Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 484 Search and Meet

Boss Pratt, what are you talking about? Why don't I understand at all?" In the face of Prater's questioning, Orson did not expect such a situation to happen, but if he admitted it, it was all over.

Pratt laughed and said, "Hahahaha, you are really bad at acting. If you want to deceive people, you have to show your sincerity and efforts."

Of course, Olson can't laugh in his heart: (B bastard, old and cunning stinky businessman, be careful to annoy me and make you die ugly.)

Of course, what Orson thought in his heart will not come out: "Boss Pratt, this is indeed a misunderstanding. These epidemics and so on are just ordinary fever diseases. I believe that there must be so many people in the city that the dead are so that the bodies cannot be dealt with in time. This It's not my conspiracy at all."

Pratt's face suddenly changed: "Well, I'm so busy that I don't have time to play with you. Anyway, hand over the healing medicine, then take the money and disappear in front of us forever."

Take out the healing potion, isn't that Orson's card? What capital does Orson have to continue to be majestic, and from Pratt's tone, Orson smelled a trace of death.

Oson was suddenly full of hostility and thought to himself: (Damn, if you want me to disappear forever, I will be the first to let you disappear now. It seems that that woman was also with him. Damn, we were completely deceived and used this time.)

Oson had an idea, so he quietly approached Pratt and wanted to take the lead.

Pright's ability to observe words and colors was very powerful. He saw Orson's strange behavior and immediately sent out a signal. Soon, two men in black jumped off the roof of the tent and grabbed Orson when he didn't react at all.

Oson is also a famous and cruel character. Once he launched a fierce attack, even his brother could sacrifice before. Now after knowing that something was wrong, he immediately secretly took out his killer, made sound waves with his mouth, and controlled the mice hidden on his body to attack these men in black.

For a sudden close-range mouse attack, even the man in black still can't avoid it. In other words, they will not avoid it. They have been faithfully carrying out the order to contain Orson, even if they are bitten by mice.

Are these guys monsters? If you are bitten, you won't resist, or even scream? Orson felt incredible about the two men in black.

After that, two men in black appeared. They cleaned up the mice one after another with weapons, and Orson was in a big crisis.

Orson tried his best. At this time, he touched some mechanism, and then a bottle of potion hidden on his body was ejected, fell to the ground and broken. Then, a smell smelled into the whole camp.

"Wow, it stinks. What did you do?" Nicole couldn't stand it for the first time and shouted.

"Hahaha, you are dead. This is exactly what you just said about, the terrible epidemic virus." As soon as Orson's words came out, Pratt and Nicole on the court were shocked.

Pratt: "Damn lowly people, want to die with us!"

Oson: "End together? How can this be? It's just you who will die. My body is immune to this epidemic virus. Don't worry, this is a high-purity epidemic virus. Even the air can spread in an instant, and it will only take half a day from the onset to the end.

Oson believed that this was telling the truth, because Pratt and Nicole immediately felt that their heads were starting to feel a little dizzy.

Pright: "Don't think this can scare me. I know that you must have a cure on your body, otherwise you may not have traded with us."

Oson: "Sure enough, he is an old and cunning businessman. Yes, I do have the capital to negotiate."

Under Pratt's order, the man in black turned Orson's body and found dozens of bottles of various potions of different sizes.

Looking at these colorful potion bottles, it's embarrassing for Platte.

"Quickly, which bottle is the cure?"

"Do you think I'm a fool? If I hand over the life-saving things, will I still die!"

Oson's heart is harder, and Pratt also feels very difficult.

Osson: "If you have the ability, torture and force a confession. Let's see who will fall first. Let me tell you that even if there is a cure, it will take a lot of time for the effect to take effect due to different personal constitution. Hahaha, it's too late for you to find someone to experiment with these. I might as well tell you that many of them are *. There will be no special reaction when they enter the body at the beginning, but after a few days, there will be no medicine.

Oson's words further blocked Pratt's retreat.

Pright and Nicole looked at each other, and then laughed, which made Orson suddenly have a cold war all over.

At this time, Nicole approached Orson charmingly and whispered softly in his ear, "You are really smart. Originally, they wanted to cooperate with you sincerely, but I didn't expect that you treated them like this, which made it difficult for everyone to speak for you. What a pity."

Oson: "What kind of cooperation? Damn it. Your group of people don't want to fulfill their initial promises at all."

Nicole: "Actually, it's really not as bad as you think, but speaking of which, it's really not the result that you are satisfied with. Forget it. Now that you have torn your face, I don't want to say anything more. Let's follow the plan."

According to the plan? Unsatisfactory result? It seems that Orson's move is still not beyond the expectation of the other party. How will the other party treat him? Orson's thoughts were very messy.

Nicole put her face directly in front of Orson. Nicole's beautiful and charming fragrance scratched her head on the edge of Orson, which made Orson not charming. It was really sad that she fell into the abyss of desire in such a dangerous environment.

This is not to blame Orson. Nicole is born with a "magic eye" and has a terrible power that can** men. All men who are not strong willpower, even weak, have been seduced by her eyes, and fall under her pomegranate skirt. Orson is not the first, nor will he be the last. .

