Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 578 Unexpected Battle: Killing Sword and Living Sword 2

"Is this your awareness? No, in this case, you can't prove that the living sword is better than the killing sword. In this way, you will die. Sasaki's voice came from behind him.

Sasaki's speed has always been very fast, but this time, it is even more unbelievable that he can't even notice it.


Blood splashed in the air, and behind Xiao Rang, there was a knife wound with a deep bone, which was almost fatal enough. If it hadn't been for Xiao Rang under the "mark of injury" and didn't let the pain drive himself crazy, he might have fallen to the ground early in the morning. How could he have been so fiasco?

Sasaki: "As I said, stepping into the way of Shura is the road of killing, liberating my ferocity and releasing my real strength. I will never show mercy next time."

That is to say, his next knife will be completely killed. Sasaki will kill Xiao Rang, let himself step into the way of Shura from now on, and there will be no more confusion. With a killing sword, he will continue to seek the road to defeat the void of the god of martial arts.

Sasaki completely liberated his murderous intention. The animals in the whole mountain seemed to encounter a natural disaster and death. They abandoned their caves to escape and died, trying to escape from the place where the two swordsmen were.

Unexpectedly, he just understood the way of Shura and was already so powerful. No wonder Xinghe would not choose to fight with Sasaki. What should I do? Continue to improve the seal of the heart and reach the "unless seal"? No, no, Xiaorang promised the master that he would never use it, which would cause permanent damage to his body. Moreover, what's the difference between the pursuit of power improvement at all costs and the way of Shura that Sasaki has stepped into?

The strength lies not in its strength, but in its use of use. This is what Master Jianxin has been teaching himself for a long time. And since I met Ai Wen and others, and have experienced many times with them in the past, I have never imagined and experienced them before. I have met many people, seen a lot of things, and understood a lot of truths, which made him no longer just an inch of the warrior village, but Come to the wider sky of the outside world.

These beautiful things he cares about in his heart are the most precious things. The more things he protects, the stronger his heart will be.

"Power must be used correctly. The sword in your hand must be clenched for protection. Only the heart is our greatest weapon and power." To protect these things, you must rely on the knife in your hand to close your eyes, let yourself enter the realm of the mirror to stop the water, and then make a posture of drawing a knife.

Sasaki: "Very good, you are indeed an admirable opponent. This blow will be the final blow."

Xinghe, who watched the battle next to him, could see through this. Sasaki's murderous intention has reached the limit. The murderous intention dominated his own will, let it rage and let himself become Shura. This knife is a must-kill blow that completely cut off the path of the warrior and completely enter the way of Shura.

So now, compared with the silence of Xiao Rang, Sasaki seems to have changed into a person, with a ferocious face, like a battlefield Shura demon. The resentment of the battlefield dead who has been attached to him for many years has burst out at once.

"Sura Wushuang·Dream Moon has no thought!"

Sasaki's strongest drawing knife is now powerful enough to split everything in front of him under the wave of his own * "God and Emperor Guard". This move is different from the past. It is no longer sent out in the form of sword spirit impact. Sasaki's whole person also moved and approached Xiao Rang. This is to make the sword spirit explode at a closer distance, the ultimate "dream moon has no idea".

For Sasaki, who stepped into the way of Shura, the reason why he was able to use such a powerful meaning is that from the beginning, he would not choose to stop and liberate the murderousness of all the warriors's bondage, which has made his heart unable to see anything.

Xiao Rang also drew the knife. At the speed of drawing the knife, the sound of the knife rubbing with the scabbard had not been heard, and the blade had already rushed out of the scabbard and cut towards Sasaki. This kind of arcane meaning that exceeded the speed of drawing the knife was the previous martial arts conference, which was better than Sasaki's heart martial arts "silence".

"The same trick, it doesn't work if you use it again!" Sasaki has seen the speed and essence of this knife drawing technique. How can he win Sasaki by using it again?

Between the lightning, Sasaki and Xiaorang's two blades collided without any sound, because the sound was not as fast as the blade, and even the spark of the iron weapon was not generated. The pendulum of time seemed to stop swing, and everything stopped in this picture.

"It can't be like this! Unexpectedly, it was broken..." Xinghe's eyes barely caught the result.

In the light of the knife, the result is that someone's knife is disconnected.

Yes, it is broken. The two invincible forces collide. The strong will win, and the result of the loser can only be...

On the court, he clenched Sasaki with the broken knife handle. Unexpectedly, he, who had been strong from beginning to end, was actually broken by his knife.

