Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 462 Battle of the Plain 2

The cyan cavalry team hit the phalanx of the Lion Heart Regiment like a torrent. The strong impact of the cavalry charge and the strong defense of the long gun array. The two forces collided. The heavy cavalry of the Green Dragon Knights were broken by the long *, and the heavy gunmen were trampled by the horses. This was just a moment. Things have been strangled and devoured countless lives.

In a brief and fierce collision, the battle situation began to tilt in the direction of the Green Dragon Knights. After all, this heavy cavalry of the Green Dragon Knights has 40,000 troops, but in contrast, the central phalanx of the Lion Heart Regiment has only more than 10,000 soldiers. Facing the tide of the Green Dragon Cavalry, the front row of the Lion Heart Regiment The defensive gun array began to collapse.

Sure enough, once the collapse appeared, the chain caused by it spread to all the arrays. The heavy cavalry of the breakthrough long gun array could gallop in the regiment fearlessly, and the whole central phalanx of the Lion Heart Regiment was punctured and cut. In the face of the strong combat strength of the Blue Dragon Knights, the foot soldiers of the Lion Heart Regiment will fight head-on, arms and equipment gaps, and their individual combat power will be suppressed. The heavy gunmen in the front line began to appear defeated and retreated one after another.

Resak took the opportunity to boost morale and shouted, "Go, keep charging me and tearing the central phalanx apart. Victory belongs to us."

The heavily loaded cavalrymen boosted their morale and continued to attack the central phalanx.

Is Orez just at this level? Resak didn't believe that the other party would be so weak, and Recac seemed to find something wrong around him. The retreat of the soldiers of the Lion Heart seemed to be very orderly and showed no sign of panic.

At this time, Resak also understood the real intention of the other party, and saw a row of long gun arrays not far ahead.

Resak understood at a glance: "So it is. It is to adopt a multi-level long gun defense array to intercept the power of our cavalry charge through layers of long gun arrays, and then let the soldiers retreat to the end and regroup into a new long gun array. It's really amazing to drag down our side with an infinite cycle of defensive tactics, and only you can successfully command such a complex array transformation. But do you think this can block us? The green dragon cavalry is definitely much more powerful than you think!"

Facing the heavy cavalry of the Blue Dragon Knights with a strong impact, the central phalanx adopted an infinite cycle long gun defense array to resist. This is indeed a very successful command method, and Orez is worthy of being an excellent general.

However, as an equally excellent enemy commander, Resack also said that he would not admit defeat: "In this case, let's compare whether it is the speed of your reorganization of the spear defense array or the speed of our cavalry to break through, so that it is better to compete for victory or defeat! Soldiers! Take out all your strength! Charge with all your strength!"

With the command of the commander Resack, the heavily equipped cavalry began a more crazy charge. The sharp edge of the conical array shined with an irresistible light on the battlefield. With strong power, they broke through layers of long gun defense arrays, making the soldiers of the Lion Heart Regiment have no time to retreat and reorganize their defense. Royal array. Seeing that the central phalanx is about to be torn apart, Orez of the lion's heart is going to take a new response.

As the commander of the central phalanx, Orez sighed: "It is worthy of the troops led by Resack, which is still so brave and powerful and awesome. However, this battle determines everything in the future. I have absolutely no contempt for you. Your strength is still It's still in my expectation."

What Orez pointed out was the reason why the Lionheart Group chose the place where it had fought before as the decisive battleground. With the continuous reorganization of the long gun array of the central phalanx, the whole central phalanx also moved backwards. As a result, the phalanx has now moved to the double river where the army of Karad City was defeated by water.

It's just as the intelligence says, the river here has dried up because the water was cut off by the dam built by the Qinglong Knights, and only the fine stream flows slowly during this period.

The soldiers of the Lion Heart began to retreat to the opposite side of the river and reorganized into a more solid long gun array on the edge of the river, as if they were desperate here.

For many years, Resack's battlefield intuition was keenly aware of danger. For the safety reasons, he made command adjustments to let the rear heavy cavalry reduce the speed of the front, while the front line continued to attack with all his strength.

The two dry rivers could not stop the footsteps of the cavalry and easily charged through. Many heavy cavalry in the front row had boarded the other side of the river and were ready to collide with the lion heart commander's gun array again.

Suddenly, Resack shouted in surprise: "What! How dare you be prepared like this!"

What on earth made Resack scream? At this time, in their front row, it was not only a row of long gun arrays that hindered them. On the front row of these long gun arrays, solid wooden fences were erected, and the soldiers of the lion's heart regiment rushed behind the wooden fence, relying on the protection of the wooden fence, relying on the gap of the wooden fence. A long gun stretched out between them.

Resak: "It's really awesome. I expected how we would act, and then set such a trap here in advance."

No matter how powerful the impact of the heavily loaded cavalry is, it is also a flesh and blood body. In the face of the wooden fence that is thicker than a human body, if it is hard to charge, the cavalry in front of them will definitely lose a lot. Moreover, Resak seemed to deeply feel that even if he forcibly broke through this wooden fence, the other party would have had enough time to rearrange a new defense array and wait for him. Next, he would fall into the most unwanted war of attrition.

"Stop charging!"

Resak made a hasty decision and is no longer radical. He intends to fight in the safest way, stabilize the formation, and then try to avoid these wooden fences.

Even if it was just a momentary change on the battlefield, it was also a signal of a change in the war situation. Orez seized the opportunity and immediately made a new command: "Very good! The other side stopped charging and began to counterattack!"

In an instant, it was still a bright blue sea, and suddenly two thin red lines passed through it, dividing the heavy cavalry formation of the Green Dragon Knights into three parts.

Resack immediately shouted: "Ah! It turned out to be a fire attack!"

