the city wall aisle and was broken into several stones a little bigger than people. Many of them continued to chase Grimio and fell down. Now it is the time of Grimio's great crisis.

"Rumble..." The boulder stopped falling, and a piece of sand on the inner side of the city wall could disperse for a long time. However, he did not see Grimio's figure appear. Is it pressed under the stone?

One of the scattered stones shook and slowly climbed out of a figure from under the stone. It was Grimio, who was still alive.

Unfortunately, he couldn't say that he was safe. Grimio stroked his right hand with a painful expression. There was a large red and swollen on it, and he kept bleeding. Obviously, he was seriously injured.

Grimio endured the pain and was highly alert, because at this moment was a group of unidentified guys. At this time, Grimio was sure that this group of people were the culprit of this incident.

"Who the hell are you? I will never allow you to leave here!" Since he is the enemy, of course, Grimio can't watch this group of people leave like this.

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous. Even if this is really our masterpiece, how can you be so many of us?" Morris completely despised Grimio.

If the right hand is sound, we can believe that Gremio will respond to what Morris just said, but now... Gremio has not hesitated to respond to it with his practical actions. Grimio picked up the long sword that fell next to him with his left hand and pointed the tip of the sword at the group of people in front of him.

Grimio: "Don't underestimate my left hand. When I was most lost and desperate in the past, I leaned on my left hand and worked hard. My left hand swordsmanship is by no worse than my right hand. I will never allow your group of villains to leave."

Morris couldn't resist the impulse to do it early in the morning: "As a warrior, I have taken your challenge."

In this situation, such a big explosion has occurred here, and the city wall has been destroyed. Now it has become the focus of both the attack and defense, and this group of secret people of the "Terfi" commercial alliance, as a third-party force, exist as enemies on both sides, that is It means that it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time.

Other members of the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce immediately came forward to persuade Morris: "Lord Morris, this will soon become a place of fierce battle. People like us who do not have a formal identity should leave here quickly."

Morris said harshly: "Don't worry, one minute, no, it can be solved in 30 seconds. In front of my 'Hand of God', no enemy can survive."

"But, Lord Morris..." The personnel of the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce are still worried.

At this time, the drunken man came forward and pulled away the person: "Well, if someone likes to look for trouble, just let him play by himself. In short, I won't go crazy with you. It's the most realistic thing to have money to complete the task." After saying that, the drunken man left leisurely.

Grimio could feel at a glance that the enemy in front of him was not simple, and the arrogant tone of the other party was not just a martial artist, but also a talent. Grimio clenched the hilt of the sword in his left hand and stared at Morris attentively.

Thirty seconds after Morris threatened, it was more than half an eye, and Morris only took a few steps towards Grimio with a relaxed expression. He even put his left hand into his pocket and didn't take Grimio seriously at all. He wanted to prove that he could casually treat him like an ant. Generally, it is simply run to death.

Not only Morris, even Ned followed Grimio with an unclear attitude, but from him, Grimio felt a murderous atmosphere and had to embank him.

There were ten seconds left. At this time, Morris finally took action, but he only saw the air around Morris shaking. In addition, Morris could not see any other actions he had.

This is a scene that ordinary people can see, but in Grimio's eyes, a fist has flashed in front of him.

"What! So fast!" Grimio was surprised.

Yes, it's so fast that even Grimio can't react. With a punch, Gremio's body abruptly ate Morris's punch, and his whole body was blown into the air. With the injury just now, coupled with today's heavy blow, Grimio vomied blood.

The terrible thing is not over yet. In such a bad situation, there are still people who fall into the pit and chase the killer. Ned's hands suddenly burst into flames, and a huge fireball automatically shot at Grimio in the air.

Morris shouted, "You fire player, how dare you come to grab my prey!"

Ned: "Those who destroy my gorgeous flame ceremony will die!"

Grimio did not expect the other party to really follow the one-on-one rule of fighting against warriors at the beginning, but Grimio, who was shot into mid-air, would be unavoidable in the face of the approaching huge fireball.

The more you resist, the more you will be swallowed by the flames. In order to minimize the damage caused by the flame burning, the only way is to break through this fireball as much as possible. Grimio endured the severe pain, and with the "dance of whirlwind", he spiraled around with the sword in his left hand, contracted his body, protected his head and face with the cloak, and went straight to the fireball.

Grimio collided with the fireball, and then the two were interspersed in an instant. Although the hot flame of the fireball was terrible, if it only touched such a flash of time, the heat of the flame could not be fully transmitted, making the damage too deep.

After landing, Gremio immediately threw away the burning cloak. At this time, Gremio was only burned a little, which was not serious. Grimio's strength lies in his flexibility and coping ability, and this time he finally escaped the big crisis.

Grimio gasped: "How about it... Now 30 seconds, no, a minute has passed..."

This speech was clearly mocking Morris, and Ned, who attacked privately, was also among the sarcastic, which made the two very unhappy.

"Damn guy, next time I use all my strength... huh?" Morris seems to have found something.

