Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 512 The Truth of the Conspiracy 1

The appearance of Becas will always be accompanied by a huge conspiracy, and this time he designed to let Kulos and Elvin meet alone like this will certainly not be as simple as letting the two father and son talk quietly.

Becas: "Clos Legion Commander, it's really hard for you. You don't mind me. Now arrest the important wanted criminal of the kingdom, Evan Elanres, right?"

The other party has put on a posture that you can't object, and Kulos has been silent about it.

Awen: "Bekas, you are already in violation of the royal military law in the name of your father."

In fact, there is no difficulty in forging letters and handwriting, but Bekas used the name of the highest army commander of the kingdom to forge any letter documents, even if he is also a military commander, which is a serious violation of military law.

Bekas: "For the best interests of the kingdom, this is also helpless."

"Bad, this time, I'm afraid I can't escape. What I'm most worried about now is that my father will be implicated in it." Elvin knows that it is useless to say this to people like Bekas. He is just taking the opportunity to delay and observe whether there is a gap that can create opportunities:

There are towering mountains on all sides and full of enemies. I thought it was an excellent secret meeting place, but now it has become a difficult place for battle. Elvin was afraid that his affairs would implicate his injured father. After all, Beckas's goal was himself, so he wanted to leave here.

But at this time, Kulos grabbed Elvin and signaled him that he didn't need to leave.

Evan: "Father, the other party's purpose is just to catch me. Now as long as I leave, then..."

Kulos did not answer Evan, but turned his head to Bekas and said to him, "Becas Legion Commander, there is no need to fake such a statement. I know your purpose very well."

Bekas applauded: "It's really worthy of being the god of war in the kingdom. It's really powerful. It makes me have to be very careful and more careful."

Aiwen: "Father, what is this?"

Curos: "If you just want to catch you, there is no need to write to me by the same means."

Kulos's analysis is very right. There is no need to implict Kuros in such a thing at all, as long as he sets up an ambush to round up Elvin who went to the appointment alone. Now that Bekas does this, it will be difficult for him to explain later.

"Let's get straight to the point, Bekas, haven't you already dominated the big picture?" Kulos is no longer an additional title after the name of Becas. It seems that the relationship between the two is no longer the same party in the past.

Bekas: "I don't know how much you already know about Kulos?"

Kullos: "You are indeed a very careful person. I'm just in the stage of speculation, and there is no conclusive evidence."

Bekas: "For good, it's just speculation. Otherwise, I believe that you have already sent troops to fight against me. In your annoying personality, I still have found something I like a little."

What on earth did the two say? Alvin couldn't understand at all, but what he predicted was that Beckas's goal was not just himself. Alvin looked at his injured father worriedly.

Bekas: "I don't understand. I've always been very careful. How did you catch my suspiciousness?"

Curos did not respond to Becas.

Bekas: "Are you afraid that I will deal with others when I go back? Don't worry, even if you don't say it, I will still do the same. Moreover, you found something suspicious about me, and I was aware of it, so I changed my strategy and took this move in advance.

Clos frowned.

Bekas: "To be honest, for so many years, I have always been grateful to you. If you hadn't given me such a painful lesson back then, I wouldn't have made that decision, otherwise I wouldn't have had such a chance to achieve so much. Well, in return, Kulos, if you have any doubts now, just ask, and I will try my best to answer you.

Surrounded by soldiers of the Black Dragon's secret troops, they are strong and absolutely loyal to Becas. This time, Bekas is in hand and has no fear of worrying about it. Moreover, he has been looking forward to this day for a long time. Maybe he really doesn't want to let this good time end so quickly.

Kulos cut directly into the topic: "This epidemic is what you did behind it, isn't it? Your purpose is to destroy the Blue Dragon Knights here?

Bekas thought for a moment, and then responded decisively: "Exactly."

"What!" Elvin was shocked, "Isn't this epidemic done by the lurker who can manipulate mice? Is this what you instructed Bekas?

Bekas: "Actually, I'd better declare it first. This time, the troops lurking in Karadner did not belong to my command. In fact, the 'Terfi' Chamber of Commerce were instructed by themselves. I know very well that they have added a lot of numbness to the rebels in your city. Annoyed."

ai wen met Heinrich and Shaveto before and began to be a little suspicious. Unexpectedly, he had caused them so much trouble this time. In this way, the destruction of the first city wall, the invasion of the animal army, the chaos within the army, and the spread of the most deadly epidemic turned out to be a big fight. What the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce made a grudge at the meeting.

