Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 525 Windy Holy City 1

In the outer region, gravel, earth and rocks, wasteland, there is a desolate and dilapidated world everywhere, but it is under such a cruel living environment that has created the strength of the Ishubal people.

"Let's go! Hurry up!"

The countless Ishubar army is frantically attacking a strong fortress. This fortress is very strong. It can be said that it is no less than the city of Karad. It is simply an insurmountable chas. This is the bridgehead of the kingdom in the outer world, the difficult goalkeeper - wind Violent fortress.

However, unexpectedly, the army of the Isshubars captured it very easily and completely occupied the whole storm fortress, and no one was sacrificed or injured at all. Not because of anything else, but actually because there is no one guarding in this storm fortress.

The soldiers of Ishubal happily pulled down the flag inserted in the fortress, and then replaced it with a totem on their own side, officially announcing that this storm fortress, which has long been a symbol of the armistice agreement between the kingdom and the Ishubars, has been captured, which also means that Iraq The Shubars began to officially declare war on the kingdom.

Why did the Ichibals, who had a long-standing grudge against the kingdom, suddenly lift the flag against the kingdom? All this is by no means a momentary impulse, let alone a timely coincidence. All these are things that have been planned for a long time. Now in the Kingdom, the people are dissatisfied with the rule of the kingdom, and the rebels are everywhere. Because of the failure to suppress the rebels, the kingdom's military strength, both quantitatively and qualitatively, has been halved.

On the contrary, in recent years, the Ishibarians have rarely moved. No matter how persecuted the kingdom is, they still have not taken action. They have been nourishing their spirits and accumulating strength. Now, under the leadership of someone, this force has finally burst out.

Now, among the army of the Ishubals, led by a man of about 40 years old, not a tall figure, and then, with a thick yellow beard, a thin face, deep and wise eyes, what an incompatible Ishubal physique, but this man He is the commander of this huge Ichibal army.

"Report to Chief Saladin, we have successfully captured the storm fortress." The soldiers came to report happily.

Saladin, the great chief of the Ishubars, is the president of this army. This attack on the storm fortress was planned by him.

On the contrary, Saladin looked very unhappy about this great victory. His deputy Gadsef approached and asked, "What's wrong with Grand Chief Saladin?"

Saladin said bluntly, "It really deserves to be the kingdom's invincible legion, the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment, and his military division Yang, really deserves to be the kingdom's first military division. He is really a tricky person."

Gathev said puzzled, "Ah! However, didn't we successfully capture this strong storm fortress from the hands of the Red Dragon Reassemation Group this time?

It turned out that the previous garrison in the Storm Fortress was sent here a year ago. The Red Dragon Reloading Regiment, the strongest fortress, the Red Dragon Reloading Regiment, which is best at fighting in the city fortress, and Yang, the military division who is best at defensive strategies, are definitely a strong wall that makes people stop in front. I just didn't expect that it was captured by the Ishubars all of a sudden and so easily, which was really incredible.

After that, Saladin smiled and praised: "What a strategy of empty city. It looks like sticking to the bottom in advance, and now it has created all kinds of illusions, which makes people mistakenly think that today's battle will be a tough battle. Unexpectedly, they actually stayed up all night. All of them have been withdrawn, and they have not been noticed by us. Such waterless actions and strategies really make me, as an opponent, both happy and a headache. At this time, it seems that we really need to stop here.

Ghasev didn't understand why Saladin said such a thing.

Saladin put her eyes in the distance: "Forget it, if it's too easy to win, it's boring. Since there is such an opponent, this time, let me have a good time. You know, after enduring so many years of humiliation, it will never end so easily."

The army of the Ishubals continues to advance aggressively, and their next target is their holy city, the holy city of Alamah.


At this time, the holy capital Alama was immersed in the celebration, completely unaware that the crisis was slowly approaching.

Today, on the main road of Alama City, it is full of people, because it was once the largest city of the Ishbars. Although it has been occupied by the kingdom for many years, it is still the main residents of the Ishbars. Therefore, there are more Ishbars on both sides of the corridor.

Now, a large number of Ishubarians are lining up here, a lively and welcoming scene. This scene is like welcoming some important person. Under the rule of the kingdom, it is really rare for the discriminated Ishubarians to have such a positive and enthusiastic scene.

Soon after, at the far end of the main road street, a team of people began to come. Among the people and horses, there were neatly dressed honor guards walking in the front row. They walked in a neat and orderly pace and in the front line of the line. The scene was really beautiful. It turned out that there was a tour here.

