Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 448 Fall of the Wall 5

The sky gradually ushered in the morning, and the brilliance of the morning sun gradually shone on the earth from the horizon. A sleepless night was finally over, but the battle was still continuing, and it would become more and more fierce.

"The enemy's siege tower has also been dispatched!" The soldiers of the Star Regiment holding on the wall shouted loudly.

This time's re-launch of the siege tower has shown the determination to go all out to attack the wall of Karad. And this time, the center of gravity of the attack was aimed at the west of Karad City.

"I can't stand it!"

The soldiers of the Star Regiment on the west wall, facing the soldiers of the Blue Dragon Knights surging up like a tide, were originally tired, and on the other end, there was no commander to fight after that. The morale of the soldiers was reduced to the lowest, and because most of them were soldiers of the former Calad City, The Huairou policy adopted by the previous Green Dragon Knights also succeeded in making these soldiers give up the idea of resistance in the current situation.

With the collapse of more and more areas of the city wall, it is foreseeable that it is impossible to stop the opponent's attack. The overall collapse of the first city wall is only a matter of time.

The more critical this moment is, the more the commander's decisiveness becomes the key to the overall situation. Whether to continue to hold on or retreat immediately, the sooner you make a decision, the more you will be able to take the initiative.

At this moment, there was a continuous horn sound all over the city of Karad, so that everyone in the city could hear it.

Evan: "This is the horn of the retreat of the whole army! Has the war reached an irreversible point... The whole army, retreat!"

Even if Elvin was unwilling to give up, he knew that continuing to resist would also increase casualties. At this time, he should decisively follow Sith's advice. Therefore, Alvin began to organize his own troops and began to retreat to the second wall.

Evan: "Destroy the organ room of the gate, and then seal the gate, so that the other party can't enter the city so easily. The city walls should also be set on fire to block the enemy's breakthrough as much as possible.

Evan and others can only prevent the soldiers of the Blue Dragon Knights from breaking through by destroying their walls and gates. Now they can hinder the other side for one more second, so they can escape one more person.

Most of the troops on the city wall have retreated at full speed according to the order, while Elvin still sticks to the city wall and keeps destroying the enemy soldiers rushing up from the ladder in order to fight for the time to retreat for his own soldiers.

Teglas shouted under the city wall, "Evan, retreat quickly. Now the west wall has been completely controlled by the enemy, and now the enemy over there is surrounding here in turn. It will be too late if you don't retreat."

Ewen: "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Teglas, please take the troops to retreat first. We are meeting at the second wall."

Tiglas: "But, Elvin, you are..."

Aiwen: "I'm a hero of the stars. How can I fail like this?"

As a watcher, Teglas's mission is to protect Elvin as the hero of the stars. However, with the increasing power of the stars gathered on the star wrist wheel, Elvin has gradually become more and more powerful and reliable, which is far beyond Teglas's imagination. Teglas no longer needs to protect Elvin. The mission of the watchman, which has been passed down for 200 years, has ended here. Perhaps now it still makes Teglas sigh. Now, in Elvin's eyes, Teglas is already a companion rather than a deployment, which makes Teglas feel extremely relieved and happy.

At this time, Avan shouted and opened the gem weapon, the gem sword, gem round shield and gem battle boots. With the magical power of this weapon, he charged and attacked in one breath, instantly solved a row of enemies.

Teglas believed that Evan and that he could overcome the immediate difficulty, so Teglas turned around and continued to retreat to the city with his troops.

Other aspects, Agathe also ordered the whole army to retreat according to the instructions of the Sith. Agathe had no complaints about this at all, and perhaps he had foreseen such a thing from early on. Under the command of Agat, the retreat went smoothly. Most of the soldiers withdrew from the city wall safely, and then destroyed the stair walkway of the city wall to prevent the soldiers of the Blue Dragon Knights from pursuing so smoothly.