The power of "Dream Moon" drawing sword skills is really too strong. Even * "God-Imperial Guard" can't withstand such an impact, which is the same situation as at the martial arts conference, but will the result be the same?

Looking back at Xiao Rang, he is still holding his "edgeless" and standing still. There is no crack on his "edgeless" at all. It's really amazing. What happened at that moment?

After a period of silence.

"You are really, so excellent that I realized that the real strength of the living sword, I lost..." Sasaki confessed his failure and fell down.

And the winner is naturally a small concession standing on the field, but his situation is also not good. It seems that the blow just now has exhausted the limit of the "mark of injury", so now he doesn't even have the strength to speak. The injury on his back, coupled with the reverse injury of overdrawn the limit of his body, he has been unconscious. Go, the body also fell down.

"What a wonderful duel, which also made me find a new direction." Xinghe dodged in time and held the little Jean who was about to fall to the ground. It seemed that he also benefited greatly this time.

"Fortunately, I'm here, otherwise, if you fall down like this, you will really die." Xinghe quickly dealt with Xiao Rang.

Then Xinghe said to Sasaki, "You should still be awake."

"Yes, that move just now was really exquisite." Sasaki couldn't move, but he was still unconscious.

Xinghe: "The essence of the living sword is that the sword used to protect others, the more you cherish the things you want to protect in your heart, the more powerful you will be."

Sasaki: "Yes, there must be a lot of things he cherish in his mind, right?"

Xinghe: "Yes, when I first met him, I also saw that there were many partners fighting with him beside him. He was very happy with these partners."

Sasaki: "Really? It seems that this is the reason why I have been alone for a long time, unable to surpass each other and break through my limits."

Xinghe; "It seems that the way of Shura is not suitable for you at all. No, it's better to let this way of Shura be sealed in history forever."

Sasaki: "Yes, it seems that when the things here are over, I will also end a person's trip and work hard with him and his partners to understand the essence of the living sword."

Sasaki said his new will. He wants to get along with others like Xiao Rang, no longer be lonely, and let himself have more precious things in his heart in addition to martial arts. ( Dark Star: Sasaki Kyo joined)

Xinghe: "Yes, the lonely person who seeks the peak of martial arts... I hope that Master Void can also understand this."

Xinghe is really worried that his master will also step on the road that can't be turned back like Sasaki. Fortunately, Sasaki struggled in his heart, and he found Xiao Rang to let him stop him. However, if this is the case, who can stop the void of the god of war?


Xinghe recalled the moment when Xiao Rang fought with Sasaki just now, and he really couldn't forget it for the rest of his life. Just now, when the two knives collided fiercely, Xinghe judged that Sasaki's power was completely suppressing Xiaorang, and the wind pressure waved by the blade of the "God-Imperial Guard" drawing the knife hit Xiaorang. The power of this "dream moon" sword drawing skill made him irresistible. , is Xiao Rang going to become Sasaki's first dead soul under the knife?

I thought that the overall situation had been decided, but I didn't know that the real power of Xiao Rang had just begun.

Xiaozang will not be afraid of sacrificing for others, but if he sacrifices here, it will put Sasaki on a road that can't be turned back. For this reason, Xiaozang must live and win.

Power does not exist in the entity, and power should be from the heart. This is what Master Jianxin has always taught him, and now, it is exactly the same with him.

Xiao let his eyes suddenly change, and the unprecedented strong willpower kept bursting out of his firm eyes. Then, as the pendulum swings the next minute, the final result appears.

The wind pressure generated by Sasaki's sword skills was about to swing to Xiao Rang, but it stopped. It was framed by an invisible blade. Sasaki's closed heart at that time could no longer see the power, but that power really existed. , a force that can compete with the power of "Unparalleled Dream Moon".

This is the power of vitality.

The vitality form of Xiaorang is attached to the blade and condensed into the shape of the blade. Then, after the last battle with Xinghe, he realized a new way of using vitality, which can be completely attached to the blade without need, and attached to objects such as the arm. That is to say, similar to the same way, this time is small Let his whole body completely become a Taidao in the form of vitality.

The vitality of the Void School of the Wushen is controlled out of thin air, and the vitality essence of the Sword Heart Master School is condensed, and the advantages of the two martial arts belonging to the same line are now concentrated on Xiao Rang.

The existence of Xiao Rang's power does not need to rely on physical objects. The high-enum vitality Tai Dao fills the whole body. It can be said that Xiao Rang's knife is him, he is the knife, and the combination of human knives has become the truly strongest Tai Dao.

