Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 672 The Past of the Heart

In addition to the departed Wang Yuanhu, there are two other martial arts masters in the world.

"Master, we meet again." Jack and Ryan, they appeared in front of their master James again.

James: "Very good. It's worthy of being my apprentice. You can survive the last fierce battle. I didn't misread the wrong person."

James did not hesitate to praise his disciples, even if he knew that he would still fight with them next.

"Master..." Jack wanted to rescue the master, but he couldn't take a step forward.

Ryan also comforted Jack and said, "Jack, if we want to calm down and be impulsive, we can't save the master. We have to follow Evan's arrangement now. We will go back and be fully prepared, and then on the third day, it's time for us to do our best."

Three days later, like Sith's plan, it is not suitable to launch an action now. He needs to wait for the opportunity to come, but Jack couldn't stand it, so he ran to the front and wanted to try to see his master again, while Ryan was worried about Jack and followed him.

The two are now just standing outside the main gate, looking at Master James, who is only responsible for guarding the gap, so he doesn't have to take action.

Jack has experienced so many things and has become very strong: "I know that it is really uncomfortable to face the pain of his master. I hope that he can also be strong."

Jack's purpose is to come here, and there is another one, so he is also worried about another person.


Xiao let him also face such a cruel reality as his master, and this was the first time he faced it like this. Jack knew his mood at that time, so he couldn't help but worry about Xiao Rang.

He is not as calm as Jack at that time. If he can still maintain a clear mirror to stop the water in the face of this situation, only he can do it.

Jianxin and Xiao Rang looked at each other and did not say anything to each other. Xiao let him know very well what he was going to do, and what he is holding now is the Pin * "sky Congyun" that Jianxin had broken at that time.

The battle between master and apprentice on this side is inevitable. It makes him very rational. He knows that it is not the right time. Now he just hopes that his most familiar master is enough to look a few more times.

James said to Jianxin, "Isn't he your apprentice?" Why don't you go up and say a few more words to him? Now there will be no more peaceful time.

Jianxin: "Not yet. This is not the most appropriate time. I want to leave my words for him until the end."

James: "Finally... Do you think he can do it?"

Jianxin: "It should be said that only he can do it. He has such a talent."

James: "Let him understand by himself, right? It's really a very interesting way to teach. Compared with my own apprentices, hahaha, you are really good masters and good apprentices. I really feel ashamed."

Jianxin: "Now, it's just missing the last piece. If he can find it and piece together his own pattern to find his own martial arts, don't be blinded by the temporary evil."

James: "It seems that you have something to say, but since you don't want to communicate with your apprentice, I will never care too much."

Jianxin: "There is someone else who wants to talk to me."

James: "Oh, I also feel that the comer is a heavy enough opponent."

James and Jianxin both found that the breath of the warriors was almost hidden. It can be seen that their high strength is the same as themselves, the master-level warriors of the world.

Sure enough, the last of the four master warriors in the world, the void of the kingdom's invincible martial arts god, finally appeared.

James: "This face, it turns out that you are the brother of the army commander just now."

Void: "It was my brother who was with you just now. As for him, he will not return to your side now."

James: "It couldn't be better. That's what I want to see."

Void: "Wait a minute, your body? I can't feel any breath of life. What the hell is going on?

Void has just returned, and I don't know what happened to James and Jianxin.

Jack stood up and explained: "They have all died. Now they are just boarding in a gem crystal body in the form of a soul, and the most abominable thing is to be ordered by the creator of this body, the damn emperor himself."

Void: "So it is, which means that you have to be shaked by this body, that is, someone else."

Jack: "Ah, by the way, who are you?"

Speaking of which, it was the first time for the Wushen Void to appear in front of everyone.

Void: "My name is Void."

Jack: "Ah! What? The void of the invincible god of war!"

Void: "This is not suitable for apprentices to fight. You can retreat for the time being."

The void suddenly burst out a strong martial arts momentum, and suddenly shocked them back a few steps.

James: "This opponent is really rare, but it's a pity that I'm out of luck again. The opponent has already had a goal."

In the void, he first put his eyes on the heart of the sword.

Jianxin: "Hello, you're finally here."

Void: "Do you know that I will come back?"

Jianxin: "I don't know, I'm just looking forward to it."

The person who can have the same strength as the sword heart, looking at the whole kingdom and continent, only the god of war is empty, and the sword heart expects that the void can appear, and now, it is finally fulfilled.

Jianxin: "I'm glad to see you now. Without the previous confusion, I believe you have found your own warrior heart."

Void: "Yes, with your guidance, let me understand the real direction of the real way of martial arts I pursue. I understand that the martial arts in my heart should exist for protection."

Jianxin: "You must have experienced a lot of things over the years."

