Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 490 Showdown

Jack fought with Morris for the third time this time. The first time 12 years ago and the second time not long ago were defeated, which made Jack, who had a strong self-esteem, a considerable blow. The so-called three things, and in public and private, the enemy in front of us is also the person who must be defeated.

Jack kept thinking about the scene when he fought with Morris not long ago. At that time, in the face of Morris's invisible fist, Jack really had no ability to resist at all. Could it be said that Morris has really been able to regain his lost right hand strength for more than a decade, and Has it been taken to a higher level?

Jack is obviously not a theoretical figure like Rex. Perhaps, in actual combat, he can find more truth.

Morris also cooperated with Jack's idea at this time, raised his proud steel arm and went straight to Jie.

Jack: "Come on!"

Morris: "Look at my 'lightning right fist' and knock you down again!"

In the confrontation between the two sides, the result was also decided in an instant. On the battlefield, Morris laughed, while Jack fell to the ground in pain.

Jack was knocked to the ground by Morris again. The previous pain made Jack deeply realize that Morris was not an opponent who could win in an ordinary way. Jack covered his hit stomach and slowly stood up.

Jack shouted in his heart: (Wow, it's still like that. It's worthy of an arm made of steel. The fist is amazingly powerful. I don't know what happened to the ribs just now. It's really painful. I can't stand many punches from him anymore.)

Morris: "What's the matter? I just punched, and I can't stand it. Don't worry, I haven't planned to ask you to pay it back so soon for more than ten years. I want you to start with interest first, hahaha."

Jack: "Sure enough, you have always been a poor person who has been occupied by evil thoughts. In the past ten years, you have really not made any progress at all. Of course, it seems that you are a little stronger than your fist."

Morris rushed over again, and the steel right hand looked like a tiger and rushed to Jack aggressively. Jack could only choose to fight with all his strength, and then Jack was shot away again.

After paying another tuition fee, Jack seems to have finally learned something: (Damn it, if it goes on like this, sooner or later, he will be killed and can't see the other party's boxing, so he can't beat the other party at all. No, you have to think about it... At that time, Xiao asked him to help me block this guy's boxing. It can be seen that it will not be invisible as he said. Can Xiao Rang's strength be better than me to see it? I can't be that bad, can I? Xiao asked him to say that the other party's punch was not scary, and it was not faster than me at all. This has always been something I couldn't figure out... Wait, when I was hit just now, there was a strange and discordant feeling. Is it...)

Jack, who had been thinking about it before, and then couldn't figure it out, now, relying on his own feelings, he finally realized something suspicious. However, this is just a suspicion. In order to really reach a conclusion, it needs to be verified once, and the only way to verify it is...

Jack: "Come on, let's fight again!"

Morris: "I can't ask for it!"

"Bum", Jack got a lot of tuition again. I don't know if Jack can graduate this time?

Jack: "That's right, it's such a strange feeling. Why didn't I think of it before, hehe."

Morris: "Huh? You can still laugh. It seems that you have been beaten dumbfounded?"

Jack regained his calm mentality: (Very good, I finally saw a little clue. With Master Ben's genius mind, it's really a little humiliating to find these doubts now. Doubt? The first one is the feeling of punching. Obviously, this is not the feeling of iron impact at all, but it still hurts. Then, the second doubt, from feeling the crisis to hitting yourself, the time difference is that people don't have time to react at all. However, I still have time to make defensive actions. Although I still can't stop it, this can only show that the other party's punch speed is really not very fast. But it's so strange. Why can't you see it? My eyes are not that bad... Huh? The eyes are not working well?)

Jack seemed to understand something, and then straightened his chest and walked back to Morris again, smiling and confident.

Morris: "Very good, come again. This time, I want you to taste the painful memory of losing the most precious thing of the boxer. I'm going to smash your fist."

Jack: "Then let's see if you have this ability first!"

"Boom", Jack was attacked again, but this time, he only took a few steps back, and Morris's face sank at this moment.

Jack: "So, sure enough, hehe, the secret of your fist, if you are known, that's all."

Morris was shocked: "You, you actually saw through..."

Jack: "Yes, I finally saw through it. Speaking of which, you are really good at exploiting the loophole. You shouldn't call a boxer at all. Instead, you should cheat the master. You are a complete liar.

Morris became very excited.

Jack: "For a long time, you keep saying that your fist is so fast that you can't see, and then you say 'lightning right fist', which is simply a blindfold. Your right fist can't make a decent blow at all. I feel strange, even the two in charge of mechanical inventions in our army An old man can't make such a steel prosthetic limbs can be used flexibly, and your steel arm can hit a high-speed fist. In the past, I felt very strange that my injury was not a feeling of iron impact. That is to say, what hit me was actually not your steel right hand, so no matter how stupid the person is, he will know the answer... That is, in fact, it is your left fist that really attacked.

