Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 649 Discover the Truth

"Mr. Siegfei, how's it going?" Elvin is anxious to know the current situation.

Zigfei: "It's really surprising. The other party has already set out and wants to break through."

ai wen: "Well, is that so? It's really a little unexpected."

Sith: "Yes, I didn't expect that the other party could not help breaking through so quickly. It seems that the other party is more anxious than we expected."

Evan: "Well, let's do everything according to the plan."

This time, the legion warships of the Blue Dragon Sea Battle Group came out to escort Gutos's transport fleet and break through Evan's encirclement network. And the other party will make such a large-scale action this time, which is also in Elvin's calculation.

The reason why all their combat strength appeared in front of the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment on the first day is to plant such a seed in the other party's heart: the strength of the rebel ship is enough to threaten the dominance of the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment, and it is not ruled out that the other party still hides outstanding combat power. .

Now the rebels are lurking in the sea. If Gutos wants to set sail again, it doesn't mean that he can't break through the encirclement network of the rebels by relying on the fighting power of Kilrog's escort fleet. In addition, the rebels now intend to negotiate with the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment, so Diaz is also in a dilemma and is unwilling to take the initiative to fight with the rebels. The two sides do not invade each other and have been stalemate.

However, in terms of the situation and situation, the rebels have firmly occupied the initiative. Now there are not many routes that have successfully left this "sea cemetery". As long as Gutos blocked the route to escape from this place, then Emperor Hilocan will not be supplemented with the holy medicine and will inevitably collapse without fighting. Elvin and others will fight for the mainland. The victory on the side battlefield will never give Gutos the opportunity to escape.

Gutos became a bird in a cage, and plus the ants on the hot pot, he was anxious and helpless.

In such a favorable situation, the final result can be expected. At the request of Gutos, the commander of the Diaz Legion of the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment had no choice but to obey the order of Gutos.

The frontal battle, without the command of the commander of the Diaz Legion, the victory or defeat is unpredictable, but Diaz has only one person and lacks skills. Seeing that the rebels have such a strong combat power, he can't separate the regiment's combat strength. As for escorting the transport fleet of Gutos and defending the Devil Island, the two can only choose one. If he wants to keep both sides at the same time, Diaz is not so proud. Therefore, now, under the order of Gutos, Diaz must only be able to lead all the combat strength of the regiment to escort Gutos to break out, and thee mo island can only give up protection.

With a powerful escort fleet, the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment shows their unparalleled military strength on the sea, like an invincible blade, which is bound to break through the obstacles in front of them. The rebels could not stop this huge fleet of warships, and could only keep wandering on the sidelines to find opportunities.

The resistance is best at guerrilla operations. Although the fleet is scattered around the sea, their actions are coordinated. Soon, more and more rebel warships swimming around the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment, and the rebel flagship also appeared in the wandering ship shadow, and And on the flagship, Zigfei's figure appeared, and he wanted to personally supervise the battlefield this time.

Zigfei did not take any action, but still ordered his warship to keep a certain distance from the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment and sail in parallel.

Zigfei was not helpless, but what he wanted to see. Zigfei looked at the direction of Devil's Island with concern and said hopefully, "Evan, the battlefield on that side is up to you."

Evan and Sith did not appear next to Siegfei because they were appearing near the island at this time. According to Sith's strategy, the combat strength of the resistance's naval battle team is divided into two. Among them, Zigefei, who is good at naval warfare, is to confront the Blue Dragon Naval Battle Group at sea, while the other half is commanded by Elvin, who is good at land warfare, and Elvin's goal is because of the departure of the Blue Dragon Naval Battle Group. The island on defense.

Evan's priority goal has always been the demon island that is the root of all evil. As long as the demon flower here is destroyed, the evil medicine will also be exhausted and disappear. Therefore, this great opportunity that Ivin and others have been waiting for will never allow failure.

The sailors and soldiers of thousands of naval battle detachments of the rebel army are fully prepared for landing operations, and their firearms are also well prepared. They are determined to completely burn the demon flowers on the island with a fire.

At the bow of the battlefield that is about to land, Evan stood in the bow. As the commander of the landing operation, Evan has been waiting for this battle for a long time, and he has made up his mind to take the lead.

