Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 677 Memories of the Past: Guardian Heart 3

The gap in power is also the absolute advantage of the void, but the void still faces thousands of islanders, which makes people feel the endless battle, which is really the most terrible.

Void: "Why can you stand up again? You have been knocked down by me just now."

Those islanders completely ignore the void's questioning, and will only rush over and be knocked down and injured, which will not constitute their fear at all.

helplessly, Void can only knock down these opponents that he has already knocked down again.

"Sorry, it's because of Xiaoliu, that's why it became like this." Bai Xingliu was in the empty arms and kept apologizing.

Why does Bai Xingliu have something to do with the other party's continuous fighting again? Void, he doesn't know the answer.

Bai Xingliu: "It's all because of Xiaoliu's tears, so they have nothing to do."

Void: "Your tears? What is that?"

Bai Xingliu: "I am the daughter of a mermaid. I am the princess who is respected by them as a mermaid. Because my tears have the magical power to heal all injuries, they all use Xiaoliu's magical tears, so they have nothing to do. This is all Xiaoliu's fault."

In the legend of the archipelago in the eastern country, the mermaid is the legendary daughter of the sea, a sacred existence like a god, and it is a matter of course to be worshipped by people.

Void has also heard the legend about mermaids before. It is said that the tears of mermaids can cure all diseases and pains, and the flesh and blood of mermaids can make people immortal.

He looked at the void carefully. At this time, he noticed that the islanders he had just knocked down, themselves, or the people next to him, took out a small bottle with a little white ** in it. They smeared these ** to the injured place, and then quickly, those people all I stood up again. The trauma and pain just now seemed to exist as if they didn't exist at all. It was really strange.

Void has never believed in any legends in the past, but now he has seen it with his own eyes, but he has to think that what Bai Xingliu, an innocent little girl, said, is true and credible. No wonder I just came down all the way and didn't knock down anyone. It turned out that it was because of this.

This is terrible. If it goes on like this, it will be futile for him to fight again. The other party has thousands of people. Even if his strength is far less than the void, he can't take heavy action on the other party and take other people's lives. If he is injured, the other party can recover immediately and get back up again. Continue to fight. If the method of wheel attrition war continues to fight, after all, the void is also a human body. When he is exhausted, will he fight trapped beasts in this huge cage on this island where there is no way out?

Void is not only blindly using force. Void he took action again, and the flying stones kept shooting randomly. This time, not all the targets were those islanders. Under the accurate aim of the void, the flying stones broke the small bottles of the islanders, and those magical tears immediately fell to the ground. It was difficult To use it.

"No, everyone should take good care of your tears!" Knowing the void, he saw through his secret weapon and had to increase his vigilance and no longer easily use tears in front of the void.

Void: "Xiaoliu, are there many tears like this?"

Bai Xingliu: "Yes, there are many more."

There are so many tears! Looking at Bai Xingliu's dry eyes, he finally understood all this and the reason why Bai Xingliu's eyes had such a serious amblyopia.

From birth to now, Bai Xingliu has been imprisoned in the closed room by the islanders, forcing her to cry every day, and then stored it for every islander. And the method used is not to worship the gods. This is simply using such a little girl to achieve her greedy desire.

He also understood why other islands around this area were deeply affected by the islanders. It was because of these magical tears that they had not been afraid of injury. In the dispute between the island and the island, they had an advantage.

When I think of those islanders with ugly faces, they actually forced such little girls to use her as a tool of their desires. Suddenly, I don't know what happened in the void, and an inexplicable anger arose in my heart.

"Is your group really conscienceless? If you treat such a little girl like this, you will be punished!"

If it was the void in the past, he may not have felt this way, but after so many things, the void is constantly asking himself about the way of protection of the warrior mentioned by the sword heart. What is the meaning of protection? Now, he finally understands the void. That's what it means.

Void: "I will save you, Xiaoliu. You hold my neck tightly now, and then you will feel a little uncomfortable."

Xiaoliu did not hesitate to listen to the words of the void and hugged the void tightly. He completely trusted the void.

With the desire to protect the white star stream and save her, the void was called in his body and kept emerging. He felt that the power was so huge, and the void clearly understood where this power should be used.

The void jumped up and quickly penetrated through the crowd. The wind swept away the islanders away, and no one could get close to the void.

Py patriarch: "Damn, who the hell is this guy? He's just a monster, huh? Is he going that way? What, did you go back to the village?

The direction of the vanity, but he just came out of there, where the villages and towns on the island are, how did he plan to go back to the vanity?

Void thought very clearly: (For so many years, she has forced Xiaoliu to shed so many tears, and there must be somewhere to store it. She can't know this secret Xiaoliu, and it is impossible for those people to say it back. However, in that village and town, these must be destroyed, so that the tears that support their battle are lost, then they will have to choose to surrender in the end, so that they can have a way to leave the island. That old man is really not simple. The so-called agreed to save one person, but he didn't expect that he actually wanted to save all the people.)

