Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 656 Bekas's Royal Card

The fierce battle between the Canglong Flying Cavalry Regiment and the Holy Dragon Guard Regiment, because of the advantages and disadvantages between the generals of the two sides (Becas and Xing Zheng), the situation on the field is also obvious. The one-sided Holy Dragon Guards has not yet ushered in a real failure, because the next battlefield * will immediately have a greater force to attack everything.

"Rumble..." is another loud noise, but this is not in the city. The sound of the bursting barrel is even louder, and it also shakes the ground of the battlefield.

A huge pit appeared on this battlefield, and under the pit, dozens of demon soldiers were crushed into flesh and blood fragments.

Even if the opponent is a demon soldier who has run out of oil, it can only be said that the person who created this blow is really powerful.

With the continuous sound, the same hole kept appearing next to the hole. In a short time, the demon soldiers on the side of the battlefield had been flattened.

The star is looking straight in the back and doesn't understand what's going on: "What's going on? How could this happen? Who the hell is it?"

Xing's eyes kept scanning the battlefield, and then he was horrified to find out that an unbelievable fact that he finally knew who had created such a powerful attack that made the earth collapse.

What appears on the side of the battlefield now is a huge figure. This figure star is very familiar to him, because this is the person who once stood in front of him and protected him, but now, he has become his enemy in turn.

He is Wang Yuanhu, the commander of the Holy Dragon Guard Regiment.

It turns out that Wang Yuanhu is the mysterious royal card in his hand that Bekas refers to. It's really surprising why the commander of the Wang Yuanhu Legion, who had always obeyed the orders of Emperor Hiloken before, now chooses to stand against him?

"Ah!" Wang Yuanhu stood on the battlefield, clenched his fists, and then kept punching forward out of thin air. In response to Wang Yuanhu's attack, a huge hole appeared at the position pointed by his fist, which also killed dozens of demon soldiers.

It really deserves to be a veritable imperial card. Wang Yuanhu's punch actually has such power, and it is also an invisible punch out of thin air. It is not difficult to guess that this must also be caused by Wang Yuanhu's vitality.

The form of vitality varies from person to person, and ordinary people can't feel it. What is the form of Wang Yuanhu's vitality?

Looking back at Wang Yuanhu's battle first, such a punch attack seemed to be too slow to kill the enemy. Wang Yuanhu simply gave up the punching attack and turned his hands high to the sky, spreading his wings, and then shouted and clap his hands violently.

This slap was not hitting the air. A large group of demon soldiers below seemed to start from both sides, as if they were swept by some kind of force, pushed into a row and pushed in the middle. Then there was a loud thunder. These demon soldiers were squeezed together and became a flesh and blood mist. This kind of The scene was as if he had been played with by Wang Yuanhu and became a reflection of his palm.

Wang Yuanhu's vitality form, called " vitality giant", a pair of huge vitality arms floating on her head out of thin air, like an unparalleled giant, any demon soldier of the Holy Dragon Guard Regiment, in front of his giant, is like a small ant, in an instant , it was crushed into pieces. Wang Yuanhu's vitality form is really suitable for this battlefield, as if it had already foreshadowed that Wang Yuanhu would become a warrior on the battlefield, not a warrior on the martial arts field.

It is impossible for Wang Yuanhu to return to the glory of the martial artist. His hands, his hands formed by vitality, have been stained with blood and have taken too many lives. At this moment, Wang Yuanhu's expression has not changed at all, still the same, looking at the indifferent and numbness of him. Everything born.

Because of Wang Yuanhu's participation in the war, the battlefield situation suddenly became completely clear and was ruthlessly crushed by invisible vitality giants, which led to a sharp reduction in the number of demon soldiers in 100 units. On the side of the battlefield, there was a red corpse river, and the Holy Dragon Guard Regiment, which Emperor Hilocan was proud of, had begun. Gradually fell into collapse.

Looking at all this and proceeding exactly as he expected, he laughed proudly: "Hahaha, the overall situation has been decided."

Carlos next to him also saw that his eyes and mouth were too big to close. He couldn't imagine that what he saw in front of him was what happened on the battlefield, which was far beyond what he knew as a battlefield general. It's no wonder that such a large-scale killing ability exists everywhere he went. Bekas will say that the battle will soon be over.

Carlos: "Lord Becas, what the hell is going on? Why will the commander of the Wang Yuanhu Legion become someone on our side? Obviously, they were still hostile to us before.

Bekas smiled and said, "But wherever he lives, there is always a reason for him to live and his pursuit of life. As long as he can understand his reasons and give him the pursuit for this, he can control the other party's life."

There is no doubt that Becas is a man who buys people's hearts. Under his command, there are all kinds of people. Many of them are not interested in money and power at all, but only Bekas can satisfy their unique bad taste and make them die. Follow yourself and work for yourself. Believe that Wang Yuanhu, a warrior who also wants nothing about money and power, the so-called past and desires in his heart have been controlled by Bekas.

As for the beginning, before Emperor Hiloken went out to fight against the rebels, Wang Yuanhu was in Minahir Port. After fighting with James, a generation of flash boxing masters, he was seriously injured and had to stay in the capital of Athos and did not go out with the army. Therefore, Wang Yuanhu, who was alone, became Bekas. His goal.