Then, behind the team is a huge gorgeous convertible carriage pulled by ten horses. There are several rows of seats on the carriage, but there are only three people sitting on this huge carriage.

Compared with the back, there is a tall and thin, short and fat, two disalike combinations. What's more strange is that the tall and thin are the Ishbar people, and the short and fat ones are the people of the kingdom. They sit side by side and get along very well. Such a combination is no longer as unimportionate.

Of course, they still have the same point, that is, each of them wears all kinds of precious jewelry, and then the things they have, such as tin sticks or hats, are also first-class high-class goods. At a glance, you can see that the identity of these two people is by no means simple.

Yes, the two of them are the two most powerful auxiliary officials in this city, the Duke of the Kingdom named Falick, and Haka, who is the great priest of the Ishbars. The two of them play a vital role in this big city where the Ishbarians and the people of the Kingdom live together. It is also because of these two people's two methods of governance. Therefore, under the long-term policy of the Kingdom's discrimination against the Ishbars, the capital of Alamah, has also They are really "unable" to be so peaceful.

Nowadays, these two big shots are just sitting in the back row, so what kind of big man will sit in front of them?

No, it's really strange that the most advanced person is not big at all. On the contrary, under the backdrop of the black and white mountains behind him, he is not at all, because the one sitting in the front row is just a young teenager. He is dressed in dignified and luxurious clothes, and he knows at a glance that he is not an ordinary person, and he is the most fascinating. What attracts people's attention is the pendant he wears around his neck, which has the family emblem of the city lord.

This teenager, named Thomas Elliott, is 17 years old this year. He is the lord of the holy capital Alama. At a young age, he was able to become the lord of this big city because of his inheritance. Thomas' grandfather, like the Croft family, was already a very famous nobleman in the kingdom at that time. He was also awarded the title because he had helped the fascist emperor who had expeditioned abroad and made many achievements, although Thomas' grandfather followed the fascist emperor on an expedition to the outside world. He could not come back, but his lord's throne was also hereditary to Thomas' father, Warwick Elliott, and became the great lord of the great holy capital.

However, Thomas's parents also had many fates. Shortly after Thomas was born, Lord Varick hanged himself, and Thomas's mother also died soon after because of poor health. As time flies, Thomas, the young heir, is the only one left now. It can be said that the honor of those years has now fallen.

According to the law of the kingdom, at the age of 18 can he be regarded as a person who enjoys the rights and obligations of the law of the kingdom. Therefore, now, Thomas and he cannot completely inherit all the powers of his fathers. Therefore, this requires the two auxiliary magistrates, Falick and Haka, to be next to them and contribute everywhere, so it can also be done so. Zi said that now, the real ruler of the whole capital Alamane is the two auxiliary magistrates, Thomas, who is only the nominal supreme ruler.

"Welcome! Lord Thomas!"

Now, the place where Thomas's motorcade passes by, crowded people on both sides are constantly welcoming them. The scene is very hot. It can be seen how respected Thomas is in the city of Alama.

" Hello, people of Alama City!"

Thomas saw the enthusiasm of the people, and he was also ignited. He stood on the carriage and responded loudly.

"Good Lord!"

The people responded in unison.

He was so happy that Thomas couldn't help shouting repeatedly and interacting with the public. Seeing this scene, Falick and Haka behind them wink at each other, and then laughed gloomily.

Suddenly, a little girl rushed out of the crowd in front of her, and this sudden incident made the carriage stop.

Thomas hurriedly asked, "What on earth happened before?"

The coachman reported: "Lord, in front of you, an Ishubal child suddenly rushed out."

There was such a thing. Thomas didn't think much about it. He immediately got out of the carriage, walked to the little girl's side, and asked gently, "How's it going?" Are you all right?"

The little girl cried and said, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I accidentally came out of the crowd. Whoo, I caused the lord's carriage to be stopped."

Thomas: "Don't be sad. Don't worry, I will never be unhappy about it. Come on, get up quickly and be careful back into the crowd."

The little girl seems to be a little reluctant.

"My lord, would you please accept my gift?" The little girl took out a handmade wreath and handed it to Thomas.

Thomas was very moved: "Ah, what a beautiful wreath. This must have been made by you. I will take it well. By the way, I will also give you a little gift in return. Now I don't have anything in me. So, although this glass ball is not a precious thing, but Yes, but it's very beautiful and fun. Now, I'll give it to you.

