Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 617 The Essence of Crime

Bekas, who got Elvin's joint reply and achieved his goal, then walked into the mirror of transmission and successfully opened the connection channel of the mirror by himself. Sure enough, he was really a soul subbed by the power of stars.

When Bekas's figure completely disappeared and the mirror of transmission returned to calm, Mikal couldn't help getting rid of Ted, came to Elvin and kept asking, "Ewen, do you really agree to this kind of person's plan?"

Aiwen: "Although I don't want to admit it like this, as he said, our form is very grim now. Behind us is Karad City, and we can't fail anymore."

Mikal: "But, people like him..."

Avan also felt sorry: "Anyway, the gem of this star wrist wheel has been lit up. He is indeed one of the stars, that is, like us, he is a 'companion' who resists the rule of Emperor Hiloken*, and I can't refute what he said."

Ewen did not explain what was going on. If he insists on rebute, then the newly defected Red Dragon Reloading Group was also lit up with gems. Elvin relied on this to convince the rebels of Yang and Rubat's sincerity. But he denied Becas's words, Yang and Rubart and the others will be in an awkward situation. At this critical moment, if they lose trust with each other, it will be really difficult for the rebels to recover from the defeat.

Mikal is still very hostile to Bekas: "This kind of guy is also a star. Is there any reason?"

Mikal turned around and ran to pull Xingzhi, wanting him to say a fair word: "Master Xingzhi, what's wrong with this? Unexpectedly, at this time, the gem of the star wrist wheel was lit up, and his expression just now was obviously a false face.

As a guide, Xingzhi has always been doing his duty as much as possible, maintaining neutrality and without any direct interference. He also said, "The star wrist wheel is a treasure that produces miracles by condensing the power of stars. Its existence is the proof of the existence of the star hero."

Evan: "I understand, Master Xingzhi, we will not question the power of the star wrist wheel."

Mikal: "However, among them... In short, I don't believe that he is really united with us. He must be taking advantage of us."

Master Xingzhi: "Maybe... Guys, I don't know if you still remember that I explained to you at the beginning that every star has its essential characteristics."

ai wen: "Yes, I do remember Master Xingzhi's explanation."

Mikal: "Master Xingzhi, why did this old thing suddenly come out?"

Xingzhi: "Just now, I agree with one of the words he said, that is, everything in this world has so-called good and evil, coexisting with each other. And even the soul that is boarded by the power of the stars is the same. In the face of the Tiankui star that exists with justice, relatively speaking, the stars with evil thoughts as the essence also exist. And just now, I can feel that the star he belongs to is called the Sky Sin Star. The essence of this star is the aggregation of evil thoughts, and it is a star that is based on desire and ambition.

Xing Zhi just said this, and the rest is entirely up to Elvin and his own judgment.

ai wen looked at the gem representing the Becas star on his star wrist wheel and sighed, "The aggregation of evil thoughts is really in line with the meaning of his existence for his own life ambitions. Is the power of the soul he has given him malicious?"


"Lord Becas, it's really great that you are safe and sound." Carlos has been waiting for Bekas outside the transmission mirror. He is very worried about Bekas, who is going to the hinterland of the enemy's position alone. Now he is excited to see the safe return of Bekas.

Bekas is still like that, full of confidence: "Carlos, there is no need to be so nervous. I said, I will be fine. Come on, let's go back."

Bekas and Carlos rode a griffin and left here.

In the sky, it will be very safe to talk here.

Carlos: "Lord Becas, why do you want to negotiate with this group of rebels? Sooner or later, they will be our enemies."

Bekas: "Now that the situation has changed, they have not been able to lose both sides with the Holy Dragon Guard Regiment. I have to take other actions now to achieve this goal. These rebels still have to take advantage of them.

Sure enough, Bekas is still full of evil thoughts as always and can never be trusted.

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous to question my sincerity. My ambition is beyond their imagination." Bekas laughed.

It turns out that Beckas has learned the secret of Elvin's star wrist wheel from Ethan. This star wrist wheel can emit light to show that there are stars around, and it can also gather the power of stars for its own use. But other than that, it is not that simple, because even if it is a star, there will be no reaction if there is hostility or malice in their hearts.

This is slightly different from Emperor Hiloken's star wrist wheel. Perhaps Emperor Hiloken's star wrist wheel is more powerful. That's it. Bekas's evil thoughts about Emperor Hiroken are by no means worse than those of Elvin, but it still shines out, which made Bekas find that he was also a star. This is really a trick. Bekas immediately realized that his current situation is very dangerous.

As long as he is not hostile or malicious to Elvin, and then expresses his willingness to fight against the source of evil together, this is what Becas thought of, the way to let Elvin's star wrist wheel be lit up and be trusted by them (in fact, Satan Saladin has also provided a good experiment for Becas. Example).

Bekas, who knew the principle, was prepared. As long as these conditions were met, naturally, Evan's star wrist wheel was really lit by Bekas's sincerity.

Is it true that Bekas will not be malicious to Elvin? No, this is absolutely impossible, but Bekas still has the primary consideration for the destruction of Emperor Hiloken. As for Elvin and others, as long as they are not careful to deal with them, then continue to "cooperation" with them and reuse them. With Bekas' mind, as long as a more "reasonable" backup plan is arranged, this is not at all. Possible things.