Jack is referring to the left hand that has been stuck in Morris' pocket.

Jack: "You big liar have been in front of others, constantly showing your steel arm, and then, every time you attack, you also let this steel arm make a big action. In fact, it is to attract the opponent's attention, let the opponent focus on your steel arm, and then ignore it. Drop your left hand that has been stuck in your pocket. In addition, you keep saying, what's fast and invisible? It really creates confusion in other people's subconscious, because martial artists like us who use speed as their own martial arts advantages will think in their consciousness that any invisible fist is because it is too fast, so they will take measures to improve it. The more you deal with it, the more you focus on your right hand. On the contrary, the more you will ignore other movements of your body. You took advantage of this to keep your opponent in the dark. Your real killer is your left hand! Hurry up, take out your left hand. If you want to fight, don't hide it secretly.

Since he was seen through, Morris was not defending anything at this time, so he stretched out his left hand from his pocket. What a strong fist, solid muscles, hard muscles and bones, and it can be seen from the thick cocoon above his fist, Morris In order to rehearse this previously unusable left hand, a lot of hard work has been made, and no wonder the fist is so powerful.

Morris's expression is not too ugly. Perhaps it is his bottom card, and there is still a great hope of winning. On the contrary, Jack is not sure of winning.

Jack said to himself, "Although I know that the other party actually attacked with his left hand, there is still nothing to figure out. Just now, I also carefully observed the other party's left hand, but I still can't see the other party's punching. It seems that there are still secrets that I don't know."

The battle began again. This time, Jack learned a lesson and vowed to completely see through Morris' strange boxing skills on his left hand, focusing on Morris's real attack.

"There are many dreams at night, and I won't torture you slowly anymore. I will kill you with one blow!" Morris made a key punch! Jack defended with all his strength.

"What! How could it be! Ah!" Jack was hit again, and this blow was extremely powerful. If Jack hadn't protected the key points early in the morning, he might not have been able to stand up again.

Jack: "Why, why can't you see... No, it's not so much that it can't be seen, it should be said that it has disappeared. Yes, the other party's fist has disappeared in front of my eyes!"

Morris didn't give Jack a chance to recover and vowed to clean up with him and catch up all the way before he saw through more flaws.

Jack avoided his front first and retreated.

Jack quickly recalled in his heart: (No, the disappearance of this so-called fist is his secret. As long as you see through this, you can win. So, what method did the other party use to make his fist disappear? It's really unheard of... Wait a minute, I can still see the other party's arm, and it's just a fist that disappears. Is it just that I can't see it? Is it my own problem?)

Jack should not be distracted. Morris took the opportunity to catch Jack: "Since you are distracted in front of me, go to hell!"

Morris's fist disappeared again, and when Jack reacted, he had been hit hard in the chest again.

Jack fell to the ground and fell into a semi-coma. When he was confused, the fragments that happened when he studied martial arts with Master James and Brother Ryan came to his mind:


Jack: "What are you doing, master? Let people blindfold you to practice boxing early in the morning. How can you fight like this?"

Wane: "Since this is what the master ordered, it naturally has his intention."

James: "Jack, you stupid apprentice, just don't know how to practice!"

Jack: "In a boxing method like ours that wins by speed, it requires incomparable concentration. If you don't have to observe carefully with your eyes, how can you punch?"

James: "Wrong! It's a big mistake! You know, once speed rises to a certain height, even the warrior at the peak can't catch it with the naked eye. This is the limit of the human body and cannot be changed. This is also the highest state of my 'flashing fist', which is the realm of the fist of God.

Jack: "I know, I know, you've said it many times, but I've just practiced the 'first speed · instant shadow' now, and it's still far from the highest level."

James: "Since you have hit the punch speed that can't be captured by the naked eye, why do you need these eyes? So now you must practice first. You don't need eyes, forget everything, and use the most primitive and essential sense of consciousness to hit the fastest punch without flaws. This is far better than The speed fist of all power.

Jack: "Yes, yes, I'm going to practice."

But Jack doesn't think so much in his heart: (What is the most primitive consciousness, and the speed far faster than the other party's power? How can you think of this kind of thing that is too illusory?)

After that, Jack and Ryan practiced like this together.


Returning to reality, Jack staggered from his thoughts and stood up again.

Morris: "It's great that I can still stand up. I can punch again."

Jack: "Ha ha, ha ha."

Morris: "What are you laughing at? Are you dumbfounded by me?"

Jack: "I finally understand all your cards."

Morris: "What!"

Jack: "Speaking of which, I really blame myself for being useless. As before, when I practiced blindfolded with Brother Ryan, I heard Brother Ryan say that people's eyes sometimes deceive themselves."


This is the follow-up to Jack's recall clip just now. In order to appease Jack to practice hard, Ryan told Jack some interesting tips.

Jack: "Huh? What is the blind spot of the human eye?