Void: "Yes, in the duel with your Excellency, you said at that time that I was very similar to you in the past. Your Excellency advised me not to go wrong like you again and to understand the heart of a real warrior. However, for me at that time, I really didn't know how to understand, so I became interested in your past. What is your past like? How did you understand your martial arts heart? Although I'm sorry to trace your past without your consent, I really don't know how to understand it. So I returned to my hometown, the eastern country, where I tried to find your past and try to understand the meaning of the warrior's heart.

Referring to his past, Jianxin suddenly fell silent.

Void: "Between the vast world, it is not easy to find your past, but fortunately, at that time, I noticed two clues to follow. Following these two clues, I finally got something."

Void looked at Xiao Rang and said to him, "You are his apprentice, aren't you?"

Xiao Rang saluted and replied, "Yes, my name is Sen Lan Rang, and I am the master's apprentice."

Void: "I can see that you have inherited your master's warrior heart and his treasure."

The Void noticed the broken knife, * "Sky Congyun".

Void: "This * sky cloud is exactly what I found. It is an important clue that I rely on this clue to find something about your past."

My master's past is something that even Xiao Rang didn't know. Unexpectedly, with his unremitting efforts, he finally found Jianxin's unknown past.

Void: "When I first saw you, I always believed in my heart that I had finally found the opponent I wanted most, that is, the sword saint who created countless legends in the Eastern Kingdom. However, the result shocked me at that time. Kensei's martial arts skill is the art of drawing knives, so Taidao is the only weapon he uses, and the weapon held by Kensei is indeed this * 'sky clouds', but the origin of this 'sky clouds' is not what the sword saint had from the beginning... This 'sky clouds' is one of the islands in the eastern country. On the island, the family has a long history of the wisdom family passed down from generation to generation, and the origin and origin of the sword saint are a mystery, so this 'sky cluster cloud' was snatched by the sword saint from the wise family.

The wise family, indeed, his surname is wise, that is to say, the sword saint is not only not really Jianxin, but also the treasure regarded as the honor of the wise family fell into the hands of the sword saint, which was also stolen by the sword saint.

Xiao Rang looked at the 'Tian Congyun' knife in his hand and couldn't believe that there were so many stories behind this knife.

Void: "The swordsman of those years also left a history of blood and tears under his invincible legend left everywhere. Every time the person who challenges Kensei, or the opponent of Kensei's challenge, will be insulted by Kensei after being defeated by Kensei.

Sword saint's insult to the losers is actually not evil in the eastern countries of martial arts. The strong are justice. Although this is cruel, it is realistic. People will only see the glory of the strong, while the pain of the weak and the losers is not what they will know. To sympathize. In those years, one of Sasaki's eyes was taken by the sword saint after being defeated by the sword saint.

When the sword saint seized the treasure "Tian Congyun" of the wise clan, he must have fought with the wise clan, and the result of the battle was that Kensei captured the "Tian Cong Yun", which naturally means that many clans of the wise clan have been defeated by this sword saint, and failure means that it will leave a symbolic insult. Harm on the body.

Jianxin recalled what had happened in those years and subconsciously touched the cross scars on his face.

The action of the sword heart was naturally seen by the void: "Yes, the cross injury on your face is the second clue I have, and I rely on this clue to finally investigate your true identity. Your Excellency is that after losing your treasure, you committed suicide because of self-blame. The only son of the wise patriarch.

The void told the amazing truth. Unexpectedly, Jianxin's father passed away like this. Jianxin was really not Jiansheng, on the contrary, he was the enemy of Jiansheng.

Void: "And it's really a pity that I can't investigate any information about what happened after this. After losing the treasure and the wise family of the patriarch, the insiders of the family were scattered everywhere, and the son of the patriarch who was engraved with cross scars also disappeared into history, and no one saw him again. However, before he disappeared, the person who finally saw him described that in his eyes, he saw red tears, which were unforgettable eyes full of revenge.

This is the end of his empt description. He can no longer know other contents of Jianxin's past. Only Jianxin himself knows what happened in the past.

For the first time hearing about Jianxin's background, he finally understood why Jianxin was so reluctant to mention his past and had been lenient and persuading people to forget hatred. He actually had such a sad and hateful past, which was really unbelievable. .

Little Jean: "Master, it turns out that your past..."

Jianxin: "Let me, I have always wanted to tell you about my past, but it's not the right time. Three days later, by that day, I will tell you everything."

He has been vaguely talking about Jianxin's past. Finally, he began to say that he wanted to say everything, and the time was set for three days later. It seems that Jianxin also thought that Elvin's plan was also scheduled three days later.

Then the sword heart turned to the void: "It's really hard for you. Although I don't mean to hide my past, please forgive me for not being able to say it now."

Void: "I am also a teacher, and I understand your intention."

Jianxin: "Then you must understand what you are going to do, right?"

Void: "Yes, that's what I mean."

Void put on a posture and signaled that there would be a duel. Void invited the sword heart again for the sake of the unfinished confrontation in the past, and then this was also what Void could do.