Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 540 Arrival of the Holy City

"Sis, is this the exit?" Elvin looked at the stone wall at the end of the front and asked Sith.

Sith nodded; "Yes, it's here. Finally, we have come to the end."

The long, thrilling and arduous journey finally came to the finish line, because of the encounter with the underground demon "Aguma", although it succeeded in eradicating these underground demons, it was also a day later than expected.

Harek and Hoffman tacitly came forward, and then worked against the stone wall.

"Rumbled", the stone wall moved, and fresh air kept pouring in. There is no light, because it is night outside, and you can faintly see the urban buildings built on the mountains in the distance and a huge peak towering into the clouds without seeing the border. Yes, this is the legendary highest peak of the mainland, the Holy Peak of Alama, and this is the holy city of the Ishbar people. Alama City.

Really, this visit trip really went through successfully, and everyone felt a lot about the end of this journey.

Harek: "I didn't expect that I was extremely proud to complete this journey a hundred years ago as a journey of honor for the Ishubars."

Lal silently looked at the Alama Holy Peak in front of him, and his eyes were fascinated.

Xiao Rang stared at his knife and said to himself, "Master, I'm finally finished this journey... I finally understand what the meaning of my coming this time is. No matter what kind of hell you are in, you must implement your belief in the living sword, but this road has not been completed yet, and the final test is still ahead.

"Wow! Finally, you can breathe the fresh air outside. And Jack is extremely excited about the long-lost outside world.

Sith cautiously told him, "Jack, don't be so loud, because now, we have entered the area of the holy capital Alama, that is, under the enemy's eyes, and we can't be careless now."

Jack shut his mouth honestly.

Although Ying Maru and Xiao Ying were injured, they were fine. They went out to investigate at the first time. Sith also observed whether there were any recent traces of appearance near the exit.

After a while, Ying Maru and Xiao Ying came back to report that everything was normal and there was nothing suspicious around him. Sith also agreed.

Next, it is time to make further deployment for future actions.

Sith: "Xiao Ying, in the next few days, I will have to work hard for you to redraw the terrain around here for us."

"However, I'm not good at drawing maps." Sakura showed that she was a little embarrassed.

Sith: "I also have a copy that Chief Saladin put on Mr. Harek, this holy capital of Alama and the surrounding terrain map, which you can use as a reference."

Xiao Ying: "Since you already have a topographic map, why do you have to investigate it again?"

Sis: "Because, next, our actions are related to the success or failure of the overall situation, and we must not be careless. Although there is a topographic map here, after all, it was also a year ago. The world is changing day by day, a rain A gust of wind may block our way, so we must, once again, seriously, give a detailed understanding of the recent situation of the terrain here and prepare for our future actions.

"Okay, I will try my best to finish it." Sakura then accepted the task.

Sis then handed over the topographic map to Sakura, and then made a mark on it, which is the place to focus on reconnaissance.

Next, it's Yingwan's turn.

"Yingwan, as for you, I have a more important task to hand over to you."

"Okay, please tell Senior Sith."

"Here, and here, and so on, these places also need you to investigate first."

is another map, but here is another one. This is a map of the city of the holy capital of Alama, with more signs drawn by Sith.

Sith: "Shawan, the place you are responsible for reconnaissance, but there is a place where heavy soldiers are stationed. Remember, it can never be found, so don't take risks. Everything is based on your greatest caution, understand?"

Sith rarely has such strict requirements. It seems that he really can't find any loophole in front of Yang, the military commander of the Red Dragon Reloaded Regiment.

Yingwan took the map, so he also set off.

Sith: "Next, I also want someone to sneak into the city head-on to observe the situation in the city."

Positive action can require that those who take action must enter the Holy City of Alamas. For this city where more than 80% of the residents are Ishubarians, Sith looked at Harek as for the suitable candidate.

Harek: "Leave it to me. Because I usually practice myself, there are not many people who know me. My identity will not be discovered so easily."

Sith: "Well, please, Mr. Harleck."

"I want to go with you." Lar took the initiative to mention it.

"Ah, you too..." Sith was a little surprised.

"Sis, just let Lal go too." Evan looked at Lal and recalled the new life goals that Lal had changed in those years. This time, he could understand that Lal would make such a decision.

Sith: "Well, Lar's ability is also worth looking forward to. I look forward to you bringing back as much information as possible about the big and small things that happened in the city."

Immediately after Harek and Lar, Jack also stood up: "Hey, what should I do? I will also sneak into the city. Anyway, the enemy will not be too aware of my identity.

Sith: "No, I have one more important thing to give to you and Elvin."

"Wow, isn't it? Great, what's the important thing?" Jack looked forward to it.

Elvin obviously knows the plan arranged by Sith: "I understand, Sith, I'll be ready to leave and return later, bring all the good news back to everyone, and then get everyone ready. We will definitely arrive before action. Of."

"Ah! So that's it." Jack immediately changed his expression of disappointment.

Sith: "Yes, this time, we went through all the hardships and finally got through this journey of worship, and then cut off the heads of the demon 'Aguma' under the ground. The remaining 'soldiers' without the 'imperial' will be lost and slowly die, and there is no need to worry about it. . So, now, we must take this road back to everyone so that everyone can come here smoothly.

Awen: "Yes, the way back is not easy. Just in case, I can't travel alone, so Jack and I can go back together. With our feet, and there are night pyroxene as the guiding stones all the way, it will be much smoother than the first time to go back and return."

