Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 545 Memories of the Past: Uncoordinated Friendship 2

"What kind of person? You don't have eyes when you walk!" Rubat, who hit people, was in a bad mood, so he, who made a mistake first, also became quite unreasonable.

"Wow! It's so uncomfortable!" Yang's body is weak, and this collision has not recovered yet.

"Well, what a useless guy, as weak as a bedbug." Rubart's personality is hot, and his mouth is naturally rude to people.

"Alas, it seems that it's really unfavorable to travel today. Well, let's forget it today and come back another day." Yang never wanted to join the army. As a result, this incident just made Yang find a reason to convince himself to continue.

Yang ignored Rubart's insult and just wanted to get up and leave, but he was stopped by Rubart. Huh? What did you just say? Are you also going to join the army?

Yang didn't want to answer this question directly and said casually, "I really don't know what to say. In that direction, it is the recruitment office of the Green Dragon Knights. It seems that you want to sign up for the Green Dragon Knights, but it seems that you have failed? Is it possible that the application has been closed?

In Yang's heart, he may really hope so, so there is some reason to go back to his father's place.

As soon as he mentioned the application, Rubart shouted angrily, "Yes, yes, it's all over. Even if I enter now, I won't enter. You don't seem to have much ability. I don't think you have any hope. Leave with me. Don't go to the bastard knights. ."

Ah? This..." Yang is really difficult to understand the person in front of him.

"Ah, what! Anyway, follow me and don't go there!" When Rubat was angry, he was quite unreasonable. He picked Yang up and took him away.

"Wow, forget it. Anyway, the control of the Blue Dragon Knights is too strict. Even if I really succeed in joining the army, I'm afraid I can't stay. That's fine." Yang didn't make a decision for him.

Rubat didn't stop the resentment just now. As he walked, he shouted, "Bag, I don't believe that there is no place to go for any other legion!" Usually, there are so many legions in the kingdom. How strong it is. Why is none of them gone now?"

It was so noisy that Yang couldn't help saying, "The five legions in the kingdom are the most famous, but also the strictest."

Rubat shouted aggressively, "I said, don't mention this bastard knight."

Yang had no choice but to change to another one and said, "Well, then, the rest, the Holy Dragon Guard Regiment, responsible for defending the king's capital and protecting the emperor, is usually very comfortable, which was originally my ideal volunteer... Unfortunately, the recent period has been peaceful and does not recruit soldiers."

Rubat: "You also know a lot, hahaha, okay, it's decided. I'll listen to you. Which legion do you think is good?"

Yang continued: "The Blue Dragon Sea Corps is responsible for the stability of the eastern and southern waters of the kingdom. Recently, it has a good reputation for eliminating pirates. Moreover, relatively speaking, military life is also very comfortable, but..."

Rubat: "But what is it!" Don't be so slow. If you want to wait for the dead, just say everything.

Yang: "However, this ship is swaying around, and most of them are hammocks, which are uncomfortable at all. In the more than half a year since I came by boat from my home, I haven't slept well."

Rubat: "...Forget it, I can't swim anyway. I won't go to this kind of sea thing!"

Yang: "As for the Canglong Flying Horse Troupe, well, I'm afraid of heights." In fact, most of the dragons are not griffins when they fly)

Rubat also became speechless...

"The only thing left..." Yang didn't seem to want to mention the name of the last legion.

"Come and sign up for the Red Dragon Reloading Group and become a great hot-blooded warrior! No matter who you are, whether you have a specialty or not, as long as you are willing to join, this will be the place for your life to fight! What are you waiting for? Come and join us!" Not far ahead, the people at the recruitment office shouted there.

"Ah ha! Anyone can join! It's so happy. That's what people say! Hahahaha! We want to join!" Rubart was overjoyed and couldn't wait to continue to carry Yang and rush over.

The recruitment office of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment is said to be the recruitment office. In fact, it is cold and clear here, which really makes people feel something wrong. Compared with the recruitment office of the Green Dragon Knights, it is really much simpler. It is just a table with the flag of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment, and there are not many people, which is the most touching. To the strangeness, it was the warm welcome of the smiling recruitment officer.