Yes, it is a fire, a blazing flame, constantly dancing in the two rivers. The firelight in the sky emits more dazzling light than the sun. The hot snake devours everything in the river along the channel. In the face of such a terrible power that can seize all life in the world, horses have a natural fear of flames. Suddenly, the horses around the flames become difficult to control, and the army formation creates some chaos.

In the distance, the location of the Legion of the Green Dragon Knights, where the commander of the Kulos Legion has been observing the development of the war situation, and sees the changes of the war situation bit by bit.

William saw this battle and became nervous: "Ah! It's not good to attack with fire!"

As the commander, Kulos still remained calm: "The last time it was a water attack, but this time it was a fire attack, right? The other party was indeed a very simple commander. He took advantage of the opportunity to cut off the upstream water flow, so as to fill the river with fire oil, and then took the opportunity to ignite it."

William: "However, the commander of the legion, in such a terrain, there is nothing that is easy to burn by the river to spread the fire. In this way, the fire attack has an advantage than the water attack. And fortunately, the leader of the Resack branch found that the other party's action was different, which slowed down the army behind in time. Although some cavalry still fell into the sea of fire, after all, the number is not large, and the fire oil will soon be burned out.

Indeed, unlike forests or cities with a large number of buildings, there are no large amount of combustibles here on the flat ground, and the advantage of fire attack is not ideal, so this fire does not worry the top and bottom of the Blue Dragon Knights.

Instead, Kulos saw the other party's intention: "The other party used fire attack and did not intend to kill us, but only to confuse our command system."

Kulos understood that as the commander, Resak immediately understood the other party's intention, but he was now trapped on the other side of the river and was blocked by the fire to cut off his connection with the rear troops, making it difficult to command.

All the preparations at the beginning of the Lion Heart Group are waiting for the arrival of this opportunity. At this time, the whole battle situation began to slowly become another scene. As Kulos guessed, the two wing formations that had been surrounding both sides just now began to close quickly, and slowly closed the rear of the opponent, and began to slowly shrink the encirclement line to surround the heavily cavalry to fight.

With the gradual contraction of the front, it is in an unfavorable situation for the cavalry who need space to exert their combat effectiveness. Resak was unwilling to admit defeat. He tried his best to command the troops, trying to make the rear army concentrate on breaking through from the side, and then converge in the weaker place of the fire. But to his surprise, the soldiers of the Lionheart Regiment in other directions were very powerful and divided into small phalanxes to fight. The actions between the mutual phalanions were very neat and dense, and the coordination between the various arms was excellent, which made De Resack very difficult.

At this time, where the Green Dragon Knights are located, the commander of the Kulos Legion is still looking at the actions of both sides on the battlefield. Although he is an enemy, he expressed great praise for the performance of the Lion Heart: "Unexpectedly, Levi, as the commander, was in the front two wings at the beginning, before The central infinite cycle long gun defense array is not commanded by him. Now, the command of this siege battle is the demonstration of his real strength.

Kulos was right again. Generally speaking, as a core figure like a commander, he should sit in the center and take charge of the overall command of the whole army's operations. Unexpectedly, this time, Levi would choose to be among the two front wings at the beginning. How bold this is. The way.

William: "Legion leader, it seems that Captain Resack has fallen into a bitter battle."

Kulos: "Victory belongs to those who are prepared, excellent commanders, excellent vision, excellent tactics, and things have become like this. It seems that the other side is indeed going to do his best in this battle."


The battle on the ground is so fierce, and the fierce battle in the air is also not inferior. The battle between the Canglong Flying Cavalry Regiment and the Lion Heart Regiment has also begun. Although in order to block the city of Karad, most of the griffins of the Canglong Flying Cavalry remained on the outskirts of the city and did not participate in this battle, in terms of number, there are still more than 2,000 griffin cavalry, and their opponent, the Lionheart, only has more than 400. Compared with the combat strength of the two sides, it can It is said that the five-to-one situation should be easier than the battle on the ground, but now it seems that the Canglong Flying Cavalry, which has superior troops, is not progressing very well.

This time, the Lion Heart Group chose to fight this decisive battle and occupied the convenience of the land. This is the upper wind, and today the wind is blowing very strong. The strong black smoke lit by the Lion Heart Group, which was lit by the wet wood that made the griffins hate drugs, floated to the direction of the army of the Green Dragon Knights with the wind, making them fly over it. The griffin cavalry felt very uncomfortable and difficult to control.

As a result, the battlefield in the air was positioned in the upper wind area, and the two sides fought fiercely around the battle in the upper wind.

This battle is not easy at all in the face of enemies several times more than our own. As the captain of the Flying Horse Squad, Gaia, the task is important. Today, I have to bet on everything to fight: "The leader gives people such an uninteresting task every time. Do you want to drag this group of griffin enemies here? This is really the biggest test I have ever encountered in my life."

Gaia, as the captain, rushed to the front of this battle. The situation was really too fierce, but just after the start of the war, Gaia was already injured and tired.

Gaia: "At this time, I really miss the disobedient child and the man's mother-in-law... But this is also good. It's better to leave this kind of thing to me as a man in charge. I don't want her to see my current awkwardness. Huh, here again, right? Then come quickly. Even if I spend the rest of my life's luck today, I will never be killed here. If I don't go back to pick them up, I will be scolded to death by that woman.

Other people on our side were deeply encouraged by Gaia's courage, and everyone became brave, full of fighting spirit and excellent performance. On the other hand, although the griffins of the Canglong Flying Cavalry Regiment are far more numerous than the Flying Cavalry of the Lion Heart Regiment, their fighting spirit is very different. Not only did the deputy commander Carlos appear to participate in the battle this time, and it seems that they do not intend to fight seriously with Gaia.

So, in contrast to the ground, the battle in the air has formed a stable tug-of-war situation.