And Grimio also felt an inexplicable sense of danger at this time, which was the warrior's instinct to warn Grimio. But unfortunately, in such a high-level warrior battle, everything has been decided in the blink of an eye.

Grimio, who had just been damaged, never thought that a black hand had quietly aimed at him. Grimio's back door was hit by a powerful fist, and the other party was still very vicious and hit Grimio's spine directly, which is an important part of the human body. His body suddenly became numb, and the severe pain continued to swim through his whole body. This time, Grimio couldn't stand it and fell to the ground.

Morris and Ned stood still and did not take action. So who hurt Grimio?

Morris shouted, "Drunken man, didn't you say something loudly just now? You can't do what you don't do."

The drunken man smiled sinisterly and said, "I didn't say anything. Relying on you two guys who are so lingering, if they fail, my 'money' will be gone. Don't you see it? Now there are people rushing over from both sides.

not far away, Rex is desperately coming here with a large number of soldiers, and outside the city wall, soldiers of the Blue Dragon Knights also poured in. Now it can be said that it is about to enter the melee.

Neith Morris nor Ned want to be involved in this melee between the two sides. Time is tight, so they will no longer quarrel with the drunkard and go straight to the city.

"They are all a group of rude guys. I'm helping you. Forget it, go back and have a good drink first... Huh? Ah!" The sword light suddenly flashed in front of the drunken man. If it hadn't been for his agility and illusory figure, the sword light would not have been split in half.

Looking at his wine pot, which was divided in half by a sword, the wine inside was spilled empty, and the drunken man stared at the person who destroyed his good deeds, that is, Grimio, who stood up again.

Grimio was severely damaged, but his tenacious fighting spirit supported him to stand up again with a sword and immediately fought back. Unfortunately, Grimio's sword "dance of the Wind" still failed.

Morris stopped and laughed, "I didn't expect that he was really a hard-lived guy. It's useless that he couldn't cut off the other party's head with a sword." Morris's statement is obviously aimed at another person.

The drunken man's anger suddenly calmed down and he would choose to attack people. This kind of villain belongs to the sinister type is quite scheming. Now it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. After weighing the interests, it is meaningless to capsized in such a place: "I'm in a good mood today, so let you go, hum."

After saying that, the drunken man's figure disappeared like a dream.

It's not good, and Morris ignored Grimio and continued to leave.

But Grimio did not intend to give up and could never let such a group of people with great threats to his side escape, so Grimio continued to rush up.

Morris turned around and said, "I kindly let you die, but I don't appreciate it. Well, let me give you a ride directly with this punch!"

Morris just wanted to punch, but found that the situation was a little different from what he thought. Grimio suddenly accelerated and changed his way to attack another person. Grimio's initial goal turned out to be Ned.

Ned is the weakest, and judging from the strange flame moves he used just now, the explosion and destruction of the city wall was probably from his hands. Grimio is meticulous and concerned about the overall situation, so he intends to desperately attack this enemy who is the most threatening city of Calades.

Ned was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he would become the target of a sniper. When he was in a hurry, he still hit a fireball to defend himself.

The fireball just now couldn't hurt much Grimio, and this time it won't slow down Grimio's footsteps. Grimio once again flew into the "whirlwind dance" with his sword, desperately rushed into the fireball, and then quickly penetrated the fireball, and the tip of the sword approached at this time. In front of Ned.

This desperate play made Ned feel scared. The sword light of death approached, and Ned instinctively gave up fighting back again. He didn't care about anything else and avoided sideways with all his strength.

Ned rolled on the ground a few times in confusion, and his life was saved. However, his hand was stabbed by Grimio's sword, and his bones were deeply visible, and a large amount of blood flowed out of his broken black clothes.

At this moment, Ned's pain, anger, panic, fear, and all kinds of negative emotions have made him unable to calm down. He quickly wrapped his arm with his clothes and stopped the bleeding with all his strength. In this situation, Ned had completely lost his fighting spirit and just wanted to heal his arm immediately and ran away.

"I can't let you..." Grimio's injury is much more serious than Ned, but at this time Grimio still wants to chase Ned.

Unfortunately, a heavy punch hit his body again, and Morris punched again.

"You don't even pay attention to me. This time, go to hell!"

The power of this punch was more powerful than before. He fell to the ground and continued to slide more than ten meters away. Then, there was no way to stand up again. Grimio was really defeated at this moment. In such a completely unfavorable battle, Grimio was not ashamed of losing. Humiliation, and also causing heavy damage to one of his opponents, Grimio is really good.

At this moment, Rex has arrived. Several people who fought with Grimio, who were undoubtedly enemies, immediately ordered the soldiers: "Protect Mr. Grimio and attack these enemies!"

"Cut, you have to leave quickly." Morris turned around and ran away with all his strength.

Rex came to Grimio and held him in his arms: "Mr. Grimio, how are you? Are you all right? Che up."

Grimio slowly spit out a few words: "Hurry up...guard the city wall..."

Grimio is still thinking about protecting others. At this time, the gap in the city wall has poured into a large number of soldiers of the Green Dragon Knights. Finally, the Star Regiment will usher in a real fierce battle this time.