Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 456 Destroy the Internal Enemy: Battle Morris 1

In another battle on the timeline, Jack caught up with Morris, who was about to escape, at the entrance of the "Terfi" mansion.

Jack identified the murderer and said, "Look at your shabby fake arm, you are one of the people who destroyed our city wall that night."

"Yes, I did participate in it, so what?" Morris was bold and admitted it directly.

Jack: "It's really a good thing you did. In this case, it's easy to do. It's really shameful that you set fire to our canteen and implicated innocent people. Fortunately, I arrived in time, and then Miss Sophia was safe, but the man who made such a kind and beautiful smile so sad that the woman cried was enough for me to beat you up.

It turns out that Jack's active participation in this action has such a reason.

Morris laughed when he heard this: "He is actually an affectionate and wants to hit me for women? It's ridiculous."

Jack: "You'll know it's wrong in a minute. I can fight with you with a fist. Don't say I bully you, a physically disabled man, you shabby arm man."

Re mentioned the loss of his arm, and Morris was aroused his anger: "Is my arm rags? Do you think I like this? Son of a bitch, be careful that your head will be crushed because of this!"

Jack continued to mock: "It's just a fake hand that can be moved by manipulation by the mechanism. It's slow. I'm afraid it can't even hold a small stone. It's really funny to catch me."

Both warriors can feel that the other party is not a simple character, but in terms of personality, both sides are unyielding people. In this exchange, the two vowed to become water and fire.

"Wait for me! Jack, you run too fast. Are you really... huh? Is this one of us? No, this fake hand, can it be..." Mikal rushed up breathlessly. As soon as he came out of the secret road, he saw Morris, a stranger, in front of him, and confronted Jack. It seemed inappropriate to watch the scene.

Jack: "That's right, this guy is one of the enemies we are going to pursue."

Mikal: "That's right, Grimio said that there is one person among the enemies who has a fake hand. It turns out that it's you who hurt Grimio so much. In public and private, I won't forgive you easily today."

Morris does not deny what he has done at all: "There is only one guy I have injured here. It turns out to be your friend!" That guy is also a powerful guy, but unfortunately, his failure can only be attributed to his own weakness. And you want to avenge him? Hahaha, it really makes me laugh to death. I'm obviously weaker than him, but I don't mind adding another dead soul to my hand.

As soon as Mikal came, he was ridiculed and despised by Morris. No one would stand it. What's more, Mikal was already a very straightforward person. He directly pulled out his sword and saw the seal directly under his hand.

The atmosphere of war between the two sides is strong. Seeing that the war is about to ignite the war, Jack and Mikal dare not despise the strength of their opponents in front of them and wait for it. But unexpectedly, Morris immediately turned around, turned around and rushed out of the cellar door, grabbed the door and fled.

I thought there would be a fierce battle immediately, but I didn't expect that things would turn into such a development. Jack and Mikal were ignored by Morris. In surprise, they fell behind half a beat, started slowly, and were pulled away a lot.

Mikal chased behind and shouted, "You guy, you just said so nicely, are just a coward who fled with his tail."

Morris also responded and shouted, "I've never been afraid of dealing with you two stinky guys. You want to delay me, and then wait for the people behind you to catch up and surround me. Don't think I'll be fooled so easily."

Morris is not a hot-blooded and belligerent man. In the deep star cluster control area, he will fall into an unfavorable encirclement network at any time. Now it is only Jack and Mikal who are chasing him. Who knows how many people will come out of the secret exit next time. Although he has absolute confidence in his own force, under the balance of interests, it is still the best strategy to escape from success. This idea coincides with the drunkard he hates.

In terms of speed, since Jack successfully caught up with Morris on the secret road, he believes that this chase is absolutely unwilling to lag behind. But in fact, Morris's escape along the way is different from the secret road. He took an unusual road. Morris did not walk the alley, but relied on the power of his own heavy fist. Open up the road, break the walls of the tavern, and then constantly make roadblocks for Jack and Mikal, who are chasing behind them, to hinder their pursuit.

Jack's flash steps were often stopped, and it was difficult to catch up for a moment. He was so angry that he also opened his mouth to mock and provoke Morris: "What a complete coward. He had said how powerful he was before. In the end, he was just the most powerful to escape. It's really humiliated him as a martial artist. The pride of the people. However, it's no wonder that today you met Jack, a master of "flash boxing", that is, I am here. It's natural for you to run away with such a disgrace.

Jack's mockery is really unpleasant, but with such words, it is unlikely that he will stop him unless he is like a drunk and really stab his heart.

"Bad boy! What did you just say? Morris' steel arm punched the wall of the building next to him, and the wall was immediately broken into a big hole. This was Morris's angry blow. He stopped, and he really stopped running because of Jack's words.

It seemed that even I didn't expect that Morris could be successfully provoked. Jack quickly braked and confronted Morris.

"Bad boy! Say what you just said again!" At this time, Morris' eyes were full of anger.

Jack was just quick-mouthed. How can he remember what he just said? He simply said bluntly, "Do you think I didn't scold you enough just now? Well, I'll scold you a few more mercifully, so that you, the big villain, will wake up.

Jack took a deep breath and then shouted loudly, "You are as timid as a rat and a dareless bandit who shrinks in your head. You know how to do some cheating and bullying less. No wonder you have an arm, which just sets off your virtue."