As for Alan and Gray in the east, because the direction of the main attack this time is west, the attack on them stationed in the east is relatively lightest, and unlike the north and south sides, they will be killed by the enemy along the wall of the city, and the retreat is the smoothest.

Grey had also promised Agat before that he did not need to sacrifice his life to protect the city wall, so at first, when Alan was still worried about how to persuade Gray to retreat, Gray took the initiative to stand up and command the soldiers to retreat.


In this way, the guards of the star group on the four walls of the city retreated smoothly to the second wall on the pre-arranged retreat route. Now that there are only three gates left, the retreat of soldiers into the city will be delayed.

Sith, standing on the tower of the gate, looked worriedly at the situation outside, and next to him was Xiuner, who had always been the eye of Sis.

Shuner: "Brother Sith, what should I do? Now I see a lot of soldiers in each other's armor, and they are all over our walls. Will everyone be all right?

Sith wanted to comfort Shuna, but he didn't know what to say: "This time, it would make the city wall be broken by the enemy. It's really another unforgivable mistake that made everyone fall into a dangerous escape now. It's really..."

Shuner didn't expect that his words would make Sith blame himself so much. He quickly comforted Sith: "Brother Sith, don't do this. In fact, many people have retreated into the city safely. We haven't failed yet."

Sith: "If it weren't for the performance of Hoffman and Black Bull at the gap in the city wall, if more cavalry of the Green Dragon Knights were allowed to rush into the city, then it would be empty talk about safety at this moment."

Sith just successfully stopped the assault of the cavalry of the Blue Dragon Knights, but there is no reason why he was worried before, because if he was really rushed into the city by a large number of cavalry of the Blue Dragon Knights as the Sith was worried about, then the other party will definitely take a decentralized approach from four directions. At the same time, the second wall gate of Karad City was attacked, and unlike now, the number of troops was limited, and only one raid could be selected. Sith couldn't make a plan to kill the group of cavalry here.

Now that the response to prevent the enemy cavalry raid has been made, however, if the gates are really attacked by the enemy cavalry at the same time, even if all of them can be surrounded and killed, this will cause more serious consequences, making the soldiers outside unable to retreat from the gate and will fall into the enor of being followed. Measure the siege of the soldiers of the Green Dragon Knights. Thinking of this, Sith felt afraid in his heart.

At this time, Mikal and Ted, who had just retreated safely, immediately rushed to Sith's side.

Mikal: "How's it going? Has everyone retreated safely?"

Sith: "Now the troops commanded by Alan and Gray in the east are the first to retreat safely. What's going on with the troops commanded by Agathe?"

Ted: "At present, Chief Aggar is still continuing to command the troops to retreat in. According to the information collected, 70% of the soldiers in our department have retreated safely."

Sith: "Seventy, right..."

Mikal didn't care about this and asked anxiously, "What's going on with the other two sides now?"

Sis was a little embarrassed to answer: "At present, the soldiers in the south are also retreating one after another. Due to the deepest sinking in the west, it is difficult for the troops there to retreat now, and many of them are trapped in siege and difficult to escape safely... Now I have sent troops to rescue and build a defensive lines."

Mikal: "No, I mean, how is Elvin? Did he come back safely?"

Sith didn't know how to answer.

Mikal: "Sis, why don't you talk, is it..."

Mikal thought of something and wanted to rush out immediately, and Ted grabbed him in time.

Ted: "Mikal, calm down."

Mikal: "But haven't you heard what Sith say? Now that Evan may still be surrounded by enemies outside, how can we watch such a thing happen!"

Ted: "It is not only meaningless to go out now, but may also cause obstacles to the rescue. What we need to do now is to try to do our own things and arrange the next defense measures."

Sith: "Yes, next, we have to continue to face a more harsh battle."

Now that the first city wall has fallen, then the second city wall will soon become the target of the opponent's attack. Now that morale is low and the team is chaotic, there are indeed too many problems to immediately arrange and take action in advance. Agat understood this, so he immediately shouldered the important responsibility of integrating the whole army, integrated the chaos of the soldiers' formation caused by the retreat, took over the command of the formation commanded by the former Renard, carried out unified command, and assigned troops to the second wall.

