Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 626 Final Speed

After the powerful and violent force burst into silence, the battlefield returned to calm. Jack and Ryan were bounced all the way away by this force.

"Ah... It's really terrible." Jack slowly stood up. In the huge outbreak just now, he was not injured much. Master James's strong fist did not hit him. It seems that his "fourth speed flash" succeeded. On the other hand, James, the master, is about to be injured by his own strength.

The situation at the scene is that James's side is still perseverance on the field, and the position of his feet has not shifted. He stood steadily in the original position just now. In such a huge outbreak, James's strength is really too strong.

"It's really good. It's really a good material for me to learn martial arts. I didn't expect that in the past few years since you left me, you have practiced the fourth speed by yourself." James was not completely fine. He saw his right fist transparent into a gemstone crystal, and there was a huge crack on it, constantly scattering crystal dust to the outside world. The "fourth speed flash" just now made James injured by his own strength. However, this blow did not make Jack happy and was far from achieving the expected effect.

"Is it that the power was reduced at that moment?"

Jack guessed correctly. James's fist strength was free. Moreover, the "fourth speed flash" pronoisseur was James himself. At the moment when the power collided, James took most of his fist strength in time. As a result, the detonated power did not hurt himself too seriously.

James: "Although I can't feel pain, I really can't help using this ** body." James is dissatisfied with his own body as a star spirit body. After all, once a martial artist can't feel his physical feeling with his heart and can't integrate his body and mind, then it will always affect the performance of his strength, which is also a pros and cons.

What should I do? Jack is now thinking about how to deal with the current situation next. His winning move has been played, but it only injured James's arm. The opportunity is irreconvenable. Jack and others, no matter how many methods they thought of at the beginning, can only think of after all, Only this "fourth speed flash" can give the possibility of victory. Now, there is no way to beat your master.

James: "Wor up a little!" James's roar instinctively pulled Jack back from panic.

Jack: "Master..."

James: "This is just a little bit like this. Your performance has made me very happy and has surpassed my level."

Jack: "That's why the master works hard to teach..."

James: "Maybe I made a mistake in your teaching method. At the beginning, I forced you to learn martial arts, which made you feel disgusted. Otherwise, with your talent, over time, you will inevitably reach a level beyond me."

Jack: "No, I don't want to surpass you as a monster master and become a monster myself. I want you to continue to beat and scold me and force me to learn martial arts as before.

James: "Okay! Don't say any more!"

It can never go back to the past. James and Jack Ryan actually fully understand this.

James: "Take this opportunity to tell you some secrets of the flash boxing that I didn't tell you before. Do you know why the last move of the Flash Fist is only called the fourth speed?

Jack and Ryan: "Uh, this?"

Indeed, in the four-style boxing moves of Flash Fist, they are the "first speed • instant shadow" that directly attacks with a single speed; the "second speed • random shadow" to play a fast and dense fist; the "third speed • air shadow" that generates huge shock waves by accumulating explosive power; and finally Incredible speed, play ingenious force, impact into the power of the opponent's attack, intercept and detonate the counterattack skill of the other party's power "fourth speed · flash". Although there are not many moves, it is these four unique exquisite boxing moves that have created the great reputation of flash boxing praised by the world.

Flash boxing is the boxing technique created by James's continuous practice and training in his life. Because James is human nature, he does not value the name of the moves. Therefore, at the beginning, it was only called by such simple and direct words as first speed, second speed, ... As for the simple names attached to the back, It was helped by his first disciple Ryan, who helped add it, which is the origin of the name of the boxing skills of the flash boxing. Ryan wants to make the flash boxing more familiar, so that the boxing skills created by this set of masters can be carried forward and passed on to future generations.

At the beginning, Ryan once advised his master James that he wanted to change the name of the fourth move to the final speed, but he refused: "Don't be so troublesome to change it. Moreover, my boxing has not yet reached the highest level of perfection, so it should not be added in the end. The words.

Rennes: "Master, it is clear that your set of boxing skills is already very, no, the most powerful. It has surpassed all other boxing skills. I really can't imagine that there is a stronger boxing skill than this."

James: "There is no end to martial arts. There must be a stronger realm above this. It can't end until it reaches that level."

In this way, such a name has continued until now. So many years have passed and nothing has changed, but now, James seems to have important words to say to the two lovers.

"In fact, over the years, it's not that I haven't explored the higher realm of boxing, but I can't step into that realm casually." James has always been fearless, but now he is very cautious when talking about this higher level of boxing.

James: "Flash boxing actually has a higher level of boxing, but that is a taboo boxing skill, which is what I have learned. Another way, the fastest and strongest boxing skill is the extremely slow state."

Flash boxing is to pursue the state of speed, but now, James said that he wants to make this pursuit extremely slow, how to understand this?

James: "I asked you, how can we make it faster, faster and faster!"

Jack and Ryan: "That is to accumulate power, and then use this power to keep accelerating to the maximum speed."

