Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 479 Questioning Game

A few days later, he turned to the enemy's camp, in a secret place on the outskirts of Karad City, where an extremely mysterious force was stationed. This is the secret station of the Black Dragon Secret Force, which belongs to the commander of the Becas Legion, which exists as the dark side of the kingdom. , acting mysteriously and strangely, not restricted by other departments and legions, often carries out many shady actions behind his back.

As for the arrest of Shadow Maru, the Black Dragon's secret troops do not need to make any reports to the Green Dragon Knights. They are waiting for their immediate superiors, and the commander of the Becas Legion is fully responsible.

At this time, the shadow pills, which were caught and tied up, were carried to the prison and locked up. What terrible things would be waiting for him. Yingwan probably guessed in his heart that as a ninja, he had a vow to die and never give in and reveal secrets. However, in the face of the real test, Yingwan himself is unwilling to imagine whether such a young Yingwan, who was caught for the first time in his life and encountered such a dilemma, can withstand the next thing.

Yingwan shouted, "What on earth do you want to do? Let go of me!"

"Hey, kid, you should think clearly about the situation you are facing now. Your identity is not our guest." Brut replied with a smile.

Yingwan said toughly, "I know you want to know the important information I have from my mouth, but don't be delusional. Also, what about Senior Shi Yu? Where is he? I want to see him."

Brute: "Senior Shiyu is a black crow, right? It turns out that his name is this, but it's a pity, kid, your senior Shi Yu, doesn't want to see you.

Yingwan must be surprised and strange: "How could this happen? This is definitely not true. Why did Elder Shiyu join the kingdom army? I must ask him this."

"To be honest, I don't know why that guy joined in, a guy who has always been talkative." Contrary to Black Raven, Brut is a talkative person. "Well, that's good. If you tell me more about your senior Shiyu, maybe I can help you investigate this reason."

Yingwan: "You really think I'm a child. If you giggle like this, I thought I would believe it. In a word, I hate people like you the most."

Brute's smiling face stiffened, and then said, "Good boy, hee hee, interesting, I like it."

Being liked by such people, Ying Wan suddenly had a cold shiver and felt bad.

Brute: "It's a pity that I'm not the next person to play with you, otherwise, the happy time between us will definitely make you unforgettable."

After avoiding this perverted Brut, Yingwan didn't seem to be happy, because at this time, a big man with a scar on his face came in his face, with fierce eyes and a terrible expression. He was the opposite of Brut with a strange smile, but it can be seen that it must be difficult for Yingwan to come.

Brute ran to the big man and introduced him, "Children, next, he will play with you. This uncle's name is Ethan, but he is a torture expert here. Although he is so fierce now, he is very good to people, so almost everyone is harmonious with him. When you get along with each other, you will quickly and anxiously tell your secrets. Hee, then, next, I wish you a good relationship, hahahaha."

With Brute's sinister laughter far away, there are only Shadow Pill and Ethan left in the room.

Ethan's eyes looked at Yingwan like a blade. With a terrible person and a terrible atmosphere, Yingwan's body suddenly trembled involuntarily. It's not good to go on like this. Yingwan cheered himself hard: "Don't be afraid. The ninja's vow is that he will never do anything harmful to the task."

Ethan turned his head and stared at the eye shadow pills fiercely. Ying Wan suddenly dared not speak any more.

Ethan continued to turn around and was on the table next to him, not knowing what he was fiddling with. Yingwan looked over with fear and curiosity. Unexpectedly, he saw something more terrible: various styles of knives, including hook-shaped, sharp spines, jagged, and a variety of patterns. It was really frightening to see Yingwan. What's more terrible is that Yingwan also saw Ethan's expression at this time. She had been angry and serious just now. Now, she actually laughs privately there. It can be seen that this is a joyful smile from the heart. As for what Ethan was thinking about, he couldn't help laughing like this. Ying Wan dared not imagine.