Now Evin led the warship fleet to the port of Alcatraz Island nearby overseas. Facing the port without ship protection, the heavy crossbow guns loaded on the battlefield will be a disaster for the enemy.

Awen hasn't ordered an attack yet. Sith came up and asked, "Avan, are you worried about Yingmaru Sakura?"

Aiwen: "Yes, I asked the two of them to come along the water to scout this island before, and I haven't seen them come back for so long. I don't know. It's very worrying."

Sith: "With their skills, even if they are in danger in the sea, I believe they can finally protect their own safety."

Avan looked at his star wrist wheel: "I don't feel that the two of them are in danger now, so it is very likely that they have come to this island now, and it is very likely that they will hide in that port."

Sith: "It is understandable that they want to find more information for us, but since the other party can't wait to start to act, we can't miss this opportunity. I believe that when they see our fleet appear, they will also understand our action plan and stay away from danger."

Evan: "I hope so, Sith, you're right. This is the best opportunity. Let's start."

The drums beat up, the crossbow cannons on the warships sounded, and the huge burning arrows constantly bombed the buildings of the island port. The rebels finally attacked the island where the devil came from the source.


"What do you mean? This must be your idea to the special envoy to let us give up the flagship to him to use. What are you doing? You are a complete traitor!" Minya was furious at Kilrog who had just arrived.

It turned out that at this time, Diaz and Minya were not on the flagship "Heart of the Ocean" of the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment, but transferred to another smaller-class ship, while Gutos occupied the "Heart of the Sea" for his use.

Killroger: "Women are stingy, aren't they just a boat? Do they need to shout so unpleasantly there? And if I am a traitor, do I still need to run back?"

Monia: "It's not a matter of whether a woman or not. No, you guy has changed the topic for me again. You will never dare to face up to our affairs and your own affairs."

This sentence turned out to be surprising that Kilrog did not refute Minia and smiled a little awkwardly.

Diaz: "Deputy commander Minya, calm down for the time being, or let Kilrog, captain, slowly explain to us the reason why he did this."

The replacement of ships was indeed Kilroger's idea for Gutos, and Diaz was not betrayal or malicious to do this to Kilroger.

Kilroger did not say this in a joking tone: "Legion commander, I did this to safeguard your honor as a knight."

Diaz: "Huh? My honor?"

Menia was surprised that the word knight's honor would come from the mouth of Kirrog, a pirate.

"Yes, because I found something amazing." Kilrog then took out a small purple medicine bottle from his body and handed it to Diaz.

What is this? Diaz took a closer look.

Kilroger: "But I finally got this thing from the special envoy."

Monia: "Did you steal it from the envoy's ship?"

Killroger: "Don't steal this word to pirates. That's what the thief did. I was aboveboard and took it out of the container on the ship."

Kirroger really came up with the idea of the goods specially delivered to Emperor Hiloken from the beginning, and in the name of helping Gutos repair the hull, he really got these holy drugs from the container box, and because he was attacked and lost by Elvin and others, so In Gutos, he also did not notice a decrease in the amount of the holy medicine.

After getting these demonic drugs, Kilrog certainly didn't know what these pills were and what they were useful, but Kilrog still had his own way.

Kirrog began to talk enthusiastically:

"Of course, I guessed that this thing is not a good thing, but how can I figure out what's the use of this strange thing? This is not difficult for me. Since it is something that can be drunk, it is natural to find a guy to drink. However, don't regard me as a barbarian. I'm very principled. Of course, I won't bring this kind of unknown dangerous thing to others to test. Therefore, I cleverly poured one of the bottles into the water to see how the fish would react after touching it. As a result, as soon as the fish touched these purple potions, they immediately became abnormal. They began to swim around, and they swam faster and faster. In the end, they couldn't stop and rushed to the outside of the fish tank. Some of them were not afraid of death and hit the wall of the fish tank directly. As a result, they naturally Just, it died and cleaned up all of a sudden.

Diaz exclaimed: "This medicine turned out to be such a result..."

Kilroger: "Yes, this medicine, I promise, is definitely not a good thing. If people take it, they may also make people crazy and stupid. Well, this situation is like the strange group of soldiers of the Holy Dragon Guard Regiment on the island."

Diaz fell into deep thought.