James, like a good guide, began to say to the two:

"Very good, but this speed can't be improved when it reaches a certain limit. Do you know why? That's because the human body, no matter how strong it is exercised, always has the reality that it can't change, that is, the limit of the human arm can't let the power and speed explode endlessly. No matter how the punches and accelerate, it accumulates strength to hit the punch, such an arm length distance The upper limit of the speed increase is always limited.

"Yes, when the speed is accelerated to close to the critical point of your attack moment, it has to end and must explode. In this way, there is no way to improve the speed at a higher level. For this reason, I figured out that instead of trying my best to improve my speed and explosive power, it is better to change into another idea and find another breakthrough.

"That's right, I soon figured out and realized a new way, that is, instead of pursuing how fast the punch is, the faster it is, the slower the better. Only in this way can I make my strength have time for continuous explosion and improvement."

"Yes, I immediately practiced like this at that time. It's really a very successful way. The slower my punching speed is, the more my strength can keep accelerating in my arm. Yes, faster and faster power, rushing in my arm to draw a round shape. Potential, let the power circulate in your own arms, and the power will accelerate faster and faster, far faster than the limit speed imagined by yourself.

"However, I was really too selfless because of the excitement. I forgot that the martial artist must gradually accumulate the foundation step by step. As a result, because this force continues to accelerate, it has become strong enough to the limit that I can control, and I almost can't control my arm. Bear this power and explode. This kind of boxing skill is really too dangerous. If this endless enhancement continues, this is not the limit of martial arts, but the limit of human beings.

James's words are by no means alarmist. He really has a higher level of boxing skills beyond these four moves.

James: "Well, the teaching is over. Jack, do you still hate listening to this kind of preaching as before?"

Of course, Jack will never hate it now. Every word he said byshi fu James is cherished and recorded in his heart.

James: "Maybe I can hit this punch with such a body now. Then, it's still the old rule to use your body to experience and learn this new boxing skills. This is also the last lesson for you." As in the past, the focus of James' teaching method is to use this most direct method.

I didn't expect that Jack and Ryan would accept the master's final instruction under such circumstances.

James finally stressed: "But this time, my request to you is not to die."

James's words made Jack and Ryan's hearts suddenly rise. No matter how important the previous master James's teaching process was, he would never really hurt them cruelly. Now the master and apprentice have to become enemies and fight, and this last teaching has also become James's battle. The last move.

James's eyes flashed with unprecedented sharpness, and what he just said will soon become a reality.

James's clenched fist went forward and hit it out, but it was strange that this punch started quickly and gradually slowed down. Slowly, it became slower and slower. For Jack and Ryan, in the world that they are used to extreme speed, such a fist speed is as slow as It's still.

Is this another realm of flash boxing, that is, the state of extreme speed in extremely slowness? Although James is now full of flaws, Jack and Ryan are not taking action at all now. That's because now they feel that from James's slow arm, the growing strong momentum and the strong oppression through it makes Jack and Ryan both be oppressed. I couldn't move, just carefully observing all the actions of Master James with my own eyes.

As James' arm became stronger and stronger, gradually, James's already cracked arm gradually enlarged and began to collapse by itself. In James's words just now, his strength has soared to the limit.

James: "Okay, you have to take a good look and remember this boxing skill with your own hearts - 'Final Speed · Extreme Shadow'!"

What happened? Why is everything in front of us blank? Jack is in a very strange world. There is no sound or anything else. No, even his body has become illusory. This is the "Final Speed · Extreme Shadow". Is this the unimaginable fast world?


Return to reality, James played the "Final Speed • Extreme Shadow", and his arms were all broken into crystal dust clouds. It can be seen that the blow just now was a ultimate move for people.

James looked at the land in front of him. It was already a piece of rubble. The blow just now had destroyed all the things in front of him. He really didn't know what happened to Jack and Ryan.

After James's right hand was broken, James himself began to slowly change into a transparent crystal, and then, like that, finally turned into a crystal dust cloud and flew back.


James's crystal dust cloud returned to the location of Emperor Hiloken in the legion headquarters of the Holy Dragon Guards, which was burned by the fire, and returned to Emperor Hiloken's star wrist wheel.

Looking back at the current Emperor Hiloken, his left hand grasped his right hand tightly, and then touched his head, whether it was his arm or his head, which made Emperor Hiloken feel very painful.

Emperor Hiloken: "I actually suffered so much. You, a lowly warrior, really make me so angry."

Obviously, even if he obeyed his own order, Emperor Hilocan has always been dissatisfied with the way James obeyed. Moreover, judging from the pain of Emperor Hiloken's arm and the previous situation that Grimio blocked Elvin's gem spear for him, it seems that the summoned astral body Injured, Emperor Hiloken himself, as the dominant lord, also suffered a considerable degree of pain.

Then, compared with Emperor Hiloken's arm, now his head began to be more and more painful, which made Emperor Hilocan unbearable, tearing there and shouted, "Come on, bring me the holy medicine!"