Ethan chooses left and right. It seems that he can't make up his mind which knife he wants to take, because no matter which knife he is, he is tired of playing with, and it is difficult for him to have that kind of excitement. Gradually, Ethan's smiling face disappeared, and finally, Ethan suddenly lost his temper and pushed the knives to the ground, as if he didn't want these useless torture tools.

This is not good news for Yingwan. Is there anything more terrible than these knives? I don't know what's wrong. His heart beat so hard that he kept struggling to resist. Originally, for ninjas, they had the ninja method of escaping from ropes and shackles, but this time, there was also a black crow familiar with the ninja method, but there was a special method of restraint. No matter how Yingwan used the method of escape, he was eventually bound tighter and tighter, so that I feel more and more uncomfortable.

I had no hope of escaping, and getting rescue was a shadow pill with little hope. My body and mind slowly became desperate, and I began to keep talking to myself:

"Well, I'm really useless. At the beginning, my original purpose was not to get involved in such a danger. At least if I get involved, I can escape... If Xiaoying hears what I said now, I will definitely be scolded by her. However, how much I hope I can It's good to be scolded by her."

"Xiaoying, I'm really useless. Obviously, I said that I followed you out of the ninja village to help you, in order to help you find the two people who are most important to you... Now, this wish has come true, but why is the reality so cruel? The two people I want to find actually stand on the side of the enemy... Ming I said that I would never make you cry again, but I didn't expect that on the day you first met the predecessor of Hattori, you still cried.

"Now, your brother, Elder Shiyu, has finally found it, but the result is like this again... It will make you cry again... Can't you..."

Yingwan said and began to get excited and louder.

"Wow! Senior Shi Yu! Come out quickly! Tell me quickly why you want to do this? You were so excellent back then, why did you leave the village? Tell me, what's the reason?"

Yingwan shouted loudly, and no one answered him. Ethan was beside him, staring at Yingwan with very fierce eyes. He spoke alone without intervention or any expression.

And outside the cell, many people heard Yingwan's shouts, including Brutter.

Brute said to himself with great interest, "Oh, it turns out that there is such a thing. I really can't see it. It turns out that you were still a powerful figure in the ninja village. Why did you choose to leave your home and come all the way to the kingdom to be someone else's subordinate?"

Brute said this to a dark corner, and there was no sound in the dark place, and it was still silent.

"Really, it seems that you can't get any answer from your mouth. The only person you can talk to is the commander of the Becas Legion." Brute walked away boringly, and the dark place was still motionless.

It seems to have been changed by Yingwan's shouting. Ethan has been staring at Yingwan since just now. His eyes have never left. After Yingwan was tired of shouting, he also stopped. The two looked at each other, and the cell room became dead silence. Well, yes, it's dead silence, and it is still floating horrible. The breath of death is there.

Under such a sense of oppression, the two continued like this. They kept looking at each other. Ethan didn't say anything, and Yingwan didn't dare to say anything. Then, they spent the night quietly.


"Wow, I'm so tired. Why do you sleep so hard? Why is it tied up? At dawn, Yingwan woke up from a big dream, but obviously he didn't sleep very well, because what happened yesterday was not just a dream.

"Ah, it turns out that I was really caught. All this is not a dream, huh! Ah!" Yingwan shouted, because the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was a man with scars and fierce eyes. He was staring at himself in front of him, which made Yingwan feel hairy all over.

Yingwan kept checking his body in a panic, and then breathed: "Wow, it seems that there is nothing missing in my body. It's really good."

Silence is another silent world of two people. Yingwan and Ethan are still in the cell, looking at each other. It seems that what happened in the outside world has nothing to do with here. The dark cell even makes people unaware of the passage of time outside.

A day passed, and Yingwan spent any other time in silence except for getting enough food and water from Ethan. What on earth is this? Yingwan kept asking himself like this in his heart.

