Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 475 The Origin of Dispute

As for leaving Rex, Evan said to him earnestly, "Rex, you should also know what we want to talk to you about."

Rex also said clearly: "Yes, Mr. Evan, when my father is still in a coma, it is indeed difficult for me to command the soldiers I belong to. More than that, it has been difficult for me to control my emotions during this period of time, and even the disputes within my own soldiers are also It's because of me, so I'm here to hope that you can find someone to replace my military affairs.

Evan: "We won't withdraw your military affairs now."

Surprised, it was Rex himself: "Why? Now the soldiers of the former Karad City have conflicts with the soldiers of the original Star Regiment, which is caused by the different commanders from each other, so now more capable people must be responsible.

Sis: "Indeed, having a unified commander is the best and only way to solve our internal problems. However, it is not the right time. As we just said, the most important thing now is not to make the internal cracks of our soldiers bigger. Those soldiers of the former Karad City trust Mr. Renard and Rex, so we will never replace them now to avoid causing greater contradictions and opinions. And now there is good news from Dr. Watson. Mr. Leonard has also woken up, but his state is very unstable, and then he fell asleep.

"So... I understand... That's great..." Rex was very happy to hear that his father was ready to be safe, but he also felt that it would be difficult to face his father.

Although he must cheer up to let Rex understand the current situation and let him understand what he should do, Sith's words seemed to be a little too direct. Evan gently said to Sith, "Sis, will it be too heavy for you to say this?"

Sis whispered: "Sometimes, pain and difficulties can be the driving force and necessary experience for people to grow. Only when people suffer more pain can they become strong. Rex belongs to such a person. He has always been under his father's aura. If he can survive this test, I believe he will become an excellent general in the future.

When Elvin recalls his experience, he feels how similar he is to Rex. He also grew up under the aura of his parents and brothers. In fact, once he starts to face difficulties and tests alone, he will understand that he was so small and cowardly, and the training that he has experienced so far. In retrospect, I really can't believe how I succeeded at the beginning.

At this time, Yingwan suddenly broke into the conference room. He used to serve as the messenger between the Star Group and the Lion Heart Group and set out to inform the information. The last time he left, it has been too long, which made Elvin very worried about him, and now he sees Yingwan return safely. Come on, worry is finally put down.

Yingwan hurried to Elvin and Sith. At this time, he saw that it was very difficult for him to break out of Yingwan with injuries on his body. This is no wonder why Yingwan has not come for so long. It's really hard for him.

Aiwen: "Yingwan, you're fine. How's your injury?"

Yingwan is very anxious now. As soon as he saw Ai Wen, he hurriedly said, "No, no, I have to say it right away. I just came back from the Lion Heart Group, and then, unfortunately, what I brought back was bad news."

At the mention of bad news, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly fell silent.

Yingwan: "Our troops of the Lion Heart Regiment fought a front battle with the Blue Dragon Knights outside. The battle was very fierce, but unfortunately, the battle situation is slowly unfavorable to us. During this period, the Lion Heart Regiment has been defeated twice in a row."

When it comes to the failure of the Lion Heart Group, Jin immediately felt worried, and others were also worried.

The Sith said regretfully, "It seems that it is..."

Although Karad City is besieged and the information outside has been blocked, in fact, Sith can also roughly predict the situation on the front line. Sith observed that during this period, the Blue Dragon Knights had the intention to officially attack, which also showed that the Green Dragon Knights on the front line had gained an advantage and there was no threat from the rear, so the third detachment of the Green Dragon Knights would continue to attack Karad City with such confidence and boldly.

Evan: "The combat effectiveness of my father's Blue Dragon Knights is really strong, and even Mr. Levi can't cope with it?"

Yingwan: "Originally, we could have had advantages and disadvantages with the Green Dragon Knights. At the beginning, we successfully dealt a lot to the Green Dragon Knights through the information we had obtained in advance. However, I didn't expect that the other party's heavy cavalry was so powerful that no matter how we stopped them, we could not stop them. Later, the charge had to retreat because the team was too seriously damaged.

Aiwen: "The first detachment under your father's command, the heavy cavalry detachment, are known as the strongest combat troops in the kingdom... It's just that I don't think Mr. Levi will suffer such a defeat because he will underestimate the enemy."

Yingwan: "Of course, the leader did not despise any opponents, and then we also made a lot of efforts, but I really didn't expect that the other party's heavy cavalry would be so powerful. It was their appearance that made our initial advantage be pulled down."

ai wen recalled: "I once heard Brother Ain mention that the first detachment of the Blue Dragon Knights, that is, the heavy cavalry detachment, has several top heavy cavalry squadrons with the highest combat effectiveness. As the elite team of the Green Dragon Knights, they have always been the pride of the Green Dragon Knights, and their weapons and equipment are not only The kingdom is the most sophisticated, and the riders are also elite warriors of the kingdom, and more importantly, even their horses are the strongest horses in the kingdom. Perhaps even my Qingfeng will not have any advantages or disadvantages in the confrontation with it.

ai wen's Qingfeng and Mikael Ted's white marble are all top horses. Previously, they relied on them and successfully overcome a lot of crises. Now when Evan evaluates the other party's horses in this way, it can be seen that the elite cavalry of the Green Dragon Knights is very powerful.

Yingwan also did not hide his exaggeration: "That's right, the horses they rode couldn't even get close to their bodies. In this way, they kept charging and attacking us. It was simply monsters. Well, it was also a large group of monsters. If it hadn't been for this group of monsters, we wouldn't have lost. "

As a monster, it is really an unimaginable enemy. Everyone present felt that the situation was serious.

