Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 622 Beckas's Ambition

"It's so despicable that he really wanted to take advantage of us from the beginning." Jin tried his best to resist the "special" demon soldiers who were constantly surrounding him. His palms were strong and soft, and his defense ability was extremely strong. However, what he was not in front of him was the enemy who would fight with you one-on-one. He would lose it for a long time, not to mention fighting empty-handed. Jin also had to wear a lot of colorful clothes.

Behind Jin, Tiger and Gray are fighting. Although their martial arts skills are not as good as Jin, they have sufficient experience in fighting on the battlefield. In the face of the battle of the sea of people, the two are more adaptable than Kim.

While fighting, the three approached Evan and their place. Isn't their task to guard the retreat? How can they give up the griffins that allow them to escape and leave instead?

At this time, looking at the fence of the griffin over there, there was no griffin. It turned out that after the burning barrels fell down, the soldiers of the dragon flying regiment left, leaving Ted and the three of them in place. And from the sound of the burning barrel and burning flames, the griffins automatically took off and fled to the sky. Normally, this kind of well-trained griffin cannot be disturbed by this danger far away from here. No, or because of the well-trained, this series of actions are pre-arranged traps.

It is exactly what Gaia said before that the griffin of the dragon flying group, like his master, is not reliable at all. And because the operation was advanced by Becas, the griffins of Gaia's resistance were still on the way at this time, and it is necessary to take into account the factors that will be blocked by the Canglong Flying Cavalry Regiment, which is now carrying out the bombing mission. Gaia's rescue will certainly be delayed. It seems that Evan's escape, this It's not easy.

Instead of guarding an empty griffin stop, it is better to go ahead and get together with Elvin. In this way, it is possible to gather the strength of everyone and insist on waiting for Gaia's rescue.

At this time, Gray was still the most desperate. Two guns were in his hand, and the left and right attack and defense kept changing. His moves were all practical, without adding any cleverness at all. It can be said that he played the ultimate way of fighting on the battlefield.

Originally, for the calm Gray, such a desperate battle is a little different from usual. The advantage of two guns is that he has both attack and defense. However, now he has more attack and less defense, showing the momentum of not being afraid of sacrifice and dying with the enemy. This may be what Gray shows when he is serious. . Seeing these dominated soldiers, Gray was so angry.

Along the way, dozens of "special" demon soldiers were killed, and finally saw Emperor Hiloken's tent. At this time, outside the gate of the tent, Jack and Ryan were also resisting the intrusion of the "special" demon soldiers, so that it is unknown what happened in the tent.


At this time, the army of the rebels was located. Sith has also seen what happened in the Holy Dragon Guard.

Sith: "Finally, I started to act, but there seems to be something wrong."

Mikal has not let down his nervousness from the beginning, and once again asked the situation in front of Shona: "Hey, Xiao Xiuna, you say it again now, what do you see now? What the hell happened?"

Xiu Na is also very anxious. No matter how strong his super vision is, now the two armies are too far apart. He also has to work very hard to open his eyes to see what is happening in the Holy Dragon Guards.

Shuna: "There are a lot of fires. Now there, there are fires everywhere. It's very messy."

Mikal: "Well, did you see Elvin and the others fly back?"

This time's plan was indeed to signal the success of the assassination by arson. The operation began, but he didn't expect that Bekas acted in advance.

Shuna: "No, since just now, I haven't left the place where Brother Evan and others landed. Then, I only saw those griffins fly directly north after they left, and I didn't see any of them flying back towards us."

Mikal: "Whether the action is successful or not, Evan and the others definitely have to fly back to this side. How can they fly to the north? Xiao Xiuna, take a good look at it.

Shuna himself is also in a dilemma: "However, but, Brother Mikal, I really can't see whether Brother Ivan and others have ridden the griffin and flew away."

Mikal: "Little Shona, try again, work harder, and see more clearly, huh? Amy, why did you kick me?"

"Hey!" Amy shouted to Mikall, "You think they don't care. Look, Xiu Na himself is so anxious that he is about to cry. Everyone is as anxious as you, but don't make people mess like this."

Mikal also knew that he was a little too nervous just now, which was really difficult for Xiuna, and then Mikal apologized there seriously: "I'm sorry, forgive me for being too excited."

Shuna: "No, Brother Mikal is right. I have to look at it more seriously."

However, as a result, Shuna still could not see any shadow of any griffins flying back from there, and Shuna saw that the griffin troops led by Gaia were quickly flying towards the military array of the Holy Dragon Guards.

Mikal simply went directly to Sith: "Well, Sith, the other party has taken action. Should we also take action immediately? If you want to do it quickly."

Sith: "I don't know whether this assassination of Emperor Hiloken has been successful. According to the agreement with Irwin, we can't take action for the time being."

Mikal: "What agreement? What the hell is going on? Why don't I know?"

Sith: "It was Evan who didn't want to tell anyone else, but he told me to go with Agathe and Renard."

At this time, Sith didn't want to hide it from others anymore.