"Ah, welcome, you two, welcome to join the Red Dragon Reloading Group."

As soon as Rubart opened his mouth, he asked, "Well, really, can we join the army immediately now?"

The chief of the recruitment department still answered enthusiastically with a smile, "Of course, it's really a pity for a man as strong as you not to join the army. There is no problem at all."

But isn't it strange? What procedures, proofs and so on are completely unnecessary. How can you join the army so smoothly?

Chief of the Recruitment Department: "My name is Kenry. I'm a captain. You can just call me Captain Kenry. As for this one? Are you?"

Captain Kenry pointed to the Yang who was held in Rubart's hand.

In this way, Yang was implicated by Rubat's unreasonableness. As a result, Yang smiled awkwardly and responded, "Is this my destiny? You can't avoid it, and you can't escape..."

Ah? What are you talking about? Yang's inexplicable answer made Kenry feel puzzled.

"Forget it, my name, just call me Yang." Yang accepted his fate of joining the army like this.

Captain Kenry: "Huh? Yang, there is also such a name among the people of the Eastern Kingdom?

"Ah! You are not from our kingdom!" Rubat was surprised by this, but he was also sad. Compared with Rubart, he knew little and didn't know that black hair and yellow skin were people from the Eastern country.

Yang: "What, you just found out now. Alas, the name doesn't matter. Anyway, with fewer words, you can easily remember."

Rubat: "Ah ha ha! You actually know that I'm the worst at remembering names.

Yang didn't think about it like this: (You need to know, you didn't even remember the name of the Blue Dragon Knights just now, let alone complex names. Moreover, maybe after today, you and I will leave separately and go back to our hometown.)

What's wrong with Yang's negative thoughts?

Captain Kenry: "Well, let's not talk so much about the rest. Today's application is closed. Let me back to the barracks quickly."

Rubat shouted happily, "Hahaha, I'm so happy today. It's called good here. It's far from the group of bastard knights just now. I can finally become my favorite soldier."

Yang, who became a soldier together, was not in such a good mood, and said sarcastically to Captain Kenry: "The procedures are free, and there are no physical examinations and tests. It's really very convenient for the masses. I didn't expect that people like me to become a soldier. It's really interesting, and Moreover, this red dragon reloading group is also very interesting.

Yang's body is simply powerless. Even he himself feels very incredible to be a soldier now. However, now, it seems that fate really played a joke on him. Unexpectedly, now, it is easy to join the army. As a result, Yang began to have a headache, and headaches There is a lot of love.

Captain Kenry did not respond much, but smiled and led Rubart and Yang into the carriage and went to the barracks of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment.


The destination this time is not the barracks headquarters of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment, but a simulated actual combat training ground around it. The suburbs of Wangdu are a very large area, enough to divide many regional plots for each legion to use, and this is one of the many simulated actual combat training sites.

The carriage stopped in front of a building here, and the people on the carriage got off the carriage. Rubart and Yang followed Captain Kenry and walked into the building. This seems to be the clubhouse of the combat command. All the way down, the rooms passed by are all battle-related rooms.

And Rubart and Yang finally entered a large room, which seemed to be the armory.

There are other people here. It seems that they are all newcomers who came to join the army to join the army. About 20 people look around and do all kinds of people. There are 40 or 50-year-old uncles, drunkards with dull eyes, and snots weaker than Yang. In short, they are all A group of people who don't seem to be eligible for enlistment. Such a group of people constitute this team of recruits.

Rubat was still immersed in the excitement of successful enlistment and didn't feel that there were too many wrong opponents here.

Yang sighed beside him and said, "Wow, it seems that wait a minute, something interesting will happen."

Rubat: "What? What interesting things are going to happen? Great, I can't wait, hahaha!"

Yang really couldn't stand Rubat, so he simply lay down and continued to sleep. Anyway, for him, what this thing is in the future may be out of reach. I don't know what will happen tomorrow today, and I don't want to think about why.