"Wait a minute! What did you just say? Minia suddenly thought of something and asked Kilroger loudly.

Killrog didn't dare to look directly at Minya: "Well, that's the strange medicine."

Monia bit Kilrog unrelentlessly: "You just said the words fish tank! And the fish you used to experiment with! Are you talking about the purebred coral fish I worked hard to raise on the boat?

Kilrog didn't respond this time and laughed. And this kind of smile is equivalent to acquiescence.

Menia: "So it's you! That's how you killed my coral fish! I'm really sad! You! You must have deliberately wanted to kill my coral fish like this, you murderer!"

Killrog pretended to be helpless: "Oh, so, women are stingy. You, the legion commander, what kind of fish you can't eat, and it's useless at all. It's a waste of space to raise. At that time, I took this medicine, but I had to be very careful not be found, and at that time I happened to pass by your fish room, so I went in spontaneously. Well, it's an honor for these fish to be a little useful now. Their great sacrifices are not to let us know that those drugs are not good.

Minia still can't recover from her sadness.

Diaz is still very concerned. As a precaution, he confirmed to Kilrog again: "Captain Kilrog, is this really what you said?"

Killrog: "I still have these potions on my body now, and I can continue to test that fish."

"Oh, that's unnecessary." Diaz actually had doubts about Gutos's goods early in his heart.

Kilroger: "In my opinion, such a large amount of medicine will definitely not be used to feed pigs and dogs. If I guess correctly, it must be..."

"Do you want to say that Your Majesty is trying to poison his own soldiers!" Minya is still very angry and rude.

"I didn't say anything. Anyway, now the question is in front of me. How to answer it? That's not my business." Although Kilrog didn't say it clearly, everyone knew what he wanted to say.

"Maybe, all this is really..." Diaz said this, and the doubts in his heart have already existed: "We all know exactly what kind of problems there are in this place. I always thought that the soldiers of the Holy Dragon Guards were so strange. Strangely, that's because they were too close to the island and were harmed by the poison gas on the island, but they didn't expect that it had been like this long ago.

How could Diaz not find the strangeness of the soldiers of the Holy Dragon Guard Regiment? However, on the one hand, he did not let Gutos know it well, and on the other hand, he also knew the strangeness of this sea area, so he acquiesced to this and let his soldiers keep a good distance from the island.

Kilrog: "Maybe you don't know that the legion commander has been in prison for so long. Over the years, your majesty's evaluation has been getting worse and worse, and the Holy Dragon Guards are also getting weirder and more strange. In a word, if this is really the case, it won't be surprising at all."

Monia can't say anything against it this time.

Diaz: "Is that true?"

Killroger: "So, I said that this time I did this to maintain your honor as a knight. I really can't see it."

Diaz: "But...Your Majesty..." It's a matter of great importance, and Diaz still can't make a decision.

Mina didn't want Diaz to be embarrassed like this, so she said to Kilrog, "You use this kind of thing to bother the commander of the legion. We can't find anyone to prove such a thing now."

Kilroger: "Do you say this kind of thing? Of course, there are people, and there are many of them, and they still took the initiative to talk to us at the beginning."

Menia understood: "Do you mean...rebels?"

Kilroger: "Hahaha, what's so strange about this? You know, sometimes the enemy knows us better than we do."

Mania: "No, if you negotiate with the rebels in private, you will be punished by the crime of collaborating with the enemy."

Killrog: "It's really rigid. Fortunately, it's not you who make the decision."

"You!" Minya was so angry that she couldn't speak.

Kill Rogge: "Well, now I have taken so much effort to get rid of the arrogant and inconvenient guy. No one will stand in the way. How can I make a decision? Our army commander?"

It turned out that the reason why Gutos was so anxious to go to sea this time was that he exchanged ships with Diaz and replaced it with the battlefield of the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment to transport goods. He was instigated by Kilroger and wanted to play with virtual and real tricks. In fact, these are all arrangements made by Kilroge to kick Gutos quickly. Now, Gutos can no longer interfere with Diaz's actions.

Kilrog: "Go ahead, now that the annoying guy is gone. We can do whatever we want to do. Don't live up to my hard work."

"Well, that's all right." Diaz's intention has actually been decided early, and he also wants to meet, Ai's younger brother, Elvin.