Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 481 Knight Duel

Rex proposed a knight duel to Jack. The news quickly spread. As a result, the two had just walked out of the military canteen and attracted many onlookers before they wanted to fight outside. Of course, there were soldiers on both sides representing the Star Group and the former Calade City. .

This is no longer just a knight duel between two people. Just looking at the soldiers divided into two sides to watch the battle, it is clear that the focus of the dispute between the two sides has risen from the victory or defeat of the two to the advantages and disadvantages between the two sides. No matter who wins or loses, the result will definitely bring joy on one side and dissatisfaction on the other side. Such a result is certainly not what Elvin and others want to see. Unfortunately, as the two parties involved, Rex and Jack did not notice this.

"Hey, hey, what the hell is going on? It seems very interesting." Seeing a large group of soldiers gathered here, Alan was attracted and pulled Gray over.

Aran is a smart person. When he saw the situation at the scene, he immediately understood what had happened. Although Alan is not a serious person at ordinary times, he takes business very seriously.

Aram quickly ran to the middle of the duel field, intending to persuade the two not to mess around.

Alan: "Hey, what are you doing? Others say that I always like to mess around, but I didn't expect you to mess up more than me now."

Jack stubbornly retorted, "Don't ask me. Anyway, I didn't ask for it."

Rex said seriously, "Mr. Alan, this knight duel was launched by me, not only for my own honor, but also for her to gain the recognition of others, for the happiness of the two of us, this duel."

Aram actually didn't understand the cause and effect of the matter, so he asked strangely, "Two people? Are you two? No way, when did you two have that kind of super-friendly relationship? It's even closer than Gray and I.

Grey couldn't stand it anymore: "Aram, don't joke."

Alan: "Yes, yes, by the way, what on earth do you two have to make such a scene?"

Rex: "For love."

Jack: "For the sake of justice."

"Ah?" Alan was even more confused.

Grey stood up as an impartial objector and said, "As a soldier, you should not use your own judgment and influence yourself during the implementation of military affairs because of personal emotional factors. Especially as a commander, you should always think about the interests of the whole army."

Rex: "Mr. Gray, you're right. As a commander, I should fight for my subordinates, but only this time, let me fight for myself."

It seems that this time, Rex is very firm.

Jack: "If the other party doesn't stop, I naturally can't get out alone."

Grey: "Since you are my officer now, Rex, I can't object to your decision. It's just that I want to make it clear to you that your knight duel this time is not just a simple matter of so-called personal victory or defeat, but will have a great impact."

Rex did not make any more statements. It seems that today, he has to prove his determination anyway.

Grey still wanted to continue to persuade, but Alan pulled Gray away.

Alan: "Well, my little Gray, you should know that you can't see other people's existence in the eyes of passionate love. This is the so-called blindness of love."

Grey doesn't like Alan's jokes: "Now is not the time to joke. You know, you know exactly what the result will be like this."

Alan: "That's right. If they continue to mess around like this, the result is that Rex will not be the opponent of the martial arts Jack no matter how hard he tries, and then Rex will be defeated. Then, Rex will accept such an ending sadly. In the end, Rex will hold this life and miss. The regret of love will become difficult to cheer up in the future.

Grey: "You really thought of it."

Aram: "There is more tragic, not to mention far away. Once such a result occurs, we soldiers and generals in the former Karad City on the field will definitely not accept it. The failure of our own supreme commander is a disgrace. Then, if anyone says so carelessly If you make a mistake, it will be out of control.

Grey: "At this time, if there is a conflict within our side, that's too bad."

Alan: "Yes, but obviously Rex, who is now confused by love, and Jack, who doesn't know much about the internal contradictions of our soldiers now, and is also impulsive, are obviously not enough to persuade them to stop this meaningless knight duel."

Knight duel is a very sacred ceremony, which is directly related to the honor and disgrace of a person's life. As the top commander of the former soldiers of Karad City, it is obvious that Alan and Gray, as their subordinates, have little weight to persuade them.

Grey: "Well, I'll report to the above."

Alan: "No, let me do this kind of thing. Little Gray, you can stay here. In case the situation gets worse, there must be someone who can suppress the scene."

Grey: "Well, please do everything."

Aram gave Gray a wink and reassuring: "Don't worry, I can think of a person with enough weight to stop this knight duel."

Aran quickly ran away, while Gray stopped outside the field and watched the situation on the field worriedly.

Looking back on the field, Rex proposed a sacred knight duel with Jack. For Jack, who did not understand the laws of the aristocracy, Rex gave him a simple explanation:

The so-called knight duel is almost exactly the same as your so-called warrior duel. However, according to tradition, in this sacred duel, there can be no all kinds of indecent words and deeds, and outsiders are not allowed to make all kinds of help and shouts. The decision of victory or defeat is that one party cannot fight or surrender. Until you admit defeat.

"It doesn't really make much difference. Anyway, let this knight duel start quickly." Jack raised his fists and was eager to try.

Rex suddenly lost a long sword and inserted it into the ground in front of Jack.

Jack: "Huh? What are you going to do?"

Rex: "The knight duel requires both sides to use swords to determine the outcome."

Jack: "Do you want me to use a sword? I think it's better to forget it. Everyone knows that Lord Jack uses two fists.

Rex: "Because you are not a knight, this is not against the rules of the knight's duel at all. Then, on my side, I declare that I will use a long sword."

Jack: "I know you are good at using swords, and the two sides use their own martial arts to fight. I won't have any objection."

Rex: "Well, after the two sides first back to back, and then move forward ten steps at the same time, the knight duel officially begins."

Jack: "Why is it so troublesome? But since this is a sacred ceremony, I have to do it once for Miss Sophia."