Soon, Captain Kenry of the recruitment office just came in and greeted everyone enthusiastically: "Welcome to join our big family of Red Dragon Reloading Regiment. Here, you can experience that among the five major legions of the kingdom, it is the most combative, rushing to the front on the battlefield, with the hottest The legion of blood.

It's right, and Rubart shouted, "Ah, ah, ah! Great, I'm going to have a good fight!"

Contrary to Rubart, there is no such a high response compared with others, and Yang is still lying there sleeping.

Captain Kenry: "First of all, let me introduce myself. I am the captain of the 27th Team of the Red Dragon Heavy Group, the 28th Squadron of the 3rd Squadron, Captain Kenry, welcome you to join the 237 team and fight side by side with my team."

The people below sounded sparse applause, which showed that these people also had no motivation.

In response, Captain Kenry did not change his face and still said with a smile, "I guess now, everyone also hopes to feel the reason why our Red Dragon Reloaded Regiment is called a combat force. Well, fortunately, everyone will be lucky to be able to experience the daily training scene of our Red Dragon Reloading Group, and also take this opportunity to feel our Red Dragon Reloading Group, which is a very bold and shocking battle scene. There are not many such opportunities.

Rubat: "Oh! The war is about to start, right? Great! I can't wait!"

Captain Kenry pointed to the military uniforms placed in the room and continued, "Well, recruits, these military uniforms, from today on, belong to you. Choose the right one, then put them on, and choose your own weapons. Next, you can officially visit and experience us. The simulation training has been held.

Rubat: "That's great. You can wear military uniforms as soon as you come up, hahaha."

There are many tall people in the Red Dragon Reloading Regiment, so there is no shortage of military uniforms like Rubat. Rubart suddenly picked up a suitable military uniform and hurriedly put them on. Then, weapons, he chose his favorite axe.

Of course, this big axe is specially made. After all, this is a simulation training. It is still very dangerous to use a real axe, especially a new recruit. As for others, they also slowly put on their military uniforms and chose their favorite simulated training weapons or shields. And Yang alone, he didn't choose any weapons. Perhaps, it doesn't make sense for him to choose weapons.

Captain Kenry: "Okay, here is the emblem of our 367 team. Please bring it with you. Next, please go out with me to meet, and then wait for the order and set off."

So, Kenry led this group of recruits and walked out, but no one noticed that Captain Kenry secretly showed a sinister smile from the corners of his mouth.


After walking all the way and standing outside in line for a moment, Captain Kenry said, "Very good, everyone, now, there is a simulated actual combat training between our team and other teams. I have arranged it. Now, you can officially enter this simulation. The training venue, join us and experience the actual training of our Red Dragon Reloading Group. Please pay attention to that side.

Captain Kenry pointed far away. In that direction, there was a small hill with a small flag on it

Captain Kenry: "Guys, wait a minute, you will walk along the road and directly towards the flag. During this period, if other team soldiers involved in the training appear, you can also show them your identity and let them understand that they will not fight against you. Of course, you can try to have a After all, this is also your main training here in the future. Of course, I also want you to feel and throw yourself into the battle atmosphere of the Red Dragon Reloaded Regiment as soon as possible with full blood.

Rubat shouted: "Fight, you must fight!" If we don't fight, what are we doing in the army? Which of you dares to run away? I will be the first to teach him a lesson!"

Captain Kenry: "This one is really good. I'm very optimistic about you. You are the most ideal soldier of our Red Dragon Heavy Regiment."

Rubat: "Hahaha, finally, I can fight as a soldier. Let's go! Come on!"

So, led by Rubart and led this group of more than 20 people who were not motivated, they began to walk towards the banner in the distance.

"Hahaha..." Looking at the small team slowly moving away, Captain Kenry began to laugh.

At this time, a soldier with the same unit number came from the side and reported to Captain Kenry, "Report to the captain, our preparations have also been completed."

Captain Kenry: "Very good, this time, it's foolproof, hahaha."