Moreover, with the essence of the heavenly sin star, Bekas can hide his ambition and evil thoughts, and with the power of this evil soul, the wrist wheel of the star can be lit.

Bekas: "Carlos, next, you will immediately return to the capital and start implementing our final plan."

Carlos: "Lord Becas, hasn't Director Nicole returned to the capital now?"

Bekas: "In order to ensure the smooth operation of Wang Du, I still need you to return to Wang Du. Only you can reassure me, and then I will come back immediately."

Carlos was very moved and happily ordered, "Thank you very much for your trust in me. I will definitely complete the task without fulfilling my mission."

The last step can never go wrong. Even Nicole can't replace Carlos' loyal position in Becas' heart.


And a few days later, on the Wangdu side, where the Black Dragon's secret army was located, Nicole just rushed back here.

It is still such a dark council hall. The other directors of the Black Dragon's Secret Force, except for the Black Raven, are all here. They did not go on an expedition with Becas but stayed in the royal capital. They wanted to stay here and prepare to carry out a very important task.


Nicole shouted, because she saw a very unexpected person, Emperor Hiloken, who actually appeared in front of Nicole.

After thinking calmly, Nicole quickly understood: "What, Qianmian, it turned out to be you. Don't be scary at this critical moment."

Qianmian, the director of the spy department, his disguise ability makes people unable to tell whether it is true or false.

Thousands of faces: "Bold, how dare you talk to the emperor like this!"

"Okay, put away your bad taste of fooling others. I can't stand you." Nicole has a contemptuous attitude towards men other than Becas.

After all, Nicole's magical eyes are still very scary. Seeing that Nicole is no longer fooled and there is no stimulation, Qianmian walked away directly, but from the perspective that no one can see, he secretly sneaks there.

Qianmian, this is not his real name. He not only abandoned his name, but also abandoned everything in his past. Once, he was a talented actor, but he had a bad taste, that is, he liked to look at stupid people and be deceived and played by himself.

It was his bad taste that finally led to the revenge that made him suffer for life. Thousands of faces were caught by people who had been fooled by him and hated him, and then his face was destroyed, which is why his face was always bandaged.

How painful it is to lose his appearance. When he felt desperate, it was Beckas who appeared. He rescued thousands of faces, and then gave Qianmen a new stage, so that he could unscrupulously play his past on this stage he had never thought of. People who can't be expected. This time, Qianmian prepared Emperor Hiloken's disguise, which also meant that Becas's action this time was for Emperor Hiloken.

As soon as Qianmian retreated, Brewt, the director of the Action Department, greeted him with a smile: "Ah, our director Nicole finally came back. So, I don't know if Lord Becas has ordered him to start the action. We have been waiting here very hard."

Nicole: "Something has changed. The rebels have not been able to lose both sides with the Holy Dragon Guard."

Brute: "Oh, how can there be such a thing? Isn't there no problem with our plan?"

Nicole: "Because the soldiers of the Saint Dragon Guards have become too strange, the plan has not been implemented in order not to expose their intentions. Lord Bekas did not carry out * actions."

As before, Beckas also wanted to secretly use means between the two armies to hurt both sides, but this time, he had to stop the plan.

Nicole: "But don't worry, our Lord Becas will not be a person who can't deal with such an accident. Lord Bekas told me that let's continue. Your Excellency will find a way to deal with it, and then he will come back before the scheduled plan begins."

Brute: "Hahaha, that's great. I just have to wait for today's event. When I saw Lord Becas in prison, I knew that he would definitely bring me more and more exciting bloody stage."

Speaking of Brute, his past was a notorious killer. His means of killing were very cruel. He even killed his employer in order to satisfy his murderous desire. Therefore, a person like Brut, who has no one sympathy and trust, is finally caught one day and will be imprisoned on death row.

Needless to say, the person who appeared in front of him at this hopeless time is Beckas. The villain of Brut's evil nature was suddenly deeply attracted by the essence of the aggregation of evil thoughts that came from the depths of his soul and darker than himself, and became Beckas's subordinates. His men can kill as they like.

Nicole: "Well, act quickly. I'm so happy that Lord Becas will definitely praise me when I finish such a great thing."

Nicole, a witch who confuses others, seems to be deeply attracted by Becas's evil thoughts.

Nicole: "Huh? Where did Director Ethan go? At this critical moment, everyone is so disobedient. Really, Lord Becas, come back quickly. I don't like this kind of work.

Speaking of Ethan, there is only one place he went back to. At this time, in the depths of the dungeon under the hidden forces of the Black Dragon, he was here, fiddling with his torture tools.

And next to Ethan, there is a row of people who are tied up and keep shouting for all kinds of words of mercy. From their appearance, they have many similarities, that is, the smooth and white skin and swollen beer belly. Judging from the content of their shouts, they were all here before. The scenery in the capital is infinite, and there are bigwigs who hold important privileges or positions.

Poor now, like the livestock about to be put on the slaughter table, their next fate can be imagined before Ethan's twisted smile.

"Ah ha ha ha!" Dark laughter resounded throughout the dungeon, and it was only at this time that Ethan's true nature appeared.


Becas, the defeated star Carlos, the witch Nicole, the thousand faces that fool others, the murderous Brute, Ethan, who pursues the dark secrets in other people's hearts, and the black crows with an unspeakable past, these evil stars and the aggregation of evil thoughts. They are about to carry them in the king's capital far away from the battlefield. The conspiracy of evil thoughts.