Clos: "Bekas, you are really very careful and didn't come forward to direct me directly. That's why my pursuit of clues was interrupted. Your means are really cruel."

Bekas: "Do you mean that I completely destroyed the 'Telfi' business alliance? Indeed, I feel very sorry, but they are no longer useful. No, or they have made it easier to control.

Clos and Evan didn't understand what Bekas meant.

Bekas: "Before I, I did only buy several of them, the three brothers who manipulated animals, and Heinrich, who will be useful in the future, pretended to cooperate with the actions of the 'Terfi' Chamber of Commerce, and were actually obeying my orders. Of course, the thoughts of the group of the 'Terfi' Chamber of Commerce are also easy to guess. In addition, some of them are directly ordered to obey my orders, and I can master their actions."

Both Kulos and Alvin felt the person Becas, and their intentions were bottomless.

Bekas began to speak slowly:

"It's better for me to explain it from the beginning. This time, the role played by the 'Terfi' Chamber of Commerce is to come forward for me and help me do all kinds of things. For this reason, I have relied on a lot of efforts to let them join this military operation as a military and business group. With the guarantee of His Majesty's permission, even you are Kulos. There is no way to oppose it. Then everything can start as I expected.

"My purpose this time is very clear, which is to make the Blue Dragon Knights completely destroyed here. However, the difficulty of this kind of thing really makes me work hard.

"How can we succeed? The Blue Dragon Knights were defeated by the rebels? First of all, if you want to do this, the star group that has been in the defense and the lion heart group that has been secretly guerrillas. If it goes on like this, if the actors don't play, they won't be able to play. For this reason, I must find a way to get your two armies to fight quickly. Therefore, the fall of the first city wall of Karad City was also deliberately arranged by me to force the Lion Heart Group to appear as soon as possible.

"The main force of the Lion Heart Group appeared, but unfortunately, the comparison of combat power is too different. Moreover, you have never allowed our legion to get directly involved in your legion's action. I have tried this method of being defeated on a normal battlefield, but I really found that it is impossible to succeed."

Kulos interrupted: "When we fought in the first decisive battle with the Lion Heart Regiment, it was the combat strategy and internal situation of our army that you revealed to the Lion Heart Regiment, right? And the route for us to deliver supplies?"

No wonder that at the beginning, the material supply line of the Green Dragon Knights was frequently destroyed by the Lion Heart. Moreover, the tactical actions taken in the decisive battle were designed for the Green Dragon Knights everywhere, which made it possible to reverse the situation, but in the end, it was defeated by the royal weapon of the Blue Dragon Knights, the Royal Elite cavalry team.

Bekas also honestly admitted: "Yes, so I still need to take some special measures to achieve my goal. Fortunately, it's time for what I'm preparing to come in handy."

Finally, when it comes to the highlight, how did Bekas secretly manipulate this war?

Bekas continued to say:

"The three brothers of disaster, he is an important actor in my performance, but it's really a little troublesome. The more famous actors are, the more disobedient they are. They wanted to carry out mental control, but their boss Orson is very good at it and does not have direct contact with us. All negotiations are through the animals they manipulated. Communicating. And they are so greedy that they don't even let go of the reward of the 'Terfi' Chamber of Commerce.

"But fortunately, they are greedy enough money. In front of my rich reward, they are still very obedient and things went smoothly according to my expectations. The invasion of the animal army is just a small test. I know that their ability and character will definitely be defeated. As a result, soon, the three brothers were left with the most scheming boss, Orson of the plague, and he was the only person I like to be useful.

"Oson of the plague, as its name, as the name, his fierce revenge was launched, and the city of Karad spread an incurable deadly epidemic. Then, let the Blue Dragon Knights successfully attack, enter the epidemic area, and contract the epidemic, which went smoothly without deviation.

Kulos "praised" and said, "From the whole arrangement, it is really very smart. There is no need to borrow my own hand at all, and it is impossible for me to doubt that the real target of this epidemic is our Qinglong Knights."

It turns out that the truth of this epidemic is so, which completely reverses everyone's views. This time's epidemic is not aimed at Elvin's star group, and they are just victims who have been used. If the epidemic spreads directly among the Green Dragon Knights, then, Such a wise man, Bekas is not sure that he will not be suspected. It seems that Becas's move has successfully manipulated all this behind the scenes without making people notice anything suspicious.

Bekas: "However, you still found some."