The last time it was enough to cut through the powerful " vitality bullet". Now, it is this endless power from the world that can compete with Sasaki's most extreme sword drawing arcane "Sura Wushuang · Mengyue Wuxiang".

But the subtlety of Xiao Rang's moves is more than that. It has temporarily prevented Sasaki's sword drawing mystery. However, in order to win, it must also attack, and the key to winning Xiao Rang can still only rely on vitality.

The blade of vitality was cut down at Sasaki. As a result, because of the characteristics of sword drawing only attacking but not defending, Sasaki ate Xiao Rang's vitality chopping.

In the duel between the talents and warriors, the victory or defeat can be determined in one move. What's more, Xiao Rang's vitality is unimaginable, so the results after this will appear.


Xinghe finally recovered from the aftertaste of the wonderful duel just now, and then held the little Jean in the coma in his arms, looked at him, and said with a smile, "Only when you look closely can you see clearly. What a young face it is. The last time it was only two years. Now he is still at this age. , there have been today's achievements. In time, I will definitely become a generation of martial arts masters. It seems that I also need to redouble my efforts.

Xinghe turned to the boulder next to him and shouted, "Come out, ride the wind. Don't hide there. Come and help take care of these two people."

I jumped out of the boulder by the wind: "Ah, you still found out by Brother Xinghe. I really missed a good show just now. I have just finished a competition, and my body is not much better than them.

The wind's body was dusty, and his body seemed to have a great injury. What was the result of Jack's battle with Chamcham?

Xinghe: "The purpose of our coming here is not to target anyone. You acted at will just now. I have to teach you well later."

Riding the wind: "Ah! No, Brother Xinghe, I didn't do anything to both of them. After that move just now, we stopped. Both of them left. In this way, nothing happened, hehe.

Xinghe: "Hurry up, we're going to send them to his companions."

Take advantage of the wind: "Okay, okay."

Looking at the figure of the young generation, Xinghe sighed that this era is really an era of new generations. Perhaps he, or his master, can't reach the peak of martial arts, will be climbed by this generation.

Xinghe is both envious and regretful, because in the near future, the person who will be opposed to him is likely to be himself, or even his own masters: "Well, if only my identity is not a soldier of the kingdom."

Despite this, Xinghe is unwilling to imagine what will happen in the future with Master Wang Yuanhu, the leader of the army. Now, he only knows that he should treat the earth-shaking changes that have taken place in the holy capital as a warrior.


After that, Xinghe came to Sasaki with the broken sword "God Imperial Guard".

Xinghe: "What a pity, your knife is so broken."

Sasaki did not express regret: "Although the knife is broken, the knife in my heart is now sharper."

It seems that Sasaki has seen through all the shadows in his heart.

Sasaki: "The confusion in my heart has now been solved, and I have finally found the way forward in the future, but now, I still have a new doubt."

Xinghe: "Oh? What is that?"

Sasaki: "It's his knife."

The two looked at the one who fell to the ground and made his knife "unedgeless".

Sasaki: "How perfect. In the blow just now, there was not even a crack. It's really incredible."

Xinghe: "I believe this is also a world-famous*."

Sasaki: "This is exactly what I doubt. My Taidao 'God and Emperor Guard' is now a famous knife in the world. The only thing that can be surpassed is this unparalleled product * 'Sky Cloud' in the world."

Xinghe: "I have also heard of the reputation of this product * 'Tian Congyun' in my hometown, but it is rumored that it is not such a knife without a blade."

Sasaki: "This is not a 'sky cloud', and I also believe that even if it is a 'sky cloud', it will never be completely flawless in the impact just now."

Xinghe: "So you mean, this knife, isn't it..."

Sasaki: "Yes, this Taidao, just like his master, is a hidden world* with infinite future power, and at the moment of the fight just now, my heart felt that another similar power called 'Yuanqi' came out of this Taidao, which is small Jean's 'genness' complements each other, protecting Xiao Rang and raising his strength to a higher stage.

It turns out that what happened at that moment and there is such a magical story. It seems that Xiaozang can defeat Sasaki this time, and this Taidao "unedge" plays a role in it. However, as a swordsman, his weapon also belongs to his own strength, and Sasaki also knows that this is an unquestionable truth, so Sasaki is also convinced.

Sasaki gave the highest evaluation and Xiao Rang and his "unedgeless", and Sasaki's future can now move in the real direction because of Xiao Rang.

And as for the final question, for the sword heart master who holds the "sky cluster cloud", what kind of secret is hidden in this sword he passed on to Xiaorang?