Mikal: "What! Does Agat know that too?"

Agat is also beside: "I'm the commander-in-chief, shouldn't I know? Elvin doesn't tell you, and others know. Don't you know his intention?

Mikal: "Evan himself, doesn't he want to sacrifice himself?" Mikal quickly understood, because this was exactly what Elvin, who was familiar with, would do.

Mikal: "Evan, you are really bad to do such a thing without telling us. However, isn't the Holy Dragon Guard Regiment in a mess now? We just have a chance to attack!"

Sith: "Yes, but unless we can kill Emperor Hiloken, we will not be able to fight against those terrible Holy Dragon Guards under such circumstances. Therefore, before Evan and the others come back, even if there is a good opportunity in front of us, we can't send troops to fight easily.

Mikal: "But, why? Why haven't you seen Elvin yet? By the way, that bastard of Becas must be secretly playing tricks. That bastard can't be trusted at all!"

"Half and half." Now, in the rebel army, there is another person who is capable of speaking to the army, but Yang also feels that things have changed a little wrong.

Mikal: "Ah? What half?"

Yang: "The time of action is really too fast, very abnormal... I guess that Beckham may have taken unilateral action first, otherwise it is impossible for him to start set fire so soon."

Mikal: "What! Does the other party act first? Isn't that equivalent to pushing Elvin and others into tens of thousands of enemies? How could this happen?"

Yang grabbed his head and said, "It's really troublesome to explain, and I believe you must have thought of Xiaoxi."

Sis: "What Mr. Yang said, I probably figured out that Becas' plan... I really didn't expect it to be like this... That Becas' purpose this time actually made such a big circle."

It's really not easy for Becas's conspiracy to be able to hide it from the world in front of the two think tanks at that time, so that after seeing the other party's action, Sith and Yang and others were able to figure it out. That's just because Beckas's action this time was just a cover, and his real purpose was still Further away.

Sith: "Bekas is half sincere and half hypocritical. Now the Canglong Flying Cavalry Group's attack on the Holy Dragon Guards in this way is by no means to lure us to be deceived. It is true that Bekas really wants to resist Emperor Hiloken, and now that he really openly attacks the barracks of the Holy Dragon Guards, which shows that he is unwilling to sit behind the scenes and comes to the stage this time, which is also the reason why we joined hands with him, which is half sincere.

Mikal: "Yes, there is nothing bad that he can't do. Doesn't he want to destroy the bastard emperor and then Elvin and others together?"

Sith said regretfully: "Indeed, we have to prepare for the worst. That Becas, we all know that he is using us, and we are willing to choose the way to be used by him. However, we also know that because of the Star Wrist Wheel, that Bekas should not have the idea of harming Elvin.

Sith: "We thought from the beginning that Bekas wanted us to succeed in assassinate, and then fight with the Holy Dragon Guards until both sides were injured, and then reap the interests of the fishermen. However, Bekas also thought of farther away and completely saw through our thoughts and actions.

Yang: "It's really ironic. He who has the least deal with you is the person who knows you best."

Sis: "Bekas is really a person who knows how to use other people's hearts. He must have expected that even if Elvin knew that he had been shocked, Elvin would still choose to continue to assassinate Emperor Hilocan, because Elvin is such a person."

Yang: "Even if Xiao Ai really gave up his action, with the emperor's temperament, he will definitely be furious if he knows that we want to assassinate him. First of all, the angry person will not be the Canglong Flying Cavalry that has been far away from here, but will continue to chase and attack us."

Sith: "At that time, we will have to fight with the Holy Dragon Guards, and then both sides will be defeated."

Yang: "Mayb, that's it. However, we can't think so much about far away. First of all, in this case, we must also do something.

"Yes! We have to take action. Elvin and the others are really dangerous. We must save them quickly!" Mikal couldn't wait any longer. Mikal rushed directly to Aiqi Baiyun and wanted to ride out. But at this time, someone rode a war horse earlier than Mikal and rushed to the front.

Aram, although he and Mikal are always at odds with each other, they are always surprisingly good at this point. Alan is also worried about Gray's safety and took action alone.

But in front of Alan, a heavy sword suddenly hit him fiercely and cut Alan off.

Agat: "Is there an order for you to attack now?"

"But!" Mikal and Alan both expressed their excitement.

"No, but! In the army, you are not allowed to mess like this! Order is an order. Go back to the team honestly!"

As the commander-in-chief of the Star Group, his prestige in the army is not overshadowed, and once it comes, Agart is more frightening than on the battlefield. Mikael and Alan, the two key children with key problems, are Agat's key caregivers. And now the situation is exactly the same. Agart's strength forced the two to dare not go forward.

Sith came forward to comfort the two: "Well, now the situation is critical. Don't violate the military order again. Trust Evan and others. Didn't they overcome all the difficulties they encountered before? Now, let's focus on what we can do."

The situation has changed. The army of the rebels can't go to save Aiwen now. Everything can only be seen by Aiwen's own efforts.