Evan recalled the past: "Sak cavalry, this is exactly what brother Ain told me. The real name of the most powerful cavalry force in this kingdom is an elite force, and the matter about this team is classified as a kingdom secret, so I have never seen the power of this team with my own eyes. Now Hearing such a situation from the front-line battlefield, I know that what Brother Ain said at that time was not exaggerated.

Shadow Maru said with doubts: "Sak cavalry? Why isn't it the Royal Guards?

Elvin recalled, "Now it is indeed a royal guard cavalry, but I don't know why Brother Ain always likes to use this name every time he mentions it, and then I get used to it."

is really strange, and Mikal and Ted also said that they also heard it. Since this title is really what Ain once said, it is quite credible. However, as soon as the word was said, it immediately aroused the doubts of the people below: "Sak cavalry? It seems that this word is not like the word in the kingdom, but more like the word of the Ishubar people in the foreign world.

Sith also agreed and said, "I seem to have an impression of this. In the books I have read, this word appeared in my impression, but there is not much in the detailed book, it is just a stroke, but I can be sure that this is a kind of horse tamed by the outland Ishubars. A kind of title.

In view of the past war history, conflicts and hatred between the kingdom and the foreign people, the kingdom has very few books of the Ishibars, especially those without extreme speech. On the other hand, the Ishubars do not like to record everything in words, so, for The matter of the foreign land and the Ishubar people has always maintained such a mysterious color. Speaking of recently, the foreign expedition of the fascist emperor 20 years ago pushed the relationship between the two sides into the deep valley. At that time, it can be said that everything that the Ishubars would be eliminated. So why Evan, who were born after the war, only knew that Ishubars were a different nation, but did not know? Fang's original title.

Not only Elvin is curious, but also everyone else feels strange, so that the kingdom of the Ishubals will use war horses from foreign lands, and for this reason, the title has been specially changed, which seems to have an unspeakable secret behind his back.

Aiwen: "It seems that you have to find relevant information about how to deal with such a monster-like war horse. Then you have to ask Mr. Fado later. Maybe you can know some ways to deal with this cavalry."

When everyone looked at me on this question and I looked at you, what did Rex think of below: "Sak cavalry? This... seems to be where have you heard it?"

Rex's words were heard by Evan: "Rex, what are you talking about? Do you have any clues?

Rex: "This...ah! I remember that I did hear this word. Yes, yes, this word was heard from my father.

Where is Leonard? What's the matter? However, Leonard still hasn't fully regained consciousness and doesn't seem to have asked anything about it. Therefore, Evan continued to ask Rex for details.

Rex affirmed: "I'm very impressed, because when my father mentions this word, he will feel sad and feel guilty. By the way, it's a word that appeared when he mentioned the dispute in the Som River Basin that year."

Disputes in the Somme River Basin? Isn't it a dispute that broke out between the Ishubars and the kingdom? When it comes to this, the first thing that comes to Erwin's mind is his brother Ain, Raal, and the sad hate chain surrounding them.

Aiwen also remembered that before Al's farewell, he once talked to him about the inside story of the disputes in those years. In fact, it was a war of aggression launched by the kingdom to peep at the wealth of the Ishubars. At that time, Brother Ain mentioned an excellent war horse, so the Qinglong Knights Participated in the dispute of that year.

Evan then told others everything he knew.

Mikal: "Oh, I didn't expect that there was such an inside story back then."

Ted: "In this way, the formation of the Royal Guards Cavalry began after this. Is it really..."

Evan: "Now, the puzzle has finally been answered. The horse of the Royal Guards was stolen from the Ishubar people living in the Som River Basin. No wonder Brother Ain, who knows the inside story, uses the original title every time he mentions it... Wait a minute, if this kind of war horse named Sak is an Ishubar native from the Som River Basin, then, don't we have a party here?"

Mikal thought with all his brains: "Isshubars in the Somme Valley? How many Ishubars can we have here? Ah? Ah! Could it be..."

ai wen: "Although it may touch her painful memories, it seems necessary for us to ask Lal."

Yes, as one of the survivors of the Som Valley dispute, Lal, an Ishubal, may know something about this matter. In view of the fact that Lal has never liked to get along with others and almost never attended meetings, it seems that she had to go to her in person.


"Yes, according to your description, it is indeed a unique horse in my hometown." Lal answered very simply.

The answer has been confirmed that this war was really a war of aggression behind the back.

ai wen: "So, do you remember the characteristics of these horses or something related?"

Lal: "In those years, the horse named Sak raised by our people was indeed the most proud horse breed of the Ishubal people. However, I didn't expect that everything was a conspiracy. When we moved in, we had already planned to take it for ourselves."

Aiwen: "I believe that during the reign of Emperor Kilub, he really wanted to repair his relationship with your people. The tragedy of that year will only be the work of Emperor Hilocan who later ascended the throne."

Lal: "I don't want to mention the past. Do you want me to tell you if this Sakma has any weaknesses? Unfortunately, this kind of horse, which is proud of us Ishubarians, will not exist. When your fascist emperor went on an expedition, he was defeated by our iron horse.

If there is really a way to deal with these cavalry, the fascist emperor, who advocated force, had such a strong military strength, and Matthew's great army division, fought for so many years of war, but still could not win the Ishubars and finally failed. It can be seen that this kind of sack The cavalry is indeed very powerful.

It seems that hope has failed again, and Evan and the others have to find a way to find a breakthrough elsewhere.

Lal suddenly interrupted: "In the past, the Sack cavalry was indeed an invincible powerful army, but perhaps, there is one thing I can tell you."

Lal seems to have thought of something. Is this really a new hope?