Kuros: "Yes, according to the information given to me by Dr. Watson, I knew that this epidemic was related to rats, and then continued to investigate. As a result, I found that there were a large number of traces of rat feces near the station of the Canglong Flying Group near Karad City."

Bekas: "It seems that mental control is still not ideal. It seems that I have neglected. Even if there is no hint, these rats continue to quietly follow their owners. It seems that this is why you suspect me."

Koulos: "But it's a pity that there can only be doubt."

Bekas: "Speaking of which, I'm a little too greedy because I met the opportunity to catch Orson of the plague. For this reason, I decided to control him mentally and want him to hand over the recipe of the pathogen of this plague called 'Black Death', which will have a lot for future actions. As a result, he was secretly hidden in the Canglong Flying Horse Regiment for drug preparation. Now, I have the terrible epidemic of 'Black Death', so it is easy to spread the epidemic on a larger scale. The reason why the Blue Dragon Knights suddenly broke out such a serious epidemic is also arranged by me. And I knew that with your pedantic character, you would not abandon the infected third team. As a result, when you came back, you stepped into the epidemic trap.

It is no wonder that in the city of Karad, the birthplace of the epidemic, it is not so serious. Unexpectedly, for the Green Dragon Knights infected with the epidemic later, it is getting more and more serious. Sure enough, there is still a reason.

Bekas: "Of course, I know that the Green Dragon Knights will not be so simple and be defeated by the epidemic, and I also found that you are alert and the way to spread the epidemic can only end here. Next, it's finally time for another gift I prepared to appear.

After the epidemic, the major event that happened to the Qinglong Knights was defeated by the Lion Heart.

Bekas: "The Royal Elite Cavalry of the Green Dragon Knights cannot defeat the Green Dragon Knights on the battlefield without destroying this unit. For this reason, I also specially prepared props for the Lion Heart Group in advance, that is, the royal elite cavalry team, the fatal defect of the black horse - alcohol.

Kulos: "I have to admire your intelligence ability of Bekas. You know the weakness of this team early in the morning."

Bekas: "Don't think that changing a nice title can change the fact. The saxo cavalry, the older generation of soldiers during the foreign expedition, is unknown to everyone. Of course, I finally investigated the weakness of this kind of war horse's irresistible allergic reaction to alcohol.

Clos: "The lion's heart can use such a large amount of high-end spirits this time from the 'Terfi' business alliance."

Bekas: "Yes, so I said at the beginning that they were just scapegos who were performed this time and manipulated by me. Originally, I planned to find an opportunity to reveal this information to the Lion Heart Group, but I didn't expect that you still have some skills and found this weakness. In this way, I can also be more convenient.

The scapegoat of the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce is really quite pitiful. The dream of making a fortune was not only shattered, but also lost his own life. But then again, the greedy people of the "Telfi" Chamber of Commerce, even if he has face, can't listen to him so obediently. Especially the arrogant Pratt, as the president of the Chamber of Commerce, but quite a shrewd and capable person, how could he be led by Bekas so easily? Moreover, isn't Becas losing a lot without the solid "ally" of the "Terfi" commercial alliance?

Indeed, Pratt is not really so bad. In this battle, Pratt made mistakes one after another for reasons, and he can't defend himself. At this time, he, and at the beginning of this war, was already lying in endless darkness.

Pright is dead? So, who has always appeared in front of everyone and presided over the overall situation? Thinking of Becas' arrangement, you can naturally guess one or two of them.

The Black Dragon's Secret Force, the director of the Spy Department, is the best at disguised Qianmian. After observing Pratt's words and deeds for a long time, he played Pratt. In the past six months, others in the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce could not even detect anything wrong (of course, Qianmen played Pratt also appeared in front of people often, so that Envi was also constantly complaining about this matter. He was led by his nose. Not only did all the staff agree to participate in the war as a military and business group, but also blindly brought a large number of high-level spirits to "help". Everything was under the control of Becas.

At the previous martial arts conference, a big "Terfi" business alliance was planted. Their interest industry, and because of the name of Bekas's funding, the devil' palm penetrated into it and slowly controlled many key interests. Now I believe that for the "Telfi" business alliance, which has no use value at all now, even if the other bosses are destroyed, as long as "Pright" is still alive, the "Terfi" business alliance has not been destroyed. However, it is no longer the same internally, and the control that will be completed is in the hands of Becas. Let Bekas's strength leap again.

The far-reaching conspiracy of Bekas is really unexpected. How many other conspiracies are behind him?