Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 559 Selfish Fool

With the momentum of two breads, the troops in this situation in military studies will fall into a very passive situation. Not only will there be no way forward and no way back, but also after being trapped, the intelligence is difficult to enter and sent out. Slowly, it will fall into a state of chaos.

Now, the situation where Yang and Lubat sit is trapped, and they are not worried about falling into chaos. However, on the other hand, for the reload of the red dragon, Yang's command will be cut off. For other troops outside, it will be like losing the body of the brain, and the actions of the limbs will become difficult to coordinate. . At least, Minos, the captain of the second detachment at the other side of the city barrier, seems to be a little lack of confidence.

Minos said to himself worriedly, "Ah, why are they all rushing towards me? What should I do now? Why hasn't the military commander given instructions yet? What should I do? What should I do?

Such a situation is indeed a little surprising for the Red Dragon Reloading Regiment, but there is no optimism for the surprise attack troops of the Star Regiment commanded by Agat. The situation they are facing is not a disadvantageous situation of two breads, or thousands of people are in tens of thousands of people. In the comprehensive package of people, it is more than 100 times more dangerous. Moreover, no matter how strong this bunker level is, it is still a little defenseless to deal with attacks from the other side. This is not a situation that can be handled with care.

Fortunately, in terms of city defense, the Star Group has enough experience and ability to be proud of, which is one of the main reasons why Chief Saladin wants to seek the assistance of the Star Group. How long Agathe can stay in this and how long they can persist determines the outcome of this war.

And in terms of the Star Regiment, as a military division, Sith will not do nothing but blindly strengthen the regained land to do city defense. In order to change the unfavorable situation of the two breadfolds as much as possible, Sith also had a countermeasure, or the implementation of this plan was almost thanks to the intelligence of Chief Saladin and his secret arrangements, Sith was only doing it more skillfully.

Chief Saladin and Sith both saw that in such a situation, there are still some other troops mixed in it. Yes, that is, the lord's army of the city of Alama, the capital, did not obey Yang's command at all. A force that can be said to be expected to act outside, and for this unit is really He has the command, but the great aristocrat of the kingdom here, the auxiliary magistrate.

Although Frick is a very scheming person, his little cleverness, in front of the great wisdom of Saladin, Sith and Yang, is just like a baby. In this situation, who can "use" this lord's army properly will also determine the direction of this war. One of the important road signs.

At this time, Evan and a small number of Sith and other people mixed into the city of St. Alma early in the morning.

Sis: "In order to avoid such an unfavorable situation as much as possible, especially for the weakness of the poor defense on the other side, we must continue to create chaos in the city of Saint-Alama, and the better."

Evan: "The purpose is to make the lord's troops unable to go out, so as to relieve the pressure on our enemy."

Sith: "More than that, I also want this lord's army to help us a little."

Evan: "Help? Is it..."

Sith: "Yes, we are very lucky. Things have not changed much. It's all going very well. It's up to me."


"It's not good, there is an enemy attack! A large army of the enemy captured the nearest bunker to us.

"A lot of enemies! Come and save us!"

"It's the troops of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment. They came to attack us!"

There were many soldiers of the lord's troops running and shouting. These were all the soldiers who had just escaped from the bunker checkpoint. They fled back desperately, and then kept shouting and calling for reinforcements, which made the whole city know about this.

This news like Lei Zhenshan soon reached Falick's ears, so that he, who had not yet woken up, was almost scared to fall down from **.

Fac: "What's going on? Did the troops of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment attack us? How can this happen!"

The soldiers who fled back reported there in shock: "Lord Falick, we were indeed attacked by a mysterious force just now, and there are thousands of people. Hundreds of us can't resist it at all, so..."

Fac was furious: "That's why I just gave up this, the most important level for the Holy City, right?"

The soldier defended timidly: "Please forgive me. The other party is really too powerful. He moves quickly and well-trained. At a glance, he knows that he is a very regular legion soldier. We really did our best."

Frek: "Well, there is no need to explain. Now you make it clear to me. Are you sure that this is the army of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment? Be careful with me. You can't joke about this kind of thing.

You really can't joke casually. You know, the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment has 80,000 soldiers stationed here. This little thing of the lord's army is like a toy in front of the regular legion of the kingdom. At the beginning, Falick was resolutely disgusted with the retreat of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment from the storm fortress, which was most worried about such a situation.

To this question, the escaped soldier replied hesitantly, "I'm not sure about this..."

Frick: "Buck, what did you say just now!"

Soldier: "I was also running desperately, ah, no, when I came back to report the military situation, and then I heard other soldiers who rushed back with me."

Because of the escape and the reason before the sky was not completely bright, the soldiers who escaped were all in a mess. It was difficult to manage who was so much, so the soldier seemed a little lack of confidence when reporting the content of the hearsay.

farick: "Fuck, what do you do! Hurry up and figure it out first!"