Wang Yuanhu is indeed a top warrior. He suffered such a serious injury, but it only took him a month to recover, and this time he appeared on the battlefield and became the strongest man who dominated the battlefield.

Now the battle situation has been decided at once. The Holy Dragon Guards has been on the verge of collapse, and the end of the battle is only a matter of time. The soldiers of the Canglong Flying Cavalry finally rushed into the port of Minahil. For the port of Minahil, which has no fortifications, Cang The army of the Dragon Flying Cavalry,**, invaded the port, and the next fate of Emperor Hiloken and Prime Minister Xingzheng hiding in it can be imagined.

Finally, it's time for the hero to appear. Bekas shouted, "Well, now, let's set out and personally sanction the root of the evil, which is hated by the world, our former emperor Hiloken."

Bekas and the others rode on the griffin and rose into the air, aiming straight at Minai Hill Harbor. He wanted to destroy the Heroken Emperor by himself.


Compared with the chaotic battlefield, on a mountain in the distance, a group of five people stood on the mountain and looked at the battlefield. Judging from their dusty martial arts uniforms, they have been on their way these days.

Xuanzhou Xinghe and his three brothers and sisters have left the city of Alama since they left the city and went to the outer land and embarked on the road where they continued to look for the master Wushen void. Now the reason why they hurried back from the outland is because they learned that they Another master, Wang Yuanhu, was seriously injured.

With their eyesight, they saw everything on the battlefield from afar, but it also hurt their hearts.

"Impossible. Why is it so? How could Master Wang Yuanhu abandon the dignity and honor of the warriors and choose to kill on this battlefield and stain his hands with this indelible blood?" Not only lace, but also riding the wind is such an unbelievable expression.

And for the fact that his hands have been contaminated with countless bloody murderers, he still can't fully overcome the shadow of the past, and he understands how painful this irreparable sin of life is.

Xuanzhou can't speak. If he can speak, his first sentence will definitely question his master Wang Yuanhu why he did this. He can only lower his head now and continue to be silent sadly.

As the second brother, even if he is as uncomfortable as others, he still has to say something to cheer people up: "Everyone, don't be sad. We can't get any answers here now. If you want to know why Master Wang Yuanhu did this, you have to go there in person. In front of him, ask him clearly.

cheng feng: "Yes, yes, I don't believe what I said. Master Wang Yuanhu will do this. Ah, I know. The emperor must have forced him to do this! Alas? It seems wrong. Master Wang Yuanhu is fighting with the emperor's soldiers now? Is that again?"

I have been talking a lot, and now I am confused, so I am constantly filling the troubles in my heart with words: "In a word, we must believe that our Master Wang Yuanhu must have been forced to do this. We are not only going to ask Master Wang Yuanhu clearly, but more importantly, we must help him rescue him from the hands of treacherous people. The warriors are open to face all people and things, but they will never say that they will agree to everything.

took advantage of the wind and rushed directly to the front: "Come on, what are you waiting for? Hurry up, you can't let Master Wang Yuanhu bear more crimes."

Xinghe: "Yes, let's go!"

The five people then ran towards the battlefield with the fastest method. They really want to help Wang Yuanhu get rid of his distress, but it can be expected that they will end in disappointment this time. Bekas' control of Wang Yuanhu is much deeper than they thought, which is irreparable.


Perhaps, there is only another person who can save Wang Yuanhu, and he, the god of martial arts, is empty. Now, after a few years of separation from King Athos, he has finally returned. From the word "Wu" behind him, it can still be seen that he is still single-mindedly pursuing the apex of martial arts. .

Since he was defeated by Master Jianxin, the Void of the God of War has left the capital of Athos. He is alone. It is still unknown where he has gone and what kind of life he has experienced over the years, but it can be seen from his face and eyes that he is no longer has the same as before. A kind of madness that is dedicated to pursuing martial arts, but has another feeling. This feeling is a kind of warmth that makes people more caring and kind.

What makes the void of the god of war, who used to be indifferent to people and things, change like this? And this change is more than that. Next to him, his arm is also holding a little girl who is about ten years old. This little girl has black hair and yellow skin like the void. She is from the Eastern country, and she is close to the void all the time. I believe that the relationship between the two is not strange.

The Void of War is still farther away from the battlefield, but even if his eyes can't see the battlefield from afar, with his extraordinary warrior's sense, he can already feel that there is a fierce war in front of him, and his brother Wang Yuanhu is also fighting. In the field, and the " vitality giant" is breaking out on the battlefield.

"Uncle Kong, what's wrong? Why are your eyebrows wrinkled and your face is bitter? It doesn't look good." The little girl looked at the void with a very innocent expression.

Void then picked up the little girl, put her on his shoulder, and then continued to move forward: "Uncle, I am thinking about my past and feel that I have too many regrets about my past. I have ignored many people around me. As a result, the pain of my closest people is not I can feel it... Uncle, I came back this time to make up for my past mistakes.

Little girl: "Don't worry, I will definitely help Uncle Kong and apologize together."

Void just smiled and responded. It seems that the existence of this little girl has changed the void of the god of war.