Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 508 Broken Dream 1

Against Shaveto, no matter what, this is a fierce battle.

Jack first said, "What should I do? Although I knew in advance that I would meet this guy, I still feel very difficult to face it now.

Ewen instructed, "Tiglas has gone to save Anjo, and we must delay this enemy, at least."

Shaveto still looked down on anyone and said, "Oh, you are so confident that you want to hold me back."

Awen and others know the power of Shaveto, so this time they specially mobilized the combat power of such a lineup to fight, especially Xiao Rang, who is a key figure in this battle.

Seeing Xiao Jean again, Shaveto said completely fearlessly, "Don't think I'll be afraid of this guy. Let me tell you, now I have the good things I just got. You have no chance to win this time."

Shaveto took out a bottle of medicine from his waist and opened it to drink part of it. Isn't this the sample medicine Anjo just gave to Heinrich? It seems that Heinrich just handed it over to Xavito after the human experiment.

"Wonderful, it's really wonderful! In the body, power keeps emerging and the mood becomes happy. It's really wonderful!"

Shaveto is no longer afraid of Xiao Rang's energetic attack moves this time.

Jack asked strangely, "Hey, Elvin, won't that guy become unconscious after drinking this medicine? Why does it look more energetic now?"

Ewen seemed to notice something and said, "It was true that this was the case before, but I found that the color of the medicine he is drinking now seems to be different from what I saw before."

Jack: "Ah, it's better to say so. This is really a headache."

Xiaorang: "I can feel that the other party's anger is constantly expanding violently in the body. This situation seems to be a little similar to my 'heart seal'."

Evan: "Is it similar to your 'heart seal'? Does that mean that the other party has broken through the boundaries of his physical strength with spiritual strength?

Xiao Rang nodded.

Jack: "What, there is such a good thing. I'm a little moved that I can break through my own power limit so easily."

Xiaorang: "No, the master said that the power of people depends on themselves and slowly accumulates and condenses bit by bit. This is against the essence of martial arts practice and strengthening the body. The power exchanged by this way is an illusory dream. For this reason, I have to stand up and correct this wrong move.

Xiao Rang can participate in this rescue operation. On the one hand, Xiao Rang really wants to do his part for everyone, and at the same time, he has such a reason to fight for his own ideas.

Aiwen: "However, according to Xiao You, if the other party forcibly breaks through the boundaries of his own strength with spiritual strength, isn't it the same as you, who will be counterattacked by power for physical reasons afterwards?"

Xiao Rang: "It's true that we can't blindly cross the boundaries. This is the concept brought to us by the 'Wuin of the Heart'."

ai wen has an idea in his mind: "So, can we drag each other's drugs out? In this way, the other party will become weak because of the reverse phagocy of the body's strength. The effect of those drugs last lasted for a short time.

Jack: "But the premise is that we can procrastinate, and the other party's body has already become a monster. Can we still judge with common sense?"

Indeed, as Jack said, Shaveto's body is a modified monster. After all, this monster-like body, coupled with the super spiritual power stimulated by drugs, it is difficult for people to imagine the extent of such a combination of power, and, most importantly, they don't know After Anjo's improvement, the duration of this medicine has been extended a lot.

"It seems that I'm destined to be the first to take the lead, Elvin, just borrow your strength."

Jack's hands sparkled, and Elvin summoned a gem boxing sleeve on his hand.

Flashing, Jack easily circled behind Shaveto and punched Shaveto with ease.

Jack has tried to strengthen the gem boxing gloves before. He is confident that this blow will definitely make Shaveto very uncomfortable.

"What's wrong? Why is there a mosquito flying around on my back, which makes me a little itchy. From Shaveto's expression, there is no pain.

Jack did not accept defeat and punched heavily again, while Shaveto was arrogant and did not fight back.

Elvin, who was beside him, observed carefully: "I remember that the last time he took the medicine, the situation was the same. It seems that the pain in his body has been eliminated."

Xiaorang also said seriously: "My 'the seal of the heart' does shield my various negative feelings with the power of spirit, but the temporary suppression does not mean that the body will not be hurt, and the accumulation of damage will explode once it stops."

The outbreak of the "extreme seal" is fatigue, and the "mark of injury" is physical injury. Shaveto, a medicine that imitates the effect of "the seal of the heart", certainly cannot reverse the established reality. The power has a time limit, which has always been the victory that Irving and others have insisted on. So, as long as you accumulate more damage to Shaveto now, once the potion fails, the damage will explode, and it is not impossible to defeat the monster Shaveto.

"I'm tired of playing, go to hell!"

"Death Impact", Shaveto's super powerful blow is too exaggerated. It's just a prelude to the punch. The fluctuation of the strength of the fist has shattered the whole ground in front of Shaveto. Even if Jack can avoid the direct blow of the fist, he can't escape the impact of the other party's fist strength.

"Ah, it's miserable this time!"

Jack instinctively crossed his arms to help each other's head and reduce injuries as much as possible.


Jack felt that there was an object protecting him in front of him. The gem round shield, changed from the gem boxing gloves, was provided by Elvin next to him in time.

Even if there is a gem round shield to protect, Jack is under the "death shock", and people are blowing farther and farther like a broken kite.

Shavitto shouted disappointed and angrily, "Well, it's another annoying broken shield. Damn, it can't be broken this time."

How can Shaveto destroy the divine gem round shield with brute force alone? Shavitto is not the kind of person who likes to drill into dead corners. He turned his eyes to other people: "You're making trouble here again!"

Shaveto turned his eyes to Elvin. If he didn't solve it first, the annoying gem round shield would continue to appear. Since Elvin has summoned the gem helmet and the gem boxing and gem shield on Jack, Elvan has no star to summon the gem shield again.