It was these tears that caused the people on this island to become so depraved. As long as they destroyed the tears and then took away the white star stream, then the people of this locust island could no longer invade other islands. After losing all this, Maybe they will return to their previous peaceful lives.

The old man who entrusted the void was really a wise old man. He did not cling to the hatred of his island, but took the initiative to cut off the chain of hatred and looked at the farther future. The old man's spirit made him understand many paths.

Under such a high-speed movement, Bai Xingliu was very uncomfortable by the wind, but she did not shout out. In fact, she was a very strong child in a miserable life.

The void finally returned to the original place where Bai Xingliu was rescued. At this time, the villages and towns on the island are deserted because the islanders have gone out to round up the void, which is exactly like this. Where there are more people, where there may be those places where tears may be hidden. I believe that the islanders who stay here I don't know what's going on outside, and I'm still taking out tears to support the battle ahead.

The empty speculation was very correct. With his five senses, he suddenly found a place with many sounds. As expected, he saw many islanders, where he took out bottles of tears from the hidden hole.

is here! The void was found, and naturally, after putting down all the guards here, all the tears were destroyed by the void.

I believe that there is more than one storage place. He wants to slow down the void quickly and destroy the storage points of those tears as much as possible before the other party detects.

But just as he wanted to leave, there was a man next to him who was not afraid of the void and rushed straight over.

Void just wanted to take action, but suddenly stopped because of the other party's words.

"Ah, my daughter, my daughter!"

The void recognized that this was the witch-like woman she had just seen before saving the White Star Stream. Is she really Bai Xingliu's mother?

The void did not feel the hostility of the other party at all, but the void could also see that the witch's expression was very strange, still the same, a little dull and crazy.

Void She looked at Bai Xingliu. At this time, she was very uncomfortable because of the rapid movement just now. Now she has difficulty breathing and is a little confused about things outside. However, Bai Xingliu still reluctantly shouted two words: "Mother..."

The witch: "Who are you? Ah, what's wrong with my daughter? Hurry up and give me back my daughter!"

It's really Bai Xingliu's mother's words, and the void has now become a bad person.

The witch immediately rushed up and hugged Bai Xingliu desperately. He could not object to this, but could only let her take Bai Xingliu away.

The witch held Bai Xingliu in her arms and looked at her gently. At this time, she finally looked like a mother.

What should I do now? It is not easy to protect Bai Xingliu. Do you still need to protect one more mother? No matter how powerful the void is, he dare not have such a guarantee.

"Good boy, baby, go to bed quickly." The witch hugged Bai Xingliu directly and swayed while singing a lullaby there, just like taking care of a baby.

Something is wrong. When he saw the witch, her mind was really abnormal. Even Bai Xingliu's mother, she was never suitable to take care of Bai Xingliu at this moment.

Void wanted to bring the white star back. He just stretched out his hand, but this action stimulated the witch.

The witch shouted wildly, "What are you doing?" What do you want to do? You want to take my daughter away, don't you?"

Void: "I'm here for your daughter. Give it to me."

Witch: "No, I won't give it to anyone. My daughter is the legendary mermaid princess, the daughter of the sea, I am her mother, and I am a god! Hahaha!"

The witch then ran away with Bai Xingliu in her arms.

I would like to ask where to go with a child in his arms, not to mention that it is impossible to run through the void, but he did not want to take tough measures in the void, so he just stopped in front of the witch.

The witch: "No, you are a bad person. I will never give you my daughter, never."

The witch took out a dagger from there and put it on Bai Xingliu's neck.

Void: "Crazy!"

"Hahaha, she belongs to me, and no one wants to take it." The witch really wanted to stab Bai Xingliu with a dagger, but fortunately, there was void in front of him.

Where the force is, everything can't escape the eye of the void. Before the tip of the dagger stabs the white star stream, the void he intercepted it.

"Ah!" The witch shouted and was pushed to the ground by the void, and the white star was safely snatched back by the void.

Void shouted, "You don't deserve to be her mother. Over the years, you have been indifferent to such abuse of your daughter. You are really a complete madman."

"Yes, she is indeed a madman."

From the side, the patriarch rode a horse and finally caught up.

Seeing his hard-earned tears and destroyed by the void, the patriarch was simply angry, but he was deterred by the power of the void, and the patriarch did not dare to make trouble.

The witch continued to shout crazily: "You all want to take my daughter, don't you? No, I will never give it to you. You will be punished by God! Ah ha ha!"

After saying that, the witch ran away directly.

She sighed in vain, and then shouted fiercely to the patriarch, "You are so inhumane. You are not only persecuted such a child, but also her mother was killed by you."

P patriarch: "Hey, hey, don't wrong us. She will be like that, but it has nothing to do with us."

Void: "What do you mean?"

patriarch: "Yes, she is indeed the biological mother of our mermaid princess, but she is also a madman, but she is not an ordinary madman. She has an oracle."

Void: "The Oracle?"

The person who can relay the decree of God is called the power of the oracle, but I didn't expect that Bai Xingliu's mother would be such a person? This matter is getting more and more complicated.