So, the two turned their backs to each other and began to take a few steps forward.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..." As the countdown becomes smaller and smaller, the duel is about to inevitably unfold, and the surroundings become quiet and dare not disturb this sacred ceremony. And it was thanks to this silence that the two of them were able to seriously think about the meaning of doing this at this moment.

Jack thought in his heart: (Now think about it seriously, you have to fight with your own people. This is not a daily competition, but you have to do your best to fight. Is it appropriate to do this? No, there is nothing inappropriate. This Rex is too preceded by him. Obviously, Miss Sophia doesn't like him. He is still forced to marry again and again, and now he wants to force marriage. How can such a thing be allowed to happen? It's really necessary to teach him a good lesson and let him think about it calmly.)

On the other hand, Rex is also thinking: (Obviously, he has been asked by everyone before, and he also understands that there should be no more troubles at this time, but watching Miss Sophia in such an embarrassment and looking at the people who continue to die every day, I really feel that I can't regret it anymore. )

Both sides seem to have duel the decision of one heart.

"Five, four, three..."

Jack is quite confident about the next duel: (Rex, I really haven't fought with him before, and I don't usually know him very well. I have seen him fight against Black Bulls at the martial arts conference before. Although his fighting spirit is commendable, to be honest, he is not very good. However, I heard that he is as good at swordsmanship as his father, and fought empty-handed duels at the martial arts conference, so he has never seen his real strength. Now he uses swordsmanship this time... The moves are the same as Lar. The last time he had a long duel with him, and I believe he will never be Bila. You are awesome. It seems that there is nothing to be afraid of.)

Rex also thought a lot: (Jack Spike has always been rumored to be the top martial artist in the star group. His strength, what I saw at the last martial arts conference was just his fur. Usually, he always clings to the dignity of the warrior and can't participate in the war, so for his real I have never seen it with my own eyes... But I won't prepare anything...)

"Two, one!" The knight duel begins!

Jack's speed advantage made him the first to turn around and have taken a flash to rush to Rex.

Rex exclaimed: "Ah! So fast!"

Jack: "I'm surprised at this speed. It's faster!"

Jack is very fast, but everything is still in Rex's expectation.

"Eternal Sword", Rex held his sword to guard the middle road, so that Jack was about to hit his fist and had to brake halfway to take it back.

Rex thought to himself: (Sure enough, as rumored, he likes to attack directly as soon as he takes action, and attacks others with the simplest way.)

Compared with Jack, who is an action warrior and Rex is a theoretical warrior, he has already imagined the battle several times in his mind.

Jack is not so simple to resist. Jack flashed again, trying to move to Rex's side and then punch. His attack routine in the middle was guessed by the other party, so this time can Rex guess whether Jack launched the attack from the left or the right?

At this time, Rex did not look at Jack, but focused on the ground.

is also the "Sword of Eternity". Jack's flash to the right side of Rex this time was still seen through by Rex.

Rex imagined again: (Sure enough, although Jack's flash step is extremely fast, its shortcomings are difficult to change, and his toes have been exposed in the direction of his movement.)

Rex did his best to fight. Compared with Jack's continuous obstruction at the beginning, Jack felt a lot of surprise.

Jack: "It turns out that you have been studying me from the beginning, but if research alone can win your opponent, then the peak of Wuzhi will not be so far away. You know, every point of strength can only be obtained by hard exercise every day."

"Breaking flash", Jack's more advanced body method, fast movement, makes Rex's eyes see multiple illusions.

Jack's move is not commonly used, and Rex didn't know that Jack still had such a trick. Rex expected that he would be tricked this time. Rex then desperately defended his right side to ensure that the right hand holding the sword would not be attacked.

"I said that you can't beat me, but you can't defend against my attack." Jack took the opportunity to aim at Rex's left side of the punch, "first speed flash" and hit Rex's abdomen accurately.

Jack, who won the blow, was not ridiculous. At this time, Rex's sword reached out to him and cut Jack's arm.

"Star Sword", Rex knew that he could not defend it, so he simply gave up the defense of one side to lure Jack to be deceived. Then, Jack's side had a strong offensive, but once he punched, he had almost no defense. So the two sides became such a scene, Rex's sacrifice of his life and Jack's defeat.

However, the gap in strength cannot be easily made up. The two hit each other. Relatively speaking, Rex has lost a lot. Jack's fist strength is extremely powerful, and on the contrary, Jack is only slightly injured.

Jack: "Well, you'd better admit defeat quickly."

"It's just a punch. I haven't lost yet, and I can't lose." Rex's fighting spirit is very tenacious.

Jack became tough: "Sure enough, the fighting spirit is commendable, but I can't let you win."

Both sides have the idea that they must win, and the battle continues.

Next, Jack became serious and would no longer be easily fooled. For Rex, he lost more and won less. Rex kept being punched down by Jack, but kept standing up again. Rex would not fall down for the pursuit in his heart, which made Jack feel more and more difficult. Continue to attack.

Jack whispered to himself: "Even if I believe that your love for Miss Sophia is sincere, forgive me for my ruthlessness. There is barely no happiness."

People are emotional creatures. The soldiers present looking at this duel, everyone's mood is very complicated, especially those soldiers who support Rex's former Calade City. They are all moved by their officer Rex's insistence on love. On the contrary, for the "third party" Jack , I feel very disgusted.

The conflict between the two sides has been arising for a long time, and now it has been intensified by such a scene. I don't know who started it. Someone is secretly encouraging the soldiers of the former Karad City. The gunpowder of the long dispute, coupled with today's *, this internal conflict has been detonated.

The two people in the fierce battle on the field were suddenly stunned because they saw that many soldiers began to fight together outside the field, and the scene was extremely chaotic.