Wren: "It's the place where you can't see anything in human eyes."

Jack: "Real? Why didn't I find out that I had it?"

Wane: "Blind spots are very small and can't be found at ordinary times, but there are indeed interesting things."

Jack: "What does this have to do with our blindfolding practice now?"

Wane: "Actually, what I want to say is that this is exactly the same truth that the master wants to tell us. Sometimes, we should not believe too much in what we see in front of us. We should look at it carefully."

Jack: "That's nothing interesting, and I'd better avoid the big truth or something. I thought it would be great to take advantage of blind spots and take the opportunity to sneak away from the master's eyes."

Raen is speechless...


Returning to the present, Jack said confidently, "You attacked by aiming at the blind spot of the other party. I remember that the blind spot is probably in the middle of the eyes. No wonder why you attack other people's chest every time."

Morris's face turned pale.

Jack: "It seems to be right. Speaking of which, you are really amazing that you can aim at other people's blind spots."

Morris: "Yes, I don't need to hide it. My boxing is to aim at the blind spot of the other party. The higher the concentration of the other party, the easier it is to aim at the blind spot. I practiced this kind of boxing specially to deal with you and your master.

Jack: "It's really good to hold grudges for more than ten years to deal with us."

Morris: "Come on, even if you see through, you can't break my boxing. Once you concentrate, you will be targeted by the blind spot. Once you concentrate and distracted, you can't escape my lightning strike. Looking at your current body, you can't stand my punch anymore, and can you still punch me?

Jack: "No matter what, I will use my last effort to beat people like you."

The two sides are going to make a final blow. Morris gathered all his strength and vowed to make a must-kill blow. On the contrary, Jack closed his eyes in order to break Morris's blind boxing.

"It's so stupid to close your eyes to avoid my blind spot attack."

Morris punched, lightning strike, thunder fist, how should Jack deal with it?

Jack recalled in his heart: (Remove distracting thoughts, forget everything, use the most primitive and essential consciousness to feel the real power of the other party, and hit the fastest punch without flaws. This is the original intention of the boxing, the root of the fist, the purest punch, that is: the Fist of God.)

All the punches made by the essence of consciousness are the most perfect punches that need to break away from the obstacles of human spirit. Jack, a genius who can find beyond his own characteristics in battle, at this moment of life and death, he has initially glimpsed the initial realm of the Fist of God.

Jack's consciousness was a pure blow, and he didn't even know what had happened. By the time he regained consciousness, the result had been settled.

Morris fell down. His left hand was torn and fractured, and he was seriously injured. This time, his honor as a boxer is completely over.

Morris cried: "I'm not reconciled. I'm really too unwilling. I've been practicing hard for more than ten years just to avenge you and your bastard master. I didn't expect that even you, a stinky boy, could not win."

Jack: "You, really, you shouldn't think about this kind of thing at the beginning, and don't expect to win the monster master. He is much more terrible than you can imagine."

Jack looked at his clenched fist and couldn't help but be secretly excited. He finally hit the highest level of the flashing fist.

The essence of the highest realm of the flash fist is to be fast, yes, blindly pursue the ultimate fast. This is not the fast of powerful power. On the contrary, there is no absolute demand for one's own strength. If you want to cause powerful damage, then it is enough to just need the strength of the other party.

That's right, it's fast enough to get the other party's strength to hurt yourself. In front of the opponent's strongest attack power, use your fastest blow to collide with it, faster than the moment the other party's power explodes and transmitted, rush into the center point of the other party's power, and use yourself, even a little power, to let the other party's power be detonated on itself. Come on. This kind of boxing skill that uses speed to defeat any powerful move of the enemy is the strongest counterattack boxing skill of the flash boxing, "fourth speed · flash".

Jack is only peeping at the initial stage when he encounters the stronger the boxing skills. It is not only a requirement, but also to play a much faster speed than the other party. More importantly, he should accurately break through the explosive point of the other party's strength, without distractions, and feel it with the most primitive consciousness. In response to all this, Jack is still a little weak in this regard.

This time, Jack partially felt the explosive point of this power by personally accepting the same punch many times and using his body. Only on this basis can he hit this fourth speed flash at the beginning. It can be said that these losses he suffered before were not in vain. However, if you have to use yourself to feel the explosive point of the other party's strength in the future, if you encounter those opponents who can't stand up with a blow, then Jack is still very worrying.

Morris' hysterical roar: "I don't believe it, I don't believe it! Even if I don't use blind boxing, my hard-trained left fist is obviously several times more powerful than the lightning right fist in those years.

Jack: "I'm really sorry. You know, the blow my master hit you back then was only 1% of his real strength. In short, even I can't imagine challenging the monster master."

"It could be..." Hearing Jack's words, Morris completely collapsed.

Jack: "Let him end what happened back then. I won't do anything to you anymore. You should also give up your obsession."

"Woo-woo." Morris burst into tears...