Although Jack was a little disappointed, he still accepted it wisely: "Well, speaking of speed, it's really something I can do for you."

Sith: "Evan, remember, you must be very careful on the way, because next time, you have to bring thousands of soldiers to come together. Although this visit has also been rumored by thousands of people in the past, it still depends on you and Agat to travel with a large army of 3,000 people along the way. We have to work very hard to command."

Awen: "I have had a prior experience, and I will definitely be able to bring all the staff here safely."

Evan and Jack began to return, and the only ones who stayed at the exit were Sith, Hoffman and little concessions. Hoffman's task is not easy. It is not easy to protect Sith and sort out the inside of the passage near the exit, and Xiao Rang also came to help. As for Chamcham, it's better to let her move freely around. As a guard, she is also very powerful.

So, on the first day when everyone arrived at the holy capital Alama, which is about to usher in a big storm, the dawn will also be slowly. Now, there are still 12 days before the start of the action, that is, the arrival of the "Day of the Holy Water".


ushered in the holy city of Alama under the morning sun, and people began another day of daily life. Because 80% of the city are Ishubarians, and they are approaching the "Holy Water Day". Generally speaking, people still often have smiles on their faces. However, even if the Ishubar people have always had a positive optimism in adversity, this can't change. In my holy city, I am in the reality of the ruling and oppressed bottom class.

Every day, you have to endure the bullying of the royal people, which is already the daily content of the Ishubal people here. Today, there will be no exceptions.

"What a bastard! Your dirty skin is really disgusting. Stay away from me." A middle-aged man who looked like a royal aristocrat, commanded his men and kicked a thin boy from the Ishubal to the ground.

It is no longer important to see who was right and who was wrong before. Looking at the nobleman's men, they still kicked and made fun of the Ishbarians who fell to the ground. This is really too barbaric and bad.

"Please let my brother go. Just now, he was just careless and didn't see you pass by and met yours." An Ishubar girl, who seemed to be the teenager's sister, rushed into the crowd and protected the injured teenager with her body.

Unfortunately, the girl's crying still could not make the nobleman feel the slightest pity. Perhaps the small misunderstanding just now was actually his daily pastime. Those men still keep punching the two sisters and brothers.

" Stop, we can't make too eye-catching moves." Harek grabbed Lal. He knew that Lal's action just now was to rush up and take action. Unexpectedly, Lar, who has always been calm, will be so impulsive this time, perhaps because she saw the shadow of her past.

Harek: "I understand your mood, but you have to understand that in the past, we can only save only one family, and what we really want to save is the whole Ishubar people. For the rejuvenation of the whole nation, we must be patient now.

Lal stopped and did not continue to step out.

"Guys, I hope you can abide by the legal system in this city and live in your own areas. After all, this is also the place of residence of the Ishubars. Can both sides stop here?" There were kind-hearted people who stood up and persuaded them.

"What kind of people actually speak for these aliens! Ah?"

Obviously, the noble did not dare to shout anymore, and the person who persuaded him was not a stranger. The person who came was one of the two auxiliary magistrates of Lord Thomas of this city, the high priest of the holy city, Haka.

The other party is also a person of status. As a nobleman of the kingdom, he was also very knowledgeable and left obediently.

Haka came to the two injured Ishubar sisters and brothers, helped them up with his hands, and kept touching their injured bodies, saying many words of comfort.

Two siblings thanked: "Thank you, High Priest Haka, for driving away these bad people."

The Ishubar people around also gathered at this time.

Haka took the opportunity to speak loudly: "Children, I also feel your pain. More than that, we all of Ishubal people have felt it. However, children, you should also understand that it is not the time for us to cry. We must now put this grief into our hearts, turn it into strength, and wait for the right time.

The person next to him said, "Priest Haka, why is this not the right time? Now, outside the holy city, aren't there many companions of the Ishubars in our outland? Now, we should have to correspond to them.

Haka: "My children, don't let anger fill your body and mind. In this sacred place, our mission is to protect it. We must protect the existence of this sacred city and not let it be destroyed by the war. So, children, please bear it again. I believe that the gods will not abandon us with strong will and piety. Please believe me. When the time is ripe, we will bring this sacred land that belongs to our Ishbars back into our hands, and I will guide you. Before that, we must be patient.

Haka's provocative speech inspired all the Ishbar people present, and everyone cheered and responded: "Haka High Priest, we will stick to it well. We will follow your instructions of the High Priest and wait for the opportunity to drive out this evil lord and the people of the kingdom. The timing of the home.

"Very good, my children, really, very good..." Haka's smile was full of unnoticed insidious smiles.

At this time, not far away, the noble man just ran into a room in a panic.

"Lord Falick, I have done what you ordered." The noble man said with a very attentive smile.

Falike, another auxiliary official of the lord, together with Haka, controls the power of the whole holy capital of Alama, and with what the noble man just said, it seems that what happened today is another performance made for the world.

Frick: "Very good, thank you for your hard work. Please retreat. Next time I have a chance, I will ask you to do it again."

Noble man: "It is my lifelong honor to be appreciated by Lord Frick."

Haka and Falik, a pair of two who played white-faced and black hands respectively, ruled the Ishubar people in the whole holy capital of Alama in such a way, and then left all the evil things to the young Lord Thomas. It seems that these two big villains are here In the coming storm, their role will certainly be indispensable.