I don't know how long it took for Yingwan to adapt to this situation and began to become bold: "Hey, hey, this, may I ask the interrogation uncle? Aren't you tired?"

Ethan was silent.

Shadow Maru: "The interrogated uncle? What's your name?"

Ethan was silent.

Shadow Maru: "The interrogated uncle? How did you get the scar on your face? It looks so scary."

Ethan was silent.

Shadow Maru: "The interrogated uncle? You are deaf, aren't you?"

Ethan is still silent.

Shadow Pill: "Question the uncle? You are a fool, aren't you?"

As a result, Ethan remained silent about this.

Yingwan: "Aha, I'm finally relieved. This uncle turned out to be a fool. It seems that I was teased by the sinister smiling guy and deliberately scared me with a fierce-looking man like this. Where must he secretly hide to see me make a fool of himself?"

It seems that Yingwan is just talking to himself there now. No matter what Yingwan said, Ethan did not respond.

"Oh, since you don't have to be so afraid, you'd better find a way to escape from here." Yingwan looked left and right, but it was really a pity that he couldn't find a way out of trouble, so Yingwan had to worry there.

That's how the day has passed.


In the time isolated from the world, I don't know how much Yingwan has wasted. What's going on outside? Yingwan has always been worried and kept thinking about the situation outside.

"I hope Xiaoying is fine. I hope everyone is fine. If it's best, I'll be fine too. In retrospect, I was taught the right thing by Elder Shi Yu. I, a person who only knows how to dodge when I encounter a battle, even the direction of avoiding is always the same. Now that I have fallen to such a situation, I really should reflect on myself.

"I don't have such superb forbearance as predecessors of Hattori and predecessors Shiyu. Among the people, my personality is not very popular. I always think that by working hard, I can make others recognize and praise myself more, but I am often blamed by Xiaoying."

"If I can't go back this time, I don't know what Xiaoying will think of me now. No, she must be so angry. Obviously, such critical information is in my hands this time. If the wine is gone, if everyone fails, if the city is captured... Whoo-woo, it can obviously reverse the whole war, Ming I can get everyone's praise. Why am I so useless? If I go on like this, I will miss the opportunity.

Someone next to him responded: "The only place with a lot of alcohol here is the military business group of the 'Terfi' Chamber of Commerce."

Yingwan: "Oh, it turns out that it's a military business group. No wonder it doesn't look like the army of the regular kingdom, and it's no wonder it brings so many strange things."

The person next to him: "The other party has withdrawn."

Shadow Maru was shocked: "What! No, if this group of people leave, then we will have no wine to deal with those powerful cavalry!"

The person next to him: "Oil can restrain the royal elite cavalry of the Green Dragon Knights. Is this the information you have?"

Yingwan was dumbfounded: "Ah, this... Huh, why did I talk to you! Ah, no, no, that's not the case. I'm joking.

Yingwan unconsciously forgot the existence of Ethan. Then, in the process of talking to himself, he unconsciously fell into the trap of Ethan's words. To be honest, I don't know if he didn't listen. It turned out that Ethan's voice was not so fierce, and it was also a very ordinary tone, so that Yingwan didn't react.

Ethan stood up and looked directly at Ying Wan: "Black Raven said that although you are very backbone, you are just a scheming kid. It may be difficult to force you to say it with torture, but you, who are afraid of loneliness, always want to integrate into other people's crowds. The lonely environment makes you feel uneasy and makes you feel When it's uncomfortable, you will definitely not be able to stand loneliness and finally show your flaws.

Yingwan was criticized for his shortcomings, and he was not someone else. Unexpectedly, he would be the predecessor of Shi Yu.

Ethan then picked up the knife on the ground. The sharp blade flashed a cold knife light, which reflected on Ethan's scarred face. The shadow pills suddenly fell into the ice cellar and trembled all over.

"Since you have said everything, you have no value. It's time to end this interrogation game." Ethan held the knife and slowly came to Yingwan.