The soldier replied tremblingly, "Because the other party attacked too suddenly, and the sky is not yet dawn, I can't tell who the other party is at all. Ah, but I'm sure that the other party is not a foreign nation, but a real person in our kingdom. Moreover, there are thousands of people. Think about it seriously. In this city, except for the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment, there can be no other troops on such a scale that will attack us.

Frek: "Huh! Are you teaching me?"

The soldier quickly bowed his head and apologized: "Your Excellency, I dare not."

However, listening to the soldier's analysis, there is nothing wrong with this. If the Ishbars attack, there will not be such doubts. On the contrary, the enemy that appears now is the people of the kingdom. On the contrary, the more you think about this kind of thing, the more wrong it becomes, and Falick is stuck in doubtful thoughts. He never thought that this was another reason why Chief Saladin wanted to seek the assistance of the Star Group, in order to make him hesitate.

At this time, Haka also received the news and rushed over to hear the soldier's report just now.

Haka: "Well, it's really strange that there is such a thing. How can other enemies attack?"

The soldier suddenly remembered something and said excitedly, " By the way, my lord, I remember that I did hear something strange from the other party."

Frek: "Strange words? Come on, what the hell is it?

Soldier: "When the other party attacked us, it was very strange that he was shouting something on his mouth. It was really strange to understand what to save the lord."

Fac was shocked: "What! Really?"

The soldier was scared instead: "Well, this is indeed what I heard with my own ears."

Things suddenly changed 180 degrees. Falique quickly broke away the soldier, and then secretly discussed with Haka, "Is the matter of our imprisonment of the lord's boy known to the Red Dragon guys?"

Haka: "I dare not confirm, but there are not many people who know about this, and they are basically our confidants. Ah, by the way, and the guy Frasa escaped for him before, but now he doesn't know where he is going. Is it suspicious that he went to the Red Dragon Reloading Group to denounce us?

Frek: "Damn it, there is only such a reason to explain all this, but this doesn't make sense. Even if you know all this, those guys in the Red Dragon Reload Group have no reason to take care of the affairs of our regime here."

Haka: "Those guys in the Red Dragon Reloaded Regiment really can't guess their intentions with common sense, especially the military division of this legion. I've seen him. He looks like a strange oriental country. He looks weak. In fact, it is rumored that he is very strange. Strange people even said that he could do some witchcraft in the Eastern country. In short, all the people of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment now obey his orders.

Falique: "Damn, then I understand that those guys in the Red Dragon Reloaded Group have long disliked us. They have made excessive requests many times before, but they have been resolutely rejected by me, so they must all hold a grudge and want to take advantage of us to imprison the little lord. Let's get rid of the son's business, and then they will take our place and become the mastermind behind the city.

Frek is really full of association, but who told them to do the same thing themselves? The thief shouted to catch the thief, and they were also soware of others.

Falic: "Yes, it must be like this. The little girl who told the truth to the lord is the daughter of the commander of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment, bastard. It turns out that all this was planned early in the morning. And this time, on the grounds of the appearance of the mysterious army, I thought that even if I failed, I could take the opportunity to muddle through. Damn, we were fooled.

Haka himself is also suspicious all the way. Now, after saying this, various signs now also indicate that this attack is likely to be the action that the Red Dragon Reloading Group has already planned to seize power. It is difficult for him to think that his painstaking efforts for many years will be taken away by others. To calm down.

Haka also agreed with Frick's conjecture just now: "Now the situation is critical. Just in case, we must not make any mistakes. Now even if something really happens, we have to keep ourselves. Yes, we can't let any army enter our city."

Falic immediately ordered: "Yes, we must defend our city. Come on! My, no, it's the order of the lord. Now because there are rebels appearing outside the city, in order to protect the city from being destroyed by the enemy, no troops can enter now, even the troops of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment.

Haka: "However, we don't have any urban defense buildings here. How can we defend against the opponent's attack?"

Because the city of Alma is a mountain city built on the mountain, and the terrain is not suitable for the construction of fortifications such as city walls, so the city defense fortifications are located in the outer suburbs, relying on the four city checkpoints in three directions, but once the city checkpoint is broken, the city will be exposed to the enemy. Before.

Falic said helplessly, "You can only take one step."

Haka: "You and I also need to prepare for the 'Holy Water Day' immediately. As long as we stabilize the Isshubar people in the city, maybe we can also repel the enemy at the critical moment."

Frek: "Great, then don't mess it up."

Haka: "Don't worry, the people in the city hate the lord's boy, and they don't like the soldiers of the kingdom. With me, I can definitely stabilize them. On your side, it's better to think of more ways. Your daughter and her companions are a very powerful help. At this time, you should stop thinking about face and ask her for help.

Falike sighed: "Alas, this is the only way to do this, but she and her companions are also a group of very stubborn principled people. Even if they help, it may not be of great help."

Even so, Falick still left quickly and walked to a room in his mansion. Open the door, and there are six people inside.