Nicole: "Please help me, can you tell me, is that bottle the cure? You don't want to see people become so ugly, do you?"

In front of the powerful psychedelic power of Nicole's "Magic Eye", Orson's will began to be unable to resist. On the edge of death, after several struggles, he finally succumbed to this power and "willingly" said the location of the healing agent and the recipe.

Nicole: "Thank you so much, then, goodbye."

Oson's end can be predicted that the result will only be like this for people who have no use value.

Nicole and Pratt then looked at each other, and then, in the camp, bursts of laughter echoed again. How on earth did Nicole get along with Pratt? Then, what are they going to do next? There is no answer so far, but it is certain that nothing good will happen.


In the city of Karad under the war, it was very chaotic, and in such chaos, Rex kept running here. The only thing he was most worried about now was to find Sophia as soon as possible.

Miss Sophia! Where are you? It's dangerous everywhere now!" Rex kept shouting.

They are also sad to see Rex looking around the city aimlessly and following Jack and Alan behind them.

Jack was even more ashamed: "I didn't expect Rex to be so affectionate to Miss Sophia. It seems that I really misunderstood him before."

Alan: "Rex has been a very determined and persistent person since he was a child. No matter what he does, he will try his best to do it, and for love, I believe he has completely put his heart into it this time."

Jack: "Alas, but to be honest, I don't believe that Miss Sophia will be the person you said."

Alan: "In a word, I don't want this matter to really go bad. It's really me to be a villain."

Jack: "Now that we go on like this, there is no clue at all, and there are battles around, and we just heard the signal to order the whole army to retreat. So, is it the right way for us to go on like this now?"

Aram: "In this situation, if you want to pull Rex back, you may really not be able to cheer him up in the future. I can't do this kind of thing that destroys others' lives."

Aran said this, and Jack was embarrassed to say anything more.

Aram: "In a word, just follow Rex like this and protect him for the time being. Anyway, I haven't foreseen too much danger at present. We are still in a safe area here. At the last moment, it's up to you to use tough measures to solve it."

Jack: "Are you going to be a bad guy again?"

Aran: "Hee hee, I'm not Rex's opponent. Anyway, I'm only responsible for guarding safety."

Jack: "Is it safe? Is your danger prediction ability really so amazing?"

Alan: "Speaking of which, don't you warriors also have a considerable sense of danger?"

Jack: "That's the danger that is really happening that can only be sensed. There's nothing we can do about it."

Aram: "Is that so? So, what would you think if I said that you might be in danger later?

Jack: "Can you even predict the dangers of others? That's really interesting. I don't know what the danger is.

Aram: "Real? That's interesting, so please help explain. Do you know the big guy in front of you?

Jack: "Huh? Big guy? Who is it?"

Jack looked up in the direction pointed by Alan and saw a tall man standing not far ahead. Then, the man's most unforgettable feature was his right arm with a steel prosthetic limb.

Jack: "Ah! What! Unexpectedly..."

Morris, Jack's old acquaintance, his appearance, needless to say, must have come for Jack.

Alan: "Look at your expression, it seems to be someone you know."

Jack was embarrassed: "...this... Anyway, it's not what you think. I don't want to know someone like him."

Alan: "Well, it seems that I have a headache now. Look."

In front, the distracted Rex is slowly approaching Morris, which is terrible.

Rex came to Morris and turned to Morris. Instead, Rex asked him, "Excuse me, do you know where Miss Sophia is? Can you tell me if you know?"

At this time, Rex had no idea of an enemy-to-ego relationship in his mind, and he just wanted to find Sophia.

Morris is a figure in the hostile camp. Just looking at the distracted man in front of him, Morris even disdains to take action.

"Humph, poor guy, it's ridiculous to be fooled around by such a woman. Get out of here, the woman you are looking for is in the house over there.

As soon as he heard the news of Sophia, Rex immediately became excited and quickly ran to the big house that Morris pointed out.

Aran and Jack saw all this behind them. Knowing that something was wrong, they immediately chased Rex.

Jack: "What, what this guy said is not a trap, is it?"

Before Alan could answer, Morris suddenly appeared and stopped in front of the two.

Morris roared loudly: "Jack, you son of a bitch, you can't leave here this time!"

Alan: "Well, it seems that my hunch is right, and I also believe that what he just said is true."

Jack smiled bitterly and said, "I can't be happy if you say that."

Alan: "It seems that the woman named Sophia is no longer such a simple thing. I'm really worried about Rex."

Jack also had a lot of thoughts at this time: "Miss Sophia... Then you can go after him quickly. What's the result? It's better not to tell me."

Alan can also see Jack's frustrated mood: "Is that so? Well, but what about your side?"

Jack can only continue to smile bitterly and say, "Don't worry, this guy only has me in his eyes."

Alan: "Oh, well, it seems that I can't help."

"Yes, this is my date with two people, or is it better not to be disturbed by others, don't you think?" Jack asked Morris.

Morris pointed to Alan and shouted, "You! Get out of here!"

Aran knew that he was leaving, so he finally said, "Jack, you should be careful."

Jack: "Don't worry, as I said, there is no possibility of defeating me."

In this way, Alan continued to chase Rex, while Jack stayed and continued the previous unfinished date.