Mikal clenched his fist and then punched the wall. This made Shuna, who was watching, nervous: "Brother Mikal, you..."

Mikael: "Well, I know. Elvin must be fine. If he knew that I left my post to save him, he would not forgive me."

Ted and Sith smiled, and then Mikall went with Ted to assist the Agath unit.


The battle lasted all morning, and the first wall of Karad City has also completely fallen. The high flying kingdom flag on the wall made the soldiers who had to watch the Star Regiment on the second wall feel an unspeakable sense of frustration and loss.

What's worse, as Tongsis said, many of the soldiers of the Star Regiment were trapped in the siege and could not break through and retreat to the second wall. Now that the plan of the Green Dragon Knights to raid the second wall has failed and has turned into the action of rounding and chasing the retreating troops of the Star Regiment, it has fallen into a scuffle in Karad.

Although there is a planned retreat route in advance, many soldiers of the Star Regiment, especially those injured, move slowly. They are suddenly surrounded by the soldiers of the Blue Dragon Knights and fall into a street battle. They really can't break out.

"Surrender." In the face of difficulties, some people have made such a statement.

This is not because these people are greedy and afraid of death. On the contrary, in order to make others retreat, these soldiers of the palace army, their loyalty to the Star Group is more firm.

Don't sacrifice yourself needlessly. This is the request that Evan made to all the soldiers before the war. What the rebel army wants to strive for is the happiness of all people in the world. The future built by blind and meaningless sacrifices is not what the rebel army hopes to see. This is the belief of the rebel army that more people can live and witness the future.

The Green Dragon Knights will treat prisoners of war well. It is based on this that the rebels will safely allow these soldiers who can't get out of trouble to surrender. In this way, the battle in Karad was gradually ending in a gradual way.


Time passed in the evening, and the fierce battle all night and day also stopped temporarily. Both sides had a large number of casualties and affairs to deal with besides accidents. They tacitly formed a wait-and-see situation and continued to confront each other. The second wall gate of Karad City has been locked and closed, and the soldiers of the Star Regiment have been laid there.

Sis continued to watch the whole battlefield, where he kept studying and planning the next battle. In fact, he was as worried as Mikal and others, because he had not received the news that Elvin and others had returned safely. In public, he is the object of his loyalty and privately, he is his most trusted best friend. Sith wants to find Evan immediately, but as a military division, he must now restrain his calmness and let the whole army through this crisis is the most important thing for him.

Shuna next to him was not as calm as Sith. When he saw Tegras coming, he quickly asked, "Brother Tegras, has Brother Evan come back?"

Teglas shook his head helplessly.

Shu Na: "How could this happen... I have been looking around with great care, but I still can't see Brother Avan..."

Shuna has been looking for Elvin's figure in all directions since morning. With his super vision, he still can't see any happy scenes. If it hadn't been for Sith's persuasion, he would have used the "spiritual vision" to explore Elvin's place early in the morning.

Shuner thought to the good side: "Brother Evan is so powerful that he will be fine. He will come back safely."

However, the fact is very cruel. Now even if Elvin is still safe, the gate has been closed and the outside is surrounded by enemies. It is even more difficult to enter the second wall.

Shauna hid in the corner and secretly felt sad.

Sith came over and said to Shona, "Shuna, we can't give up hope now. Don't worry, we haven't received any bad news now. That's good news, and I once mentioned this to Evan before..."

What did Sith mention to Elvin before? Just then, cheers came from below the city wall.

"Great, great! Leader Elvin is back! And Hoffman and Black Bull. The soldiers below shouted like this.

Shuna immediately stood up and ran out. He wanted to see the answer in person with his own eyes.

Teglas: "Sis, is it true?"

Sis smiled and said, "It seems that it's true. Elvin and the others came back safely from the underground passage in Calad."