Morris: "Bad boy! Say it again, who the hell are you? What is the martial arts you studied?

Jack was asked by Morris like this, and he felt strange: "What, talk about me? My young master's name, listen carefully, I am the world... (omitting several) flash boxing fist Master Jack is also.

After listening to Jack's words, Morris suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed: "Hahaha! Is it? It's great. Finally, I waited for the boxing that I have worked hard to practice, and I can finally take revenge today!"

Ah? Revenge? What and what?" Jack suddenly became doubtful.

At this time, the slower Mikal finally caught up, and he also heard the content of Morris shouting when he laughed, so he immediately took Jack and asked what was going on.

Jack himself was full of bitterness: "How do I know what this guy is talking about?"

Morris pointed to Jack and shouted, "Ah, I finally remember your stinky boy's hairstyle and that annoying tone. Yes, you are the bastard boy back then. The reason why I am like this today is all thanks to you. Thank God for letting me meet you again today. I can settle the account of that year.

Now the focus of this scene is directed at Jack, but as the person involved, Jack doesn't understand what's going on.

Morris: "You stinky boy, don't say that you will forget everything about the past, right?"

Jack looked like he didn't know.

Mikal said, "Listen to what he said, it seems that he is very familiar with you? Do you know him? What happened back then?"

Jack: "You asked me, I asked who to go, and I still don't understand what the situation is. Besides, it's not a beautiful woman. I don't remember the appearance of men very much.

Mikhalton was speechless.

These words stimulated Morris: "What are you son of a bitch! Unexpectedly, I completely forgot what happened in those years! It really makes me angry. This is a thing that has completely changed the fate of my life. You, the culprit, have forgotten it like this. It is unforgivable and absolutely unforgivable.

Morris became extremely excited. The blue veins on his face soared, his face turned red, and he launched an attack on Jack with a cannibalistic expression, as if he wanted to swallow Jack alive. Morris clenched his steel arm and pointed it at Jack, as if he wanted to signal him to smash him with his fist.

"Fall out!" Jack shouted that he stepped aside as Morris's target in order not to implice Mikal.

Jack's flash steps are as fast as electricity, and people fly away like meteors. In a flash, they immediately stay away from the original position.

"What! Unexpectedly, I got the direction of my action!" Jack was very surprised, because Morris seemed to see through Jack's flashing steps completely early, and tacitly matched Jack's flash walk and intercepted Jack's movement.

Even if his flash step was suddenly seen through by his opponent, Jack did not panic. He also had his own strong and proud martial arts - "Flash Fist".

"First Speed • Instant Shadow" is a blow of "Flash Fist" in pursuit of speed. The fist is as fast as a meteor, and Jack's fist speed is becoming faster and faster under his continuous hard practice.

"It's really a flash fist, it's great!" Morris also punched ecstatically. His steel arm was raised high, and then there was no movement.

Is Morris's punch like this? The answer is no, the other party really punched, because for Jack, his eyes can't capture any of his opponent's fists at all, but with the instinct of the martial artist, he felt a strong punch coming towards him.

Is this the invisible fist attack mentioned by Grimio? Jack thought in his mind: I really can't see it! I don't believe it. I don't believe it at all. I don't believe that my "flash boxing fist" will be faster than my opponent!

Jack doesn't mean to close his fist. Let's have a try. Whose fist is faster? This contest is very interesting to Jack.

The fist strength of both sides continued, and the result was also very fast. Jack was beaten away, while Morris was safe and sound. It seems that Jack was defeated.

Mikal, who witnessed all this on the side, was also dumbfounded. Jack's fist, a martial artist who was proud of his fast fist, could not see any trace in front of him when he opened it wide.

Lost the speed? Jack couldn't believe it at all, but he didn't have time to continue thinking about anything else and chased Jack's extremely angry Morris desperately.

Morris punched again. Jack stared at the other side wholeheartedly this time, but he still couldn't see it. He only felt that a stronger punch hit him than before, and Jack had to defend himself.

But it's really too reluctant to prevent the so-called invisible fist with a simple feeling. Jack had no choice but to protect the key point in the direction of the opponent's punch. Then, Jack personally felt a strong and penetrating fist and hit his abdomen. Jack's body seemed to be penetrated all of a sudden. This pain was absolutely terrible that he could not imagine before.

Jack's pain is not as serious as his heart shock, which is simply incomprehensible to him. No, Jack's mind turned and immediately sensed something was wrong.

Jack thought quickly in his mind: No, it's really wrong. Although the other party's fist is fast, it is not so fast that people can't see it. If so, then I won't be able to feel the other party's fist at all. Then why can't I see the other party's fist? What?

Jack couldn't figure it out. In this cruel battle, Morris, with a strong revenge obsession, kept chasing Jack to attack, one punch, two punches,... I don't know how many punches have passed. Jack was broken in a flash step and he was unable to defend against the opponent's fist by Morris. He fell to the ground fiercely.

Morris raised his steel arm against Jack, who fell to the ground and was unable to resist anymore. Because he was too excited, the fist of the steel arm was clenched and rubbed out a very harsh metal sound, which made people feel inexplicably afraid.

Morris: "I said that I would crush my fist and your head! Go to hell!"

Morris intended to kill Jack, and Jack felt unprecedented despair and death threats in his heart.