At the time of crisis, Xiao Rang stood in front of Elvin and protected him.

"Don't think I'll be afraid of you again!" The effect of the medicine made up for the defect, and Shaveto was not afraid of small concessions at all.

Let him strictly guard the dignity of the warrior and never fight with empty-handed people with weapons, so his blade was not pulled out. But it is not that Xiao Rang will have no way to defeat Sha Vito, because Xiao Rang is no longer Xiao Rang when he fought with Sha Vito at that time. After that, Xiao Rang mastered another powerful unique skill.

Shavitto suddenly braked, because he felt that there was an incredible and huge power in Xiao Rang's hand. The blade of vitality is condensed on Xiao Rang's arm, which is the new martial arts skills that Xiao Rang learned during the confrontation with Xinghe at the martial arts conference.

Shavitto, who strengthened his spiritual power, actually felt the existence of the vitality blade, and the power of this high-essence blade, which once made the void disciple Xinghe invincible, is not a joke. Even Shavitto, who has always been arrogant, was surprised and afraid.

Shaveto: "How could it be? How could there be such a terrible thing."

Little Jean: "Would you please surrender?" In fact, I really don't want to use this power.

Surrender, such a word, is an intolerable shame for Shaveto than death. Shaveto took out the magic potion that had been used before again and continued to drink part of it.

The drug entered the body. After a while, the magical power was stimulated by the effect of the medicine. Shaveto changed to the arrogant face again and laughed arrogantly: "Ah, ah, it's great. The power emerged again. I feel that I am an invincible god in the world. I won't be afraid of anything."

Shaveto's self-intoxication, or self-hypnosis, is really disgusting, but on the other hand, this magical potion can really have the effect of improving the power of human spirit. Now, it seems that Shaveto has risen to a level above his own "seal of injury". .

Xiao Rang still adheres to the power of the "extreme seal", which is his insistence on his belief in fighting, but even so, Xiao Rang does not intend to lose to Shaveto.

Shaveto launched an attack, and the speed was as fast as Sasaki in those years. That is to say, the little concession under the "extreme seal" could not keep up with Shaveto.

Behind him, on the side, in front of him, Shaveto's figure kept flashing around Xiao Rang. Xiao Rang did not take action. He closed his eyes and maintained the alert perception realm of "quiet Xu Rulin". This ultra-high-level duel, as long as it fails to hit and reveals a flaw, it will be defeated by the other party.

ai wen can't lift the gem helmet now, otherwise he can't see what's happening on the battlefield at all. To keep up with the speed of the other party, he needs gem boots, and gem weapons are needed to attack. The lack of star points makes it impossible for Alvin to give support, and can only try to calmly find a chance to win.

At this time, in the distance, Jack barely stood up from Shaveto's "death impact". Even with Elvin's gem round shield for protection, the impact still made his whole body painful, as if his bones were about to be broken.

Jack was also constantly watching on the edge of the battlefield of Shaveto and Little Jean. At this time, it was difficult to capture the speed of Shaveto. Like last time, he couldn't find a chance to intervene.

Jack is not the kind of person who will easily fail and be discouraged. Naturally, he has an idea in his heart: (No, he can't intervene at will now, otherwise it will distract him. Moreover, can't my fist really hurt the other party... No, "Flash Fist" is definitely the best boxing in the world. It's just that I can't play it myself... No, I have to make a contribution. Yes, think about it. Not long ago, when I made the final blow to the guy with the steel arm, the feeling of the punch I hit at that time.)

Jack closed the door and calmed down and thought wholeheartedly about it. At that time, he felt when he hit the "fourth speed · flash", and the mood, and recovered the feeling of hitting the most primitive and essential punch.

In this way, the scene of Xiao Rang fighting alone with Shaveto returned to the court.

Shaveto saw that Xiao Rang's whole body had no flaws, so he simply punched directly. Another "death impact" hit, and the power was even more regrettable. Everything in the direction of the fist turned into dust.

Xiao Rang's eyes suddenly opened and immediately turned into a state of "invasion like fire". The condensed blade of vitality in his hand waved out and confronted Shavitto's "death shock".

The violent shock, the impact of vitality, Elvin in the appearance war was suddenly blown away. When Elvin stood up again, the very shocking scene he saw was the same as that at the martial arts conference. The huge impact made the whole earth complete, and a huge crack appeared on the earth. The surrounding buildings were pulled into the ground, and within 100 meters, the buildings were blown down. If this is a disaster, no one will doubt it.

What about Xiao Rang? Is he all right? Where is he? Elvin explored everywhere, and the first person Elvin saw was Jack. At this time, Jack was still standing near the crack, motionless in meditation. How did he support the impact just now?

Suddenly, the rubble of rubble somewhere rose to the sky. Hahaha, I finally defeated this guy and finally got revenge. I have always been a real god-like existence, an invincible existence.

Shavitto was the first to appear, and looking at his appearance, there were many wounds all over his body. This perfect body could not seem to withstand the damage caused by this impact.

However, Evan is more worried that Shaveto, who has a monster system, will be injured like this. So, what will happen to him?

Shaveto shouted, "Wow, how could this happen? My body was hurt like this. Unexpectedly, my body bled again, scars, which will leave scars!"

Shaveto can't feel the pain because of the effect of the drug, but the injuries he should have suffered are still not bad, so Shaveto has only now found his miserable appearance.

"No, don't worry, everything will be fine." Shavitto continued to take the potion. Sure enough, Shavitto regained his excitement and joy as if he had forgotten all his troubles. This terrible potion was really like a devil, constantly confusing his intention to use it.

Shavitto turned his head to Evan: "Hahaha, next, it's your turn."