Little girl: "Thank you so much, my lord. I will definitely keep it well."

Thomas: "Well, then, goodbye."

Little girl: "Lord, take your time."

After that, Thomas returned to the carriage and continued his tour.

Everything is so smooth and harmonious, but behind the carriage, an Eshubar man dressed as an attendant showed disgust, and, to Thomas, it can be seen that he expressed more, worrying about who is this Eshubar? What is the thing he hates and worries about?


After Thomas's horse convoy left, at this time, the lively scene just now suddenly clammed and became lonely. Then, the people of Ishubar gathered here with a happy smile scattered one after another, and their expressions were indifferent. Compared with just now, it was simply heaven and earth. Don't.

And the most surprising thing is that the little Ishubar girl just took out the beautiful glass ball given by Thomas just now. As a result, her expression changed and she was very angry. She raised her hand and threw the glass ball away, and then ran away without looking back.

What happened to the contrast between the two days? Why do the Ishubars hate Thomas so much?

No, it's not strange at all. On the contrary, when it comes to the festive scene just now, it's strange that the Ishubars and the people of the kingdom are at odds, which is the real side.

It turned out that all this was a lively play performed by Falick and Haka together for Thomas. Use their own power to coer force and induce these Ishibar people to play one role or another in front of Thomas.


At the end of the tour team, Lord Thomas returned to the castle. The happy scene just now was still imprinted in his mind, making him very happy.

Thomas looked at the pendant of his family emblem and opened it. Inside, there was a man, a woman and two handsome men and women.

"Great, father, and mother, you have seen that now the people in the capital of Alama are so peaceful and happy. I finally feel that I have not humiliated your parents and your honor."

It turns out that this pendant contains a portrait of Thomas's parents when he was young, and this is also the only portrait of Thomas's parents.

Thomas was so happy that he couldn't stop talking and said to the attendants beside him, "Are you right, Frassa?"

The Ishubar entourage, who had been following Thomas's carriage just now, has been his close follower since Thomas was a child. For Thomas, who has lost his loved one, this Fraser is his closest person.

Vlasa has always seen the truth of the tour just now. Will he tell the cruel truth to his master Thomas?

Vlasa replied to Thomas with a smile, "Yes, it's really a very pleasant tour."

Even Fraser said so. Thomas was very satisfied and returned to his room.

Frasa changed his worried expression: (Master Thomas, please forgive me for cheating you, but sometimes the truth is too cruel.)


"Hahaha, today's scene is really great." Falick raised his glass to celebrate.

Haka next to

also smiled and said, "It's too simple to coax our little lord. Just send soldiers to threaten."

Falique: "In this regard, you are still the most ruthless, and you have no feelings for your compatriots at all."

Haka: "Well, don't compare me with other Ishubar people. I don't like to be born like this. In short, after today's scene, our little lord can also be honest for a while."

Sure enough, there are all kinds of people in this world, and there are many scum who persecute their compatriots.

Falike: "Well, in a word, now everything is under our control. Those stupid people who don't know the truth are stupid and vent their grievances on our little lord. In this way, we won't become the object of resentment of these fools."

It turned out that Falick and Haka did so many things in order to transfer the hateful target of the Isshubars to Thomas and make him a false lord recognized by the Isshubars in the city of Alama. In fact, Thomas was just secretly using his name for Falick and Ha It's just a matter of two people. And even if something happens in the future, they can push out the little lord and protect themselves.

Haka later changed the topic and said, "However, in another year, our little lord will have a coming-of-age ceremony."

Falic said disapprovingly, "There is no need to worry about this kind of thing. Even if he is an adult, isn't power still in our hands at that time?"

At the age of 18, he is still an inability to be independent. I'm afraid Thomas, a poor little lord, still can't escape the fate of being played by these two people in the palm of his hand.

Frek is worried about other problems: "What I'm worried about now is that the current situation of the Ishubar people in the outland seems to be very bad."

Haka's face also sank slightly: "Are you worried too? Didn't you say that the kingdom has sent the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment, known as the Invincible Legion, to garrison it? As long as this army that will not be defeated is guarding outside our door, what else do we need to worry about?

Falic: "That's right, but I don't know what's wrong. Recently, I've been feeling uncomfortable."

Sure enough, the reason for Falick's discomfort will soon have an answer.

"Your Excellency, it's not good. The Red Dragon Reloaded Regiment has retreated from the Storm Fortress."

Hearing this war report, Falick and Haka jumped up at the same time.